The Signal, 1934-03-22, Page 2;"*".","".Italk .'"°°'"110041111"Iiirtfl
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Itsratiausem 1848
Iltdassiesr sf Caoadfula Weakly Ninospapion
Published every Thursday morning
nabecription price PAO per year, 10
Telephone 36 : Goderich, Out.
W. H. Rointsrroott, Editor and Manager
Thursday, March 22nd, 19.34
Though the United States Senate
was actuated by reasons affeliing its
•wn country. its defeat last week of
the St Lawrence seaway treaty is
• greeted with thankfulness in Canada.
----11Arreently the- peopic_of this country
were not to be NTWotr--to-thai- whether
•r not they favored this scheme, in-
volving a huge addition to the natidual
indefinite prospect of
any advantages to
very certain prospect of injury to im-
portant Canadian interests. ,
While the Pilate Waist.; declares
that the eta of defieltr -0e-the Cana-
dian National Railways most be
brought to a close, a iwojett 311 pns-
--innted that-rvltrIf
prive the rnilways of a large part of
- . •
parliamentary tint with "Sir John H.
. • •
As a hte) In the "unifying" of Ger
&U!, Hitler is essaybig to bring
-et- mulct _dr___214....J.L.L°•Itati
•Istirchero. If he has been informed ofl
the history of the church union expert -
meet In this country, he IA • eourage-
• • •
Asweine of our contemporaries re-
mark, that Met of l'erth county not-
able* we copied recently from The Mil-
verton Sun had an important
omission. It should have included
the name of Malcolm Maelletb of MU-
‘srton, for many years the editor of
'the Sun. and past president of the
Outario Educational Assoclatloa and
of the Canadian Weekly Newepilipere
* A discussion in the Holton
mons the other day over a VOW
$2,=2,001) for naval serviees wan •
icutinder of the derisive term "thipet
nary" with widen Ctuisereative
papers were fond of describing the Do-
yuluion's naval isinipment when Use
Liberals were in power. Now that
their party la responsible for it, the
conservatiie papers have deogiped the
eon temptuons note.. Cana4S1 14._e0.i111
• Jaut,,,,,pfxkpti to plain 4.1„,n_e naval
fighting force, under either-14qm
Compihd lean Filer of The
Montreal Gazette
' 'Hues* 15 or eredaltlant-
enactment read: "The flower ••
popularly called the 'wild roar/ shall
-be adopted and deemed to be Hat Io
"al emblem of the Province Ot air
(Note -As far as 1 know„ MM.
Is the only other Proviso, of
ise..,..Dousinkw tial
flower or Its own, having beengrant
by special act of Parliament the beau-
tiful trailing arbutus. Sewanee has
higg•eded that Ontario should adopt
ftilkey'fffrifinelfs "its themes.
it that be a matter fur our Horti-
cultural Societleo to take up? F.J.N.)
Marek 22
11410 --Bishop Plessie of Quebec sent
le the Roman Catholic Vicar General
41 Montreal * mantle:nein to be read
the churches Inwhich he warned
the clergy not to interfere In politics,
'and laying great stress on the ueed
of supporting the lititish Government
ef the colony, as the freedom of the
ltoman Catholic faith in Qaebee de-
pended on it. Ills action In this was
;he more trignitieaut as Sir James
'Craig, the Governor had made him-
.gceatly_dIsitked ty ihe k
sus account -of Isis partirularTy
-trositment of them.
1907. -The Industrial Dispute's In-
vestigation Act was peopled by' the
fensof Commouo. This Act Wad
largely the work of a -Young Men, W
L. Mackenaie King, then Deputy &M-
ister of Labor. It operated for some
years until the I'rivy Council ruled it
ultra tires of the Iknninion ['arils
March 18
0"2"37-1Vh;147ard'Veglble1t' 'VIP-
,,nia was given . the title "queen's
town." •
IST1.-Rt. au% a. A. Tossellereau.
114man Catholic Ilisimp o Quelw..,
-via created archbishop and on June
1996, isee. ws&r.luda A cardinii.
