The Signal, 1934-6-14, Page 2S --Thursday, Jane 4th, 1911
>ibieLOrsatas 1848
N•wtrw •f c rosesAeree:aw Weiser •
Newase w
published every 'Thursday morning.
8abscriptlon price $2.00 per year;
fr, ee Cyt to advance.
Telephone $6 : Godertch, Out.
W. H. R.ossmrsON, Editor and Manager
Th fi f idl 7411* 1 ,--1011[ -
What would be thought of a munici-
pal council that spent try $10,00o on
sidewalk*, added the *mount to the
debt of the town with no provision
for repayment, and when the walks
wore out simply added another $10,000
to the debt and kept on paying inter-
est on the doubled amount?
As a matter of fact, a municipality
in Cotsrt9 Is not allowed to pyramid Its
. debt in thla way. When a debt L cre-
ated for sidewalks or other public
work, the municipality Is obliged to
provide for repayment over. the term
of years for which debentures are W-
elled. But the same Government
which (quite rightly) compels the
municipalities to provide for repay-
ment of their debts does not hold it-
self to tht same obligation. The
Goverbment of Ontario, instead of ap-
this country needed. One was a good
rain and the other was a change of
Government. The rain has come, and
perhaps reit week we shall have the
change of Government. �.s .,.,., plylsg. -Si ..III-A°:mobl
licenses, gas tax. etc., to the cost o
road construction and maintenance, as
the law directs, spends It In other
ways and adds the amount expended
op roads to the public debt. When
the pavements wear out there will be
another sdditiou to the public debt
for' renewal -and so it goes on. The
Province has now • debt of about
$190,000,000 on highway account, with
so peovl•lon for repayment; and alto-
,atller there k $350,000.000 of the Pro-
' 'faces ebligatioas to the same condi-
"Premier Henry and hid Cabinet of-
fer no apology for this state of affairs
and promise no reform. The electors
will have to take the matter in hand
when they go to the polls next Tues-
• • •
Happily the Northern Ontario quiu-
tuplete are not yet aware of the fact
that their per capita share of the Pro-
vlutdKl debt aggregates nearly $1,000
(nearly =200 for each od'1164 fives':
ot the Celegtate Institute mathema-
ticians might figure out what it would
be when the children are twenty-one
years of age, Gaulle $itLri'Oovet'nmeat
should remain in office and continue to
add $30,000,000 to the Provincial debt
each year. (By the way, the word
quintuplet is pronounced with the
long "u" and the accent on the first
syllable, as in "quadruped.")
• • •
The Provincial debt has Increased
In each sad every year since the Con-
servatives returned to omee In 1923.
Siege ha the sewed to October ALM
19118 X329 508000
190{ 032.301,000
1996 849,116,000
1927 308,920,000
1911!) .:', : 63,747,400
1929 425,743,000
This has increased to over $600,000,-
000 at the present date.
• • •
ldate E..i4'-_--a
poor memory, or his campaign adver-
tiser is very careless of the facts. In
his advertisement in The Clinton
News -Record last week it was stated
that Mr. Elliott was "the may who
made the motion to the county coun-
cil that the treasurer's books should
be -1ave.dgated." Aa the records
chew, the motion was made by Reeve
J. W. McKlbbon of Wingham and sec- »1810.-131 John's Presbyterian report Of the
Sided by Reeve J. M. Eckertns,oof Jri a arc *1 Cortwalt, In roper Canada, held In D
KRlop Warden Ballantyne, of course, was glvin a crown gr eft rendered
was in is elle
and disagreeable duty of carry- portant.* from an historical point, as served ivy
Compiled from Files of The
Montreal Gazette
by F. J. N.
'' Mawr v w memo. atA•(tt.ed"
PARAMOUNT, June 12. -There was
a large er0wd and a good time et the
dance to the Paramount hall last Fri-
day aright. Owing to other orchestra
engagessuenta, hdeuce which was aa-
uuunced Dar JaeAs* 32nd is bei•$ h•td •
week earlier, on June 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Madilll spent a
June 11 day rereads with Mr. and Mrs. Pete
7. -orbs city of Three Rivers, Que., Dahmer, llgillartonThe JAaramoanl piruk was held at
was In depression,
ea. �iRIve , at the- Toni'. tree* Ia•t Saturd4y.
the depre•slu°, Three Rivers, at the Miss Alma Carruthers, 11th couces-
,iott. spent part of this week wuh
¥lea Ethel Martlu.
Lein* Y.•tannam Detroit,
- llses.
spent the week-eud with Yr. and Mrs.
Jas. 'MaeOoi old.
