The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-04-07, Page 234 The Paoli Week et ANN 7,12 Interest rates are Bruce farmers' chief concern • • 1. • Interest rates are still the number one problem for fanners in Bruce County, according to a brief prepared by the county's Federation of Agriculture which was pres- ented to local Members of Parliament at a dinner Saturday evening, March 27. Federal Members of Parliament, Murray Cardiff, Huron -Bruce and Guy Gurbin, Bruce - Grey. and Provincial Members cif the Legislature, Bob McKessock, Grey and Murray Elston, Huron - Bruce, attended the meeting with members of the Bruce County Federation• of Agrkeulture held at the New Seasons' Restaurant in Kincardine. Provin- cial MPP Eddie Sargent, Brie was unable to attend, Interest Rates Federation president Harold Poechman, told the Members, Bruce County is the heart of the red meat industry and although variousprograms initiated in the past year have helped some producers, many farmers • will be squeezed out if interest rates do not return to traditional levels. Farmers need help, said the brief. • because no farming activity can survive, paying 20 per cent interest on medium or short term money, or purchasing inputs whose costs are affected by such exorbitant rates• . Farm Credit Corporation The brief commented the federation supports the lobby effort designed to expand the Farm Credit Corporation to provide more viable and complete lending system for agriculture. If the agri-bond program was accepted and implemented, it would expand the revenue source for the corporation and • perhaps lighten the financial load on the consumer because fewer tax dollars would be necessary to finance F.C.C., suggested • the brief. In turn the farming community would benefit greatly with the increased lending ability of F.C.C. • Because some tax concessions will have to be made to allow •this expansion of F.C.C. 'lending ability, the federation believes it is imperative the practice of absentee foreign buyers assuming ixisting F.C,C. mortgages not be allowed, Although foreign investors have been some stimulus and certainly their activities have helped reduce the rapid fall in land price, the federation believes the amount of agricultural land falling into the control of off shore investors should be monitored. Regu- lations must be established to control the amount of land moving into such ownership more carefully. Canagrex The brief urges the Members to put all pressure to bear on completion of Canagrex as it will certainly ease the plight of agriculture.• If Canagrex had been seriously addressed and implemented five years ago, as was requested by the Federation of Agriculture, perhaps the two levels ofgovernment would not be saddled with the implementation of ad hoc rescue plans, comments the federa- tion.• •The federation noted they appreciate the • intent and the' sincerity of the Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance Program which has been implemented, however, they cannot perceive it will be of much benefit. The plan will likely fall short of its intent as it does not address the reality • of low • commodity prices as opposed to high pro- • duction cost experienced by all. farmers, The cost of farmers' input directly reflects the manufacturers high interest rates, As end users of many products, interest • • subsidy does not reduce farmers' production costs. Turn to page7. Farmers require marketing skills and trade specialists The need for &mitt to develop mark- eting skills and trained specialists in \ agricultural trade was underlined as agricul- • ture's most impertant requirement when Members of Parliament from area con- stituents met with the Bruce County • Federation of Agriculture on March 27. • Also emphasized was the fact that urban politicians do not understand what farmers want The farmers' message must be clarified and it must be consistent. • Approximately SO members of the Bruce County Federation and their wives attended the meeting, which heardremarks from • Federal MPs Murray Cardiff, Huron -Bruce • and Gary Gurbin Bruce -Grey and provincial MPPs Bob McKessock, Grey and Murray Elson, Huron -Bruce. • • Gisele Ireland, Culross Township, pointed out in the question and answer period following the Members opening remarks, that young farmers are •coming out of post -secondary agricultural institutions hyp- • ed to the gills with grow and produce. She remarked that nobody is addressing the Marketing question. Marketing skills as well • as efficient productivity are imperative for a successful farm business today, she said. • .MP Murray 'Cardiff mentioned in Ms opening remarks that marketing intelligence is required. Farmers must be ready to fill a market anywhere in the world. As an • example .he referred to the Bruce County • Pork Producers' statement at the meeting which suggested Bruce pork producers could enter the void left in the world pork market by the shortage in United States production andthe disease which has reduced the Dan- ish export of pork. In answer to Mrs. Ireland's question, Cardiff said he would like to see agriculture producing marketing planners and promot- ing marketing of products more efficiently by training trade commissioners and special- ists in international agriculture trade. "We cannot wait for the government to market