The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-31, Page 164i 0%1 • ♦ • 21. Perrone IMMO Are you tiredof being alone? Are you unattached, separat- ed, single or divorced? Meet that ' special person. Aptly P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound,. Ontario, N4K SPI. Please state age. -13,14x HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help, Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881.3655. —40tfar IS. ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-3113, Goderich 524 6001. Ask for °an Al -Anon number. —45nx PREGNANT and need help? Free positive ` confidential support. Birthright. Call 357-. 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect: -9tfar 22: Lott and found LOST One . yellow industrial mat, .3' x 6 ', ' 10_ a.m. Thursday, between Luck - now car math and down- town. Phone 528.3001 or 528-3725 after 6 p.m. aim own rim 24. Business oppor. COSMETICS correspond- ence course, Publicly avail- able. Recognized by retail- ers, manufacturers. Course S150.00. Diploma, examina- tion. extra: Detailss: Canadian Cosmetic 'Careers Associa- tion, Dept. W.,, 265 Chaplin Cres,, Toronto, MSP 1B1. —13nx 28. Engagements JURJENS - SPOELSTRA Mr.. and Mrs. Bernhard Spoelstra, Oakland, New Jer- sey are happy ' to announc the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr, Dennis Jurjens, son . of Mr. and Mrs: Henry Jurjens, R. R. # 1, Dungannon. The wedding will take place on •April 3, 1982 at three o'clock in the •Christian Reformed Church, Midland Park, New Jersey. • DI CARLA - JOHNSTON Mr. and Mrs. ' Morley K. Johnston, R. R. 2 Auburn announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jeannetta ' -Marie, to Mr. James Bradley Di Carla, the son of Mr. anfMrs. E. J. Di Carla, Guelph, Ontario on Saturday, April 24, 1982 at 2.30 p.nt at St. Joseph's Roman . Catholic Church, Paisley Road, Guelph, Ont- ario. CRICHTON = HACKETT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hack- ett, R. # -7, Lucknow an- nounced the engagement' of their daughter, Donna 'Cor- inne Corinne to Andrew Scott Crich ton, Port Carling, son' of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Crichton, Georgetown The wedding to be in Trinity United Church, Ashfield Township, April 24, 1982 at 3 p.m. TENDERS WANTED Township of WestWawaflosh Sealed Tenders, plainly marked,. will be received by either of the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., MONDAY, APRIL. 5, 1982, for the cradling and hauling of approx. Innately 25,000 cu. yds. of 5/8" granular material on, Township roads, and approximately 500 cu.. yds. in stockpile• •Approilmately 10,000 Cu. yds. will be required on roads by June 15th, the remainder when reed construction 1s complete Pate Tenders must be submitted on Township tender forme, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for .62,000.00. Lowest or any tenet not neces ru Hy accepted. Tenders guided to approval by Ministry of . Transportation and Communications. JOAN ARMSTRONG, CLERK. GEORGE HUMPHREY, ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. R. R. i 2, LUCKNOW. 30. in fnemorlem 32. Coming events' JOHNSTON In loving memory of a dear father, Allan Johnston, who passed ' away 8 , years ago, April 3, 1974. It's so strange that those we need And those we love the best, Are just the ones God Called' away And took them Home to rest, But every time we think of Dad, We seem ' to hear God say, Have faith ' and trust my promise, You'll meet again some day. Alwaysremembered and sadly ' ' missed by Donna, Douglas and Debbie: --13: - 31., Cards of thanks - OM. _ McNAUGHTON "Thank you" to everyone who. visited me; sent gifts, and cards, while I was ' in Wingham Hospital. Thanks to . Doctors . Corrin, McKim and Jolly; also the nurses on the 2nd floor: Also apprec- iated were the cards from the Lucknow Women's Institute, the Horticultural Society, Le- gion .Ladies