Leine the Grit In Canada. He died
April 19111...1908-
miell.-*.-The Canadian Pacill- Rail-
way bridge over the Bt. Lawrence be-
tween Whine and Caschaswase was
commenced. Ilp 'to the time this
bodge was completed the C.P.R. had
sto pay tolls to the Grand Trnuk for
tuntrug rights, esti' Victoria bellies
UMW New--IstrIt---Doet941Ua
1909.---TW4R111 -took -Miser
John 14. Cowan.a prointhent *gore- in-
0:median affairs. He was lodge of
tnincoe county 11:43-443; a memher ut
royal COMmtwelen
gated. the C.P.R. scapdal shames in
11473. He was knighted November
GUI. 11006, and called to the Senate lu
J4nuary, 1986.
their present burieeee. The whole of Conoervative auspices.
• • *
„ Aemilthaeda:‘rojr<'111ItPP511:4:111iitnth'ar:::*.the0nresutilltes
Great Lakes would be endangered. and,
- claimed for it tly Its advocates, mil-
itate of dollarinvested in Calildll.1
Ok'steni of -grata irausportation-weu
be thrown intei the discard. The Sig-
ell does not for a mome
thi.t the opening of the seaway wool&
bring abut the benefits whichrits ad-
vocates profess to see iu prospect ; but
ate thing is certalts-__thg.iebglibiwpold
eau enormously to the burden -of debt
under which ..canaditellis now .tiger-
ing. ani it is to. be hoped that it Will
now be definitely dropped until, per -
Mare* 19
Mt. -Sir Alexander Schomberg
Tilt; Ile bad been a great .‘,:dies
with Wolfe at Quebec.
Mi. -Loafer Conies was .orn at
rondines, Lower Canada. Entering
politlea. he became Premier of Quebec
la. 1995, holding that office for li teen
to hob) that ofbee.441) the union of p-
yt ars ; then In 1921 becalm. 'Minister
per and Lower Caned" took pisee in
uf Justice in the Mackenzie King Cab -
1b41. His departure was regretted by
'net He did not see eye to ere with very few in the Province, as, having
been Governor_g Van Diemen a Ian)
bcfore coming to TorinTki, he was de
cidedly lacking in tact. and be did not
seem to realize that Canadians might
resent twine treated as 11)nviets.
1853. -Donald D. Mann was horn at
A group of independent electors lit
West Lambton have decided upon a
ors- way of choosing a candidate for
Vie Legislature. A nomination meet -
lux will be held. and those proposed
4-111 subsequently be given an oppar-
turns- to express- their- -vie
series of meetings. Then a canvas/
will be made to give the eleetora an
opportunity of Haying which of tbe
IrroPooed nominees should be chosen
is the 'candidate. The plan Movits
incrits. and it will, be interesting to
-observe-how- tt-works---out ,
• • •
Addressing • Meeting at Hamilton
Marek 23
MC -AIM first botel licenses
CLEARING! Irish Linen Damask
Hemstitched Table Cloths,
ftk.gular-S5+40: -A geoid saving QU111L5L.
Damask Table Cloths. Lovely smooth quality. with I
em -
stitch edges. Size 68 x 86. On sale, each
New lettb-rus in splendid quality at
S1.25,$1.50 and $1.75 yard
We *ill ineatoure your floors, give estimates
for laying. liniug and cementing by competent
NeO LSI tterliK. See our window diettlay
Size 9 x
101/2 ft. ID3*
9x12 $11.50
f t
39 to 45 incliew wide, in ivory. ecru. and
. white. Girlie make, in tinted filet weaves in
"11111111ffr-pattessa. Values up to Lie and Vilt,Jard,
At per yard 48c
were issued.
1938. -SW George Arthur was
sworn as Lieutenant -Governor of Up-
per Canada. Ole wad the hist person
titer membre of the Cable') or.
the tariff policy aisTiesIgned- 'notary
2nd, BM. Ile was sworn as LIstiten-
tWmiir of "Garber. January. 40, -
1929. and died suddenly Maren 2141b
ut the game year. He was
in 190o Besides being • poliztelan,
Acton, Ontario. Ile was a railway
1 ory and cream: -New' patterns aesi tall-
ored edge. Size 36 taeitess x 2% yards
Per pair $1.19
Heavy Blinds in grow ivory and cream, ou
aned___rosserg. -Complete Irith braekets- and _
Ms* VT Ischia x elan
Ea& 6*
Butterick Patterns all in stock
for May, and Delineator
Sir Conner was on tbe directorete /f -
.telue ut cauttiinii.wid*Lbusimlisle_tt anarakerankanndelerwit_th usiti_-tillitattem Meas.nlae(nnzaine
WHITEcifflICH, March 21 -Mr.
in 11111.
