The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-01-06, Page 5Cdnnmunity mews .Enjoy tobogganing at Langside' hill By Maw Yong With the holiday season over and students back at school everything should be back to normal again. HoPe, everyone enjoyed the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas held Christmas at their farm for Mrs. Thomas's relatives with 21 in attendance. They enjoyed sleigh . riding on the hill and also had fun playg hockey. On Tuesday, Dec- ember 29 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . and family visited -with Ian's family at Cam- bridge. His father who had been in Kitchener hospital was home in time for Christ- mas and they had a visit with him. Visitors over the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young were Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Young, Brian and Jessica, Mr. and Mrs. Len Coughlin, Kim and Karry, Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Young, Marty, Jamie, Karen and Liane, Ken Young, Rus - sen Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Young, Krista, Kar ah and Jason Wall. Mr: and Mrs. Rick:'Jones, Sonia and Chris spent Christ- mas hristmas; Day with Rick's brother;. Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Jones of St. Jacobs and also called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynne at Kitchener. Mrs, Roche ode Boer, Fred and Joanne enjoyed Christ mamas dinner with her daught- er, Mr, and Mrs. John Koobs and family of Gowanstown on Sunday, December 27. Leslie Springer of Canad- ian Armed. Forces spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Springer and family and enjoyed Christ ' mas at home. He returned on December 28. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Young spent a few days at Christmas withher parents Mr. and Mrs. Art Ferguson of Newmarket and had Christmas dinner with all her family. Mr. and Mrs. Jin. Young and family spent Christmas Day with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Bob Struthers and girls and enjoyed the day with all her family home. ° Christmas Day . visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat, and Donald were\ their _family, Mr. and Mrs- , Bill Moffat, Alesha, . Chad, and Ian, Mr. and : Mrs. Murray Moffat, Trevor and Craig Mr. and Mrs. Ross Moffat; Cameron and Carrie Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moffat; also Eileen's mother, Mrs. Robena Stewart of Teeswater. • Trinity fatHilies hold Christmas *from page 4 leen and Rick McLean and son Rick, all of Goderich; Irwin, Margaret. Robert and Ronald Campbell of . Loch- alsh; Murray, Feithlinn Campbell, Leander and .Log- an, Goderich and. Bernalyd and Brenda Campbell, Mich- ael, Alicia and Sarah -Anne of Belfast. Ira and Katherine Camp- bell. Galt called on, Saturday with his mother, Winnie Campbell. Doug and Dixie Cameron, Jason, Sara and Rachael spent Christmas with mem- bers of ' her .family at the home of Dixie's parents, Wilfred and Dorcas Motley of Belleville. Doug and Dixie and family spent New Years Day at the home of Jack and Nancy Cameron, Brent and Adam. ' Holiday 'visitors at ` the home of Barry' and :Dianne Hackett were their son, Bob and daughter, Barb f Kit- chener and Archi and Diane De Groot and on, Brad of Ingersoll. Arnold and Dona Camp- bell and family Karen •of London. Sandra and Sheila - spent Christmas at the home of Arnold's sister, 'Bob and Muriel Cook. They also visit- ed with Dona's mother, Carrie Knott of Chatham. Manfred and Joan. Dierolf and George of Blind River spent the holiday week at the home of their 'daughter, Vickie and Steve Piluke and family. Also at the Piluke home was Vickie's grand- mother, Mrs. Ethel Hoy of Goderich and her uncle, Art Hoy of Mississauga. Jean Henry spent Sunday at the home of her daughter. "Wanda and Bob Jefferson, Craig. Teresa and Heather. Her ' daughter, Faye and • Herb. Oak. George and Mich- ael also spent Sunday at, the Jefferson home. Holiday visitors at the home of Larry and Katy, Stuart and Jacqueline Hack- ett were Katy's parents, Rev. Albert and Janet Cook of Oak Lake, Manitoba and Katy's brother Paul of Toronto. Alex and Elia Hackett hosted the "Hunter" New Years gathering at the 'Luck - now .Community Centre. Guest were Vern and Anna Mae Hunter, their families, Forbes and Joanne McLel- land, Christopher and Melis- sa of Sarnia; Murray and Patricia Hunter. Jennifer and Matthew of Wingham; Bob and Linda Hunter, Lisa and Charlotte of Oakville; Linda's parents, Norman and Ivy (Donkin of England; Greg and. Sandy Hunter.' and Erica of St. Catharines:- Bill and Mae Hunter, Judy and friend, Lance Sanderson; David and Betty ' Ann Stapleton of Whitechurch: . Wayne and Gloria Hackett, Vicky, Shawn and Allison and Vickie Pent- land; Walter and Lorraine \ Arnold. Brian of Sarnia and friend, Gail and, Debra and friend. Barry Elphick; Cas- well and Mary .Hackett of Lucknow. Alien and Dorothy Hunter, Allison and Andrew of. Trenton: Dorothy Beamish of Brampton spent the New Years ' holidays with Harv, Pat and Kirk Livingston. Thanks to Cora Cranston, Ella Hackett and Betty Rit- chie for their contribution to. the column this week. Inciknow SaiLd„ We nesiay, Jay rot 3 CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ° a THE C.I.M. iN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF " 4 WESTERN ONTARIO IS OFFERING A. CERTIFICATECOURSE iN..., 0 CANADIAN BUSINESS LA INSTRUCTOR: DAN MURPHY, B.A. Q.C. TUITION FEE 5185.00. FOR (15 SESSIONS) CLASSES ARE -HELD EACH MONDAY NIGHT FOR 15 WEEKS CLASSES BEGIN NDYIJANUARY 18, 1982 AT GODERICH ASSESSMENT OFFICE 7:00 - 9:30 P.M. FOR ANYONE' IN SMALL BUSINESS. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OR' ANYONE JUST INTERESTED IN LAW PRACTICES THIS COURSE IS A MUST. THIS COURSE IS ONE OF 8 THE C.I.M. OFFERS TOWARD A CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRA- TION ANYONE WISHING TO REGISTER MUST DO SO BEFORE JANUARY 14. 1462.' • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: WAYNE KENNEDY - Trarining and Development Officer, Champion Road Machinery. Phone 524-2601. tittn0 it��j tame, Stamps for Collectors -POSTCARDS - We buy Stamp & Postcard Collections Bruce County • Walkerton • Klnloss KINLOUGH Holyrood ° The British Post Office has issued a;special Souvenir Book in full' colour commemorating The Wedding of Prince Chs and Lady Diana Spencer. s exquisite collectors' item . is complete with photographs, history, stamps, fully mounted and protected on front cover. We suggest that you order your's today - send chegae or ' money order . for $8.55. to Queen's Bush Stamps, R. 2, Holyrood, Ontario, NOG 2110, or drop liato Queen's Bash'. Stamps at Kialough' county road # 1 - 3 miles south of highway 9. 39S-3545. Appraisals: 395.3545 4