Auxiliary, . and Town and Country Bowling League. Susan McNaughton -13x Van DiJK 'Thank you to 'all who sent cards, gifts and flowers to Courtney and Myself while in hospital and since coming home.' Kate and Courtney ---13ar A 32. Coming events HANK WILLIAMS The ' Show He Never Gave, starring Jonathan Barker, will be presented at the Blyth Centre of the Arts from March 25 to April 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for only • 57 (S6 for students and sen- iors) at Blyth Saga, just across- the street from the Centre. Simply phone 523- 4331. –10-13 HOCKEY MEETING A meeting to discuss' Chan- ges in the Lucknow minor hockey,system will be held at the Town Hall, Tuesday, April 6 at 8:15 p.m. inter- ested coaches, managers, would becoaches and man- agers, and , parents, please attend.--12,13ar FASHION SHOW The Lucknow: Kinettes, .will present. their 1982 Fashion Show, "Everything's Corn- ing Up Roses" at the Luck - now Public School on Mon- day, April 19 at 8 p.m- Area stores participating,. Door prizes. Admission: $3.00, children under 12; Si, —12 ,13,14ar ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Bruce, Chapter 253 Order of the . Eastern Star Annual Spring Dance, at Kincardine. Community Centre, Friday, April 2, 1982. Dancing 9 to 1. Boyd's Orchestra: 'Lunch 'in- cluded. $6.00 :per person. –12,13 RIPLEY LIONS BINGO in the Huron. Township Hall, March 31,. 8 p.m. One pot of gold; 10 regular game's, 515.00; 4 corner jackpot additional $15.00 on 5 calls; purpleball additional $15.00; novelty special for 535.00 and novelty especial for' 570.00; one share the wealth; jackpot 5200.00 on 69. calls; consolation 520.00; door priz- es: —13ar. SHOOT PARTY in St. Helens Hall, Thursday; April 1, 8:30 p.m. Good prizes and lunch, HOWICK LIONS BiNGO Will be held Friday. April 2,: 8 p.m, Wroxeter Community Hall, Admission 51.00; 12 regular games for'$10.00; 2 share the wealth; ,one $25:00 special; jackpot $170.00 on 54 calls; purple ball 5100,00,: door and consolation prizes. •-13ar SNOWMOBILE DANCE The Wingham and District Snowmobile Club is holding a dance Saturday, April 3, at the Wingham Legion 9 p.m: Music by Steven's Country Gold. $4 per person, lunch included. Everyone wel'- corne. —13 DAFFODIL SALE The Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society an- nounces: it's Daffodil' Time. Daffodils will be available for sale on Friday; April 2, 1982 at the former "Bill's Place Variety" on Main Street,- Lucknow from 9 - 12 noon, for S1 a bunch. The proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society. Enjoy a• bouquet of beautiful• spring flowers and support the Cancer Society. —13 ; Lucknow Seut141 Wednesday!, March 31, 1932--Pege 16 THANK YOU From TM Lscknow & District Lions Club 10 Barry Gollan and his former "Road Master" Band and other talent acts for making The Community Family Night a SUCCESS • 32. Coming events 32. Coming events DANCE -IT -PROGRAM Registration/demonstration evening, Tuesday, April 6, 7 p.m. Town Hall (upstairs). Information regarding future classes available that even- ing. Encourage your friends to come and participate. Bring running shoes, shorts or sweatpants for an hour of fun and exercise. Course fee of . $35.01 for 20 classes payable April 6, —13x C.F. RACE Clinton Kinsmen C.F. Race, Sunday, April lith, Registra- tion 9. 11 a.m. at the Auburn bridge. $10;00 a canoe, breakfast available. Lunch, prizes and draw following at the Goderich Twp. . Hall, Holmesville, For , further in- formatio,n call 482-9460. -13,14 CAMERATA FOR.KIDS Came. rata Quartet introduces'. • children to classical musib in a fun way. Blyth Memorial Hall Saturday, April '10, 2 p.m. Admission 53.00. 