The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-03-10, Page 11community news Lwow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 10, 19!12..--ih , 11 Trinity couple attend friend's wedding in London By Betty Ritchie Chester and Bell Hackett and Ian attended the wed- ding of Donna Collins and Richard Carswell at St. Johns Anglican Church in . St. Thomas, on February 27 and the reception following at the Sheldon Country Club. Rich- ard is the son of their friend, Jim and June Carswell of Lambeth. Congratulations to Mr., and Mrs. John McCracken of Wingham on the birth of their new son. Alvin and. Barb Hackett are the proud grandparents. Cora. Cranston visited rec- ently with Nellie and •Norm Kerr in Kitchener. She ac- companied Russell and Lil- lian Irvin, who visited with their son,. Dale of Kitchener. Dora Alton, Stuart and Steve attended the wedding of David Hogeboom and Leslie Ann Baxter at Grace United Church in Trenton on Saturday. David is the son of Jane. (formerly Alton) and Wallace Hogeboom. Murray and Elizabeth Irvin also attended.. Relatives , of JoAnne and John Hughes attended a get together at Charlie and Mayme . Wilkin's home on Friday evening. John, and Jo- Anne, and their family, Sarah and Bill, leave this week for Cyprus where John will be on a two year program with = his computer . work. JoAnne, formerly of here, is. the daughter of Jessie Alton and the late Bert Alton. Ladies who took the Trinity U.C.W. quilting course are having their final meeting' next week to prepare for their Summary Day which is being held in Wingham the. end of March. Trinity UCW Trinity U.C.W. held their March meeting on Thursday afternoon, March . 4 at the home of Mrs. Jim Hunter, with an attendance of 18 ladies and one child. The meeting was called to order Ashfield SMS consider" Ireland's history The Ashfield W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Richard West on March Sth, 1982. The World Day of Prayer service was followed with Mrs. Richard West, Mrs. Stuart MacLennan, . ' Mrs. Ken MacLennan, Mrs: Lloyd -Collins and. Mrs. Gordon -Fin- layson taking, part. The ser- vice was prepared by . the women of .Ireland and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson reada paper on. Ireland, "The People and their History". • The roll call was answered justic genera 'from page 9 His Concerns for., our ,Local ' Church. 'In his talk he first ' emphasized the many things he liked about •.Mgr church, and then he went on to. suggest some ways in which - we might improve, such as in our givings to the Mission and Service Fund, the , ab- sence of young people from our church services, priorit- ies in pastoral visitation,, and tunnel vision - where we see what is in front of us but not our church as a. whole unit. with a current event about Ireland. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson' conducted the business. The unit has received an 'invita- tion to the Thankoffering meeting , of the tuelvncwv evening W.M.S. on April -6. The afternoon unit 'will `hold their: Thankofferingaon April 15 and CKNX commentator .. Bill Thompson will be guest speaker. Mrs.- Gordon .Finlayson gave the courtesies and;.the meeting .closed • by the president, Mrs. Ken Alton with a verse, The Power of Praise. Mrs: Chester Hackett op- ened the devotions with a poem, The Jordan Road. Mrs. Mel Ritchie read sev- eral portions of scripture and Mrs. Hackett gave the medi- tation on the preaching of John the Baptist. Mrs. Rit- chie led in prayer and closed the devotions with a poem, My Father Hath Need of Me. Mrs. Murray Irvin con- ducted the study period giving information. on Bern- ard and Helga Harder ,and Cliff and P Campbell. They also handed out a questionnai for the mem- bers to swer about their life sty! and . what changes might a required if they were to ecome truer follow- ers of Ch t, The roll call was answered by a favourite , Irish song. Mrs. Doug Raynard.played a number of Irish melodies on the piano: The president led in the "Litany of the King- dom". Mrs: Frank Ritchie conducted two quizzes frojn the