The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-01-20, Page 1819. IAM CGSB COSSlas W NO. ONT. : 34461 ADAM. INSIIIA Led aver 528-2113 CHIP Could pay up to $500.00 of the cost of your insulation Fine Estimates 19. *pike b 'lxrdiiors NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHEIS Al chair against the estate of ALFRED WALTER ALTON late of Pf nearestManor Nur- sing ._ Home Limited, . Luck - 'logy, Ontario, Monied Mao, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day ;of Dec- ember, eo-ember, 1981, .must be filed with the undersigned person- al representative on or before Jinuary 26th, 1982;. there- after ' the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regand only to the 'drums of which the undersigned then has notice. ' •Dated January 6th, 1982. Frank Alton, Executor, c/o GEORGE J. °BROPHY,. Barrister ' & Solicitor, Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2110. 2.3.4ar mince TO CREDITORS : AND0IB s Is the metier sf die catalpa WQd1AM GRANT GOILAN Ialse lanwar as Gnat Golan) late of the Village of Luck now,: in the County of Bruce, Butcher, . and Province of Ontario, Deceased. Notice is•herel y given Aur anent to the Trustee 'Act that all creditors and: others 'hav- ing claims against the Estate of the late William Grant , Gollan are required 'to send Particulars of their . claims, duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall, Banister and. Solic- itor, P.O. olisitor,.P.O. Box 730, 261 Jose- phine Street, Wingham, Ont- ario, NOG 2WO, on or before the 1st day of February, 1982, and , that after such date the "Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of ' the said Estate, having regard -only to the claims\ of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 6th day of January, .1982. Mr. John T. Goodall, Solicitor for the Estate Of Wiliam Grant Gollan. 2,3,4ar 22.. Loan and found LOST -. lid off 100 ' cup coffee. perk between Lucknow main street and Royal Bank Satur- day morning. Phone 528- 3532. —3nx 28-3532..-3nz 19. flake IS 0110110111 NOTICE TO CREDI<MSS ALL Persons having chinks against the Estate of JOHN THOMAS WE.BSIER, Rett - ed Farmer, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the Coe *ty of Heron, who died of or about: the 8thday of Nov- , ember, 1981, are required to. file the same with full partic- ulars a rtc-ulars with, the undersigned by the 30th day of January, 1982, asafter that date ' the assets of the estate, wilt be distributed. DAZED at Goderich, Ont- ario. ntario. thi 4th day January, 1982. PREST AND EGA, ' 33Montreal Sa et, GODERI(M,.Oa ate. • Ssacitsrs isrthe Estate. —2,3,4, 20. 20., PPM* notices HAYRIDES and sleigh rides for family outings or, grreup etc. Our place or yours. aete Dalton, Kin' tail, ' 529:7420. --48tf Vickie's Hair Design of. Whitechurch will be open weekdays, evenings and 'Sat- urdays. , For appointments call 357-2438. —3 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF *INWSS The Township waste site wall be. open this . Saturday, Jan- uary 23, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. due to 'storm last' week. • Ti ualdp of Kinloss —3ar ATTENTION VETERANS EC -SERVICE MEN & WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The Royal ' Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr., C. Wall, Provincial Service Officer, London, Ontario, will be visiting ' in the area. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance, regard- ing: h..: (a) War Disability Pensions (b) Treatment for entitled veterans. ' (c) Application for Benevo- lent Funds (d) Appeals against adverse original 'applications for War Veterans and Widows Allow- ance, is requested to contact the Service Officer or Secret- ary of the Local Branch, whose name appears below; not later than January. 23, to arrange an interview.. i Irvine Eedy, Service Officer. —3 A.R.D.A. PASTURE FARM Applications will be received for grazing steers 400-650 lbs. on the A.R.D.A. pasture farm for the 1982 season. Applications will also be re- ceived for heavy cattle 600- 800 lbs. for the months of May, June and July. Entry Fee 53.00 per head to accompany application. Grazing ' fees 22c per lb. Application forms available from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, ' Box 1330, *alkerton, Ontario. Telephone 881=3301 or Zen- ith:97920. Applications dead- line March 12, 1982. --3,4 Start things Co�kin"With WANT ADS 11N C .,I, M of 1iST :a. Mw Tao Macs dast tips Csundld theCoqinnados0 this Thamisbilp if Homo ptspMwslspees ally -bar pursue* Ii lis p eaiisr el The Nimadpai Act SS.O. 197S,. Meier 24 Saliba 443, •Sam edea (1] ler saspplis up, analog ami eaum.yleg al N Aiaslsssiles taesnli Mss Part el 'do Baal ABewa alibetws. Isis S a. f Csmasadua 3 of 8tis.,away' or Dem ansae paribikay ,tadltall as Pad 4 as iswatomme P1aa at Sawa residual as lyse 31422 14 m Jati. McGa . Pant el lie Bead Alewa.ee betwsa. Leis S awl i ' Ceseeaatua 3Tawa■ibh .al Howe a, Candy of . Brice acme peakel■e r isseaed' ant last S ask shows e. a ,P. of Shy Isalsisaed' as Plea 31422 AND FURTHER TAKE MOINE that the Reeve mad as k all be asMisaleed M alp aid eaten ie tie aeceerary deemeneuks he sake M (Sect' the ,cMiiwR feresL AND MINE* TAKE dinar tie Coned shwa beef amp perste Wiwi ' .. that the len$ VII be pretimlideffy affected by the Dy :Law owl was apples le be beat the wteg�ler weeti■g s C sc1 e. Piece amy AND FURTHER TAKE N)TICR''tLwt tis pr ed Law may be ea mill ei by all pees leiemesial, at due .mem oldie Clear oldie Tswaddp of H1sa, ei>Ziag • Mier biters, at amp ti■e'beliee lie mem Is Badly 'paned. •. ,DATED. ibis Illdt d .f Jai■ary, 1lfr'2, , IONIT miorIT, RAMs. MASLENB ©OILiNG, Clot CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & EISrON . RASILSIERS RET, ONTAlIO Inwelea 't Su.tiasl, Wetineedi y, Jaimmy '21, 1$2-, 11 S1. Cares of '1i1a1111S 31. Cards of thanks KLND • h1iacDlAR IID The family of the late David MacDiarmid acknowled$e with sincere thanks the many ads of kindness shown by relatives, friendsand neigh- bours in their recent sad loss of a loving husband, father and grandfather. We wish to thank Dr,. Walker fords' devoted care of David throughout his long illness;. the nurses ' and staff of Goderich Hospital and. the V.O.N. who cared for him at home, Many thanks for the donations . to the Cancer Fund, to the' Nile Church. floral arran$ements and sympathy cards. We are deeply grateful to 'McCallum Funeral Home for their .kind- ness : and to Rev. John Wood for his . comforting service. Your undness 'and thought- fulness houghtfulness will always , be rem- embered. Grace IVIacDiarmid and Family I would like to thank friends. and relatives, for the kind; expressions of sympathy by. letters. cards, telephone CAS and visits which I received at the time of my brother,; Alfred Andrew's cleat, Your expwssions osympathy will always be remembered.. Jessie Kirkland --3i MAIZIC The family of the late Harvey Maize wish to cress sin- cere thanks to relatives and neighbours _ for messages of sympathy, donations and floral tributes in the recent loss of a dear' father and grandfather.. Special ; thanks to Rev. W. McDougall. Our gratitude is also extended to Dr. Coffin. Ellen, Harold, Gordon, John and families. 23.. Miacellrirous NEEDLECRAFT LOVERS *Exclusive kits . a Fun to demonstrate a Easy to sell • Generous 'commission • No inventory ' # Free hostess gifts Creative Circle, Call 1 (705) 335-8325. 3nx TAPER DOWN -. Measure Up. Sound Nutrition, Group Therapy $20:00.. _, Yearly membership, no ` fads, no ,gimmicks, non profit. Canad- ian Calorie Counters, 600' Main St E., IHIamiton, Ont- ario 522-0642. 3nz 24. Business oppor.. BUDGET BLUES? . Help is available through certificate Tax Course ,by correspond- ence. orrespondence. Free brochure. Write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox borough Drive, Toronto, Ont- ario ntario M4W 1X4. No obliga- tion. bligation. -3nx 30.. In memoriam' CANTING In loving memory 'of a dear wife, mother and grandmoth- er, Anne Lancing, who pas- sed away 6 ' years ago, January 21; ' 1976:. Whatwe would give if we could say Hello Mom in the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile, To sit with you and chat a while. We miss things y6ti u ed to say, And when old times we do recall, , It's then we miss you most of all. So you, have a mother,. Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the' heartache, Till you see her vacant chair. Sadly missed and . always remembered by Herman, Pete and Judy, Henry- and Debbie. Fred and Marykay, Cathy and Chris, Margie, Sid and Connie and grandchild- ren. 30. in m. norlam. BU(MANAN In loving memory ;of a dear .-.'husband, father and grand- , Lather, Robert D. Buchanan, who passed away January 26, 1977. I Just a. prayer from those who love3 ' you, ' Just a memory fond and true, In .our hearts you live ' for- ever, For we thought the world of you. Lovingly . remembered by wife Madge, and family. 