Mr. and Mrs. Ad. MacDonald and
family, Pias River, were recent visit-
ors with Ki. sad Mrs. Art. Cook.
The Jaws meeting of the Paramount
clot- will be held at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Cook on Tues-
day, June 19th.
end of 1933, showed a surplus of $101.-
500 for the year and has shown sur -
phew* arc Ilra.11>ata, dsttj4 which
time it has built up a special reserve
fund amounting to $314,900. In
tion to this it has built up an amort-
isation fund to the amount of $1,484,-
023. The secret of this excellent show-
ing 1s strict adherence to the budget
and the appointment of • director of
finance to whom every money resolu-
tion of the council must be submitted,
thereby acting as a check on all ex-
penditure. This state of affairs is al-
most unique among municipalities, al-
though If the example set by Three
Rivers were more generally followed
there would be no deficits. [ Sir_JOh1
1891. -The state funeraLO_
A. Macdonald took place at Ottawa.
the proceselon from 8t. Albatfs church
comprlaln;; all classes of the commun-
ity and delegates from all Canada.
1925.-A merger of certain religious
ladles resulted in the formation of
the United Church of Canada, after
twenty -air yearn of negotiation.
Jame 11
1636. -Charles Huai' de Montmagny
arrived et Quebec as Governor, re-
maining until September 23, 1814. His
chief paatime was lighting the Iro-
quois, but the most important event
of hid- re -grave waw the tovadiag.-et
Montreal by )ralsonneuve In 1642.
1883. -'elle New Brunswick Legisla-
LONDYd11�0, June 13. -Yrs.
Thos. 8averes of Palmerston, who
bad been. 'lit at the home of her
brother, War. n, returned to her
home o0 Fridl $.
Mass Dorothy Little, who has been
teachlnt .0 BA No. 5,- Itullett, for
the peat tbree years, has resigned her
position !n accept the poeltioa of teach-
er of the junior room of Myth public
school. '-
Mlaa Olive moon, who has been
teaching :n 5.8. No. 7, Mullett, for
the past four years, has resigned her
pocltlon and expecte to attend Normal.
Miss Ida Stalker has been re-en-
gaged as teacher of S.K. No. 8, Ilui-
lett M er as taught in S.8.
No. 8 for the Fest etghT ye
splendid success.
tire Cornell, which previously had been Rev. A. W. Gardiner and lar. Mees
elected, was changed to • nominated
chamber and on September 2tt, 1892,
It was abolished.
11180. -General elections in Ontario
returned Sir Oliver Mowat's Govern-
ment (Liberal) for the fifth conse-
cutive victory. ,
Awe 12
Holtzhauer, who were In attendance
at the LondrW Confereuce held at Sar-
nia. hare re(�aed home.
The Wottmgi Institute met in the
commmslty us on Thursday, June 7.
The presides% Mrs. E. Adams presided.
It was d•e:�`lo make a -donation to
the cemetee1 kpd and also paint the
cemetery t Yrs. F. Hall gave a
tract annual meeting
and Mrs. T. Pick -
piano solo. At
lag lands iris
E. Adams.
U. P. Manning.
oboe consisting of
other numbers was
auapdees of the W.A. oil
church on Monday
weal attended,
iced the sad news
a , brother, M. Ball,
hospital on Fri -
with Ids sinter for
ant of two acres e
Ir and he had the open land. This is of condderawe im- the dose of
one a
Ing through the proceedings which ars It was tate drat church, other- than Brunad
Anglican, to be so endowed. A marl
now a part of Huron county history.
The prise bloomer of the electlea
campaign Is the advertisement sent
out this week from Conservative head-
quarters. "Do You WIRh toe a Ku-
lakf' Yr. Hepburn has Rine sal
- agaln expressed his disapprove' _ bf
collectivism, or of anythiaw--'St- the
.. ' seises tram
Ottawa. liter* Ibliniett Govern-
ment Is potting through • marketing
act which is being eagerly supported
by the C.C.F. members, beans* it goes
a considerable way towards socializa-
tion of thr farms. Will the Conserva-
tive organization of Ontario denounce
Mr. Bennett's legislation?
