The Signal, 1934-6-14, Page 1w • ionat 4. IIIGt1TY-11112VRNTH YLAR, NO. !ti GODERICH, ONTAR U E 14, 1934 Classified Advertisement. Scrutinising eyes atwapa sear the advertisements in the Otaatdfied Ihdumns of The Signal. That is why betWr rd► sults are obtained. Leave copy at the Aloe or phone 35. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LLMITIED. Pttt� u ••••••••••••• i w the TEB� Welcome der Hepb Oreat Crowd at Agricultural for Liberal Meeting on Wednesday The visit of Mitchell F. Hepburn, 1 „ leader, to Goderich afternoon was the oc- tagon political gather - some years. The at Agricultural tlbout '000 penp[wv� }O tie big steamiest the race Deck. W. was chalrmaa ad/runes wefts gl en by 111.41. Golding, ILP-, 0- A. Robertson lantyne candidelie 1n and Heron respstw,al7- 4 when Mr. --IFP ntestissi 'WOW Ores an and although Oa Mrs. Charles )srockow, Jr, spent the weekend at London, the guest +. Mina Ivy 1Clllott Provincial Constable 0. Duel end Mrs. Hayes have returned to their home at Kitchener. Mise Bertha Gal;, d et Catharines, is visiting ber grandparents, Mr. and Mra. John Galt. Miss Leona Webster, of Londo akttlag witaJle ,insets. Hr. and Wm. Webster, llaasstt street. Mrs. A. MacDattlaJd and daugttNrs Was Jean MacDonald, Elgin *vent", stilted at Toronto over Me week -end. Miss Eunice Lamb MN returned from Florida and leaves nett week for Paris, ).tante, to Mab at the Sor- bonne. Dr. McRae, of Sault Ste. liarte.; Ont., formerly of Dungannon, visited his sister, Mrs. M. J. McKay, Cameros title week. Mrs. Wm. Wafts hes returned from s holiday visit to bar daughter, Mn. J. T. Robinson, and other friends in Tacke township. M>e t Wheeler lett on Wed- 1rtM lege, St. Thomas, aa� bur parents, Mr. Ti, WbaoPaR• . Coand Mr. Jas. i brother. Mr. A. Seaway Ian '*141.112M1 This Summer, Ott • ,` .Arch Twine a W L : II yor Lee, who has been working /rattik natabtishment of a passenger ed( for Ooderkh tb a susses- ecetred word from Seawa7 Lines , of Windsor, that during Ja17 August uta will operate a-�aas- , .r Wild' nor to 8a 1 Tart Midland. Kt Leaving Tol s 'yew Monday and the same day, the vetelillhise'• 'Tire in Goderich at 11.30 r. t1'eeltes• leaving at 1.30 tam. ter the trip north. From little ()tirrent the vowel will IMO direte to Dederick, arriving here al p.m. on friday and, leaving at 7 pm., arriving Jt Windsor t a.m. Sat- urday and Toledo 2 p.m.;,•, MISS iLAND At a meeting of the eat. Institute board Made:eine Lane; - 2 . M.rs. D. J. den od W Jiffs O 4:4L ,a ' glen of ospted diettip X De -- C. Jags Leri, Mrs. Irel eats there. Hobert Adam sled four 11► Km. Wm. Mrs. Jibs m0 hthe aalet in Coon y evening. nee. Ike n. Leopeill Yv, NIA Duckwostil landida Aqui A. Mat a of Macao other* of in Lower School instruction of the cta sees. r[ 7, both of a 0od'►rtc ay here oa not ha ieirfaa' or, step ads fa the came to live in Goderich with his ted aasabs. 1 wife, dantbhter of the late A. H. Han - weal pall- ; K.C., Jit. John, and his daughv of teeog . IeJdilh Thek. home >a tteeched a Libe DROBERTSON ••••••••••••• HonlpraI ium for Clerk of Assembly Presbyterian General Assembly Reoornizes Work of Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor Ker. I)r. T. Wardlaw Taylor, M.A., Ph.D., erolor c:erk of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church In Canada scute 1W.gt, was boners.' by the Assembly in Toronto on Wednesday when lie was voted an honorarium of in $500 for his compilation of the re- sister •vises- lies& -ef ...site -and- ITse rte se -t is` procedure of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The proposal of the hon- drarlem, which was made by Rev. Dr. ,ijobert Johnston, Ottawa, and seconded b7 Rev. D. J. Lane, Goderich, was purled unanimously. Dr. Taylor, Who, in addition to being considered the leading authority on eccleslastk•al law in the Presbyterian Church In ()Suede, It a lawyer, author, poet and artist of note, wurked nearly three nears on the book before 1t was com- pleted. The