Northern Railway. He was knighted si.d Mrs. Russel Reid of Brantford
mt the week -end with his mother,
-TILIN.-White at Onondaga, Dupuss, Mrs. A. Reid of Lucknow.
:wing learned that the Onondagas 1. -Rev. Benjamin Cronyn was
/dam* 24
Mr. Chas. Gillespie and Mr Mal- !mule Western Ontario nhotglin con-
tort: ,ecretly decided to massacre the
Installed as the first Bishop of Huron. toim ROSS attended the banquet if the 1.)41O15, says The London Free Press.
Snell Gas Company In G•xlerich on
The same rabbit keeps. young men In
Thursday evening last. this part of the am') nce o
Jackrabbit Hunthsg Has Increased
Nunebex4141Mgun Esparta
' The jackrabbit. which arrived In
this part of tlw world about 1912,
years hence thia country
I ed the Indians to a remit.
arclis of millions of dollars. served that one of the chief causes of Being urged to eat more and inore.
they presently intestine insensible from 1,485. --General Middleton, who wag
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holmes are intend -
rage of shot and shell and each year
!arre are more hunters afoot, through
the swamps 11 1111 WW1 of this Province.
It is apparently the cities and
towns that supply the bulk of titts new
army of Shooter.. not the farms. The
farmer. say the hunter... takes an in-
t kilbng
terted n
them. Ile likes Insect -eating birds on
his pine... He is not the wholeaale
%O'er that the city -bred man, out for
tle. present taste a *traits hi-thig then in colnmanil of the Canadian rud buying cartridge*. The question lee
P .1 iling guns
'dm nmeh eating. The French were militia left intaoa fur Winnipeg to Ing to move to the village In .11e near
is. will the jackrabbit, and th. desire The farmer tends In some ways to
esu afford to throw away a few bun- last week, .Hon. George S. Henry oh- F....itch. Inv t Ile died in
haps. somi sea
other countries was that the various be a eonservator of wild life. The
peoples were not trading with one an- their boats, and to reach Montreal. hall been called out to put down the
lake eommand of the troops which future. Mr. Holmes has rented his
term to Mr. Jas. McInnis of Tees -
game birds?
Will young Ontario, taking more man is the ruthleos gunman.
THE VOTE ON TITLES thin able to escape ‘lown the Oswego, 1 11 hunt him, eventually destroy the
The House of Commons, by n vote other as they should.. 'Our Improv 1902. -lion. J. T. °arrow was ap- lel...Ilion In the Northwest. water. who will take poem-m.10n the
an) More to hunting, to shooting at
1 I ovn resolu- went will not be sound until we se 1
'Al 1 Of Ontario. Ile died Augnst 31st,
pointed a judge of the Court of Ap-
Vancouver, wax sworn as a member
1921. Mary Mien Smith. M.I.P. for rut of this month, after Mr. Holmes' s
anything that moves on the ground, COURRIE'S CORNERS
t.f 113 to 94. vote( 1 / i •
tion againet titles presented by Mr. away front- the thought of living to
1914i. His sou, Iktn. Charles Garrow' a! the British Columbia Cabinet. Sbe
Humphrey Mitchell. Labor, East Ham. eatselveg.....Let us get together and i now occupies the same room In (04- ) the distinction of being the first blast Mother Nature's wild children
thon. The rate. withieveveiriteeptIons. Swap goods.' --Mr. Henry -40Aibt-- Setdom usonan in the. British Empire to be- , off the fare of the earth. so tar as
was on party lines, the Conservatives Hin The hi'4"" elf-leaa4k4":1t--1111 mate a eatiinetTaiiniater. 461. young people of the churches. After iiii,Aisteict Is concerned? .11.t,t trey?
transfer himself from the Legtalatnre
so,Ing to opliold the Prime Minister to pened that father and son should both the program part of the entertninmento -
. Mien, my game experts and h
era in the city, old-time hunters. wee
in his dewire 1014r105 heels all the pomp f''''teAa They have brought honor to their na- mimes were played and hinch served.
de Mr. Bennett that a return to become judge% of the Superior Court.
express the fear that thia•wilS be the
the llonft of C.ommons and try to
tirosperity in. -Canada depends upint nes tool -Tot fbaderieh. - , , I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt spent
ease. In the not far distant future.
