The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-28, Page 10church news Ludlow Sennnel, Wednew4y, April 28, 1982 -=-Page 10 Lucknow UCW hold spring thankoffering The annual spring Thank- offering of t.the Luckn'bw United Church Women was held in the church auditor- ium on April 20 at 8 p.m. While the audience gathered , for • the evening, Mrs. Edith Webster entertainedwith piano music. The president, Mrs. Marg- aret Finlay, welcomed every- one and opened the service with the call, to worship, Fight the Good Fight of Faith. The scripture was read by Mrs. Deanna Reavie, followed by meditation by Miss Norma Weatherhead and prayer by Mrs. Alice Ritchie. A group from Trinity U.C.W., Mrs. Dora Alton and Mrs. Wilma Blake on violins and Mrs.Ruth Alton at the piano, combined their talents to produce two pleas- ing numbers. Mrs. Jane Treleaven intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Carroll. McKim, who had been on a trip to the Honduras, In her introduc- tion, Mrs. McKim explained. that she had become' inter- ested in the country when she first read the book, Light From The Valley, by. Naomi Russell, She . prepared for her journey by studying Spanish at Conestoga College where she met a Mennonite couple who were going there as missionaries. The slides showed an extremely beauti- ful country with Many of the people living in very prim- itive conditions. The clinics were held • in any available building (or ,outdoors) and had few furnishings and often lacked privacy. The people enduredmany hard- ships such as a woman in labour walking four miles to a clinic to haveher baby and then, shortly afterwards, walking the four miles home again. Mrs: Allene Bradley thanked the speaker and the guests who had provided the musical number, Mrs. Finlay 'closed the service with the benediction after which all were invited. to • a social hour ,in the Fellowship room. St. Helens institute: host sunshine sister banquet St. Helens W.I. Sunshine Sister banquet was held in St. Helens Hall on April 14: All 24 members were present and each had their husband or friend as guest fora turkey supper, served' by the .ladies of Donnybrook Church. Mrs: Harold Gaunt was ciiairlady for a program following the supper. Mrs. Ernest Snowden conducted a contest. The Sunshine Sister gift' exchange was held which revealed each member's Sunshine Sister, whohad sent cards and gifts . in the past year. Mrs. Peter Chand- ler gave a reading. The guest speaker was Mr. . II Peter Chandler who ' spoke on violin making and finishing. Mr. Elroy Laidlaw played on two different violins that. Mr. Chandler had made and Mrs. Laidlaw accompanied him on the piano. Contests of closest birth- day, was won by Allan Cran- ston, April 12; closest wed- ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Clark; most but- tons, Bruce Raynard; longest W.I. member, Mrs. Gordon McPherson; perfect attend- ance at every W.I. meeting, Mrs. Ivan Clark, Mrs. Jim Aitchison; Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. • The evening was enjoyed by all ' present. St. Helens UCW hear moderator's message The St. Helens United Church Women met on April 13, 1982 at ' Miss Isobel Miller's home. Miss Peggy Gordon was in charge of the worship. Mrs. Laurine' McQuillan gave the topic, a very interesting mes- sage from Rev. Lois Wilson, our moderator. Mrs. Janet McPherson' II was in charge of . the busi-• ness. Invitations. to •neigh- bouring thankofferings , were read and plans made for the May meeting and our own thankoffering in June. Mrs. Margaret Cameron served refreshments assisted by the hostess: Yisit South Kinloss • after Greece trip By Ruth Buehmeler Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie on Tuesday ' were Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Dickie of Hope Bay, who recently re- turned' e-turned• from ' a two week holiday in •Greece. , On Sunday all the Ira Dickie family were Home for a visit with Major Calvert and Mrs. Townson, Juliarie and• Clayton of London and Mrs. Wm. Townson of ,Sud- i