work, begun while he was in St. Andrew's, N.B., was completed last year and handed In to the Assem- bly. The previous edition was Pub- lished In 1870. Realising the necessity for strict econepay •n the Church at this time, Dr. Taylor would not consent to the honorarium unless It were sanctioned by the board of administration. Dr. Taylor, after his retirement m his 8t. Andrew's, N:B., charge, CHURCH NOTES 1Magistrate Reid wmg nest Sunday, the Sun - Has Busy Morning day schoolhool o of St. George's church will meet in tyle morning -the main school at 9.45 a.m. and the prt�arfshoot at 10. The regular misting K• Knox church W.M.& will be held ea Tues- day. June 19, at 3 p.m. Papers will be given by lira. 11. 0. Dunlop and Mrs. R. Walter. "At the present time what should 1 tion t" w1f1M' Cambia tae rlatk�ildtb seelar to Weak at Owen S dyad. his fourth !weft/ of tba MY Me. say1adkasle. M.P., wb8-81d bees ex pe$ed to addles@ the meeting. for smite reason did not get here. COUNTY COdNCI. PICNIC The eonnty council will bold its as - seal picnic this year at Harbor lurk, Goderich, on Saturday, Jane ?3rd. WTI41 THE LAWN BOWLERS Isocal tournaments were carried on soccessfol'y at the Local lawn bowling greens on three nights during the past week. on Friday Fred Hunt and J. Newcombe were first, Peter Bisset and Lorne Young second. Monday night's tournament was woo by Howard Mc- Kee and M. Ainslie, with J. Swafileid ant J. Bisset placing second. On Wednesday E. Pridham and 8. Pal- mer won first prize, with P. Bisset and J. Jobnston second. , Two local rinks attended an invi- tation Scotch doubles tournament at Kincardine on Wednesday evening. bat both ended. unfortunately, merely "atm -rens." The rinks were H. Me- nlo. c-Nee and F. Hunt, and J. 8waffield and J. Baker. R TU r*L *LD REUNION Alinas! Family Gathering Held an 8st- avday at Stretford More than one hundred descendants • of the late John Salkeld, pioneer set- tler of (indent+ township, who came to Canada from England 101 years ago, gathered at Qneen'a Park, Stratford, for the annual Salkeld reunion o1 Sat- urday, Jnne 9. Favored by ideal weather, the picnickers gathered in the morning and after a sumptuous dinner a meet enjoyable sports pro- gram took place, very capably managed by Mrs. S. Rae and Robt. Runctman. The bail game, captained b7 Isaac Miller and Harry R.anelman, proved • very interesting feature of the program. Isaac Miller's team winning 16 to 1. During the program after supper, the president, Mr. Frank Salkeld of Downie township, gave a very fitting address, as did also the new president, Mr. Harry Salkeld of Goderich. The officers for 1935 are u fellows: Prea1- eat, Harry S.lkeid; 1st vies-preetdent. Wileon Salkeld ; eactetar7-treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Matkienon; aaelatant .eere- tary, Miss Mantle Ralkeld ; convenor for 1985 reunion, Mies Mary E. Salk - Nd. Mrs. W. F. Dallis( and Mfrs Mary P. S•ikeld gave very interesting read- ings and Mr. W. T. Dolling contri- buted several violin selections. A hearty vote of Menke wits ex- tended to Frank Salkeld, 111M presi- dent, and the committee trite made the -.calms suck a aaetws. tfleeses sure peasant from Goderich, Helens,. oeura, inndon, nnelpat, itllord,-Rrieelte. *WO. sad SW- fbrtb. 1Ie. D. M. sea bohrnee.. Move atrtvedcsnm Meir borne at Burbank, Clanfonsia, and. will spend some g•ion=•with-•their relatives Moon , •,,ditto,of near Beel- grs.ktte�funeral of Mrs. Isabelle We11s on +day, June 3rd. His name was Inadvertently omitted from the list published last week. STAFFA HERE ON MONDAY On Monday Staff, will pay a second visit to Goderich for a game 1s the Aaron -Perth Baseball League. On the occasion of this team's former visit, a good game of hall ending In a 6-4 tie was witnessed. AgrlcuTtural Park w111 be the piece on Monday, and the time 6.15 sharp. 