. Sunday last with his mister, Mro.,
it -woe heritage the native gams
1930. -Dr. J. W. Robertson died. LEIN:II-RN, March 21 -Mr. Horace l'il'en.' 01 Te"wale-r4 '
bird.. were becoming (scarce that the
The (Miry industry of Canada owes Horton went to Clinton live We.ines- Mr. Fred Chihli of St. Marys Is
Hungarian partridge as. introlure.1
'emit to him and hie work ,aff dairy day to a meeting in the interest of ' 0,iting here with his parents, Mr. and
iota Ontario. yet what has happened
eonimissioner. He was alms the first
fertilizer. Mr. Wm. Watson of Car- i Mrs. John Child..
to grandfathers wild turkey out In
principal of Maedonald College at Ste. "ma attended the game meeting. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Mrs. Victor
the bush may well be the fate of the
Anne de Bellevue. In his later- years Mr. David A 1 . i .1 In Emerson spent Friday at the home of
ni • rson, f m ler 8.
Hungarian partridge. the ruffled
. _ _ . • 19.9101.44._1111 the former!' S . , .
' biter -In-law Mrs Dan
see on Tueeday. March 27.
Very auceessful aortal eveninr% were
held In both Chalmers and the United
clitirch here on Friday evening last by
in the treeo or in the air. etentually
-Mrs. Stelvtn Rayner' anti children,
of Paramount. event a few days last
1111=-74--viefijaith her parentm-AI=med..-Wea
JO. Drennan.
MY., -Matt Johnston has been quite
111 with a cold this past week.
Kiss Anna -Mae Fantail has returned
from Goderich. where *he was Mar-
ilee to 1M with her brother Alex., who
.• still in the hospital. We are glad
t.. say Alex. I* doing quite nicely now.
Mrs. Robert Scott and Isabel riatted
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacDonald,
sutte.411,_dx.m_latt week.
and circumstance that accompany titu-
ob4the waling down of the sky-high tar
ler distinctions -and. some *ay, to
. iffs that have been erected by the
thin a title for himself -while Liberals
mid member, of the indepeodelit Federal l'rime Minister: r
pinups supported the Mitchell remits- - •
One of the ex -emit -Wm • to -the party - - --,----sosi-- ---------
tine-up was the member for North MAFEKING. March 20. -Mr. C.ecil
Ji,,it.inissistittenr,strinrst pataof mlatlet week with
Huron. While the Hottee•as a whole
turned its back upon tbe vote of 1910 Mire. Harvey Weliii:1 a nd itithy, Loralis,11.
banning titles from Canada. only a of Kt. Helens, vioited the past week
tow of the individual members could , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
director rot tlie-triniaidlioil-Ited- giandasoTket,- G I rvin, --1111
' Marelki.L._ • home of his parents on Thursday. the • •
Mr Harry Bateman haw mire
Mr. Pringles farm. east of NN inghant. For the
1792.-Colooel Simeoe. Lieutenant- 131h. 'There wits no Sehtx)1 sesmion
and Ile and his mother will move there bird.. le larger than ever before and
In the near future. each year
The W.C.T.C. meeting will he held birds are
proportion of hunters to -If two per eent. ot oar population
Mould take a personal. resolute atand
It Increases. Each year the against war. that. W011111 end war" -
faced %lib a heavier lair Albert EInntein.
Governor Of Upper Canada, expressed that day.
the belief that the site on
(Thames) 'River, where London now hue,. these days gath. ring sap down
Stuart relumning home on Mason. front I is. would be the best place for the at the bush at the hank of tile lake.
