The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-28, Page 7ca►rrtrt���i#� news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 128, 1901 --Page 7 Complete Ashfield bridge construction By Marie Park Thee new bridge . built on the 6th concession of. Ash- field has now been opened to° traffic. The bridge was wash-,, ed out by high water. in the spring and traffic had to use the fourth or . the ninth concession all summer. Mrs: '` Sue Menger is now the: •demonstrator for the Creative 'Circle home 'party plan: She ' has : had several successful parties. - Lynda and Grant Sowerby of Toronto and Jim and Ute. Blake and Sean of Alliston took Olive Blake to Beri.miller Inn. for lunch on Saturday to celebrate her birthday. Karen Hernandez of Lon- don spent a couple of days with her grandniother, Mary Bere and with Kathie and' John Stanbury and Sean. Little Christina Farrell visited with her ` grandpar- . ents, Dirk and Tinie Logten berg . and family for a few days. Ed and Laurie Godfrey of Toronto were home for the weekend and visited in the village. , Several of the executive of the Strathroy Centennial Committee motored to Dun- gannon on Sunday where. they were first ` treated to lunch by host .Franke Pent- land, then on to Brookside School where they were shown a portion of the "Yesteryear," presentation along with some pictures off,, the 125th birthday parade. Following this, an informa- tion period was held, as the conveners of some of the committees of the Dungan- non 125th celebrations were .present to answer questions or offer suggestions. The Strathroy Centennial is plan- ned for 1982. ° - David and Dorothy Bere have moved into their new home, recently purchased , from Amy Wiggins. Ray and Theda Cook and family moved on the week- , end into the home previously. occupied by Charlie. and Ruby Fowler. At the euchre . held on Friday evening at the hall, " . seven tables were in play. High lady was Marion Smith- and mithand high man was Jim Er- rington. Low lady was Louise Brindley while- low man was Harvey Alton. ' Marilyn and Robert Schultz and Terry of Holmes- ville called on Bill and Marie Park and family on Sunday. Vicki Park and LindaKrogan of Goderich also visited. A surprise dessert lunch - .eon on Tuesday of last week, was held to celebrate the 80th birthday . of Mrs. Lil • MacDonald. Hostesses , were Sharon Dawson, Norine Park and Beth Hodges. " ° The table was centred with an arrangement of fall mums. Jacqui Dawson had tastefully decorated with bal- loons. Birthday cake and ice cream as well as a sweet tray and tea were served to the guests. Miss Olive Blake of Lon- don spent a few days last week with Mrs. Robert Irvin: Mrs. Helen Dawson ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. Betty Stanley of Clin- ton, flew to Edmonton where they visited. for a week with daughter, Karen; her hus- band, John Linton, Atisa, Mark and Colin, in St. Albert. It might be of interest to some in our community to learn that Mr. Karl Sievert was one of the six citizens of Port. Stanley who received a civic award for community work. Karl was -given this award .as a result of ' his Meals on Wheels project and his work for senior citizens. He has lived in the village of Port' Stanley since 1971 when he took over - the United Church. Dungannon United Church Mr. George .Cowan spoke on the topic; You and Your Guilt Feelings, , on . Sunday.. There was an official board meeting on Monday evening in Nile United Church. Dungannon and Nile Stew- ards' meetings followed , im- mediately after the board meeting on October 26. The meetings.. were held separ- ately to plan the. necessary action that must be taken to close the books for 1981 on December 31. Dungannon - Nile Youth Group met Monday, October 26 in the evening at Colborne School. This group of ever getic young people met last' Monday , and elected ' Colin Snyder_ of . Dungannon as president and Michael Miller