41YaRe ' i - 'Eked twee' and Jaek ROO have bees tai- ls on to amidst OArers Lever and Cal - Fender in the patrol of the highways out of Goderktt. DEMAND FURTHER REDUCTION The town council had a special meeting on Friday night last, to con- sider the matter of the Collegiate in- stitute requisition for 1984. After s long and rather acrimonious diecue- slon. it was decided to Insist upon a further reduction of two and a -half per cent In the teachers' salaries be- fore accepting the requisition. WORK OF SNEAK THIEVES Sneak thieves are again on the prowl In Goderich and visited the garage of Fred Hunt, Market street, some time late last night or early this morning. Mr. Hunt's garage L close to the side- walk and the doors are seldom closed, so it was an easy matter for someone to Insert a hose 1n the gas tank of his car and siphon it dry. The tank had just been filled the day •before, he in- formed police. who are investigating. Some time ago Mr. Hunt's garage was visited by night prowlers and a tire was stolen. GOIIERIOH 5-REETES 3 Making a few changes in position. necessitated by injuries and absentees, Manager Bill Barlow shnlfied out a winning teem for the ball game at Exeter on Monday. Max Trttaley, backed by tight fielding, held the Exe- ter nine scoreless through adz of the eight Innings for a 5-3 win. Phalen was replaced for the game by G. Worthy when, In the first Inning, he injured his shoulder on colliding with Helot at second while making a safe steal. Wood held down second base and playe.f well to spite of hie Ininred knee received In the Stara game here on Thur01ay jar, The W.0.'.U. will meet on Monday, June 18th. at 8 p.m., In MacKay Halt-" Mra. T. T. George, of London, w111 be the meeker. NEW FISHING CONCERN A. 8. Brown, of Kingsville, has pro- vided the latert addition to the God- erich fishing Beet with his ,mart tug, the Sliver Swan. Mr. Brown 1s well known in the fishing budneo, having been for nine year', president of the Lake Erle Fishermen's Association. Roderick Smith, a Tobermery man, 1e skipper of the smart craft and its three-man crew. The Silver Swan, the handiwork of Reg. Lowe, of Killarney, Ontario, from designs by Wm. Hand, Jr., of New Bedford, Mase., has it over the other shlpe in the Goderich fleet for else, and its powerful marine engine 1s capable of a surprising rate of speed. On Friday lett the fleet lifting of the nets resn;ted In a large catch of fine perch, totalling 1100 ponods. the Co , ire reet- 11ouse Park. . It we only " the hikers "plain d, charge of the Eureka Bible Baas, with "we nosid get eiefi with .fir tele. Mow G. Worthy, yr'wident, prestd-, ing au up." j Ing. The meettng opened with devo- tional exercises. Mrs. O. M. Elliott AN LNTEREBTINO VITOR rhumb was held at the home of Mrs. Chris. Sanderson, Enet stn -tet. The meeting was 1n r ed' be our a,dnwo will be all subject for discussion at the meeting of the Men's Club in North street United churik next Sue- , day morning, at 10 o'clock. Rev. W. T. Bunt will conduct both services in the Baptist church nexl Sabha -W.' `HTf"QVtlii tr be: 11 a.m., 'The Vision That Re - .trains;" 7 p.m., "HllJah Hidden, Fed and Protected." Bible school, with clauses for all, at 10 a.m. The Arthur Circle of Knox church will hold Its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, June 18, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. A. Smith will preside and a paper w111 be given by Mrs. N. Baker. lite members are asked to take the contents of their mite -boxes to thlr meeting. Regular services will he held In Vic- toria street United church oo Sunday, June 17th. At 11 a.m., the speaker will be Mrs. T. T. George of London, representing the W.C.T.U. At 7 p.m. Rev. F. W. Craik will give an even- ing medtutlon-"Steps le Disciple- ship." Sunday ac•hool session , at 10 a.m. A special flower service will be held in North street ['plied church next Sunday morning. The sacrament of baptism will be (Abetted and pargnts wishing the ff i�t1141An- bapt}aad ass to neltft�[ D. Worthy ,a +, 1 Wit' e)t�-rel.. Ilse. taesa! Tr' Wa Ten Oases Before Court --Tail Terms Handed Out in Tole Cues