The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-05, Page 8report from queen's park Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, . May 5, 1982—Page 7 Want agriculture program revamped By; Murray Elston, M,P.P. [Huron -Bruce] Pressure continues on the Ontario agricultural community as spring planting gets into full .swing. Difficulties in obtaining additional operating money for the purchase of seeding supplies have placed extra strain on farm opera- tions and on the provincial assistance program. The,. Opposition has continued to press ' the Minister of Agriculture to revamp the program to allow quicker proces- sing andeasier access to the funds, to assist in spring operations. • In addition, the Federation of Agriculture has met .with the Opposition and Cabinet in order to get changes made to the program as well. Information from the ' Federation, 'farmers and bankers indicates a huge backlog of applications due to the complexities built into the applications and the interimchanges made to the applica- tions. Indications are that some busy branches are taking up to two months to process the applications, even though the Minister of Agriculture denies that there 'areserious difficulties. Private Members Legislation (a) Farm Products Marketing: As earlier reported, Jack Riddell (MPP, Huron -Middle- sex) introduced legislation to curtail the combination of supermarket buying power to elicit unfair discounts from producers. The legislation was debated in the Legislature on April A PLACE FOR KIAS� How to Press Plants Pressed plants last forever. They can be used to decorate the walls of your room or put into a scrap book, To press plants you need: ! some plants • a newspaper •heavy books Directions: 1.Find the plants. Plants can befound almost everywhere— beside roads, in fields, in forests, and even on your front lawn. Collect• ferns, flowers, grass, weeds, leaves, or anything that is growing. Be sure not to pick .a plant that is specialto someone, like your neighbour's prize rose. Some plants are endangered species and protected by laws, so find out which, ones inyour area must be left alone. 2.Press. the plants. Place your collected plants carefully on about six sheets of newspaper:'They will dry in the position you put them in, so be sure you like how they look: Put about six pieces of newspaper on •top, of your plants and then place some heavy books on top of your plants. Now you have to wait about four days until the plants dry out. It won't wreck the plants to take a look at them every now and then. 3.Make sornething with your dried plants. With white glue or tape'atta0 your plants to paper or wood and put your decoration up in your room..You can also make a collection of dried plants by glueing them into "a scrap • book and labelling them. Distributed by Canada Wide Feature Services Limited (c) 1982 McKay Fairfield Tate 29th, but the Government Members prevented the bill from proceeding any further. (b) Clean Drinking Water Bill: Brian Charlton (MPP, Hamilton. Mountain) introduced a bill to provide more legal and technical means by which residents of Ontario Can ensure the supply of good quality drinking water. The bill wassupported in principle by a number of members from all sides. In debate, I spoke in support for the Liberal Party, setting out the fact that there is some legislation currently on the books that could be used but which the Government of Ontario does not enforce strictly. The new legislation would. allow private individuals participation in the process . of enforcing the minimum standards and in the process of setting regulations for standards of drinking water. As before; the Government prevented the bill from proceeding. (c) Environmental Rights Bill: On April 29th, I introduced the Environmental. Rights which would provide individuals with a means of taking legal action to prevent pollution. of the environment. Details • of the bill are available from my constituency offices in Kincardine and Wingliam. , • OHIP Fee Dispute The Minister of Health and the .Ontario Medical Association have still not reached .. an agreement . in the dispute initiated in March when Health Ministry officials unilaterally announced their final offer. Plans have been • made by doctors to close offices for a further three days if a settlement is not reached. The Minister says that the dispute could continue for some time, and that he is prepared for "a 'difficult period of time" if that is what the Ontario Medical Association wants. Pension Reform Leader of the Opposition David Peterson has chastised the Ontario Government for holding up pension reform in Canada because it has failed to guarantee a decent income for thousands of single seniors. In addition, Peterson has urged the Premier to indicate when the Government intends to respond to the all -party. Select Committee which recommended earlier this• year that benefits for single seniors be raised. to 60% of the rate for couples. Wills Legislation: Jim Breithaupt (MPP, Kitchener) has introduced a bill to. prevent Communist governments from seizing money destined to Eastern. European and Russian relatives of deceased Ontario resident's.' As much as S18 million a year is diverted into the Soviet Government coffers from people who have come to Ontario. The bill would give judges wider discretion in dealing with cases involving beneficiaries from the Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia to determine if claims from `.`relatives" are valid, "exchange rates" are applied properly. If the situation does not appear legitimate, the judge could order that the . money not be paid, to the non-resident but be divided among other beneficiaries. . Statistics currently indicate that even legitimate bene- ficiaries from Iron Curtain countries are lucky to receive 10% of what they have inherited. Jambore '83 Dear Maudie, 1 was Very happy to hear from you. 1 still have warm and happy memories of my time in Lucknow. May all go, well for you, and may the jamboree be a great success. Sorry 1 will not be able to attend. Best regards, Peter M. Grant. Dear Maudie: 1 could use sotne of those tha isands you are giving away. Hope your jamboree is a great. success. J. IC. Reed.. To the Editor: Enclosed is a cheque for renewal subscription for the Sentinel. We look forward to receiving it each week and finding articles of interest. ' Best wishes for continued success. Yours truly, Gladys Moore, (Mrs. Glenn Moore) Hamilton, • ' Keith Addison Masonry Contractor •BRICK *BLOCK •$TONE CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES FLOWER PLANTERS ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS 395-2949. R. R. 0 2, KINCARDINE Stocker Sale 700 Head Hens�ll Livestock Sales Ltd. Monday, May 10th at7:00p.m. Consisting of: Steers and Heifers FOR INFORMATION CALL Victor Hargreaves [519] 482-7511 Clinton Barry Miller [519] 2354717 Exeter or [519] 229-6205 Kirkton Greg Hargreaves [519] 262-2619 Hensall or [519] 262.2831 Hensall Auctioneer: LARRY GARDINER Barn Roof Painting Let uS re -nail and paint your existing barn roof. We use. "Korzite"paint, one of the best for long life and durability. W. 'Adamson Contracting Wcknow 528-2113 PHONE NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE Cherrydale Stables Benmiller, 6 miles East of Goderidi North of Hwy. No. 8 RIDE THROUGH BEAUTIFUL SCENIC MAITLAND RIVER. TRAILS. SPECIAL RATES -FOR THE MONTH OF MAY Late Lunches Available At THE FORGE Phone ahead- reservations are recommended TELEPHONE, 524-4347