The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-28, Page 2123 Miscellaneous MINIM 11011111 MIMI SONE' CAMPING vacation in ready erected super deluxe tents. Three double bedrooms, kit- chen, lounge, electricity, ful- ly equipped. Five locations. Canadian Canvas Holidays Limited Brochure, Telephone 416-584-2689. -&-17ns 111.1. MUM elre 24. Business oppor. AGRICULTURAL related waste pumping equipment, low compaction, high volume hauling and agitating equip- ment. Ready to work. Well maintained. Write: Box 20. Wallenstein, Ontario NOB 2S0. —17nx EXCELLENT CARPET and drapery businessin progres, sive Manitoba town. Low overhead, reputable busi- ness serving large area. Potential for expansion. $120,000 firm plus stock 1-204-759-2748. —17nx 25. To give away BLACK LAB pups to give away to a good hotne. Call 528-3507. —16,17 • PUPPY to a good home, part irish Setter and Spaniel. Phone 513-3912. —17 COLLIE PUPPIES to a good home. Phone 395-2718. —17x 28. Engagements • HAMILTON - CARTER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter of Edmonton, Alberta are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Karen Lee, to Steven James Hamilton, of Edmonton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hamilton, Lucknow. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 15, 1982 in • Edmonton, with reception in Lucknow, Saturday, May 22, 1982. 3. Cards .of thanks • CHARMANS " Thank .you to the Lucknow •Kinettes for the opportunity to participate in their fashion show again this year. Special • thanks to our models: Donna, Ron, Robbie and Rod Crich, Barb and Evans Helm, Jamie • Elliott, Barry •Hackett, Lisa Rau, and •to Diane Hackett • for helping us with our pres- entation. • Ken and Eleanor —17ar GILCHRIST The family of the late Helen Gilchrist would like to ex- press their sincere thanks for • all the expressions df sym- pathy in the passing of a • beloved wife, mother, grand- mother and aunt.. To the Rev. Hugh Nugent for his com- forting werds, the ladies of Presbyterian Church, pall- bearers,' donations of food, flowers and funds; Ikucknow ' • doctors and nurses in I.C.U. • a special thank you. Fred and family —17 COURTNEY 1 wish to thank all my friends and relatives who arranged and attended my community shower at Bethel, relative shower at Betty Ackert's and Shirley Harris', and girl friend shower at Jackie Dick- inson's. Your many useful gifts are greatly appreciated. • Ann 4" IMO UM. Maa 31. Cards of thanks • OM WM' IWO. °Ma OM. "I" HOUSTON We wonicl like to express a sincere thank you to all our friends who organized and attended our farewell party at Holyrood. Something special will be bought for our new home with your genet- eus gifts. It is hard to leave so many good friends. Please drop in whenever M our area. Special thanks to Gary Car- ruthers and Marilyn Murray, Doug and Anne Eadie. Ken, Joy, Amy and Angela Houston —17 • LUDWIG - COURTNEY We would like to thank everyone whd attended and helped in so many ways to make our stag and doe such a happy occasion. A special thanks to Elliott Lowry for the use of his shed. Rodger and Ann —17 32. Coming events CONSIGNMENT STOCKER • SALE • Monday, May 3rd, 1982 at 1:30 p.m. 400 head Phone 528-9912 or 395-5230 —14-17 TORONTO MENDELSSOHN • YOUTH CHOIR Will appear in concert at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Satur- day, May 8, 8 p.m. Tickets $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for children. Available at the Box. Office 523-9300 or the Blyth Saga 523-4331. —17,18 RUMMAGE SAW Saturday, May 22, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Mrs. Jack Mc- guire's, concession 2, Huron Township. Sponsored by the Huron Bruce Children Help- ers. Proceeds for three, ad- opted children: —17-20 BAND CONCERT Lucknow School Concert Band Lucknow Community Centre, Friday, May 7, 1982, 8;15 p.m. —17,18 • HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held Friday, April 30, 8 p.m. Wroxter Community Hall. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games for $10.