, 'pent Net week with Ila friend JIM t tiler came of it, howeeer. I1,11 Thuraday. March 29.
Phillipo. who spent the
thin occartion, the personnel of the Ladino*. I vagina of the Provinee. Nothing fur- Tuesday was it beautiful sunny apring
be accuaed of reversing their rote on ' ,
House having altered greatly since- Correa'. ' Ve49.-The town of Sorel was incor- The last of the young people's gath-
- nay for this oork. Wider at Norwirli. spent a few day'
Mr. Harry
the Tranche 1 Mr. and Mr- Hamilton Clutton are
at the home of Mrs. Robt. Mowbray •••
1919. Mr. Spotton, however, while he Messis, . John and WIII Cook, who Imitated as a city. Situated at the or nits of the .ircult will be 110141 at last week oith his aunt, Mrs. A. Fox,
aim unable to attend the clobeh tier- retwe Rivere, It has grown from a March 30th. Port Albert will give the_ and will* Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey a
Teas not in the Haillw at that Hine, had have been hi mew health all winter junction of the Riehelieu and St. Law- beehtirn clitir.•11 on the evening of
Mt. Helens. prior to ieavinx
for -hM home at Weyburn. Sask.
Mr. Alex. Moo -bray of itinerate spent
ft fen days last creek with his
Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray.
A good (Too.' attended the dance In
-the hitt- on Tuesday evening.
This Friday evening the young folks
of the Ath and 9th conceasionx of
Fast Wawano*h will present their
tayro.;owllaidlleybyFadarmacittce' In.the hall, to
Mr. George Tiffin had the mIsfor-
;tine to Si home nn Tues-
rity butt. -111*--Was assisting Mr. Wal-
ter Itichardeon to move to tie new
form near Teeowater. Which had beep
purchased from Mr. Peter O'Malley,
smt It fell dead•in the yard there.
Nit-. and Mro. John Hartnells of
leeswnter. whiff have spent the last
fe-s- weeks with their daughter is al*
ley. are violting over the week-eud
Mr. and Mrs. John lalcontrbe-
foie leaving for their bogie.
1,Ittle Donn1.1 Is visiting
with his grithdperents, Mr. and
expre-tasi 115 eppose. o 111*5
relies, which they did with unfailing French fort to an important ere
to 11129 (when a Liberal Goternment regularity until their iliness, greatly shipping port, and is also a depot of
WAS In power). and he eouldl not very appreciate Tinto from their neighbors the Mnrine Ilepartment. In its early
W'II go-bifek. up00 111* oWl% speech 014 -ltd friends. -Mr.-Henry llorton de -I -41.01,4i was the (Swat. oLmany battles
thetu'hy-spending part of Sun- • 1 ft -The confront wits known as
IFPW years ago. Howeveti be ex- illa;tea a111 111 er
eftermeow-witis them and singing Fort William Henry.
tufted ids temporary lapse itrom his their favorite hymns. 1030 -----The Floral Emblem Act of
usual responelvenem to the party call The V.IP.14. held a St. l'atrick Metal
Sy an exhibition of partisan spleen In the hall Friday evening which was
oell attended. The program, pre -
toward() the leader Ilf the ,Opposition
- - and Iltrtber- by 411." deekirilti°1/ that .Par.nce ered bon7Fet-. 11.!e*" -ng80stilinilittb.Zailltal:
wt inn VIM to etIPPort this rem441- am: Wit* tonna-let by 41bup end gro-
ttos, but If I thought tor_ it moment emirate games. Lunch was oerved at
. 1111- The following letter was published ict the poners that be change all this
(hat the Opposition conaidered that liie titHe of 16. Jutecenetfiti eren.
;;;e;ds even a tinge of wont of
program. Nile will furniah the games
and Leetourn will entertain.
Miss Evelyn Horton and Miss R.
Jones of Gotieriela Spent Sunday after
poon at liwinnite_Of the-fenner's par
We are glad lo report that Mrs. Atm'
Alberta was given royal assent. The lHorton Is improving.
