The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-24, Page 5St. Helen'o.Women's Institute members Sldrity Murk, Cella Aitchison and Elaine lErrington took over %What dutieslast Monday as Wilhite memberit take tuns providing the servke for the Huron County Public lAibrambrandi lathe village. The branch, previously located In Sleeker's General Store, haii been *rating froin'the St. Helens lastitute Mtn shlee the store closed. Use of the library has dropped *bee the library Was moved and Institute member. are hoping tendert: will tome oat tit borrow book. 116W that spring has. arrived:. Town and Country. Club enjoy St. Patrick's Dayprogram • There was 'a good ettend, ance at the Lucknow Legion . Hall onTitestlity,.: March 16 when the Town and Country . Club celebrated St Patrick's' • Day, • The business meeting op, ened With the Club's 'Theme . Song, The business was eon, ducted by the eitectitive, The • Dungannon Seniors have in, • vited The Town and Country Club to a pot luck supper • Wednesday, March 24. The program opened with Gertrude Leddy, as chair, man, who read The Old Irish 'Blessing, Mewed by Father Dentinger and Mr, Eimer Umbach delighting the aud, knee with jokes; music and stings, Mrs: Anna Johnstone sang two very I ely solos, accompanied at it e piano by Elmer Umbach, e both humorous :and nter- tainingk were given by Broth, er Carl Volt, Betty .0'Doin nett, Jesse Kirkland and Bill Kirkman, Mrs, Edith Webster, who accompanied herself at the •piano, sang two very nice solos , appropriate for the • oecesion. 'This was followed • by music by Mr, Watt •Webster, whocame from • Clinton to entertain, The audience very much enjoyed his music on •the mouth organ, 'actompanied by his daughter at •the •piano through a !ecorder. Harry Levisalso kept the crowd tapping and clapping to his mouth organ music. Mrs. Will Henderson con- ducted an Irish sing song and hod everybody singing the old hish- melodies. • • • • • • • • • ost birthday party By Kathryn Todd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aitchi- son hosted a birthday party for their grandchildren, Nan- cy Aitchison, who was seven on March I 17 and Jennifer Brown, who is four on March 26. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bev Brown and family nf Whigham, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aitchison and Daryl of Ashfield Township and Mr. rind Mrs. Jack Ait- chison and family of Kincar- dine, Lori Ann Aitchison and Jeremy Brown are, visiting for the re mainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Humphrey of Clinton. Congratulations goes out to Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mae - Pherson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson on the birth of their granddaughter and great • granddaughter, Jillene Barbara Yundt. She was born in London on March 18, 1982. Proud par- . ems are Jim and Bev Yundt of Kincardine, ° Mr, and Mrs. Dutch Du.. charme, VVingham; Mrs. Fran McAuley and family of Huron Township;, Mrs. Nan- Makovskis and family of Wiilowdale visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd. Adrienne Makovskis is spending the week at her cousins' hotne. Mr. and Mrs. Larry John- ston of Hamilton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Pegg and Heather, for the week. Get well wishes no out to • David de Boer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wim de Boer, St. Helens UCW The St Helens U.C.W. met at Mrs, Don Cameron's home oiTuesday, March i6, 1982. I •Mrs, Cameron was in charge of the worship which included the meditation, To Love One Another, . Wealth of Friendship, by Amy Bolding, was read by Mrs.' Cameron and Mrs. ,Eldon Miller had a prayer. Mrs. Frank McQuillin had the topic and Mrs. Gordon McPherson was in charge of the business. . Grace was sung and lunch was served by Mrs. Eldon Miller. Miss Isobel Miller gave the courtesy remarks. MET ; (AA • """ \ (.!•Y ....Ne:—"N111111001111F: N',. • 409,11410,:w t$4*... ::*.4,-4,:oxo• 't ........*;.0:::4:$.4.4,1* ' k's• r4s \ • 'k A , ft..i ,i,,,,..„, • : • 4. ' ' ' 44, %$4,5**RO, *3•'..., W*4t. ..4. '$i:*%•Preeo., • .' 4... .411aNgatitatigjlitirr** '''''.. LADIES' SINGLE BREASTED CORDUROY BLAZERS Reg. '34.99 2 6 99 SALE • PLUS MONDAY ONLY Another 15% off 40 PAGE PHOTO ALBUM Reg5"$3 • 99 SALE PLUS MONDAY ONLY Another 15% Off LADIES' QUEEN SIZE CHERIE (Blue Pack) Reg '1 59 $1 SALE 19 • PLUS MONDAY ONLY Another 15% off LADIES ASS'T HANDBAGS Reg. '12.99 $8 SALE • 88 PLUS MONDAY ONLY Another 15%' Off THE MET SUNCOAST MALL, OODERICH 0