As for the rest of the advertisement,
which attributes to Mr. Hepburn an
Intention to abolish the Department auditorium of Clinton Collegiate In-
01 Agrtrultae*r-lLJa almost too silly I *Mute on teatueday, June 23rd. at 1.30
for words. At the Conservative meet- I p.m. Subjects for addresses are :-
lag In Godedeh on Saturday night "Posta of Secondary fiducatlon,"
Hon. Leopold Macaulay devoted a good "Fifth ('ill .," and "The Selection of a
deal of his time to criticism of Hon. it Teacher." The balance of the after-
noon will be entirely devoted to dis-
cussion Marshall, who he said was An I of various subjects.
be Mr. IIaVbarn'k Minister of Ager cii-
1861.-Rev. ,i$hn Travers Lewis was Quevn Lot
• elected first Anglican Bishop of the held undo•
Candidate Elliott describes himself- -diocese of Ontario. He was the first I bondesttoro
as a temperance man -hut what does bishop to be consecrated In Canada. j evening.
that mean? Premier Henry says the 1929.-A commission to investigate i Yn J.
the hose! ala Ontario was appointedof the d
beer and wine bill is a temperance by the Provinclalof Government. Sweep- � who died
measure --cines Mr. Elliott subscribe ing reforms were advised in its report. 1 day He
to this? He wants the votes of tem-Jlrae 13 the past
perance people, but he is a candidate 1735.-FortBeaueejour. In Acadia, Mr. J.
of the Henry Government which de- was attacked
ta a edthby the e French i, and sur Sundthe a
Ilberately adopted the measure loos- dayrenderedwith honors, and the fort
ening the restrictions on the sale of was re named Fort Cumh rrland.
liquor la order to get the support of 1854. -At Halifax the firat�iod
the wet later
eau Aim the votes
people of Huron for a Government
that has flouted temperance senti-
ment end for a Premier who com-
menced ht" campaign by stating that
the wine and beer hill was the chief
issue of the election?
Blyth, slatted at
and Mr-. R. Hall on
all • Load
guests of Ilion on Sunday.
Mr. and ]Ira. , ,Danson, of De-
troit, spent a few days.iast week -w
Mrs. K. Da Them.
Mrs. Anna Brown of Clintos, fowl,
wbo has been visiting her slater. Mrs.
Archibald Armstrong, 1s now ocrupe.
Ing her cottage.
Rev. W. 1 Bugler, Wm. Mellen',
Wm. Scotehmer. Wm. Parker, Wm. El-
liott, Barn Wi ieombe and F. A. Ed-
wards attended the Anglican laymen's
F situ Job, 1876•
1818 The Yukon District was cre-
ated a territory, with Wan: Ogilvie al
Commissioner and -Hon. T. H. Mc-
Guire of Prince Albert as territorial
Jute 14
1776. -The Americans evacuated
Sorel, below Montreal. and retreated
into Vermont and :New York. The
TO MEET expedition under General Renedlct
The anneal meeting of the Trustees' Arnold, which had for its object the
and Ratepa era' Association of the
county of Huron will be held in the ,
tsraltbe were surreseful In this AAA,
tion. Mr. Macaulay has no notion
that Mr. Hepburn is planning to do
away with the -Agriculture Department
--net has anybody else, including the
writer of the advertisement.
Mr. Hepburn believes that be can
effect economies by rutting off some
of the useless branches In varloua I)e-
partmenta, and he Ls probably right.
Vote for a new deal for Ontario.
• .. •
You can't get rid of had govern -
stent by staying away from the poll-
ing booth.
a •
Your rote next Tuesday may be• the
004y chance--you-sdll. barl.._mt *TS,
years to Influence i'rovtnelat affaIrL'
Don't neglect the opportunity.
• •1 •
The Mothers' Albwanre Act Le de-
scribed is a 'uCoSYlrvatire refornh."
The fact la (bet 10 was Instituted by
the D,rnr., Administration in 11420.
• • •
Tbs Henry Government in tied up to
beer -a-arhlgh 1283 1Y that -fir -trot
your platform, you should poll" your
vote against Henry Gorernment can-
• • • ._
There le a content In each of the
sleety ridings of Ontario in this
election. There are no eicIamatlons,
and In some ridings there are asmany
artsix eandldatee.
The London Free• Press rails 11 "the
mythical debt." So turtle s1 that every
year the Province Is paying In Interest
OS It an aaeothroesthroe times an great
4,15 toe !e(b
rtjr.erio (jive..en
.mta of
saris spent spent In ■ year on all ecrrtees
• • •
¶% MltIbrd Sage was caping the
eday that Caere were two things
Rave the people of Ontario lost
their sense of humor? :got when
they pay Cabinet ministers $14,000
per year to run around stump
• • •
Tory fatalists, In desperation,
charge the tentative Liberal Cab-
inet with . political inexperience.
Then, if the peat Adminiatratlon
has been feeding us the fruiter of
experience, we'll take a quint's.
• • •
Does Mr. George "Straight Fur-
row" Henry really believe that
the hard -tack of high taxes can
he dunked to palatable softness In
a bueket of beer?