3z 31. Cards of thanks SHEPPPARD Mike and Martha Sheppard of . Lucknow would litre to thank everyone for their. concern and kindness during the recent storm : and a special thanks to the Lubbers of ' Whitechurch for . their hospitality. p--3 • r SHERWOOD We wish to express . our appreciation: and thanks to all our relatives, . friends and neighbours. Your acts , of kindness shown to us in floral tributes; cards, donations to the Heart Fund and food sent during our recent bereave- ment in the loss i of a dear husband, father and grand- father. Many thanks to Dr. Hollingworthand nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital for their, special care and attention given to Earl dur- ing his brief illness. We sincerely thank Bob Mac- Kenzie and his family of the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Horne for your kind- ness. Special thanks to Mr. George Cowan for your Com- forting and encouraging words and for the ministry that we received through you in the time of 'our sorrow. The lovely lunch served by the Nile Jinited. Church Lad- ies was so very much apprec- iated. Mrs. Cora B. Sherwood and family —2 MeQUILLAN you Mary and Cass. I t fib thank my many friends and family for' the flowers. cards and thank you for the visits to' the hospital and the help in my home. Thanks also to Dr. M. Catkin and Dr. Flowers, Jolly and McKimand the ambulance drivers and the nursing staff on first flood of the Wingham and District Hospital. Thank you Dorothy J. McQuillan -3. EMBLiN Sincerethanks to. those 'who. sent flowers, cards, gifts and visited while we were in the hospital and ' since returning home.' Special thanks to ' the Lucknow Doctors and the OB staff. Debbie and Jolene Emberlin —31 KE MP I ' would like to thank Evel- y, yn, David, Lori and Paul Hackett for getting me to and from Wingham Hospital af- ter my skidoo accident last week. Then this past Sunday during 'II the storm I give thanks to many ' in Ashfield Township for getting me out to the hospital; the Ashfield snoowplower drivers, Doug Cameron, Paul Blake, Har- vey Livingston and my moth- er, Bernice for the transpol, teflon through some drifts and blowing snow to get me to Lucknow and Wingham,. and also to the D. A. Hackett` family for nursing me. Thanks also to, those . who made phone calls, Dr. Jolly and ' nurses on second floor. Special thanksand apprecia- tion to all. ;Gordon -Kemp Jr., —3x BARBOUR I would ' especially like ' to thank my family for hosting the surprise birthday'party honouring my 75th birthday at the ` St. Helens Hall on January 9. I would also like to thank all who attended and everyone for the gifts and cards I" received. A special thank you to ' 'my former neighbours. onthe 10th con- cession of West Wawanosh for their' gift. Thanks also to the ladies who catered to the delicious. supper. —3 TODD I would like to' thank every- one who gave me gifts and sent me 'cards on the occa- sion ' of my . recent arrival. Mom and . Dad say thanks too. .. Virginia Todd HOYLE . Q Mrs. Siete Koyle and family wish, to thank the many friends and Motives for the flowers, cards and donations to 'the Heart. Fund in the passing of Bless Koyle.. Special thanks to the Doctors and. staff at the Lucknow Medical Centre, Rev. Gar- rett, the Legion Members who participated in the ser- vice,' MacKenzie and. Mc- Creath Funeral Home for their. kind ,assistance and to neighbours and friends who assisted with the lunch. 32. Coming events JANUARY LEGION DANCE Saturday, January 23, 1982 Esu Wilbee's Orchestra Smorgasbord Provided Tickets available at the door —2,3ar OPEN MEETING The Huron Cattlemen's As- sociation will hold an open meeting on Tuesday, 'Janu- �I ary 26, 1982, at the Central Huron Secondary School in • Clinton at 7:30 p.m. Every- one welcome. -3 ' ANNUAL MEETING: . Ripley: Agricultural, Society annual meeting will be held Monday, January 25, . 8 p.m. in Ripley and District High o School.' —3 ANNUAL MEETING Dungannon Agricultural Soc- iety will hold' their annual, meeting on Tuesday, Janu- ary 26, 1982 ' at the Agricul- tural Hall, 8:30 p.m: =3ar NURSING MOTHERS MEETING Tuesday, • January 26 at $ p.m. at Jean Munshaw's home, Lucknow. br. Wong will be our • guest. Call 357-3408 or 528-2629 for more information. —3 AUXQ.iARY MEETING Auxiliary to. Wingham and District Hospital requests all members to attend a general meeting on Monday, January 25, at 1:30 p.m. (please note change of time) at the Clinic Building. —3 LEGION MEETING - All members of Lucknow Legion are requested to at: tend ' the regular meeting Tuesday, January 26 at 8:00 ppm. '-3ar