The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 6As
Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 2, i9...—Page 5 .
Program benefits
•higg pigs
preliminary assessment is done in the in.
fant's home by hroprograta stalfmatibers,
If KIS agreed that the infant will benefit, an
Ntfnith thensetulo- •
itsequelinelvas retitled to Mrs, Evans*
- the Thames Valley (*pled Childretirs
• Centre in London Mon atter she Was born.
• She WAS then given a coMplete
psychologkal testing by Mrs: Eaam• the
director ot the infant stiMnlation
at QM and a leamingprogran *as
• , It mainly involves gamest ithich require
Jacqueline to do certain tasks and which can
be incorporated into her daily activities to
help her with hand -eye co•orditudion,
language, independence, •grss Motor skills
and fine Motor ski*, Some spedaltys are
shod by CPRI and toys in the home are
"Jacqueline has a very strong personality
and has made ,great gains, Every three
months we set different grads for her. The
math one now is getting her to Walk and
•ace* tbe trims on her legs* says Ws.
Jaquith* is visited every two weeks for
one and haff hours. Some of the infants on
the grogram are visited more oten and
some kiss often de - on the severity of
their !stabler'. Ma. Ms schedules her
visitsfar theconveniency of alL.
',Patent training and support are very
invortatt *spats of the program, captains
ith%Evatis.-JoantePailland agree&
arni trantto have been without the
program is the beginning, I *MVO have
known whattodo7* damps, s,
Ms. Iftfal4 who to* specild Walt
derelopmental training at CPR' before the
*raa% started in WM teaches specisd
gums to fiatparersts and often as then t to
Deafing with an inborn temperment and
getting that itsfint to cooperate are often
U e most difficult tasks. Gaines are lade
frm to motivate the *ant and aware are
often give&
Us. Evann whirs that st lot of what she
does involves just bark comma sane; She
abo has developmental bookswhich she can
loan to parents and, throb theme
program, all the CHU and Thanes Valley
services can be abroad. Such services in.
elude a speech therapist, physiotherapist,
occupational therapiat, psychologist _and
special toraandetpipmentsuch as walkers,
braes, etc,
"Most parents appreciate what" am doing
and look forward to toy vi That makos
myjob etdoyable;," saysldrs. Evans.
Where possible, Mis. Evans tries to in.
dude the whole family in hervisthr" If there
are tiotheri and sites, they team games
sad exestims they can do with their infant
isaqatertadatil„ alioam ban 11i luLIwIL
lbendegle$404 ald with**
bet lego ram the warn *Oa, Here, Actors atioattematat
hal thanaidettam thftjatial laraismitamte4 lifts; Evans la
*hogs as Ira Swatters : Shod Evans
mat work with balesitters ff parents•sire
WOrtthlg or with forger patents tithe Wait
has been taken out of ifs home by Fan*
arid ChildreraServicen,
Mt Evans* visitsindithen infantsreach
the age of two. Many of them go an to
specialized Misery schools for physically,.
mast* or anationally hamficapped
children inplaceslilreEteter„Wbghalis and
Vartastm. Some fit to regular Maser,'
Zany infant Oasts to kali in the first
days of fife and Many natal phases of
learning take place long before he or she
goer b mho& Therefore, preventive in-
tervention is justifiable through such
programs as home visiting, explidas
Ewan, lInfortatately„ orm fit this Inter-
nafional Teak of the raabled„ Most !staple,
ID Raton County are unawase that such a
spedalprogratra exists.
If you have questions shoat the program
or I' you mail hire to make a referral,
contact Rosemarie Mauls - at the Pc •
Health trnitinClint'
A Gift Subscription to
• The Lucknow
*14.50 in Canada
A Home Vialtiog Program hr Mum Como toe bairns
wheat dereleomeet sof be 64 lial0 Ow a amalber al reastan.
Ilibotoby lomat Itaciamad '