The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-28, Page 12ripley news. Lueknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, April 28, 1982—Page 12 How does the robin know to change to daylight time? Spring aheadand fall back is• the familiar saying for the. spring and fall . changes in the time. Last Sunday morning at two was the time to push, turn or spring ahead the timepieces that extr a hour. What is a puzzle to the writer is how did the robin in the back yard ' know. On Saturday morning he started singing at four thirty. Standard time. Well on Sunday morning there he was in the same old maple tree back of the Royal Bank singing away at four Daylight Saving – an ad- vance of one and a half hours. Not only that but there were all his neighbours cheering away. On Tuesday afternoon of last week Apr. 20 the Ripley and District Horticultural Society held , its monthly meeting in the Ripley Legion hall: Also last Tuesday evening was the time of the last scheduled hockey .game at the Ripley Complex. The Ripley ,Intermediates ''.won the W.O.A.A. Intermediate Grand Championship pin this game. They made it in the best of a seven game series with Durham, winning four games to one loss. Prior to this 'series Durham had won the A class trophy and Ripley the D class trophy whichshows that Ripley played good hockey. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Moore of Gladstone St. in the south- west. part . of Ripley recently. moved to Hanover where they are now living. Last Friday was the first day for farmers out working in their fields. With sunshine, warm temperatures, and a drying wind prevailing,' it was real spring . seeding time. The grass started to Lucknow ladies attend horticultural meeting The annual meeting of District 8 Ontario Horticult- ural Association was held in Markdale ons. April 17 with the Lucknow . and District Horticultural ; Society being repres>;nted by Mrs. J. Arn- old, Mrs. B. Mole, Mrs: M. MacGillivray, . Mrs. Jean Whitby and Mrs. R. Bogues. Dean Richard Hook, of Humber College, presented ,the latest information on pruning trees, both fruit and look green again. The last of the winter snow was gone. On Friday evening shortly before dusk two large flocks of gulls flew over Ripley on their way ' back to Lake Huron for the " night. They had spent the day with the - farmers eating the ear- thworms on the cultivated fields. On .Saturday af- ternoon the I4pley main streets were bare .- no cars due to seeding operations. The Happy Hearts, the Ripley Senior Citizen Club, held their annual dinner last Thursday in the basement dining room of St, Andrews United. Church in Ripley with an . excellent attendance. There were two noon settings for the dinner - one before 12, and the second by one. Folks from Kincardine and Lucknow areas as well ' as those in the Ripley Huron area attended. At it were ornamentals. " Lucknow and District entry in the photographic compe tition was, ,awarded second place. The next annual meeting of District 8 Ontario Horti- cultural Association will be held 1 in . Lucknow in April, 1983 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the , reorgan- ization of the . Lucknow and District Horticultural Soci- ety. Library presents plant program The Lucknow Brandi Lib- rary was host to a pres- entation last 'Tuesday '"even- ing by Fred Prescod,. Ex- tension Horticulturalist, from the Outreach Program of the .Royal Botanical Gardens of Hamilton. Mr. Prescod gave an hour long '.talk called,, "Foliage Plants For Indoors". Illustra- tingwith slides, he suggest- ed suitable tropical house- plants for every corner of the home or office, answering questions as he went along. He also remained ' after the program to talk with the audience and. to allow inter- ested members of the aud- ience to examine his posters showing . foliage' plants for different conditions and problem houseplants have. He left literature in the Library about the exhibits at the Royal Botanical Gardens and the programs ' available there. The talk was made possible by the support of Georgian Bay Reg. Library System, Outreach Ontario, ,and the' Royal Botanical Ga.