• • •
The Liberal party. like the keen
observer at any game, has noted
the blundering mis-mores *CM.*CM.Henry's checker players aid
should be able to avoid repetition
of such Mistakes.
a. a a_
The rank and file of the elector-
ate have sustained n prayer for
some sort of weapon with which
to help cut down the depression
o1regon. The individual ballot
may *Pero a rather puny dagger,
Int, eo ordinated. It will become $
powerful blade.
• • •,
Mr. Hepburn thinks that the
straight furrow," wide enol deep,
-has gone -tar' enough through Ont.
tario's poct*t-book.
• • •
,,The Huron Bounty Con*ervative
Qandidate Is making snre of gorse
WetWetof a poll. His blue -tinted
portrait 1. spiked on praeHcally
every pole ihronghont the riding.
• • •
"A (Mange 1a as good so a real."
OM Man Ontario has complained
of •n aching hack for some lim
wow HMV'. hoping that June
etnete•ntb will start him on the
low" -rtt vewaVlsy-
• • •
Yr. Ballantyne earrearth/elthe flag
of a Crttaader 1n Heron County.
Now for tate Province!
of Brussels Rugs
See this bargain offering in British Floor Rugs. Heavy, deep, pure worsted
pile, in splendid patterns and colorings. Two sizes only
3 z 4 yards, regular 229.00, for.
3 x 31/9 yards, regular $26.00, for.. $111.50
Floor Surround
New heavy brown 'o os. pa rn"DlI
('loth for around your rugs or for hall cover-
ing, in following widths, per yard.
18 inch
27 inch •,.•�••.r•-
36 inch ...•._ _....,�,....,AOc
46 inch . -•--._.-• 76c
64 ....;1.06
72 . , $1.20
Bordeess Feltol Rugs
Smart patterns in first quality. Size
3 z 31 yards
3 1 3 yards
3 z 4 yards
Coco Matting
for your steps or sun porch. Heavy
quality, 36 inches wide. Yard
All Silk Crepe
lrpeeinie on sale...,. Black LifMlofialach .. .
Satin, 38 inches wide, deep raven ;1.00
and good weight. Regular $1.48, per
Japanese Rugs
Sea grass weave, in bright colors and made
with Meavy cotton warp. Very serviceable.
Dozens of patterns in every size up WO
to 9 z 12 feet, at
Window Blinds
Firm quality and on guumatee`d redleglg,T-; Tui.
37 inch x 6 feet- Complete with brackets
and pulls. Green,. Bream or buff. 79c
Butterick Pattems all in
for July
MAPEKING. June 12.-M1as Olive
Anderson is re-engaged, as teacher in
8.8. No. 9 for next term.
Miss Flora Andrew of London was
the guest of ber cousin, Miss Olive
Anderson, over the week -end.
Playing softball is the favorite pas-
otime of our young folic this
Ashfield circuit .garden pare
Hackett's church oa Thursday even -
lag. June 2lat. Play, "Wild Ginger,"
by Benml'ler Y1'.8. Admission, 36e
and 20c.
We are glad to report a deeded im-
provement is the health of Pisa Dor-
othy Curran. who has been 111 with
typhoid fever.
Mr. 3. B. Stothers of Arthur was
a mesas visitor with his al*ter, Mrs,
H. Heente.
le quite as important to balance
the station's life se to balance the
nation's buttart."-[Henn Frank.
la the absence through illness of
Magi lerate Reid from court Asa: Wed.
y,-'. &tattle, 11., Area a re -
wad of one week for Fergus Small -
Son. McKillop township youth charged
'with theft. Smalldon Is alleged to
have stolen six head of cattle, valued
at asci than 730 each, from H. A.
Klebs` Accused, who was not asked to
plead, will appear before the WOW
trate test Wednesday morning.
endeavor to Induce the Canadians to banquet at (:alerich lett week.
join the revolution, had failed. Jae' Taking a Waik.__Conolderahle
1884. -The centenary of the landing excitement ct as caused here on Tne-day
of the United Empire Loyalties at the when Clare. the three-year-old won of
Bay of Quante was- celesreted at
Mr. and Mrs Jambs of Westford. who
Adolphustown, where a memorial cen-
otaph to the pioneers of 1784 was un-
veiled w'lh great ceremony.
1004. -The Earl of i)Ilndonald was
dismissed from the command of the
Canadian militia owing to a dispute
with 11on. Sydney A. Flehe'.
