The Signal, 1934-4-24, Page 1-i-sse"..c.setntaira14! -.- ..: -a1.1111.P5A1i1M11111..
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at The Signal. Phone 35.
1111131171-BEVANTH YEAR, 1410. 31
Petition Asks
for Liquor Store
Proposal Strongly Opposed and
Referred to Special Commit-
tee of Council
Chief Interest In the meeting of the
town council on Friday night last
centred In the petition presented by
W. J. Powell, with 1032 signatures,
asking the council to request that the
Ontario Liquor Centre& Beard estab-
lish a store in this town for the sale of
liquor. The petition,which
follows, was accompanied letter
that !t be
from Kr. Powell asking
en prompt attention by this-c�3leff`-
Tbe Petition
Tie undersigned, your petitioners,
humbly present:
That whereas the law of this Pre -
vines allows liquor and beer to be sot,. -.T Expert Company of Toronto, who
In duly authorized plat -es; and whes41fitly visited town, stating that
many of the trees at Maitland ceme-
weresiss-+'red of attention in the
way of pruning and bracing and sug-
gesting an appropriation of $300 for
the purpose. This was referred to the
cemetery and parks committee.
Cestrdttee Reports
The report of the finance committee
(Oise/need 4o page 5) _
dwelling, Trafalgar street; Geo.
Woods, reroofing verandah, St. Pat-
skA'L strut: kylesabet Stran . le"
shingling dwelling,rllannla road':
Wm. Proctor, reshingling dwelling,
Gibbons street; Arthur Clark, reahing-
ling dwelling, Brock street.
An application from the British
American 011 Company for permission
to Install a gasoline pump at Mac-
Ewan's garage was referred to the pub-
lic works committee.
A communication from J. W. Trus-
ter, requesting that a bylaw be passed
Imposing a tax on transient photo-
graphers, was referred to the special
Another request of like nature was
from the barbers and hairdressers of
the town, who asked that a tranelent
trader's fee be collected by the town
from barbers and hairdressers coming
to town for a few days only. This also
was referred to the special committee.
A request from tbe•Ooderieh Musical
Society for a grant for the band for
1934 was sent to the finauee commit-
A letter was received from L. F.
Irvine, a representative of the Davey
as the town of Goderich, which is the
moats* at-.& stere large tourist tract_
and attracts annually the ontime
s e
tourists for varying pe has n
during the summer onths,
authorized store fur the sale of liquor
and beer; and whereas the nearest
places at which liquor and beer may
be obtained are Walkerton, to the
north and Stratford, Louduu aud Bar-
nia to the soutb and east, and11 to eau
five miles or more away :
by reason of the fact that many of our
citiaens, both here In the too
w`and n
tbe snrrofading country, go
ford, London and other places takingae
their liquor and beer purchases,
with them their families and friends,
-who purchase goods and merchandise
from the shops, a large amount of
--Money is thereby diverted from God-
ertch to the great detriment of our
merchants directly, and indirectly af-
fecting the whole municipality: tbere-
fore your petitioners humbly pray that
the council of the town of Goderich re-
quest the Liquor Control Board to
establish a store in the town of God-
erich at an early date."
A number orcitizens, Including Rev.
Geo. T. Watts. Rev. F. W. ('raft,
A, MIa, �abertson. J. A. Oemp-
Ahtea, M. W. Howell tied
Wilkins and Mra. W. T. MOIL
lifts. Rheas air M - M.114.111111116411110
de, were present In opposition to the
Councillor Humber mored that the
petition be sent to the special commit-
tee, and In doing no raid it looked like
a potltkal move.
Mayor declared there were as
corny Liberals as Conservatives behind
the movement.
Councillor Humber then offered the
objection that at present there was no
Government to whom the petition could
Mayor Lee retorted that the request
was to the Liquor Board, not to the
Councillor Sproul seconded the mo-
tion for reference to the special com-
mittee, which was eventually adopted.
All the members of the council were Banquet Tendered to Grand Mas-
Peggy Parsons is
ieen of "tie Its"
Honored by Fellow -students
Alma College -Interesting
Ceremony on Saturday
To a Goderich girl, Miss l'eggy Par-
sons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Parsons, nas come the honor and dis-
tinction of being elected the May
Queen of Alma College, St. Thomas,
of which iuetltutloa she is a student.