Bible. Mrs. D. A. Hackett gave two Irish poems, The Legend of the Shamrock and . The Legend of the Blarney Stone. Following the business, the president closed with prayer. A social hour follow- ed. Clover Valley 4-H Heidi Fillmore opened the March 2 meeting of the Cl .ley 4-H club at the home 'ofviayme Wilkins. Gayle Mackenzie read the minutes of the last meeting. All the members answered the home activities and the roll call, What is your favour- ite sweet yeast " bread? . Do you make it our buy it? Each member participat- ed in shaping speciality rolls and loaves. The leaders dis- cussed, , Butter and Eggs, Glazing, the Non Pre -Heat- ing Method of Baking Bread, Controlling Browning, Check Points, Judge's Scorecard and the Home Activities. 'Each member judged oth- V er member's bread and their own. Heidi Fillmore closed the meeting and the mem- bers tasted different varia- tions of the sweet yeast, rolls and loaves. Area ladies attend Day of Prayer A large crowd from nine area churches gathered at South. Kinloss Presbyterian Church o, Friday afternoon for the World Day of Prayer service. Prelude music was rendered by Mrs. 'Leonard Clarke, organist, and Mrs. John Forster, pianist. Ushers. were Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs. Vera Schmidt, Mrs. Olive Needham and Mrs. Allan MacDougall. The welcome to South Kinloss was given . by Mrs. Evan Keith, W.M.S. president. The theme this year was, The People of God Gather, • ed for Worship, Scattered for Service, and an inspiring service had been prepared by the Christian women, of Ire- land. For the "Gathered for Worship", the leader and reader "parts were taken by Mrs. Harold Cooper, Mrs. Cliff Roulston, Mrs. Wm. Bogues and Mrs. Beth Rit- chie. Rev.. Arthur and Mrs. Betty Scott favoured with a duet with Mrs. Doug Rayn- ard at the piano. Mrs. Marvin Scott and Mrs. Ken Alton, Mrs. Ted Vandervelde and Mrs. Wil- liam de Boer were leader and reader. • Maudie Fisher introduced the guestspeaker, Mrs. Don- ald Robertson who gave a wonderful meditation on the theme. She stated' that only - by gathering to hear the message from god are we blessed and able to go out to do His service. The • Service through Liv- ing, was read by Mrs. Betty O'Donnell and Mrs. Marg- aret MacDonald, The Service through. Praying, was read by Mrs. Mike Dalton and Mrs. Gordon McPherson. The Service through Giving and the closing prayer were read . by Mrs. Evan Keith. i:pmud to be Cana an A nation of broad horizons and unlimited potential, a country filled with promise—the Canada we love. Were proud to be a partner in this unique Confederation, rich in diverse cultures, now renewed in common bonds. Our new constitution is one more step in the building of a brighter future. Government of the Province of Ontario William G. Davis, Premier Thomas. L. Wells, Minister Ontario Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs • tba# thatWh things :toj yen r $ttd;DA'R find some'olution Mrs. Laura Lee . Cayfley spoke on organizing an. Am- nesty ' International Group and briefly explained its purpose and outlined some of the financial obligations if we.. decided- to have one. Mrs. Margaret Finlay end- ed the meeting by conduct- ing the business portion of it. Afternoon SMS unit study Bible women The March meeting of the Lucknow Presbyterian after- noon W.M.S. was held at:the home of Mrs. Clara Crow- ston. There were 21 present. Mrs. C. Brown was in the chair and opened the meet- ing with a: March poem, Winter Rain, followed by the singing of a hymn and prayer. . The Bible Study was given by Mrs. Porteous on. Miri- am, as they are studying women in the ,Bible. Mrs. Wallace Wilson gave a very goodreading and explana- tion of Spring, using Bible references. The minute's of the last meeting and busi- ness was dealt with by Mrs. Austin Loree. Mrs. Jim ,Ait- chison gave the offeratory prayer and the Glad Tidings were reviewed by ., Mrs. Loree. The Mission Study was ably dealt with • Mrs. Ena Henderson and slides were shown at the end of the study. Mrs. Evelyn Little closed the meeting with prayer. :\