June 15 -
1632. -The seigniory of Argenteuil
was granted to Joseph d'Alllettoust by
('cunt Yrontenac. This seigniory has
had a varied and interesting history
and became settled by"P.'nglleh fami-
lies towards the end of tate eighteenth
century. In 1814 Sir John Johnson
became lord of the manor and then be-
gan an era of considerable progress.
St. Andrew's was a great social centre
and many prominent Canadians, in -
eluding Sir John J. C. Abbott, were
born there.
17101. -Robert Hamilton and others
of Niagara asked foL incorporation as
a company to build. a canal to over -
COMP the Niagara ridge, but it was not
until 1821) that the Welland Canal was
1!119. -The first trans-Atlantic air
flight was made by Brown and Al-
cock. from 9t. John's, Nfld., to Cl1t-
den, Ireland. Roth were knighted In
reregnttirm of their aelilevpmont,
193.4. -Moose Jaw, known as the
Friendly City hecauie of its commun-
ity spirit, celebrated its jubilee. In
1883 a group oTwfuTfdy pioneers started
n settlement jnet midway between
Winnipeg and Calgary. From thta
settlemen' developed first an unpainted
frontier town, then It became an im-
portant railway (entre, and soon grew
to be a prosperous city In the midst
of the Western wheat area.
June 13
1703. --The name of the ruling body
of New Freie• was changer] from the
Sovereign Council to the Supreme
1071.- The first Dominion of Can-
ada Aag-the red mercantile enalgn-
arrtrwi et Victoria. B.('., and WAS
flown on the leglslatlre building on the
20th July, on which day the Province
of Brltleh ('olumhia entered the Do-
1812.-Tterlin was incorporated as a
city and just orer 100 years later, dur-
ing the early dais of the war, the
AMP was changed to Kitchener.
with their family are guests at the
Ritz hotel. strayed away about 10.30
His •tropia. e s as not noticed for a
time. when :t search was instituted,
some with cars and others on hleycles.
It was not until about 4 o'clock that
the child returned. He had wandered
toward the take and passed the cot-
tages south to a sideroad leading to
the Seubl' line, where he was noticed
by Yr. Frank Keegan, who brought
him to B'tyfield. Clare had wandered
about two miles and was quite uncon-
Blahop twagee's 'malar -Rt. Rev. c.
A. Seeger. 1).D., Lord Rlshop of the
Diocese of -Httrnn, visited the perish of
Bayfield for confirmation on Monday,
June 11th. to the church of the Hoty
Trinity. Rayne d. The service was
held in the evening In a church
crowded to capacity and thirty-three
candtdatea were confirmed. In ad-
dition to the confirmation service, the
Bishop dedicated a number -Of gifts
presented to the church during the in-
cumbency of the prevent rector, Rev.
W. G. Bugler. who was appointed here
last November. These included a rood -
screen, a prayer desk, electric light-
ing, and n considerable amount of al-
teration of the interior to accommo-
TTile'the Instel(xtion of these gifts. To
emphasize the fact that the aaerament
of confirmation was an art of the
Church as a whole, there were settee
Ing In the aervice, beskles the rector
and the B;slop, three other prlestR of
the Church: R.ev. J. N. H. Mills, of
Goderlch; Ret-. K. McGoun, of ?lin-
ton, and Ven. Archdeacon Jones-itate-
man, of t:oleNch. In tits address to
(h P candidates and the rongregatloa
ameealikol Ow Bishop *treaded the,
rallle of III* sacramental life an the
means of realizing true fellowship of
all L'hrlstians and pointed out that
'web a critceptlnn-bf the sacraments
was the .entral idea of the look of
Common Prayer At the clove of the
Rervice the Bishop commended the
people for their splendid gifts end im-
provements to the church, making, as
he said, "God's sanctuary a place of
beauty." Dr. Seeger spent the night
At the rectory, and returned to Lon-
don on Tuesday morning.
It is the enemy who keep the matt-
am tacit lMre/shites. �. •
"1 t1Atk that dirty tie -Wives are She
grwteut dYwawe In the melon picture
hdn ry" -addle Cantor.
are oA "I•L s
1,.:11 =We
• x , \-
.. A
' - •
Vi1 ,
SPI IAL SALE ...T ..::,.. -
Potato Salad 3
lbs. 29
Tor Choke
MATCHESFLY 3 base 19
Lux Birthday
$Sr$01 1 !
>tIirA se.
2: LUX r41a
mini sum iia!
pkge. 32.
Premium Sodas Pk7 29e
NEPOTATOES 7 1ba 25°
II. oz. 570
33e --
Underweight ChUd-
rain Pick up Fast
when they Drbik
VIP 1° 59°