Mies Parsons was chosen for this
high office by the vote of the staff and
students, and on Saturday the young
lady thus selected as the most popular
student of the College was crowned in
a delightful" ceremony, whieb took
place In the College amphitheatre. The
weather was ideal, and probably never
before had this annual event attracted
so many people from the city of Bt.
Thomas and other parts of Western
Oaterine _
The ceremony, was opened wlth the
entry of the heralds, Ulan Mary Mac -
A forty -hours' devotional service,
begun In Si. Peter's church with high
mass on Sunday morning, was con-
cluded on Tuesday. The priest in
charge of the devotional period was
Rev. Father Frelburger, of St. Thom -
aa Seholastkate, Iondon,- and the
visiting clergy who assisted were Rev.
Fatbe/s Paquette, of Wingham, Mc -
Cattle, of Kingsbridge, Marchand, of
Drysdale, Powell and Dantzer, of St.
Columban, Sullivan, of Clinton. Od-
rowski, of Dublin, and Moran, of Mit-
Hugh King, 5th concession, West
Wawanosh, had his garage and car
destroyed by fire on Sunday not ten
Wants. after the car had been placed
the Beearw The family bad jtst re-
tred e1Ygia at It An1111011w
a bad nicely reached the house when
the fire broke out. The blaze is be-
lieved to have been caused by a short
circuit in the car. For a time It
was feared the barn might become
ignited, but this danger was
overcome by the aid of several
persona who were present. Mr. King's
loss on the garage is partly covered bi
Insurance, but no lnsuran•e was car-
ried on the ear.
for South Huron
Opposed to Pettiest
A. M. Robertson was the first
spokesman for those opposed to the
petition. He said the town council
had no jurisdiction In the matter. The
county of Huron was under the Can-
ada Temperahre Act. and had been so
regnrded l,y the Government ever since
the passing of the Liquor Control Act.
When the Ontario Temperance Act
aas.aaased the C.T.A. was held in sun-
penalon ; but when the O.T.A. wan re-
pealed the Canada Temperance Act
automatically became effective again.
Neither the people of Goderich nor
those of Huron county had voted to
introduce a liquor store here, and the
gammen therefore should not concern
itself with the matter.
Mr. Robertwon then went on to argue
tbat, as the purchase of liquor was a
wasteful use of money, the community
would be better off financially without
a liquor store. (:edertch's financial po-
sition and the unemployment situation
here were better than them of towns
where there were llgnor stores. he con-
tended. With regard to baying out of
town, this did not originate, he said,
with the absence of a llgnor store, and
probably some of those who had signed
the petition were among the Worst of-
fenders in thin respect.
The moral aspect of the matter, how-
ever, should outweigh any other con-
alderetion. The freer sale of liquor
wonld eonduce to habtta of tndnlgem'e
among the young people, end would be
a detriment, rather than a help, to
the town, the speaker eontended.
Albert Wilkins pointed out that men
formerly addicted to_ liquor and who
had reformed wanted the liquor kept
Rev. Geo. T. Watts said that a Ilgnbr
store would tend to destroy Ooderlcllt'a
geed reputation for quiet and orderll-
ness. -He spoke of meeting, while mo-
toring in Quebec, a tourist who had
spent a vacation in Goderich and who
said he was coming here again, be-
cause there wee no "boozing," no mw-
dylmn, and he was delighted with the
ineaney and orderliness of the town. A
liquor store wonld constitute a danger
to tbe boys and drla, said Mr. Watts.
ter F. A. Copus--Oif t of
DAY, MAY :4, 1934
Don't Pick
Persons who
cemetery shoeld
the flowers are
the cemetery, n
This refers to
wooded part as
tbe formal
tery. Leave t
they are, so t
to Ood's acre
beauty and fr
Fl owt:rs
muter that
to beautify
be plucked.
ern in the
u to those
the eeme-
ms where
r visitors
joy their
Death Cl
and Hono
W. T. 'gurney
Head of
and Light
Death on
valued and h
Goderich, in the
Murney, Britann
ey had been in fa
ly two years and
bed for the (tet
torn in Otouttbee
borough, 1 son o
nay, millwright.'
came to Goder(
when he was fo
attending the
gaged In bus
was highly s
from this
continued as a
his death.
