The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-28, Page 8whit+erchurch news. Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday) ApelI 28, 1982 --Pam 8 Whitechurch minister preaches farewell sermon By Valetta Emerson Rev. John Bell preached his farewell sermon at Chal- mers Presbyterian Church on Sunday, prior to his. retire- ment from the ministry. Rev. Bell has served the White- church . parish for three years. He 'and his wife will be retiring at their home . in Inverhuron, Present . for the occasion. were members of his family, Mr, and. Mrs. Donald Vol braith and Christine Finsh; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fon- table and Christian of Street- sville; Mr. .and Mrs, J.' Nelson Bell, Brian and Rich- ard of Sault Ste, Marie and Mrs. Bell's sisters., Mrs. Harry Bell of Niagara Fads, Mrs. Ed Ritter of Montreal; also friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Heinz of Toronto, Mr: and Mrs. Russell Humphrey of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Makkreal and family of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Bowering of .Walker- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dam of Inverhuron and Mr. anu. Mrs. John Jenkins of Blue - vale. . Following the' service, '' a luncheon was held attended by members of the congre- gation. Walter Elliott read an address on *half of, the congregation. thanking Rev. and Mrs. Bell for their good will and fellowship during their Whitechurch ministry. Archie Purdon . presented a gift to the couple. Mrs. John de. Boer presented a gift on behalf of the Chalmers W.M.S. and Mrs. Don Ross read the address. Rev. and Mrs. Bell made fitting re- plies. r Mrs. Luella • Kerr on Tues- day visited with Miss Annie Laidlaw. On Monday last little Amy Falconer was at school for half a day in preparation for starting Kindergarten next fall. Visitors. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and Karen and Mr. Hugh Sinnamon were Mr. and Mrs... Robt. Sinnamon and Bradley of Monktnn and Mr, and Mrs. Richard Simmamon of London. David Elliott of Listowel xisited on the weekend with 'Ns parents, Mr, and Mrs,' Walter. Elliott and attended the farewell services at Chal- mers Church. Mrs, Rob Frank, Jamie and Robbie ' of Teeswater spent Sunday with her par - Horticultural Society meets The Ripley and District Horticultural :Society metin the Legion Hall Ripley Apr. 20 at 1:30 PM. Due to the absence ,of President Christina Robertson the lst Vice President Mrs. Black opened the meeting with 0 Canada followed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered witheach member receiving a packet of seeds of their own choice for spring plan- ting. The secretary Mrs. Bette MacLeod read the minutes of the last meeting with approval. Mrs. Glen Stanley , gave the report of the district annual conven- tion held in Markdale Apr. 17.. Mrs. Baas` Vander Iloek gave an interesting talk on the Cactus plants and had a large display,of the different kinds and their care. Mrs. Glen Stanley 'con- ducted a gardenquiz. Mrs. Adeline Hackett gave the courtesy remarks and lunch was serd,ed after the Queen and Grace was sung. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gibsonwhere they attended the farewell services at'Chal- mers Church, Russel Proctor of Livonia Michigan visited Thursday to Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tiffin; Mrs: Gertrude Tiffin, Wingham, Mr, and' Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mr, and Mrs. Jim Morrison, Lucknow. Visitors on Sunday with Albert Coultes and Mr.' and Mrs. Mex Craig and family were Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert. S hwichtenberg of. Port El- gin, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore who on Sunday quietly celebrated their wedding anniversary. On. Sunday, April 25th at the United Church a renewal marriage service took place. All vows of former members who were ' married in the church were taken in a group. A former. member Rev. Clarence. McClenaghan officiated, The topic of his sermon was, Heritage of Marriage. Mr. Robert. Perry assisted. Special music was provided by the choir, also a violin solo by Jack. Whytock and a solo, The Wedding Prayer, by Janet Laidlaw, prior to the wedding service . This service was in connec- tion .with centennial year. A fellowship hour was held after the' service. \ On Wednesday evening Mrs, John Bell and Mrs, John' Gaunt attended 44H Achievement Night as guests Turn to page 13. SHORT. OF TIME? SHORT OF EQUIPMENT IN THE SPRING, YOU THE FARMER PROBABLY HAVE 3 OR 4 OR MORE JOBS YOU SHOULD RE DOING AT ANY ONE TIME. IF ONE OF THESE JOBS IS APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER OR CHEMICALS - MAYBE WE CAN HELM! r WI ARE EQUIPP fo.WITH 10 FLOATER UNITS evelleble to you through MITCHELL, HENSALL. PORT ALBERT AND ORANTON 500 ACRES Y CUSTOM APPLICATION DRY FERTILIZER . 2$% LIQUID NITROGEN ALONE OR WITH CLOVER SEED OR HERBICIDE OUR NURSING EQUIPMENT KEEPS OUR MACHINES IN THE FIELD' OR WE HAVE DELIVERY UNITS TO FILL YOUR BULK HOPPERS ON THE FARM o Y LET US SERVE ALL YOUR 1982 CROP INPUT NEEDS WE ARE NEW IN PT. ALBERT BUT WE HAVE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS OF SERVING FARMERS FOR ALMOST 60 YEARS. This SPRING SOW THOMPSON'S White Beans �.. Seed Grain "1" --*Seed Corn Seed Soy Beans Vigorated Soybeans'"'' HYLAI We have INSTALLED A NEW BULK BLENDER AND HAVE RENTAL SPREADERS AVAILABLE. We also stock a complete line of Agri -chemicals, stood clovers and grasses, Innoculants for forage or. Boys: ` We have a frlendly and knowledgeable staff here to serve you. • 0 PORT ALBERT 529-1135 or 529-1100 MITCNEtL0341•e433 • MALL 242.232 ! GRANTON 225-2360 ail>. AL—IL .-