13,14ar • CHILDREN'S THEATRE MIME Owen Sound's Children's - Theatre Mime Show sponsor - e 1 by Lucknow District Christian School, Friday, Ap- ril 2, 1982, 7:30 p.m. at Lucknow Town Hall. —13 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB MEETING Town and Country Club. be- gins ,theireetings on' April 6, 8 p.m. Guest speaker is Rev, W. McDougall, who will. show slides. Music by Luck- now School Band. —13x 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Friends, relatives and neigh- bours are invited to an open house .in celebration of the •40th weddingta niversary of Ken and Elleda Laidlaw to be held. at. Whitechurch Com; munity Memorial' Hall, on ' the 'evening. of Saturday, April 3, 1982. Music provid- ed by Kountry „Kats. Hest wishes only, please. —13 JUNIOR W.I. MEETING Lucknow Junior Women's In- stitute invites you to_ their meeting on' Tuesday, April 13, 8 p.m, in the Town' Hall to hear guest speaker, Dr: Henry , Feenstra, speak on' sibling positions in the fam- ily. —13,14 MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Bclmore� Maple Syrup Pesti- val, Saturday, April 10, 11' a.m, to°7 p,m. Hot pancakes, syrup,farmers' sausage, applesauce, beverage. Local entertainment, maple prod- ucts, handicrafts, homemade baking, ' SENIOR CITZEN DAY Thursday, April 8, 10 - 2:30, with.special booths and activities, Adults $4.00, children lunder 12, 52.00, KEEP THIS DATE Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital will hold -their spring' rummage sale. Date: Friday, April 16. Time; 10 a.m, 3 p.m. Place; Wingham Armouries. -13 Attention Farmers A. For sale 45 GALLON MEDICATOR tank with waterbowl, $25; 2 automedic ° medicators for parts, 510 each; 7 hog collars, , 52.50 each. ' phone 395-3439. —13x . ONTARIO GROWN Trefoil seed, approximately 10% Red Clover. 51.15 Ib, Phone 395.5066. —13,14 MODEL 217' NEW IDEA manure spreader, dike new, 9' ft. Kongskilde cultivator, 3 p.h. Phone 395-5066. —13,14 HOME GROWN Alfalfa seed, cleaned and inspected, $1,75 per pound. George Wraith, Goderich, 524-7351 or 524-4529. —13-18 C. Wanted WANTED .- Someone to cus- tote irrigate 200,000 gallons liquid hog manure by May' 15, two locations. Phone 395.3439 or 395-5842. —13x Wanted Cattle, sick or dis- abled, pay top dollar. Call 392-6829 anytime. —47tf HOW DOES YOUR . LABEL READ? D. Livestock VISTA VILLA Farms Ltd, of- fers serviceable age Hamp, York, Duroc, York x ' Hemp and Hamp x 'Duroe boars, backed by years of home testing on ROP and health approved, Robert Robinson, R. R. 4, Walton, 3452317. —13,14 ORDER. buyers can supply western feeder cattle from the Interlake Ranch country in Northern Manitoba.. Good Green .cattle, hereford and exotic breeds. Phone (204). 873-2542 or (204). 242-2646. –1:3nx E. Farm services CATTLE LICE SPRAYING for, prompt and efficient service, call Williiam E. Cron- in, 367-5303. —13-18 .1.. BERG STABLE'• EQUIPMENT - Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone. 395.5390. —30tfar SEED CLEANING • And Treating (Bag or Bulk) FOR SALE. All Grass Seeds & Clovers Seed Grain (scarce) ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And Trucking Lucknow 528=3500 �lltfar F. For rent 80 ACRES of cropland, 35 . sod and 45 ploughed. Phone 395.2227,--13,14 Somebody is a looking for your bargain... offer it toda The Man To See Is 19NTEE 198 ACRES; highway locatinn,, Ashfield Township. '100 ACRES ASHFIELD ' cash crop,' all workable, automated barn for450 hogs, financing available. d 375 ACRES HURON Township, cash crop. 480 ACRES KINLOSS Township, cash crop, no --buildings., 283 ACRES, cash crop, Ashfield Township, 219 ACRES KINLOSS modern dairy barn. ,HOMES LUCKNOW* ideally located 3 bedroom home, heated garage, rec room, carpeted throughout, large .lot, immediate possession. GODERICH, 3 bedroom home, asking 521,500, all offers considered. LUCKNOW, 4 bedroom, close to churches and schools, corner lot, LUCKNOVV 4 bedroom, 3 lots, vendor will finance. LUCKNOW, 5 year ,,old 4 bedroom•, shown by appointment, Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529.7350. R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW 1 1 1