The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-24, Page 16Milli lama Wiwi %MI UM 111.1110 NINO Min ImMi 14. Employment wanted WILL DO housecleaning or oddjobs in Town. Reas onable rates. Phone 357- ° 3408. -12 . EXPERIENCED Secretary Receptionist wishes work in local area, but would con- sider other employment. Phone 395.5307. ,7-12,13 17. Auction Salmi IIII M -- Imcknew .S eOW, Wedeeetbky,, Mani 24, 1902--Erig.: 16 .1 ArtkiMfor safe SEWING MACHINES Authorized representative for new, Janome .machines and cabinets. Used machines (different models with 1 year written guarantee). Repairs. to any make . of machines•. Gerald Courtney+ ' Point Clark, R. # 1, Ripley, phone 3955341. -843 ♦11 •‘.• 4%S%% 14•x.••. • ti'• 4144 CUSTOM BUTCHERiNG SAVE! SAVE! Yen choke 10C or 17c a Ib. + kill charge To cot, wrap and .bi eze -0 -CustomTHEBEEF.WAY '396.2257 r111,12ar 1980 ODYSSEY in good con- dition, asking $1250.. Frank Alton, 529-7218,„,-11,1211 RAINBOW TROUT - fresh, delivery your '.arta, on Fri- days, buy direct. Rainbow Trout Hatchery and Fish Out Ponds, 357-2329. Ontario's Best Fishing! -11-18 SPRING AND SUMMER maternity clothes, dresses, , tops and suits, size 10 - 12, good .: condition, phone 528- 2543 after 5:30.p.m. -11,12 1.. Articles for sale TRY C A E. Furniture, new and used. Dial Goderich,. 524-7231. -40tf FRESH MAPLE SYRUP now available at -Robinson Maple Products. Phone . 529-7857. We will deliver. -1144 CONSOLE STEREO with 8 track - 26" Colour Consolette Re -conditioned GREER T.V. . Luckoow 528.3112 RAINBOW AND BROOK trout for pond stocking and ) table use. Alp Creek Trout Farm R..2 Teeswater. For orders call `Jim McKinnon, 392=6157 or Robt. Charter alter $ 'p.m, at 523-9546. Open Sundays '1 - 4 p.m.. _'9-14x SAVE $100.00 18." Heritage Woodstove, heats 1000.1200 sq. ft Never used, $399.00. Phone 392- 81.18or 396-4432. --12ar.: Special Honk/sod Block=': 00 Per ord 4'x8' x.12"to14'long. Per cord for split dried wood 10 -12 cord' load only ' Phone 3963612 T , a es'wn ter size 20, burgundy; ' girl's size 14 red, and girl's size 14. beige. Phone . 529=7603 be- tween 12:'and 3 p.m. -12 MAPLE SYRUP for sale. Phone Wm. Dickie, 395- 5007. -12x • 8. Articles . for rent POWER MATE LIFT CART Lifts a 600 ib. 'maximum' on and off pick up or climbs stairs, with ease. Ideal • for appliances. Cart and opera- tor 518.00' per hour. Phone 392-8118° or • 396-4432. EVAPORATORS = home- ' 12tfar. stead size mapley p ' s ru evap- orators with seamless stain- less steel pans, cast iron. door, steel ' firebox. $350. Cole Creek. Products; R. R. 1, Verona, Ontario.' KOH 2W0 (61) 374-2936. ' --12nx 4. Articles wanted CASH MONEY paid for scrap' cars and trucks. Call Wayne Bushell, Backhoeing and Bulldozing, . Sand and Gravel, Kinloss Auto Wreck- ' WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, 5175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by makingframe yourself. Com- plete instructions, free deliv- ery. Call collect (416) 637- 6904.--l2nxart. FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, 4 litres 519.00, 2 litres, 510.50. Jacob Stutzman,' Ed Ginger- ich, St. Helens. -12,13,14 ers, 395-3320.11,12,13 Ili NOM 1111. VIM 8. Cars, . trWksfor sale +...+.,. moo... 1972 GMC % TON. Pickup' with wooden tool box. Phone 395.5454 evenings, --11tf 7. Real •state for sal: TWO LOTS across ' from Holmesville School. Serious buyers. please write to '3104. 41st St,, S.E., Calgary, Al- berta. '128 '1E5. -9-13 HOUSE FOR SALE Pt. Clark. • now bedroom bungalow. with ear ski.. •311,1116. Negotiable TERMS OFFERS TRADE plasm phone evenings 395-5454 SIM *Ma Ulla OM IMO Muni ONO Ulla Una 9..Ac om, to rent ,HOUSE in Lucknow.. Phone STORE ON MAIN STREET. Phone 528-3007, -47tfar TWO BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished apartment. in I.ucknow. Call Gienhaven Apartments after 9 ` p.m., 529.7030.--5tfar LARGE 1 BEDROOM, sep- arate kitchen; living room and bath. ; • Heated. Good parking. Phone 528-2113. -7tfar ASHFIELD - three 'bedroom house, all insulated, oil heat: Phone 529-7488. -7tf 12. Help wanted IR w LICENSED mechanic for John Deere . dealer , in South Western Manitoba. ; Good wages.and excellent working conditions. ,Apply to Box 457, Melita, Manotiba., ROM .ILO or call (204)'522-3342. --12nx MECHANIC:, Experienced agriculture or heavy:. duty mechanic required for farm machinery dealership. Mini- mum 3rd year apprentice. Top wages, health plan, ex- ,cellent working conditions and opportunity for advance- ment to shop foreman ' Send complete resume, to Clark Tweed; Tweed \IFarm, Equip- ment Ltd., Box:124, Medora, Manitoba. Phone (204) 665- 2260. --12nx BUSHES WANTED Buying bush lots: or selected trees. .FREE ESTIMATES TOP CASH PRICES TD., AUBURN MILL CRAIG1a HARDWOODS L RN AL CRAIG 52$.72: 526-7512 12. ' Help wanted STUDENT . IN: LUCKNOW area to assist ' with. cow. call operation. Duties would . in- clude daily chores. Phone 1.524.9900.