Timber Dues and Relief
eonfidence in this Government in ray - by taking IIIP export 1111t1PS /4r all
worth of ca se i:o The Toronto Globe last week. The
vote against kinds of enlp000d to the Stntes. at
so doing I would gladly
phase." mid 'the depreo. identity of the writer may be grummed
Irma for a time. and reduce the dues
man. • Goderieh readers: to 25 cents. at least until the country
Hardly the heroic attitude The ,in a hardware tthop, (dr." re-
sir.mber for North 'Huron is oppospO Ulled the assistant. regretfully, "so we
dont whisk ft. hut is there -anything
to tjtieu and doettn't care who knew') 1 4.,
1 / for yon In our special line
of rupee. neon., qr revolvers?'
it; lw will expreito his convictions hy
, lie votetoday. tomorrow or the next
stass.-110 !nog as his vote means no-
thing and will not' endanger his pa
tf Mr. Spotton fettr41. eve o
in GARDEN IN Walla
nier, • ,
allWaya it has seemed T6-11Ili
_Tile rows sprawling benne efht
- ng eisolthtt, •
The /telling lettnee, corrode faithered fine. -
Mee far too little room id whirls to
And 'winder hlugthy thought% of life
that garde». fiat arid bleak
. thirk fir-ittnterdeY's dee,
'for hie etend upon this .tiette, wit
are afraid that. lr_muit
leather .one.
To the Editor of The 01obe: & few
words in regard to Government relief.
unemployment aid pulpwood.
In the first plat* we toed to have
up here in the north probably ten
housand men 'who derived their living
the minima and handling of
Delightful spring (toys!
• • ' •
Throw awittitnenykry eiwevel, and_
bring out ittejeatelo_d ilk, hoe.
• • •
The spring teed catalogues never
bad a more eager reception than Gil*
goer, after the abnormally long win
4. "Old Man River" h • been enjoy -
lag Ma annual spree title week, but
will soon aubside into Ida quiet and
sughtssutie stele
&ads sod low wires Under ftio
Ilikekosi tariffs In Canadian hiotory.
mstritinen are enjoying magnificent
, ere they not?
. • •
po of Sir Jetta A ! ?be litndon
get. ont of its present muddle.
.At present we are offered $3.75 for
rough pulpwood loaded on the cars.
Toe cutters alionid get #1.50 per cord.
tend the farmers who haul the wood
should get $1.50 per cord : the Depart-
nient of Iambs and Pomata 25 cent',
tioronan Ttittrutiserwirs-persotiaall7 and.-tha,lausers-likeenia_ for scaling_
floe*. Why is this? Because the Gov- wood, fowl other expenses.. making in
t dries on titnber are too high,
And the iloverfilllent /neve isli
wbo use( to_cut and handle pulpwood
The Government relief wood', be ail
If them meet wore doing anything
are heeiirrae-4* loon -yes. thottsendo snow welliti again he gbh' hl the hY 'red Tin Ines, youngpot daughter of the
Tr/0,40W g -••••••••••••••••••••illIMININ-•
Seems Just a phice (wind-ewept and
Of barren. entitl.s spare*; room tire,
To walk 0.1.1 ponder. felt 1 but the
Two olpitreelo, fat and money. hop
1The 'Arden lunettes high, their cheeks
a bulge
Witt' oisoessm Irons _their atom tr
It near -tilt Mt ineirSiocismpere•-lndhin
Alen dIsippesr, as eillek se light
II A hollow, vibe?, they're built their
linty neve.
IThotsgh not eondoeire reflectlr,
" sidataifies refers to
Mint 101110d Oglasitrvativ• ary
ia a winsome moot in win
till $3.73.
'The Way to End Hunk
These prices are KW too sman. hnt if
the ltepertemstrt of -inenteenn.1
would mak. this reduction in dues 4.
think WP eould get briny, and 11 1 1 them
llothrina of Holyrood.
.. Mitred isbititi, the younger sum ed
Mi. and Mrs. Greg. Shiell, has
Jtm Conites had the misfortune
to-lotte quite a number of his MANN
his colony house Was on Itat_satt
wrialknes. .-A very pretty wt41
constructive: Pomething permnnent for tarmers and pulpwood cutter* who fling AS 11,1 solemnized Lucknow on
the good of tbe country. BUt TM. there are o (irking on the roads „hot -riling Wedneelay. Ntarch 21, when Winnl-
Can Easily Result From a Heavy Winter ISA
Damn suffer from constant iseadaehe, billouoneas. •
eonstipation, eoated tongue, etc.
is a vegetable corrective and will give gulch relief.
