The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-16, Page 2atom mei focItaaw to the village coma at a special areet ng, :PIM Beard , sad Was Nowak' of littidrusd valley Caavratios Authority and George also attested the Os Apra 30, 1961. Luclorow'Maw Ce aacit set it a spell aseedsg wei b Mrs. Mode, Abbott, Malde Cosy aid Aaohoay ftowald. who stated dock objections to a Louse arae bele located as Napier Sleet sear their boomA maim ;made at the App :14 sea* of faclitios Corrail loos aareaded b the adages of ski to the approval of arbours": lie silagedratiw s rs1mcited to elite to Lased .folrr, who had met wide caosrocB at their » Alm i4, so!' 6 gurenmesit for timer eperraadr- hub, hos. pitale..oir be escatimged if. rape ar sery.ar moor OWL no. sa rte ei: stand says ler adiddt this atoll be roue • -41rey cats estaramip awe LAS to pay fhellighre fees far Orate aid sembpsivite rum As et mit Apir !'ittertitses is ffiescfeies rrriv the painaustfee t Aimee paths* cast be retikast hospist fsilL -411rig ems imam tie .pmeialstity df leaib tail a ria, air SOO ap► stew !' magi* setiastat - r urs otto aideripardl Oak losigats, is wheal' eat they :carr carry ares sty salpiloses istsinatl ef setailog this ar tie skis' i . •r fIrsikoty gsesgas* aresaaataift, 'firea- i sadlen eti&fa soil as hefillausit, Ile alit 1 r, Ikea torr Arid* fir,*t arairras last .sea loam mad SIN sagas year. despitte*I7 per crart hike vert..a/rasy filet . T. nu* stale 1air.aiirr aaala .ir irmsi aB the mea,outer'aiey sialiteepa►a.eliaare ma alfa • ilk* frai raid eapeaganic• 11010600 lag 146011 10 apart met *am Imo all room aid ty apprr rdar«assistiiittal&efaillifir a a>. lerraepiid. is a flrssilai'iarr ter agaar oggwisa- 7 bileinesia aaap.aa illevarataitercitrapm omit .ice Is& of: hags* lirriaif saggatied Our say erapiagriirs set smokes will sly surae hearlig err a ikargiters.art 'they will IMO ear mic Abe100. 11111It orldy ieepe op *ilk iia iaai„. bat erariare 1111/ctrl MO. e 1 pine it Ike ,y' it tart.,' Moo will Nista* saraaa thiaa Or the sow laairmpartls.rMS either tai CMG. api�ae■easi. ""1 hsgei nouns rk.T dielive iarcor•taet is ~no Employeesautyreeihre bigikpays That at a ebrra.ie ettertgesto at lirtoilkomarillSbeiliallbegilittesalifgettite bartputyarsiolissia tifaenrrar r ateifs e Wes we • stein aaradrriti aadtie . Wigs& oariter p goefesa'o . Ails tomilliandlillealityistillowbr timeliest Ile UM *peg ar get telae aaararsigr pierdd Sr ma& bat oaerte &MND Oreilitosighoosallartdk ore aieaameae✓t aaiaae **tittle" 311., sepatittg ilia he oaf C aleiilia& the beetplitl brae atortig, eat wet walks o aaa.CalataUaiaiaf` '" timeiteseriapsearsitheiratteageihu miles aha resift kr litiges iiw NOM, saggibssarksyr ay the :rat ap oet t. of fait lbat.app al stolid be to lama . , i -. 10 sriIdraw their ccbjectio s, . y 1thratillihnipapthiroirsaissaar VI a Baxter, trearater ofWay,taas and Dhow Hapata1,.'1. Opal of the i�ihe a and Disfict hospital Baud of O .a d Auk MacHarzie, Lyrdcaow► re ►e osa sillropsfsmo and thiinct Baorad tri iaioaraclhaaoaw aaba a1teaded the: as Aped 15, They aid 0teasfiorr hit the Nolo 31 trsar al slateiseistofttlre,bospi(L truth ..cortail had iagrr d to see locket makiag a dectaoaurgappraval ofapivot•o fie boopitalru b fundi. • • As■aboairsea gassed attieeare iog,Ap 15 rrii b acrd Out w and. mot Hapital Ba iaiadiwg .Food Stoat for *000 gr aneappiared.Thris *WO* is S3 + � 1%1 aid die Waite ealy iw AIL Ole May*1981 iw 'Virago Ca i roil met wrier Hriraaiu meati aid Pii• Mail of llfaidardTaley Coare raIaass.Aradroritj is a. speilat aredig, IhroasO and Bead p ealatepattfi a Taloa Eighwesiag rein iartiv f ada> r •Floei. plai . . k i teat Ulna be engaged to' providetaluicalloprtiiatotate direlopereot of liar, arras pokey for the, A 01• Carrc,T: May 29,1900oosidered areveal firer tocksitor SatOland e 6 to bold ' Sha ste Jawire 19, 20 and 21. 'Approval, aas grated,. V frOrt the • fse*cigar...are for caoamr ally oral • Oa Jrae 9,19151 Lardcriorr V> , tai tt• b Stasi ?Wand of • Boats.atal _Associates as s spet�` t The Leader of Machos Corset of Moaltod. fa 61 .,195,25wasan dothje °tto .of Ttaasponfa ion :20 t s p ra .T heitepderWasforcoasple i-ofthe 19111 toad prarBrr& Whoa 23 s spatial a of L al mow Valve Coosa was bdd to appoint Bei* , -... itao0 depat .el lktr+asitrer of Ore., Oh*, doe. to ihrilloas if A, .E; Habut, clerk >14aarprrer, A specitioree0oglathl.loor24 1901 was • 406010 fry VOA' Mooed Jaffee; " of *Wee Saadi 9larwiog. Board. sad' Sista floualti„ Mahlatail Val. Coaaseswadas . Atabosi y, aaAaumeteesaofLrdrarrw. Village Farther furitslias ilk place s igurrg tile *fay 0144 tails ,desigatedareas, It was deeided Oat Biota Sohl V' Beardwoildp as toter/as10 tittaid aittfontithat metros ittly 15 for the papaw of the oparroales..ofirke e•rates before. pi fa tridi the pfd see-. lacurarellitsitatOievadisTatito A erdasto a the Woolf dratted ors esierthae taxes ,was pfd at a sal lel J01p 31, 11151 d. by roottlkoisgrseelld►rad e Was old a Oturge r. The >reairnr std that interest ram thargealde sopald gases levied pia to OH spa be the *Wert 2344 per arra par ate, ars admired wader per of the llwseiro pal lit sad haat &Aft Actk,.1910i: • 'Ala Specitlireeforg Assist 121 eV -till • offathom! Wate>we.les flepartateit are1 to kronor the water mates fry 20 per eta.tool asterism effective ts1,19I01. At the A.tt 11, Brei of Woos Village aalacteate is tilee outer > tial iraeaeaatrOsassed briefly 7awaa r tog the a A wail ateedag 0 ludo** Village