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25.00 special; jackpot $190.00 on 56 calls; purple ball, $1'20.00; door and consolation prizes. —17ar CLINTON CANOE RACE Clinton Kinsmen annual "C.F." Canoe. Race Satur- day, May 1, 1982. Classes for all, Registration 9 - 11 at Auburn. Breakfast avail- able at river. Following race, trophies and raffle 'prizes to be presented at Clinton Com- munity Centre with supper to follow. Proceeds tO Cystic Fibrosis. —17 RUMMAGE/BAKE SALE Saturday, May 1,2 - 4 in the former Bill's Place store. Sponsored by the Lucknow Brownies, Guides and Path- finders. Come enjoy our tea table also. —17 ' COMMUNITY SHOWER For Karen CamObell,, daugh- ter of Arn and Dona Camp- bell Saturday evening, May 1, 8 p.m. at Sunday School rooms, Trinity United Church, Ashfield, Neigh- bours and friends are cor- dially invited to attend. --L-17 32. Coming events FAST BALL TRIbtrie Junior Fast Ball tryouts, Wingham Ball Park, Joseph- ine Street, Saturday, May 1, 1:30 p.m. • All interested players welcome. —17 Attention Farmers A. For sale GUINEA FOWL; also com- mon Timothy seed. Jim Er- rington, 529-7270. —17x MASSEY BARLEY, grown from registered seed, clean and treated. Phone 335- 3604. —16,17x APPROXIMATELY 50 ton ground high moisture corn. Priced to sell. Phone 357- 3895. —16,17 MAPLE ARROW "soybean seed harvested under ideal conditions from pedigreed seed on my own farm, 92% germination, 18c lb., order early, supply limited. Fran- cis Nicholson, 396-8107. —16,17,18 HOME GROWN Alfalfa seed, cleaned and inspected, $1.75 per . pound. George Wraith, Goderich, 524-7351 or 524-4525, —13-18 NOW IS • THE TIMEto get your new spreader . chains. Call • Allan R.„ Miller at 528-2299. —15,16,17ar B. Custom work CUSTOM FARM 'WORK, • ploughing, discing,,planting, haybine work done for reas- onable rates. Phone 395- 2410. —16,17 C. Wanted • Wanted Cattle, sick or dis- • abled, pay top dollar. Call 392-6829 anytiMe. —47tf WANTED Holstein bull • calves, • three weeks to one month old; also white faced calves for veal on a monthly - basis. Call 1-345-2761. —16-19 D. Livestock • SEIWICEABLE AGE York • boar, from clean herd. Phone 529-7830. —16,17 E. Farm services CATTLE LICE • SPRAYING for prompt and • efficient service, call William E. Cron- in, 367.5303. —9-18 ic===itc:• =Dt 11 SEED CLEANING And Treating (Bag or Bulk)) • FOR SALE All Grass Seeds & aovers Seed Grain (scarce) ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL • And Trucking Lucknow 528-3500 —11tfar 1.)===X BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R 3, Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —30tfar HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ/ F. For rent 11111M6 IMO III" INNS WM* MEM NM !MOM MAD MM. 75 ACRES FOR RENT, Kin- loss Township. Phone Kit- • chener 1-578-1021 from 8. 9 • p.m. only. —16,17x • • 000PS... DAYS TO FILE WVOICNI STILL NAM IT vans us R BLOM April 30th is just days away. But we can still • prepare your double- checked, guaranteed income tax return in time: Our team of • income tax spialists • is standing by. ft can help, so you'll pay no more tax than you absolutely have to. But we can only help you if you come in soon. • H&R BLOCK) THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS • GODERICH VI Victoria St. 5244658 Mon. -Fri. tie Sat. 94 !now Sb1, Wedriesday, April 28, 1982 --Page 21 Get your body busy! If you want extra cash • place an ad like the ones on these pages • and you'll have it. • 41111.4b, ..•• a.m.. 411. • .. mcDoNAG: • • 528-2031 •' Lucknow 175 acres, farrow to finish; good bollaisilo- • 100 acres, loose houidng barn with trench silo, priced to , sell. , 100 acres, 9 2 bedroom bungalow, vendor: will hold mortgage. • 50 acres, 4 year old, 3 bedroom home, gravel loam, • good buildings. •• 100 horse farm, 1/2 mile track, 60 worktable. acres, 150-300 acres , dairy farm available With cows and quota, financing .available at good rate. • 200 acre dairy farm available with Cows and quota, financingavailable at good interest rate. 659 acres, level, one' set of good buildings, cash crop. 100 acres, cash, crop, good set of buildings., 100 acres, level, highway location. . .100 acres, level, cash crop funs, retpdres drainage.. 150 acres, level, systemadcidly drained. .. 150 acres, level, well drained, good buildings. JUST -LISTED - in Luckriow, store with 2 apartments, give us an offer. • Lucknow - 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home, attached garage, completely remodelled. ., • Kinloss - 4 bedroom home on 7 acre lot, completely insulated, financing available. Ashfield - 4 bedroom home on 4 acre lot, good workshop. • Point Clark Area. • • • . . • - 3 bedroom home on 1/2 acre well treed lot, double garage. • -3• bedroom Name on large lot with garage, 1 block from beach. • I • - Thedroom home, 111/2% mortgage, $220 per month. • FRASER MacKIINNON ROBT. CAMPBELL Res. 395-2880 . •••- 529-7417 — BARRY McDONAGH . 528-3821, •4, • Get your body busy! If you want extra cash • place an ad like the ones on these pages • and you'll have it. • 41111.4b, ..•• a.m.. 411. •