During a
'Marney dev
Zoog and
years In the
elected mayoe
and In 1907,
commiselou w
first chair
office until his
(y -.even
He was
autay and Miss Margaret Bchati5 Rn, to Miss Bu
bearing the standards of the kingdom ceased him
of May. Then came the Queen's musi- vived b
=Pre yooifg +Ytdie 'rho
11�htta and
tor 27 Tears
claimed a
resident of
William T.
Mr. Marn-
ith for near -
Mined to his
Ile was
Ip, near Peter-
ni Henry Mur -
e Cbeyae, and
11 his pereuts
of age. After
schools he en
a butcher, and
lie retired
• 1912, but
cattle oat
Here's An Idea
There to no better way 0f beeping your
mute and service before tbe public than
by placing your advertt Ing 1n the
coitunue of The Signal every week.
Defendants Win
Leader Hepburn
q �.Jltea-Tara.s�sE� e' taJllni-baaliiw. -. �
Ju�- following an attack of "flu," the tragic
-. S+`� "a
death occurred on May 17th of David
Clark Bogie at his home on tbe 11th, Claims Against Exeter Estate
concession of Colborne. The late Mr.
Bugle, who war in bla aeveuty-second Disallowed -Two Divorce
year, was born and had lived all his Actions
life on the same farm, previously
owned by his father. Ile was the son
of the late Captain James Bogie and
Mary Aun Clark. l'revlous to his ill-
ness deceased always took an active
Interest In his home and family, being
a kind and loving father. In 1898 he
married Isabelle McWhinney, who
satin 1tf913. ioInl,e Erleanevsts, eMvri.deJnucest,icdTi±e KeIpwlly, atter reviewing Mese. r
Mary, at tion of Thos. Sturdy, former owner of --- - -
home, and Mrs. Harvey Fuller, of God- the Goderich inn, for $1000 damages
erlch township; also One sister, Mra. from A..1. Cooper, mortgagee, 0. Ginn,
John Dark, of Agincourt, Ont., and bailiff, and the town of Goderich, for
two brothers, Jamey of Goderkh, and alleged illegaldistress and salleof the
William, of 0olboine. 11ie Iu6ofaT. ,o a chattels.- `illi rdahl to
which was largely attended, was held that there was no abandonment of sale,
Sunday afternoon, the services being as claimed by the ptalutiff, on the eve
conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. G. deuce given that the baHiff had called
Shaw of Nile. The pallbearers-- upon L. E,_D'tgcey, agentfor Sturdy,
Joseph McCann, Abner Morris, Wll- to enquire u to how the goods were
(tam and James Bogle, James MlWhin- to bit sad. -..'111W --thea. as you like,"
uey and Cblquhoun Stewart -bore the was the agent's reply. It was further
remains to their last resting place 1n found that the sale_waa no and
Colborne cemetery. with undue haste. -There was no eon-
-- t • • splrary on the part of Tax Collector
JOHN BENNE1"1' GRAHAM J. 111 Robertson, with Mr. Cooper, to
Early Saturday morning, John lien- conduct the ogle and strip the plaintiff
nett *Iraklion', well-ku,wo Asl,tielad pt his ehattel property. The hearing
township !armee who retired to Code- lasted a day and a -half.
rich 141.11111 years ago, lea-wsl away all Maurlee Weber, of Zurich, was
his home on North street in his seven- granted a divorce from his wife, Ella
tytighth year. He had (ecu lu poor Weber, of louden, after evidence was
health for three years. Hr wits" barn given by ptalutiff and by Mrs. Beth
la Asldleld ttnvtu+hip, the sou of Jai& tiheeliy, Loudon boarding-house keeper.
I;ral:1'n nal Jwuo Whitely, and as a Mrs. Sheehy testltled that Mrs. Weber
young eau took up farming. in which and Cecil Welch, of Loudon, who was
-nllnng he engaged stns•-sfully for named as corespondent in the action,
nearly half a century before coming lived at her boarding-house tis man
to Goderich. He was married in 1`i.�T{
1 J01111/4011, c,f lash rich town and wife for elx muutlas in 11131. R's"
her stated that bed agreed finally
to_his wife's demand"for a separation --
in December of 1980. He agreed to
Way $13 a month, blit LuT bade 3517
one payment when her aasoelattors
Will Address Afternoon and
Evening Meetings in This
Mr. Mitchell Hepburn, the Liberal
leader, Is to address a meeting 1n
Goderleh on Wednesday evening, June
13th. lie will speak in the afternoon
of the same day at some point in the
southern portion of the riding.
