The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-16, Page 31.2 . Weida*Ian waste a as diage Of theft ado* $200. When be appeared ir. Walkankar Provincial, Court on Tday fo rg on - ares into . aE ' theft at Motors m L.cknow, A id -year -may a� . has retell om prorniSe apPear Kiicarsline ora the same charge. •Febtuary, 15 A Godee ch Ontario Pkovincial ., Proms tablesawn at cat erg rf ifdawr r Motors bus One* ng lot on Abel greet alma, 2.30&mr. Tuesday . ntorniarg. 1 ember 1& Thinking it'suspicious, the oto recorded the licence plate nun be i of the carr and. He found f n the snow wound the bases and gasoline spilt on the gross& The earwax ttscatcd Thr as concession 10 of Kinloss Township and.: the two men were Both were charged with !&t under r`W. The Windsor man remaiied "tom Walkerton District Jail, became* had railed toappear in come tochargeLaid m W r o'athnithidto stealing S% V of gasoline frognithe Montgomay buses and was fined 5150 and .ordered to make retribution m the amount of : the stolen gasoline to Montgomery Motors. Attend Co-op convention WaiterKate Mrs. Betty MD ' re- ceived word.the end of fast ' week. dolt her nephew. David • Bell. sorb of Mae and Jean of Hamilton. hes sem: Charter- ed /l1 emus and '. has. cheerftsffy accepted a position in BCebrridg: Mr, and Mrs.. Chutes WAins were in Toronto the first of the week may to Wednesday). Wye there they attended the CO -op convent marc which was held at the Royal York Hotel - Janet Wi " of Sarnia Merchant's draw Winners in the fast Luck - now, Merchant's Draw are first,. Gladys )Ei'a�tdenrtty, Lucknow; second, Joe Van °Sch, l M M .lis Lutknow and third, Alice Ritchie It 5 Lacknow.. -Visit Kinlough seniors Met May Christmas to all Dore readers.. The•sen turn citizens afar our village were pleased to have * visit from the Ripley Lions Chili ow Sat'urday and each homereceived a nice Christ- mas. lhhrristmas cake,. a truly yuletide gestut Miss Tan n y Hodgins of Vancouver, ike. and Miss Mrcheft God$ of Tomtit). daughters of Mr, and Mrs.. rine Hodg ns;. are -home for the holiday.. Donrard Rah of Waterloo and his nep , Darrell Barr of Efase Borden spent 'the weekend with Mrs, Johns ltur here.. Heartfelt sympathy is ex- tended to Mr, and Mrs, ROO Gillespie the death of their infant daughter.. tlfirs. John Barr and her grandson., Darrell?, visited on Sunday with M'c and Mrs, Morley Busher at W ngham, Mrs, Gertrude Walsh of KKincardtne and Mr's . Karen • Alien of Efoiyood visited with E iota and. May Boyle during the ,week. and Mr Barbara ltd o1' P'a'm,;. daughters of Char- les and Maymne Wilkins, are at the home of their parents now until after Christmas, The annual c:011 - Celt WaS' held. Thursday ev egg at Brookside School A nom of from this. amity took part m the P ristay lagetei Mac- Donald .left on the weekend for Detroit to attend a. atomg there- She INV be stayinrg with her sister„ BilI acrd Janet Kempton of Plaint Cfark were guests at the. Karen Lowry -Robert E1 not wedding nn- the: ICW rley United Church in. Ripley Saturday. December 12, Kar- en** aren* * ssterrofMrS. ThOleas Wil' Kempton of Am- bailey- Mrs, Pauline Kemp- ton and Aft s Mary of Pant CLrk were brides- maids ridmaids' at Kaseres we g;• Congratulates to Kates and Robert Elliott and may they have many yarn of happy married life-. Here it is Christmas time again with all its wonderful" carols and . traditions., Through all the tumble in the world, may we never forger: the real meaning of Christ- mas, Peace with you all. Six legged calf r.�. I i.Pr. i. hear was haus air .fiann elf Grow Sfenf e, Klidlistatimandlig Maly, Doenidait 11. The calf his .twos e enter arae tieiiuna Onae wu d tabs • lie ail agrabs sum ee■ro unigt rent tn. still limn Go.eg 's s Sal. flirmilhadStaffilhairi 1.1ferrir Christmas to.all our r ig hbonrs and God. Bless everyone in the New 'Yearaf Brian and lane Gere;;. IAA Chesterfiekl —51z May serenity .of spirit, peace and .ley be your ver special. b%sings at Christmas and throughout the New Year- From earE'rom Warren and Lynne McDougall and boys —51a Happy Mamas to all our many friends.. George and Lillian Garratt Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Jean McKeith., 92 years young. Her brother, Bill Johnston —51 To all my,. relatives, friends L.ucknow friends,, neigh- bours„ e rg!hours„ a Very. Merry Chi i t mas and Happy New Year Mrs. Eileen Curran,. 196 St. David St, Gortferich, Ont r N7A i May the peace and happi- ness appiness of -the Christmas spirit be yours throughout the com- ing year. Grant Sharon'. Leisa and Adrian Helm Hropingur holidays will be shining, flied with all the wonderful things that .spell Christmas, Many happy re- turns of the year. Tom, Joan, Janine and Douglas Hebn r Seasons Greetings to all our friends,. neighbours and tela- thres. We wish you and your family a very festive season and a healthy and prosperous _ New Year. Harz„ Pat and, " Kirk fivusgston •