The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-11-18, Page 4November 1s, MT -Page 4 Mrs. Carl Fontes was hostess* for the November uses ing of Pine Viver U.C.W. The president, Mrs. Jack Campbell, opened with piethought# on Time. Mrs, Ernie Thompson ltd. the; • worship on the thane,• Rememberance, and offered prayer. Mrs. Glen Boyd'read Psalm 176. The Old Soldier was the timely meditation giver by Mrs. Allan Farrell, Mrs, Murray. Thompson dos - ell With praYer. Mrs. Mervyn Funston 'in- troduced ' the subject, : Lot- teries, otteries, to which the United Church is opposed. In a u e!+art' vleapresident, GeorgeW Mby: and legion paw dela, Laldame _ Maamsy salute Mrs Remembnaame Day cetemenke at the eametapla November Plowing ins rbess of the Royal. .c Lessmala arw lira & 309. placed wreaths f `aseiiery 4000 da les m two world wens aaad the Kamer War. Mather* of the toed arrr S 1 C ucett Baud *aided >ta mile for the Last 'Post and ltetelle. Weeded Staff Plrr.1 Lucknow Legion observes Remembiance Day 309 held their snout Rem- embrance banquet and Dance on Saturday evens November 14, witha capacity crowd in, attendance. Pl esidentEldonMann was chairman for the evening. Branch Padre Rev. Ge+a'ge Garratt kd in Grace.: Feist vice president, George Whit- by, gave the .toast to . the Queen. . Head table ' guests were irstEl-roducedweskit* tut - don, with Murray Cardiff, .Mmrsy Elston, MPP and . reeves of Lucknow, Ninloss,West Waw►anash and Ashfield speaking brief, ti•` First World War veteran Dan Nicholson, Mrs.. Jean Hughes and Mrs. Jessie Johnston, wives of First World War, veterans ' were introduced, The toast to the Fallen Comrades was pres- ented by second vie pres- ident, Eldon ,Bradley., \\ Junior farmers plan banquet and dance President of . the Ladies Auxiliary, Joan Robinson, gave a reading, Ballad of the Brides, the story of the war brides and children who travelled .fromEoriope ' to their new homes in Canaidit. Membership chairman. Harold Ritchie, presented 25 year pins los Stuart.Collyer and Ted 35 year pins were pmiented to Ron Thacker. and Clarence Greer: Cert, tea of appreciation weiepresented to Harold and Muriel Ritchie for their work as ' secretary -treasurer of the branch. Harold .`and Muriel retitled as secretary - treasurer last eacretarytreasurer'last year after 16 yearsof dedicated service. President Joan Robinson of the Ladies Auxiliary Pres- ented president Eldon with a cheque, on behalf of the Auxiliary, Fines entitled, Here Come the Canadians, and The Man Who Never Was, completed the program. By The West Huron Jamin Farmers ' met at Brookside Public School . on Monday,. Novena 9 to discuss . their annual banquet anddance which is costa* up ora Nov- ember ;D. ftp th various .. r.indicated the t duets are selling wen, the musicwM be provided by Goldss t and the tables will be set up and ,rite food prepared the day before. The .members were in- formed that die Hnnw.. Com- Jimror F'aatmer banquet has been moved to a new date in . February at Myth.'. 7o„e 7' tnceir confer- ence at the Baotou Place Motel, Palmerston oa Nov- ember 7. West Human dele- gates were Jack Wilkins, Nora Van Dyke,1�Cathy gent - land and Carol Ritchie,'The e day ' included oriscossioas, guest speakers aaad ttoctro- tionwitla *Abner Bin the evening. The delegates had access to the motel's sauna, hast tub and swim- ming * m - r g pool which made the day even more enjoyable, 1, es Suggestions were made for the West Huron nub's enmity betterment this year. Twoideas were to repair the bad diamond at Brookside Paiblic School and to , sponsor a field ay or variety show for disabled persons and senior citizens in Ibe coimadnity. The dub decided to start catering as a means of fund raising, Groups will be set up arid the dub will cater four or five times a year at small events, Following the adjournment of the business meeting, guest speaker, Bill Arm- strong spoke about Junior Farnaer structure on club, county and zone levels. He also pointed out the respon- sibilrties of Junior Fanners. A question and answer per- iod followed. The everting vwnUa a gaare of i'.iMfI.IIir i!.f^✓.III.I�..+�IiNr! /��rS�Iit../ i.I+.�l./'.I..�+�.I.If1I•/fJN`I/•I�.III�I�I�I.i�I•I ��+I�I�i.,I�I�y�,I./.�j.,r,�y t 1 Anima, Pardame Tear WhateellooloPlow Be Preponed 'When The Smsw WPETR $HOtS IMINENEID panel discussion on casse=tte tape, the views of a magis- trate, a University professor, and a dergynfan were heard. Thirty ladies answered the coli call, What dues peace mean to , you? : Mrs. Lloyd Campbel'gavc the report of 'the nominating committee. Following, the business, the president extended the courtesies, and closed with the thought, Happinessis found along the road, not at the end of the way. • Mrs. Ernie Gibson, Mrs: Ron Fun- ston, and the hostess served a daintly lunch, Pro-lifegroup meets The November, monthly Pro Life meeting was held in Wingham..The. meeting was opened with a prayer for life. The ' fetal models were on display at five area ' fall fairs: The Huron County Health Unit also• sed the fetal models for pre =natal classes, as did. the. ;Bruce . County Health Unit at Kincardine. The' Walkerton and Dist- rict Pro Life extended an invitation tohear Major John Connors, Pro Life Educator, speak on "It's Incredible" at the . Hanover: Town Hall; on Wednesday, November 18. In the education report, it was noted that gynecologist; Dr. Robert L Walley, as- sociate professor of maternal health at the Memorial Uni- versity of Newfoundland, said, "our record as human beings has made this 206 century one. •of the darkest ages in the history of man", He added that Mother Ter. ossa described` the wilful deg - traction of unborn human file as "the peace" thxeat, to world 5A Now is doe time fo Remodelbefore dieIlloliday Season,Henderson. hove I! Wel Panels =IL% SHOE REPAIR SKATE $HANfI NIF G Locknew Mae 52/14001 les Fetter Shores Have A Good Weeds. * Of Winter ants And Simko Sire4ft. sift. at $8.39 Pr hod 4 wawa Na/s Asada*** Viol Mian dher 4nWV°9 11741416. �" 8';` $4?9 Ofdl HENDERSON Dreamer's Rock is a tall quartzite rock near Little Current, Manitoulin Wand. Odors I• the arrival of the white many► paths were wed to its smntnit and tttharoughdreams would ' rive . powers from the spirit world.. The rock offers an in- comparable view of the surrounding countryside, IRE NOME 9i [ecImics The science of sound.. RivetEs Limited 1 1 JOHN W. ' TEND ON LTD woow,. our PHONE (519) 528-31 BCSpS ll'Gf MIX TO daa,rra. tar Ss pori SAT`. *ar. . TH NOON r c" y. .,, t •- A ;44f,' -D