• • •
- Eoome to the laterad- of Ys_
tyre, independent candidate In South
Huron, have been opened on North
street, just off the Square, where in-
formation In regard to the voters' lists
or other matters pertaining to the
elgtfon mwy-be obtained. The tele-
phone number le 430. .
• • •
Sittings for the revision of the voters'
lists will be held throughqut the two
Huron ridings as stated In the adver-
tisement on page 2 of this pater.
Every person over twenty-one years of
age should >ete that his or her name 1s
on the list. if it 4s-aokrsp4leratfon
should he made to have it placed on
the list.
• • •
The returning Milner for South Hur-
on 1s IWlitam Frayne, of Exeter; for
Huron -Bruce riding, J. W. McKibben,
of Whogham.
Mr. F. A. Elliott is holidaying at
Mr. Glen C. Lodge spent the week-
end at London.
Mrs. Wm. Abell 1s. visiting wttln re-
Last week's sitting of the Supreme
Court, before Mr. Justice Kelly, was
concluded on Friday, after a session
of three and a-balf days.
At the conclusion of the final case,
h[s life Yr to Em Ir : -
to m)ife Mel latives__iaToronto. sWp. An itrtereated church worker,
a re,.tarbably Mr. and Mrs. R�dbt, WILOn visited he was formerly's member of the ota-
After some relattvea At Chatham at the week -end. cbtLboarl of Nile Methodist church
cli he was Mrs. C. Wurtele and Mlle Ann War- and later a Member of the session of
6 in 1906, tele have returned from a visit td North street United chnrch. Gndere:h.
Bermuda. 1 naevi ie . besides his wife. are two with Welch In LUrxlnn were made
ter and light Rev. W. A. Dean of Putt Iatmbton, ,taw Lr. J. M. Graham, of Goier)eh. I known to him.
became Its visited his relatives at King -bridge Innd 41!►aa. 1'.. stn the Iwunestead, and The action of Fred Ellerington, his
sed 1n this last week.
n daughter, Mrs. .the
urs, of Gude- wife, Bertha, and her sister, Miss Mar -
04 of teen- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cranston, of rich township; also four sisters and gttret Quinton, of Exeter, who entered
St.' Marys, spent Sunday with their' a brother, Mesdames Jos. Mr\ee, of a claim for a large rum against the
1z year ago Goderich, Emma Thompson and Annie estate o;lheir uncle, the late Kkttatd
who is •ns" relatives here. Elliott, of Vatconveer, and R. J. Camp
He aur. Dr. and Mrs. Jose, n[ St. Marys,hell, of Winnipeg, and Mr. Nelson Gra-
illotstote ter care and keep over a per-
• ds .r were guests on Sunday of Rev. F. W.
Lod ut alx years, was dismissed by kits
M Craik. had, of Astrfield. A son, James W., of � - � `-
I C lk. tunbua-.0il died in 1918 1i R
1-rettete t also by a broth Peed, all of
Mrs. Gertrude Huntly Green. The Goderkti. He was a
her of the
May Court followed, the Lord of the Masonic and Oddfellows'. dors and a
May, Miss Mlrtam Douglas, the prin- Gonservative In politics. Masons at-
cipal of the College, Dr. I'. B. Dobson, tended in a body at the service con -
Dean 'Hewett and May queens and
ducted at the borne on Monday after -
councillors of former years, and after noon by Rev. Geo. T. Watts, of -North
them the Queen's maidens and the stn• street United chnrch, of 'wetter" tie'
dents of the school. ceased was a member. A short Mason-
-AsMayQ with h conn conducted b ItG
e Toronto, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mutcb
at the week -enol.
Mrs. Harry Taylor, nt Toronto, was
a guest at the week -end of Mrs. George
Green, West street.