Early risers L the home of lir. George Dowker, S'Ielsoa street. on Thursday morning last were surprised to see a young deer scastgler down the lane beside the house at about 5 o'clock. The animal beaded directly for Wellington street and thus reached the river hank, where It dis- appeared. Although nope of the oc- cupants of the home of Rev. n. J. Lane, Colborne street, 'directly behind the Dowker residence, 'saw the deer, mute evidence of Its presence was be- held late. in the garden, where rows of tender Juicy bean plants had been eaten to the ground. Toil -tale hoof - prints divulged the identity of (he visitor. The deer. which 1s veld to have been no more than three feet high, was seen by several residents on Colborne street. It had probahly crooned he river In an adventurous moment to see the world on its own. ADVANCE POLL In ebnuectlon with the Provincial election, there will be an advance poll at the town hall on Saturday and Monday next for the purpose of receiv- ing the votes of railway employees, sailors, travellers, etc., whose employ- ment prevents their being at home on the regular polling day. LONDON MILITARY PARADE About three-fourths of the town has now been covered to the honse-nam- bertng scheme. theater Grin of the Bell Telephone Co. states that it U the (lompany's Intention to list tho numbers, in the nett telephone dire - tory, to be lamed some time this fall A NEW DLL IN HYDRO Onderich has been declaiming fur yearn against Hydro rates -and get- ting nn attention.- With a new Gov- ernment committed to reform of Hydro admlnletration, the opportunity w111 he presented of getting a new deal which w111 give 0ederteh a chance to com- pete ludestrtsily with the larger d ,all we sae esr rots. to let toatlt7 atter hien t es inmeatiba ke nista., • led in prayer and the devotional leaf- let, "The Memorial Table," was read by Mra. Fred Wilson. A duet, "It Was Alone," was rendered very ef- fectively by Mrs. J. McTavish and Mrs. L. Young. Mise Worthy intro- duced the chapter in the study book, which was given In three parts by Mrs. Goad, Mrs. L. Westbrook. and Mrs. F. W. Cystic. The meeting was handed over to the president, Mrs. Byron Wilson, for a short business newton, and closed with prayer by Mrs. C:a:k. The hostesses -Mrs. C. Sanderson, Mrs. 11. Sanderson and Mrs. 0. llaechler-then served a very dainty lune[ and a social half-hour was enjo^ed by all. SUSPENDED SENTENCE !Fa' God:rich Man in Bogus Stock Caws --Also Fine of $100 and ('este AT NIECE'S GRADUATION-- MIA RADUATION`.M1* Emilie Buchanan has returned from a ve+it to Toronto, where she at- tended the graduation of her nitre, Mise Margaret Armstrong. at the 1'nf- verralty of Toronto. The Torohto Star, In its notes on the graduation, said: "When Margaret Armstrong grad- uated from the University of Toronto today, she had on the same drive her mother, Mra. C. H. Armstrong (form- erly Mies May Buchanan of Goder- leh), wore when she graduated from the same college thirty years ago. It lm of white point d'esprit, with frills on the skirt edged with narrow white ribbon. and the amazing part of it is Mat the frock Is In such perfect style and much a perfect fit that It didn't have to ba changed one bit for Mergare' This I. the fined time It Lt -011. Stara and Other OSeerw of HM Regiment In Attestdanre Lt.+OM. A. F. Sturdy, Huron Regi- ment, was 1.i command of the est infantry Brigade In the garrison par- ade of mtiitary district No. 1 to the Metropolitan United church, London. on Sunday. Major A. H. Jane and Rept. A. B. Sturdy also were repre- esntattres from Ooderlch of the Huron Regiment. 'Ilse brigade commanded by Lt.-Ool. Sturdy was composted of the Univerelty of Western (intarfo officers' training corps; (tkcers of the Huron Regiment : Canadian ruiners, City of London Regiment with band ; Middle- sex Light infantry, with band, and the Perth Regiment, Stratford, with hand. After the service, on the march past, Cbl. the Hon. D. M. Sutherland, Min- ister of National Defence, took Me salute. Lt. -Ooh. Sturdy and Mrs. Sturdy at- tended the prase pert given 1b (Iws- Wd 2eaaE ;}t.