-12,13• ESTABLISHED Company is seeking full or part time sales person.' Vehicle a necessity. Send resume to Electrolux Canada, 153 Lighthouse Street, Goderich, Ontario. -11,12,13 \ TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Applications will be re- ceived by theundersigned until Tuesday, April 6, 1982 ' at 1 . p.m for . a person to count the flogs in Ashfield Township. Applications will . be in writing and to state price per dog expected. , Appli- cants ' will be expected to sell dog tags and have the count completed by April 30, 1982. No application necessarily accepted. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk Treasurer, R. R. 3, Godderleh, Ontario. • TOWNSHIP OF' HURON APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR Council will receive appli- cationa for ' buliding in- spector for the Townhlp of Huron. Applicants to state quail•. dcadona. All sp lkadons to be in writing and in the ' Town- ship office before April 5, 1982. Mali Applications to: TOWNSHIP OF HURON BOX. 2, RIPLEY,..ONTARIO. NOG 2R0 -12,13 WANTED Professional Pmts. I The Children's. . AW Soc- t lety of the County . of i Bruce require'$ . Foster orents i to care for an emotionally . f disturbed youngster or a i troubled adolescent for up to one year. Generous financial support and ex- penses. For further infor- mation contact: ' 1 MRS. J. ISERMAN 881-1822 14. Employment wanted NEED A HANDY MAN? Call 528.2570 after 6:00 p.m. Experience , in carpentry, roofing , and general repair and maintenance. -7-16x WILL BAB;YSIT in my home, days, nights and weekends. References available; Phone 529.7657 (Port Albert)k. --11.12 AUCTION SALE Of some household effects antiques and commercial butcher shop equipment will beheld for The. Estate Of the Late GRANT GOLLAN Bob Street, in the Town of Lucknow on SATURDAY, APRIL 3 at 10:30 a.m. Watch for listing innext week's edition. ' AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Baliagh,, Teeswater, 392-6170 -12ar ` Aisommuom 18. Services available jo 7 o e e 00 r 0 LANGSIDE SUPPLY i *Heat Exchange Ventilate ; on . *Insulating Window e Shades ' eWoodatoves &'Furnaces' ; 'am "4" Chimney • , Sales'Service•Instnliation ; 392-8118 396.4432 ; -12arA. PORTABLE: WELDING Will de portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKICER R. R. 5, LUCKNOW a 528-2520 18. Services availabl on. WA. time ilia AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley -Wallace Ballagh, Tesswater Lice:nod Auctioneers . Sales of All Types Phone Ripley. 3.95.5353. Teeswater 392-6170 INCOME TAX Returns,per- sonal or business.. Inexpen- sive and confidential. Your home or mine. Phone Jane Cere, 528-6945. --7tf LUCKNOW TAXI'. Reasonable Rates Delivery Service 528.3116 Local and Long Distance Trips AUCTION SALES ANY TYPI.ANYW$ISR1 YOUR PLACE OR MINI GORDON N. .RINOLEY Avctlorner 520-7623 sig -7176 INCOME TAX SERVICE Professional service at reas- onable rate. We , will 'come right to your door if you wish. Keith Metzger, R. If 3, Lucknow, 395.5482. -9-l6ar . CUSTOM KILLING Mondays'and Fridays. Cattle and Hogs 55.00 per ,kill. 10c . Ib. for cutting and wrapping. Home killed beef and pork sold. by quarter, half or whole at lowest market price. . • RiPLEY ABATTOIR 395.2905 or 395-2979 DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances Admiral Sales. and Service; tower and an- ' tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- - ley. -9tfar ' Country Glass Works Located on lIwy. N 4, 3 Miles South of Teeswater Repair to Custom Hand Crafted STAINED GLASS: WINDOWS, LAMPS &. GIFT ITEMS R, R. 2,•Wingl am 6 . NOG 2W0 1.9 See us Saturday, April loth at the Belmore Maple Syrup Festival 20. Public notices 20. Public notices -_: • RALPH FORTNEY, the bar- ber at Hair Creations will be open Wednesday 9:30 to 6:00. No longer open " Mon- days.-9-12ar HAYRiDES and sleigh rides for family outings 'Or groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete • Dalton, Kintail, 529-7420. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to take care of your dinner or banquet? The Ladies Auxil- ' iary of the Lucknow Christian School will gladly help you out. Adults 56.00, children 54.50 'a plate, . Call Gerda Burgsma, 529.7982, - -12x EX-TOGGERY REOPENS The Teeswater Ex-Toggery reopens Thursday; April 1 for the spring season. Do to over crowding, we can accept ONLY GOOD CLEAN SEAS- ONAL clothing, All articles must be priced in a secure manner: A complete list must accompany ' es h per- son's articles. For further information .. call 392-6173. Open Thursday 10 - 12, 2.5, Friday 2 ,- 5, Saturday, '2 - 5. .Open Easter Monday, April 12, 2 - 5, (Sponsored by Coronation Rebekah Lodge). -12,13,14