Miss Verna McVittle is home from
Toronto mite visit to her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Henri gentle.
the seen her
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Eagle. of Ham -
was eo w y Mon, were here to attend the funeral
Mlitbe and passe tlexcmet the am- Sanderson, W.M. Among the rnumer of the late T. Murney.
phttheslre steps. she was by Mrs. oust floral trttmtes from relatives and
G. J. Blew•ett, dean of residence, who Mrs . Fred Lecky, of London, and
many friends of deceased were offer- Mho Florence Macdonald, of Toronto,
nrPsented her with a lovely bouquets nd No. •��_
A.F. k . .; neon
cipal Dobson, and the crown was R.A.M.: Huron Lodge, No. 62, LO.O.T.,
placed on the head of the beautiful the public utilities commission and
May Queen by the Lord of the May. staff, Goderich town council, the staff
The presentation of emblem Dlns -of the waterworks Goderlch baseball
was- made by the queen of 193 and club, North street United church, and
her councillors, and this was followed the Sangamo Meter Company, Toronto.
by the presentation of Alumnae mem- Interment was_In Maitland cemetery,
bershlp pins by Mrs. (Hon.) Leopold the pallbearers being Mayor C. C. Lee,
Macaulay. When the May Queen had Dr.W. F. Gallow, W. J. Baker, G. L.
taken her place, an interesting pro- Parsons R Stonebouac and M. Aina-
On Tuesday evening, in the lecture gram followed on the green. Ile.
room of Knox church, about 225 oR- In the large gathering which wit-
cers and members of South Huron dts-
trict, A.F. & A.M., G.R.C., attended
the reception and banquet tendered
Most Wor. Bro. Frank A. Copus, of �� APPOINTED
Stratford, -Grand Master of the Grand E.
Lodge of Canada to the Province of -Me. F. H. Hill, of tome, baa -leen
appointed district superintendent for
F. O'Hearn Company, members of the
Toronto and other important stork ex-
changes, and wilt have his headquar-
ters In their London office.
There will be a meeting of church
representatives in MacKay Hall on
Friday evening, at R o'clock, for the
purpose of drawing up a schedule for
this season's series of softball games.
A representation from each church le
(Hugh McCabe'a cos elenee wan both-
ering hint on Monday, an he walked
Into the Magtwtrate'a office to see if
he wax on the good Mee of the books
with the officials. He was, so far as
Magistrate Reid wee concerned, null;
Mrs. Me(lnbe appeared with a badly
discolored eye and sundry other
bruises allegedly inflletes by her erring
spouse. Provintlal (7m istable P. 7).
Mct0oy was "in the know" and made
out an information egrtnat McCabe
for inflicting "actual bodily hartn" on
his wife. McCabe asked for time out
to complete the welling on hie (lode -
rich township farm ■nd was remanded
a week nn a $200 bond.
nessed the ceremony were Mr. and BROADCASTING NEW
Mrs. 0.ri Ln Parsons e andn other rhe May CANADA MOVEMENT
add friends of the Queen of the May
from Goderich.
" A series of brondeaats over station
10 lit', Wingham ( 11901 m ), has been
arranged. The careful selection of
subjects and the work entailed in ob-
taining speakers has all been under
taken voluntarily. A number of io'nl
young people will be discnasing vital-
ly interesting subjects. Tune in each
Thursday evening from 7.30 to Y p.m.
Two of these addle -nes have been al-
eead� broadcast. The following sche-
dule covers the next three broadcasts:
Ontario. At the bead table with the
Grand Master were Rt. Wor. Bro.
Hugh Hill, D.D.G.M., Rt. Wor. Bros.
11. C. Dunlop, Bernie Smith, W. H.
Gregory, H. C. Campbell, Thos. Pryde,
Dr. Shaw and W. H. Logan, Wor. Mas-
ter R. G. Sanderson, Very Wor. Bro.
Dr. B. C. Weir, Wr. Bros. Harry Tich-
borne and Wm. Craig and Wor. Bro.
Witley. The long tables, decorated
with baskets of spring flowers and Ma-
sonic blue ribbon,"were waited on by
members of the Ladies' Aid of the
church, who prepared the banquet.
A pleasing feature of tbe evening,
and one that came as a complete sur-
prise to the recipient, was the presen-
tation, by Rt. Wor. Bro. 11. C. Dunlop
on behalf of the district, of s case of
sterling silver flatware to the Grand
Master. Mr. Copus responded very
fltttngly and with great feeling on re-
ceiving the gift.