-Wo1Vilay_ Rarracts atx,.c tho parade. no :T- .' r Vuattt tette baend. oa 9pobr'l "As Pants the Hart," an Organ solo by Mr. Olsyton R. Watts, and vocal solos by Was Joeeph(ae Weir, of Auburn. • On Saturday morning Magistrate Reid held court over ten cases that included theft and breaches of the Highway Trunk Act, the Liquor Con- trol Act and the Excise Act. Fous charger resulted to jail terms, four -. ._ cases were dismissed, one was ad- .ba.enew did not appear-- --s Chas. hell, Godertch, who faced twit. charges, of keeping for sale and manu- facturing home-brew illegally, received sentences of two months and three months respeettvely, to run concurrent- ly from tate time of lis arrest on May 3. hell pleaded not guilty to the former charge, and evidence that was given showed that hie wife had actual- ly made the sale, but the Magistrate held that the husband L head of the house and therefore must be held re- sponsible. A shame of reckless driving ledged against Walter itliacKeudrk•k, Detroit, was 41ntnlreed by the Magistrate. Mac- Kendrtck'p-car upset on Dunlop's hill porth of SalUord'on May 14, and his moth&- zits seriously injured. John Weiss, who pleaded guilty to the theft of tbols from his cousin, Ell Weise, wig six. months past, was sentenced, t0 oup month in jail. John Creidock, lioderieh towahlpt found guilty 01 poholotsg. horse run at large en tttg, Was ' t0 v, • ' t all auto a Uteri- cated. Seven davits jail with no alter- native was the omen/ imposed by the ,Magistrate.• ' - J. R. Vassse-aad prank Osed11R, of Colborne township, jointly charged ELECTION BBTUBN$ with permitting cattle to wander on the road, pleaded not guilty before the Magistrate. It was erplefn,d that the %antis were being drivim home from pasture about dusk and it was neces- sary to travel a short distance along the road to reach the farmyard. The case was dismissed, the Magistrate warning accused to carry a lantern while driving cattle after dusk or at night. Henry Rintoul of Wingham, who ran into a.M kl'.cd one of the During the week Intervening there will cows with him automoht!.'. was cleared be a special service on Tuesday even- of a charge of reckless driving. lug. July 24th. for 15e town and Dean- 0 an 1p�a " laid by tbnine:de ery, and a monster garden. -party on Truscott, a Grand Bend man. (truce the Thursday afternoon and evening, 'I'tedeman, was charged under the Fis- hily 24kh. else Act Wath brewing spirits illegally for the use of others than himself and BACK FROM LONDON family. The case was adjourned a James W. MacVlear, after a six week, seemed being remanded on has weeks' stty in Westminster hospital, London, where he was recuperating after breaking a leg In a fall on March 2, returned to hie home here on Fri- day last. Mr. Mac•Vicar was in Aka= andra hospital here for some time be- fore his removal to London. The het that the limb had been fractured pre- viously made the Injury more serious. Mr MacVlear Is now able to get around with a pair of crutches. His many friend* see expressing their pleasure at his return to Goderich. Election returns next Tuesday night will be received at the 1Aberal commit- tee rooms on North streebt. Arrange- ments rrangements are also being made to have tie results announced at the Pavilion dur- ing the evening. James harbour, of liodertdt. pleaded guilty in Police Court at Kitchener on Monday to offering bogus mining share certificates to brokers In that city and u -as fined $100 and costs and given suspended sentence of a year. F. Donn, fly, barrister, of Goderich, appeared for Barbour. Character evi- dence was given by several Goderich citizens and a largely -signed petition In favor Of the accused also was pre- sented. Barbont offered 2,000 ,hares' of al- leged Wright-itargreaves stock to Bar regar & Co. and an additional 2,000 shares of the same stock to Seagram, Halla & Bricker, Kitchener brokers. The imitation certlfeates were Bald to be a crude pie a of work. ham been worn in thirty years, hut it only had to he freshened by cleaning when It came out of its thane paper wrapping." Another part of Mts. Armstrong'', costume was her father's enlb'ge rep. le AT THE HARBOR -__.._..: _QOUNTY COURT ST. GEORGE'S TO CELEBRATE St. George', church w111 celebrate the centennial of the parish on Sun- day July 22n1and Sunday, July 29th. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held to MacKay Hall on Thnrsraay afternoon, with Mrs. Bis- set, the president, presiding. At rangenrentr• were made for the special meeting ;o 1* held on June 20, when the institutes of Dungannon and Kin - tell will he present to hear an address by the a,immer speaker, Miss Petty. Reports of the district tannual meet - Ing, held recently to thingennon, were Twe Ceeel en Doelget. art Both Ad- given by Mrs. M. Meinnee and Mrs. `leaned en Cement H. Tlehborne, and Mrs. Snider favored Two -non -Jury cases on the docket _ tote lite Honor Judge T. M. Coe- teilo In County Court on Tuesday were With a delightful piano solo. The roil call was answered by "Dent's for the mirk -room" and was especially in - adjourned on consent until • later nAfter e singing f the N'a- dafor the Qate, Clonal Anthem thehoatesaes - • 8 he 1 of Humphrlee Y. Dun- day Served lunch. Medtorre trout Oshlng Is still re- ported by commcr, sal Aahermen. The Silver Swan, resent addition to the lea1 East, lwo,i(ht in another load of good-al:e,l perch on Tuesday, that or tipped the ales a trill" better than Me 1100 -pound mark. Perch fishing at the harbor entrance Is still pickling gaol results. Jack Graham has christened his fish - Ind/ to the "How Mane/." The name is said to have been tasptred by the Inevitable gneatlon of bystanders when a ship makes port aft, "lifting." The etr. RahSahel*suited on Tuesday enemas and discharged 11a.Q0Q.t hole hara: l!t+q.apd wheat at tits Oodtrte4a rrt e ng meson et al., In which the plaintiff, a Walton merrbant, la /ming Mary C. Duncanson, (trey township, and Daniel ! Denman, bailiff, for alleged wrongful sale of hay, grain and seed of one John E. White, on which the plaintiff held a chattel mortgage, was est over until Tuesday. June 25. J. W. INA - field (Wingbam), counsel for plalntlR, Frank Donnelly for defendant Mary C. fnnr'aason. and L. E. DDsneey for the defendant Daniel Denman. The Pere of Muir v. King et al. was set over until Friday. June 28. Chas. Mnlr, ltowick tewnehlp farmer, claims that Richard J. Ktng fraudulently con- veyed lam. to Minnie J. Clegg, he ow- ing the plaintiff $510.18 by it Mart decl,ion prostitute to the land freeman don between the defendants. J. W. Bushfleld for plalnHff ; Di R. HMMr- 01. i fiLdelleek111111, own ball. isack Mitchell, Dundas, charged with unlawfully obstructing the rear view front his truck, did not .ppsar In-tssurt. - - - - At Clinton. the .rams moaning. Haft - !draft Reld conducted a hearing Into a eharge of disorderly conduct lodged against a Clinton man over eighty years or og.•. The neighbors within s radius of 800 feet of the man's home complained of Ida habit of praying at the top of his fog -horn- like voice regularly at about four a.m. ills prayers were not Inspired, how- ever, by the sine of mankind, hut by the odor of his neighbor's pig -pen. He phrased his prayers accordingly. The Magistrate ndvlsed the man to try to put up with the ohnoxlons odor and to recite his prayers enletly and In private In future. GRADUATES WiTH HONORS MIN; M-edelelne Acheson, daughter of lir and ]tea. R. J. Acheson, of town, was a member of this year's graduat- ing class of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. At the gradoation exercises held 1n Convocation Hall, on Tuesday` she was presented with the lion. H. 1'. Schofield prise for highest standing in theory. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson attended the graduation. The Librai Hailot Ballantyne - Cooper Elliott i