of Nile as vice-president, The resource people are Harold and Caiol Menary, ' Dungan- non and .Larry Johnston and Ann Drennan from Nile. New members are invited to at- tend., t-tend., The group, is looking forward to a really great year. The C.Ga.T. are planning a Hallowe'en Party in . the Dungannon Church base- ment on Wednesday even- ing. This is for girls 12 - 18 years of age from both chur- ches. The leaders are ' Nancy Errington' and Annabelle Stewart.. Nile Inner Circle is having a Hallowe'en Party for all children of Nile Church on Friday evening. Everyone .is. to come in costume, and bring a jack-o-lanter for jud Turn to page 9• BEAT T 'RICE ' SE W TH THESE USED CAR BEAUTIES Limited Time. Special Offer At McGee's CIO BRANo ow 1981 CARS Ar END-oF -YeAft Ice PRtces 1981 OLDS CUTLASS,, 4 door, 6 cylinder 1980 P.IOENIX, 4 door, hatchback 1980 HORIZON . 1980 CENTURY, 4 door, 6 cylinder 1979 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1979.AMC CONCORD, 2 door 1979 FORD LANDAU, '4 door; fully equipped 1978 CHEVELLE MALIBU CLASSIC, 4 door 1978 CHEV IMPALA, 2' door hardtop, with air 1978 CHEVROLET, 4 dr. stationwagon, fully equipped 1978 CHEVELLE STATIONWAGON 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 'door sedan 1977 CHEVELLE, 4 door, with air 1977 DODGE MONACO, 4 door, with air 1976 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door TRUCKS 1980 GMC, 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive 19803/4 TON,' pickup 1979 GMC, 3/4 ton, pickup,,.4 speed 1977 FORD 600, cab and chassis, or 16 ft. van 1974 INTERNATIONAL, 1600 series, cab and chassis "Huron County's Foremost Car Dealer" *OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 11, 1981 ilF 141, utO ACADIAN HATCHBACK COUPE is 1a��11 I!1. We give 12,000 kilometers or 12 months warranty on all vehicles Phone 887-6173 Turnberry St. at the North End df BRUSSELS .44 SKYLARK COUPE 1981 ACADIAN DELUXE - 2 door hatchback, silver,. cloth interior, mats, electric defrost, automatic fran- smisslon; docorpackago;radio; serial no:- 510825.. List price '6,870.80. .y •• ' SALE PRICE 1981 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX 2 door, light blue metallic, 4 cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering; power brakes, radio, cloth interiors, mats, body side' mouldings, rear defogger, remote mirror, white wall tires, wheel cilia. octant stripot, serial no. 140518, list price '9.043.60. SALE PRICE $8,03 1 . 00 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX 2 door, buret orange metallic, 4 cylinder, 4 speed overdrive transmission. radio, powersteering, white wall tires, serial no. 145504. list peke'LN1.8s. SALE PRICE $7,237.00 PHOENIX COUPE 19811BUICK SKYLARK 2 door, dark blue; 4 cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering, power __brakes, radio, white_waH_tires.__rhe.L_. discs,mats, roar defogger, remote mirror, serial no. 196863, list ._price '9;144.30: e SALE PRICE $8'':I 59 .00 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX 2 ddo`r, light brown metallic, 4 cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering; radio, body side mouldings, accent stripes, serial no. 1.39807, list price `8,588.70. SALE"PRICE $76 15°° 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX 2 door, dark blue. 4 cylinder, 4 speed overdrhie transmission, radio, serial no. '1'40030, list price *7.11119.10. SALE PRICE $6,993.00 t 74e "8eet Wavy Hwy. 21 N. Ph. 396-2257 KINCARDINE - CUSTOM BUTCHERING 1 j WEDNESDAY - BEEF, PORK AND LAMB FREEZER MEAT Sides, Fronts, Hinds of Beef c j S WholeorHalfPigs Beef and Pork all carefully . r selected from iota! sauce County Feedlot. Please Phone Monday or Tuesday to Book SMOKEHOUSE TO MAKE HAM AND BACON Pottiscolluick-Cadilla GMC Trams 37 HAIMON S GODE11101 I e / ALL PROCESSED MOAT CAN BE DELIVERED TO LUCKNOW, PLEASE 111OUJIRE _ 1 • .,.'�:aoo►gree..�r�a,o®.rimer'aerea.,'vaevev'.erma.se^o.s.®s+sto.smme-sae-0e