Rt. Wor. Bro. Hugh HIM, as toaxt-
master, dfacharged 1Tt'dittel' pleasant-
ly, and 'toasts were proposed as fol-
lows: "Grand Lodge," by Rt. Wor.
Bro. Thos. Pryde, responded to by Rt.
Wor. Bros. W. H. Gregory and Bernie
Smith; "Grand Master." proposed by
Rt. Wei. Bro. Dr. l;haw, "the oldest
Past D.D.G.M. In the d(etrlct," and
responded to by the Moat Worshipful
the brand Master; "Visitors," proposed
by Very Wor. Bro. R. C. Weir, re-
sponded to by Rt. Wor. Woe. Rennie
Smith. H. C. Campbell and W. H. Lo-
Community singing was enjoyed and
Bro. Frank Riley, of OodPrich, sang a
solo, as did Wor. Bro. D. R. Reil and
Wor. Aro. Smith. The Maitland Lodge
quartette, composed o7 Mesas. A. F.
Sturdy, 7'. Miller, Gen . Jetiner and
T. Riley, and the London Masonle
quartette also eontrihnted towards tbe
musical part of the p Mr. B.
hlnsiIi WEI 'O[.ietesess 1st.
Mier. iplSbds'were Very..-Wor. Rio.
nevoid, wki,M,a arty -oats rears Of ado.
asst try -Wee. -Aloe John. •Otapbea-
The mooting was brought to a clow
with the singing of "AnM loaf Ryna."
Other linidasss
Applications for hulhlhag permits, as
f it, were referred te the Are com-
satitM : Wm Rnbtervillia ..slaised-i5
verandah ■t. d aineg4. Quebecpereb t dwetl-street;
7.. -Pt Pet eft
ing, Rt. PIIII if � attMrf B' l►: firer
elegrt. reshtaaling kitchen, a epee
etpp,l ; R. C. ldnenings, Are77
Lighthouse s reet.
Miss Mary Acheson, student at Alma
College. St. Thomas, visited at the
week -end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Aehese n.
Mins Gertrude Wheeler, of Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R
Mr. and Mrs. A. Medic. Mrs. Par-
sons and Miss Marjorie Macfle tire at
(bllingwood attending the funeral of
Mrs. Maefle's uncle, Mr. Walter
Shields, whose death occurred there
oq Tuesday.
('•rt o mmaM�•we i Ile
funeral sen lc e, conducted on atond:ay � � l master of the Surrogate Court Of
afternoon by Rev. Gtr. T. watts. of a trust accouut which she adminla-
North street United church, aril Rev.
F. W. (Talk, oT Victirfa !erect l'uitel
church, was largely atttmdtd by
r'tatives-and friends of deceased In
tloderle h and vicinity. The wealth of
beautiful floral tributes, among which
were offerings frust- Virnrrmver. `t'Mmw- 'and -war- /mdrr rvnetaet- care -et bet -
bus, 0., and Toronto, testified to nieces until his depth in 1961. herr
the esteem and affection in which de-
ceased was held by those who knew•
1ttterntwnt was in \11111111'10 veru-
etery, the pallbearers being Honorary:
Howard McNee, E. C. Johnston: E.
Sowerby; acting• J. F.. Johnston, T. uy av"wu,
Johnston, T. Dougherty. N. Graham
uncle had frequently asked that
A. M. Robertson and T. R. Wailis. a bill be made out for their services,
but they had neglected to do this. Ills
W. .1. Brownlee, 1,t Window, J. 1;
Johnsons. Mr. 111111 Mrs. E. 1'. Johnston. Lordship held that the form and an -
Thos. and Robert tit -Rhona. of Toronto. nuitles left the nieces by their uncle
Mr. and Mrs. W. Little and Mr. and constituted a very generous bequest.