our products for us," said Cardiff. •"Many of our products are produced, well, let's devekp marketing skills and make foreign contacts." , • MP Gary Gurbin commented in his re- marks if farmers want change, the agricul- tural point of view must be consistent, Urban, • politicians are not understanding the met- . sages, .he pointed out. The point must be clarified and as much support as possible must be shown far theagricultural view, Urban MPs he said, are asking just what is it exactly agriculture wants? • Doug Jones •of •Greenock Township pointed out that •the consistency in the farmers' message is the. inconsistency. "The complexity of the problems means there is no one solution, he commented. Jones sent on to observe that the tile drainage loans and capital grants initiate the image that farmers are always on the dole•, MPP Bob McKessock answered by saying - the programs helped him get started farming and they're still needed, although they should be updated. • •• • Turn to page 10* • . • Reduce ths. chance of time con- • suming failure during cutting • Reduce the risk 'of an scald- • wit by ensuring that. the chain and, the brake are ad - lusted properly * Enjoy improved performance and reliability wIlhe prop- erly. adjusted carburetor • and oiler. • • INCR• EASE YOURSAW'S EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY 1. Replacement at apirk plug 2. Inspection of clutch and sprocket 3. Inspection of chain bar and Cleaning of grooves 4. Inspection and •adjustment of chain- and chain brake operation 5. Replacement of air filter S. Adjustment of carburetor 7. Checking and adjustment of oiling • system O. Inspection of starter cord • [replacement if needed' a. Check Ignition • • 10, Running and 'testing. April 10 point TUNEUP SPECIAL . • PLUS PARTS ROYAL MAINTENANCE • HURON SMALL ENGINE CLINIC • SALES• and SERVICE •HWY. 4 SOUTH, CLINTON 6 • 0 0 • Ca// Roy Vod4 8 2 9den.... moo Open: Monday - Saturday 9:00 &tn. - 6:00 p, rn. - e e 0 , , , 0 $ I , #, , $ i . , .. .. , , • 10 0 ° 0 . 10 0 0 0 0 # . o - # # ' 2 0 # : 0 ' 0 I ,) , , ir.,,, ) \\. ......, \.`,,,,-'s , . , 0, 'TractortHave i R. R. : LOCATED: EAST t4. TOP TOP lib:',7,,NC:tr_Ct NWI, , Case Case Case Case Case Cade Case . 4, . . , COME QUALITY . a . Equipm .. A, N.D SEE USED TRACTORS et U # e ent Ltd a . Oe • UieR. 1' . 7 • t -ma _ , ' -`‘;-4 -4,101,All • i (., w . , - A. • . ' _. . Cab . Case 995 Cab ' 2 Case Cab Case 995 cab Case' 1410 , . Ford 7200 Cab M.F. 1130 Cab J.D. 3130 ' A.C. 175 - i i . — ' ' ' - ' ' k ' • ' . : ..- . with Loader 885 Demos Demo 4WD Demo . with Cab OW Cab . . . with tab. -4 - Ps, 4 •-• ' :' 'il. 2470 with 1570 with 1370 with 970s with 970 no cab 1690 with 1210 with N US D . _ 11 6 IIIIII tractors AUG. or Split Kincaidine #9 HIGHWAY OF KINCARDINE Have 1 1982 / N up to $7000 Rate . 3 MI, Interest to Qualified W In Cash Financing Ont. Waiver to. Purchasers Rebates of 10/15 , 519•395-2685- 0 KUBOTA ;......,..4,,,.......-,.............,..,..„. by the shortage in United States production andthe disease which has reduced the Dan- ish export of pork. In answer to Mrs. Ireland's question, Cardiff said he would like to see agriculture producing marketing planners and promot- ing marketing of products more efficiently by training trade commissioners and special- ists in international agriculture trade. "We cannot wait for the government to market our products for us," said Cardiff. •"Many of our products are produced, well, let's devekp marketing skills and make foreign contacts." , • MP Gary Gurbin commented in his re- marks if farmers want change, the agricul- tural point of view must be consistent, Urban, • politicians are not understanding the met- . sages, .he pointed out. The point must be clarified and as much support as possible must be shown far theagricultural view, Urban MPs he said, are asking just what is it exactly agriculture wants? • Doug Jones •of •Greenock Township pointed out that •the consistency in the farmers' message is the. inconsistency. "The complexity of the problems means there is no one solution, he commented. Jones sent on to observe that the tile drainage loans and capital grants initiate the image that farmers are always on the dole•, MPP Bob McKessock answered by saying - the programs helped him get started farming and they're still needed, although they should be updated. • •• • Turn to page 10* • . • Reduce ths. chance of time con- • suming failure during cutting • Reduce the risk 'of an scald- • wit by ensuring that. the chain and, the brake are ad - lusted properly * Enjoy improved performance and reliability wIlhe prop- erly. adjusted carburetor • and oiler. • • INCR• EASE YOURSAW'S EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY 1. Replacement at apirk plug 2. Inspection of clutch and sprocket 3. Inspection of chain bar and Cleaning of grooves 4. Inspection and •adjustment of chain- and chain brake operation 5. Replacement of air filter S. Adjustment of carburetor 7. Checking and adjustment of oiling • system O. Inspection of starter cord • [replacement if needed' a. Check Ignition • • 10, Running and 'testing. April 10 point TUNEUP SPECIAL . • PLUS PARTS ROYAL MAINTENANCE • HURON SMALL ENGINE CLINIC • SALES• and SERVICE •HWY. 4 SOUTH, CLINTON 6 • 0 0 • Ca// Roy Vod4 8 2 9den.... moo Open: Monday - Saturday 9:00 &tn. - 6:00 p, rn.