The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-16, Page 40• Lnehrnotv Son** Werinesday, December 23, 1981—Page 14 Sp win Oiiist.S4..: It was defensive hockey its best, when St., Clements played here olit Friday night *Paint The SereYs- Ray Guay made sonw excellent saves f©r the Sepoys and retired to the dressing room' witha 0 -0 score afille end of • the first Orin& , Bach in the wooed, Lea- 11, • ' now took a two goal lead,, only to have it tied an Lucknow /oak the teal again et/x*111411e third and never looted back. The final SCOW ,SVaS 7 - 4. Owls were scored . by Kevin Clark with two, Pat. MufraY, Jeff Taylor, Randy. Ah0. Rob Surridge and lan bliontgomery each picked up. singles. On Sunday the Sepoys traveled up to Lion's Head shod of non power- The score showed this factor very much as the Sepoys were defeated by a score of 13 - 4. Lucknow goals were scor- ed by Greg Hutton, Mark . , • A•• Frayne, bn Montgomery and David Errington. The Lucknow Sepoys will travel by bus to Monitor. on December 27 leaving the Lucknow Arena by 12 noon. Fansare invited to come along and support the team. CIA 528-2546 to reserve seats.. - ucknow bowiers win units turkeys Lucknow-Dungannon Larks high single Mime Carter235.14clieshig,•tripfe Evelyn Harken 549- " Lanes over 200: Dianne Carter2351, Thelma -Vag Osch 206, Nancy Swan 204, Evelyn Itrarett 201, Susan Steven - Mears high. single Pete Van Osch 264. Men's high triple Pee Van Omit sat. Men over 225: Pete Van 0Sch 764, Lester Ferguson 24. Points and standings; Chipmunks 3, 33; Tigeis 4, 39; Gophers 2,35;'*Plumb 5, '42; Wolverines 3, 35; • Kangaroos 4, 47.. Congratulationsgo to Brenda Ferguson who bowl- ' ed 140ever her pms average and D. A. ilackett bowled .164, pins over his to win turkeys. KinVou bred Indies high 'single -0nd high triple was rolled by Angie Parrish with 224 and 576.- Ladies 21 and over: Angie •Jim Lavis with 5,71. Men 200 and over: Harry Norm Bolt 204 - Team points and stand- ings: Macs 5, 49; Snows Z. 47; Kings 7, 46; Pippins 0, 46; Sirls 2, 41; WegthYn 5, 23 Winnows of the Christmas roll were ladies:. Angie Fai- rish and Doris Siperko; men: Terry Kamm, are Tom Downey. Lavis 242, Jim Lavis 224, Parrish 224. 208, Val Mat- youth Bosom thews 200. Men's high single Ham, Lavis with 242 and high triple triple, Bruce Enka 468 - Junior high single, Tiin Becker 178. Junior high triple, Chris Collyer'475. Bantam high single, Scott Allen 149. Bantam high triple, Red Crich 393. Points and standings: Cor - vets 15, 1131,S; Cadillats 12, 15; Lambergrnis 11, 120; rwebirds 11, 117%; Z28's 10,'58; Ferraris 4,8&, Town and Country , GraCe Geertsma had high 'score for the ladles with Senior high single- Tom Tans so non 16. Gilmore 208, Senior high RON SMUT FARM SUPPLIES SPECIAL • ON MIME FARM IMMOreigiiir Oil Dom 314 114111 - itginvisseriornoisosam SPECIAL 1110.1111114. 111011241104iiiiwohisterwhattor . SPECAL 41,1140.1111 itanvatintritalitontrudiertsmoVit010.10 SPECiiit Inowitarsonsitpliorrwirr%424 Whig IV IOW AWN. filin10141114. 1111110.Ve Ogee 010 161111001111116146 perm emir Ihdiser • tiarteiritikait le% IlcircirshriatOtt-ONLY RON STANLEY FARM SUPPLIES Itarvie 3454434 0