Mrs. Morrison nasi oro. 1f Lnckn"`+
Decision was reserved in the divorce
ettendcd the funeral service. I action of Roy Jasper, of Stratford,
who saigla nu annulment of anis -mar-
To C elebrate in stage to se Bradley, trout whom he
- Inas Well separated for some time. It
wns shown to evidence that John C.
f }M ft. Waters, of Stratford, married
Goderlefi �tty a Znd I man with a family, was followed by
• Mr. Jasper and some friends when he
VICTORIA ST. ANNIVERSARY I went driving with Mrs. Japer In No -
All -day Program for DominionI vember of 1931. after meeting her but
Rev. J. F. Reyeraft Preaches Two See- Day -Baseball Tourney to `rete before• and was found ''in n corn.
mons in Fontes Pulpit $e Big Feature promising pnaition' with the w•uman
when the sleuthing party came upon
tered. * - -
- Richard- Quinton -was a welt -to -de '--' -.
bachelor farmer of Osborne township _
tater of Exeter. !le became mentally
unbalanced in 1925, plaintiffs alleged.
i.:Ileringtou collapsed on the stand while
giving evidence and war pronounced
by a physician us untit to continue. Het
evidence a, given in the statement of
Lielun was admitted Into the records
Annlve^nary services in Victoria
street United church on Sunday last tt a meeting held at the town hall them whale perked nn a lonely Ade -
1111 Tslesthty evening, for the purrykaa• rsitsti Waters testified that he and
were conducted by a former beloved
pastor. Rev. J. F. Reycraft, now of„f organizing n Uumiulun 11ep e•l,e., Mrs. .faster drove up the sklerond so
Psrkdale flatted church. Toronto oration, it wax decided that the nation -_toll; they mightenjoy_ a drink In prl•
Large congregations Attended both al holiday should be observed In 'Goole vary. Major E Dt..1i;;eekes, of London, _
lir,-3leyerat extended con- rich with as ali•day progrum_sol_ Monexred tot -__
.be. _plalntlff;-E- G.
duo July dud. Thompson, of Stratford. fol' -The de-
fenda nt. .
The divorce action of I'alnner irwin
versus AmilP Cameron irwtn was set
over to the next court. Mrs. Irwin, be-
cause of Illness, being unable to ap-
pear at 'itis court.
Rratulattons to Mr. H. T. Barker, or-
May 24 -"The New Canada Mt,vt'- ganlst, who is celebrating his tour-
ment's Po:Icy an War," John Martin, teenth anniversary In that capacity In
Huron township. the chnrch.
May 31 -"Youth Movements of Special music was rendered at both
Other Countries," Margaret MacKen
ziw Anhfleld township.
Jane 7 -"Denmark's Educational
System," HaroM Gaunt, West Wawa
These addresses are most Interest -
Ing. Don't Mist them. Iasten in!
On Friday evenlnng the Rt. David's
ward group of St. George's Churchwo-
man's Guild held a tmeeeaafnl "Mrth-
day party" The admission fee was one
eetet for each year of the age ,f the
person admitted, and over Pin was
realised The evening was spent In
playing "5I00' and bridge, the winners
for ".u00" being Miss D. Anderson and
Mr. 11. Bowra, and for bridge Miss T.
Lawrence and Mr. R. C. Wbeteley.
Refreshments were „ervest and a birth-
Afro rake with canals. was illuminate.%
end eat with due. ceremony. The
rectal, iter. 1. W. M- MIQi,
hie appreeldtioo od rhos efforts. rnP
mow td.Jtfldlrs. atYld fie* rewiaris
der-aepeerlatJ .Je!e
(I. L. Panama, A. r
Fishing from pier and breakwater
and also with the nets of eommercial
fishermen has undergone a decided Im-
provement to the past week. The shy
pereh, which spurned all offerings be-
fore last week end, took on all comers,
and one man, after a day's flnahing
from the breatwater. returned with is
catch of several Amen. Another angler
Is reported to hare eaught a two -pound
perch from the breakwater. All of
which, of coarse, cannot compare with
the haul made by net by a Bayfield
f slnermen, W. .1 McLeod, on Friday.
On lifting his nets Mt. McLeod din-
eovered a large sturgeon, A feet 9
inches longand weighing 115 pounds.
Thee sir. 1). B. Hanna paid another
vtalt to the Western Canada Flonr
Milia last week -end with a cargo of
approrlmately 105,000 bushels of grain.
Rita atr. $epsrtor disilaseed 100,000
Anaheim' sr elide kt tbs. Oedeuleh ele-
vator mr-larsrrimsi"ea-11onday. sod
Aar Ms. .111101,111.
sen•kes. including n solo at the morn-
ing service by Mrs. E. Granton, of St.