It also aids tbe stomach In its work of $1.00
digestion...Sold fir ever 41 years
r PUTTY -43 -
if men shovelling aneit out of the , their own resoorees. Thio thing r
ditehee along the reniimm iiiith,"13-.1 Government pnying relief find getting rime the brkle of lir. Wellington Nix -
(t• the late Mr. and Mra. Hold. Ilninett, be -
Of course the Government
(*nom he continued without itimater ont:i..looiiattiemr:onsposteigtmationleotef TJA,porihdnoriNtInn
1.15•05 will no %Mille Is II 11 1111/1k, RI111 .ewate1e.p, nn4
Wer have np here three to fieir feet Of
flte emotive the Women.' Institute of
OAP That these men are digging ditchee.
'snow on the levet. and 8 person min TIontiyhrna 11111(1 a . mtwellinienne
imagine men digging dttches in all shower for them nt the home of the
Ohs snow, with the thermometer 30, 40 tvride's sister. Ntro Snowden. This. eom-
and 80 below stern. Would it not be wittily Intends' host Isiah.... to the
far better to give these men their happy roust. for n long and happy
$1.20 and let them roast their 'Minx wedded life.
at their own 110MP fires? this community will be plesosel to eon.
Clissompion Mreakmaker.-Many in
grottier. Mr*. Ries l'atten of Lnean,
tlatighter of liro. A. Fos of thin sit-
ing.% who was the grand champion
breadmoker In the Five Roy flour
'raking context which *am hem ',enc.
!y. There were• 1127 inverts,. 100
brestaild, Afromowtwimweetty-
sevencauln e•t9riof etri
love was done at Mortletteld frentrifeali
tioelph, by Mise M M. Darby. Mies
N. e. Kay and Miss Jeen Miller. of
the staff of Mat Dotted Inatitnte. The
prise was a beautiful silver tea wer-
Air" and $50. We take off ner hat to
Mrs Patten. the champion hreadmaket
of °Marto.
very mini itt ell 61 nit"
A100.-iiWrisifitint tbe -& 11.
Railway rehire freight rates. instead
.(1 elterging the same as they did
o -lien finlphmosi wail worth three times
the price it is feeler, Whe-estanet the
T. & tear part of the "Arden of
thio depreesion (Ind recline rates, in -
wild of grinding the lives out of the
smell men ond sending oll the money
!bey ran grtnsi ant of 1.• to Que..o••
Park. where It is 11 11 TIMe1 Into the
Cut the Due"
Why not rhang" all this by reducing
the flovernment dime on pit pw
The Government have been charging to melting pot, and, we think. Is lost to
1 73 17141111" 1"1"r"ndVi° hilekt *4.4fp"ehTeerrel ire think thnt if the
that they live rednetel tfil* to el. hut)-
h ea ratty *1)11 el fief ken* Mee nese*, assinitr elifindie hi9.11,4111111111..
1. pnipwond and the T AN() reduce
their Wee, then Mere wont/ he no
(Attie for Mr Flhl rton to hare thou-
sand* of Men 'Moronity! snow mit of
the ditches at 111 20 por day anti ceil
ing It Government relief We think
It Is Government memo* of the
worst knd.
Goldthorpe ow 001,Dag.
if 10 la a fart or net tinder prowent
4indIttono peen et lo too mneh. nod it
*Imply porralvesse all buoinem. There
fore. the Goverrunent gets nothing:
the railwayget no pronto, and all
throe men iniateineet In the past
throngh tellies/hod ge on relief, and the
Government pays and gef• nothing fer
the theesando nf duo!' spent Now
obbs- Plate
We willtlo your Glazing
Sash called for and delivered
Let us quote you prices
on Stormsash
We carry a complete line of
Geo. Westbrook, Manner. F. C. Kalbfleich, Prop.
74911; '44!ifei lejteithEk r