- ' dens.. • Express sympathy Illy Roth Duchmeler The community expresses their sympathy to Mr. Fred Gilchrist and M. and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and boys on the loss of a dear wife and mother. Helen, last week. Their son, Jack, was 'home from Vancouver to attend the Mrs. Huntley Dawson spent a few days last week with her brother, Clarence Munrow of Lambeth and at- tended the funeral of her sister-in-law, the former Ger- trude MacVicar on' Tuesday,. April 20. Besides . her hus- band, she is survived by a daughter, Phyllis, Mrs. Grant Carron; a son, Ron Munrow, both of Lambeth; also three grandchildren. The late Mrs. Munrow was a' sister of the late, Lilly, Mrs. Charles Mason, formerly of Lucknow. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Fraser Mac- Kinnon and Murray were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. • Jim Frayne of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buch- meier, Carol and Bruce and Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray ,attended the baptism of Amy, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Norm Le Clair' of Toronto on Sunday. • A farew!ll' party was held at Holyrood Hall on Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Houston, Amy and Ang- ela, who are moving to the Pike Lake area in May. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stever attended the baptism service of their • granddaughter, Michelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kuntz of Kit- chener last Sunday. Reg and Harriet Moore of Hanover and a Ripley group from London namely Bill and Wanda Harris, Dr. Jack and Beulah. Tindall, and Ivan and Opal Benson. The waste paper drive by the Ripley Brownies and Guides with Mrs. Jan Fludder in charge has been cancelled due to the lack .of a suitable market. This salvage drive was scheduled for Saturday, morning May 8th: Ken and Ruth MacDonald, sons Jeff and Chris of Kit- chener visited with her grandmother Mrs. Jennie McLean. Also they visited with George and Joy. McLean and with Donalda McLean and members of her family namely Wayne, Mary 'Lynn, Debbie, Brenda, Betty Jean andLiza. Mrs. Vera Scott of Ripley is reported in Kincardine and District Hospital where she underwent surgery last week. ' Mso reported quite ill in Walkerton this past week was Lettie Gawley of Ripley, Ripley carpenter Ray Fuller recently built a protective ' roof over the Sunday school room en- trance at the east side, of Knox Presbyterian Church. It will prevent ice and snow from the church 'roof from' falling ' on people using ,this entrance. Three home and one still to come is the count of Ripley' families back from Florida. Recently Don and Anna MacTavish, Burt and Irene Griffith, and Francis and Margaret Gemmel' returned to their homes in Ripley after spending winter vacations at Tamarac, Florida. Still to come are Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Forster who spend their winters at Pinellas Park, Florida. . BillMcCreath, 'who was in Toronto the first part of last week, 'was back home to. Ripley on Fridayy for the weekend. George and Joy McLean of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. A. Guest ,Mitchell of Kincardine visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve George and family in. Ajax. Mrs. Nick Peet . returned home to Ripley last Thur- sday evening Apr. 22 after arriving at Toronto airport. Grace flew from Toronto on Mar. 31 for three week visit, with her mother and other relatives at Ermeld in the Netherlands. It is a short distance from Amsterdam. She reports a good trip and says the flowers including daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips all in bloom are beautiful now. MALL STORES ONLY JEWELLERY 28th ANNIVERSARY SALE •Suncoast Mall GODERICH •Sutton. Park Mall, KINCARDINE SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 AT 10:00 A. M. OFF OUR REG. 'PRICES • JUST EVERYTHING •DIAMONDS • Ladles 1. Gents Rings Watches . Pendants Earrings B racelets •CHAINS 10K 1. 14K Gold Chains Necklets B racelets Idents • Anklets •WATCHES Ladies 8 Gents Pocket & Waterproof Automatic Electronic Quartz' •RINGS Ladles & Gents Genuine and Synthetic 'Stones Price Sate ENTIRE STOCK! The Greatest Sale Event In Huron -Bruce. Counties ,VISA •ALL SALES FINAL •NO LAYAWAYS •NO CASH. REFUNDS *NO CREDITS ORMANDY JEWELLERY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH OP, Monday to Friday 'IN 9 p.m., Saturday 'til 6 MALL STORES ONLY SUTTON PARK MALL, KINCARDINE Opon Mon., Tv..., Wad., Sot. 'tII b • Thum and Fri. 'til 9. 4141141M. •