In his sermons Iter Mr. Reyi'reft
took Bittival incidents and from them
threw a strong light on present-day
effeirs, his sermons being at once
forceful snit thought -permuting:' --
Mayor Lee was appointed slut rum
of the celel)ratlon committee, with S.
I). Croft secretary and R. C. Whatt•ley
treasurer. Publicity was plowed in
the hands (of 0. L. Parsons nod F;. H.
Wigle. A committee (monitored of '1'.
(:. ('onuun, A. i'urter and ii. 1t. Long
11ii5 ,t1K,ointed to look after the tb•tu
geeuenan Club'a,part in the day's pro -
feedings'', and other committees, • all
having power to odd. were epeolide(
see follows: Ihsi,ratIons, (1. 1.. Par-
sons, Fir. Tfraina`r, 11. (3. Jrrhrakawr f t
Wurtele; privileges, 1.. L. Knox urMl
Councillor D. Sproul; finance, Coun-.
G . 11. ilumber ctsirman.
ildren's Ong* ss Usual
]t wns deldesl Gr have the eh11d-
Well at Waterworks rein's Rnrnex xs neat oil i11ta rGlttarP tar
the morning, wllh It •T. Falwardx and
C. Looby of Dublin the Success
ful Tenderer at
Tenter' for the construction of the
new well at the waterworks pumping
station were opened at a meeting of
the pubiic utilities commission en
Tnesdtty afternoon. The 1hwest"'ten-
der. which was aerepted, was that of
('Inyton Looby of Dublin, at $2.4792:. Baxetlttll League. Suitable purses will
Other tenderers were James A. a. prjvkled. There will alta he a
"erten of Thotraeete open to Huron
enunty athletes. E. R. Wigle 1s chair-
men eft the sports enmmlttoee. The
afternoon events will be at Agrleultnr-
ai Perk.
in ('1* evening there will be * hand
roneert on the Squire.
Panther derail* are to As arrangeeT
wt r titer . lac 1 t)e
xi 'i"tlr�
nett at 5 relent.- `
At the weekly dnplteate bridge tour-
nnmeqi held at MacKay Hall Monday
evening, the following were winners:
lat,Mrs_.W_. F..$altndere tad Mr, 1'. F._ __
Carey. pins 9%; 2nd, Mr,. 1. D. East-
man and Mr. J. R. Hume, Mrs. D. D.1.
Mooney end Mr. N. C. Lanaway. tied.
plus :17 3rd, Meer.- Jenner and Miss
G. Ginn, minus %.
7CnoTh4r tame *111 he held -Met Mrrie
day evening at MacKay Ha11,-
R. Stonehtau'te in charge, and arrange-
ments for the nsrol morning parade W. I. DiSTRiCT MEETING
were It ft in the hands of ('ozena lllnr The district annual meeting of the
Fnml Seabrook. West Huron Women's institute will he
\ hlg feature of the the
will 11e a held in Dnngnnnnn on Wednesday, •
biting all tournament, the suRgeatlon_Hay 30, 1934. The morning session
being sponsored at the rneetinR will open at 10 a.m., when the reports
by N. dieter, vice-president of of the twelve brnnehen will be given,
tate' (1r.tdPrtc,h baseball club. The pro- end sten the report of the standing
tm _
,is pngxw'tl will include nePmtttews and the Federation report.
pee in the morriing and two Ram Afternoon sesMnn begins at 1.30. A
In the Afternoon, alae competing teamscnetf m am hes been prepared, con -
being menders of the Musca -Perth R P Rs"
staring (lt oho eesex, reeitnttons and solos
Mrs. Mefoweil. of Mtiverton, Federa-
tion representative. will be present and
will give nn address. an also will Mr.
Putnam, superintendent of the De-
pertment. A rewrite] Invitation Is err
tended to ell indleq whether mei♦
hers (lt an institute or net, to attend
tfOis 4feo�the av
tthose meetings. Diener will be served
gn h. Thi toes belles wide
bSrasuat .�
Vance, Wootistock ; Oanadian Engin-
eering and Contracting Co., Ifamlltnn,
Toronto and Montreal; Brennan Pav-
ing Co., Hamilton.
The work of connecting the pompe
with the new well Is to he done by
dap- tsar. and the approximate cost
of the complete work. Includl i the
Work ea.. ere
meneeM at (lora.
000 bushels of revs ier Buffalo
.eM•. r+a r.041• as"+