The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-30, Page 11Lucknow. Sentinel, Wednesday,. hepte i fiber 30, 1981 -Page 11 l\ Face charges in tree clearing BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE Two Huron Cotinty residents may .face charges under the Tree. Act and Huron County's bylaw No. 67, 1979. unless they agree in writing to replant trees. In the report of the development com- mittee at 'Huron County Council's September session, it was reported two landowners cleared approximately a. total of 25 acres without a permit. The cornmittee report stated that James McIntosh of lot 17 and. 18, con. ,i and lot 17, con. 2; Township of Tuckersmith cleared about 15 acres without a permit and Thomas. Mitchellof part lot 7 and east part of lot 8, con. 12, western division, Township of Ashfieldcleared about 10 acres of trees without a permit. It has been recommended that if Mr. McIntosh does riot, agree in writing by Oct. 2, 1981 to plant a three row windbreak as approved by the Ministry of Natural , Resources the county's tree commissioner is to proceed charges. Four areas are to be replanted: Mr. Mitchell has to agree in writing by. Oct. 2 to plant a three row windbreak in two areas or the Tree Commissioner will ,lay charges. \ `I find it appalling Mr. McIntosh saw fit to bulldoze the . area Without a permit," said Stanley Township Reeve Paul . D. • Steckle. He also asked if the contractors who did the work did not: care about the bylaws. Reeve Steckle suggested council "come down tough" on these people. Hullett Township Reeve T. J. Cunn- ingham, chairman of the development commrittee, defended Mr. McIntosh stating that some of the area, Mr. M Intosh-felt did not qualify as bush and could therefore be cleared An. application to clear six acres of trees consisting of basswood, American • elm, white oak and white spruce by McIntosh Poultry Farms of lot 19, con. 2HRS, Tuckersmith Township was denied by the committee. - To this . area, the tree commissioner recommended that an open area of ap- proximately 11/2 acres. be replanted. • The committee reported the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority object to the ap- plication, but •sub witted an , alternate clearing and planting plan if the clearing was approved. It was also noted the Ministry of Natural Resources do not con- sider the clearing to be a "minor" excep- tion to the bylaw.. Nine other applicationsfor clearing were either approved in full or in part. They are as follows: An application by George F. Gollen'of lot. 40, con. S.B., Stephen Townshipto clear three acres ' of . hickory, oak, beech and ironwood trees was approved in_full: An application by Cecil Smithers, lot 41, con. S.B. of Stephen Township to clear 12 acres of thorn trees was approed. An application by William J. McWfiin- ney of Wiz lot 9, con. 3, Ashfield Township to clear four acres of poplar, cedar and ash trees was approved in part with the area to be designated by the Tree Commissioner. An application by John W. Bryans of lot 2, con. 12 of Grey ,Township to clear three acres of soft maple, ash, poplar and elm trees wasapproved in part with the Tree Commissioner to designate the area • to be cleared. An application by John Ben jamins of lot 16, con. 12, of Hullett Township to clear seven acres of thorn and willow trees be approved. It was agreed by the owner to have a smaller parcel cleared,• An. application 'by; Norman and Edna Fairles'of lots 7, 8 and 9 con. 9. of Howick Township to clear 4.78 acres of trees with one parcel consisting of hard maple, soft maple, cedar, poplar and thorns, and the second parcel consisting of hard maple, basswood, poplar and thorns be approved. in part with ` the tree commissioner designating the area to be cleared., An application by Alex Gardiner of north part lot 12, con. 12, Usborne Township to clear one acre of poplar, willow and.soft maple was approved in part with the tree. conunissioner to designate the area to be cleared. An application by. Donald Schultz of lot 36, con. 3, East Wawano' h Township to clear L82 acres of soft maple and ash trees be approved with the proposed area to be reforested is planted. . In other developments committee business, Huron County Council supports efforts by the Township of Tuckersmith to obtain financial or other assistance from the federal and provincial governments in settling the industrialarea of Vanastra. A resolution to this effect was passed by Huron County Council to aid the Township of Tuckersmith in its attempts to promote development in Vanastra. Obituary Blanche Oliver] Johnston Blanche (Oliver) Johnston of Kenora, formerly of Dun- gannon,. died on. Saturday, September 5, 1981 at Lake of .: the Woods District Hospital, Kenora, in her 90th year. Born in Ashfield Township in May, 1892, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver. She married Robert Johnston of Port Albert in 1912: A founding member of the First Presbyterian Church in Kenora, she was active in the church choir, serving as an organist for several terms. She also played the organ in the Port Albert Presbyterian Church for many years. She was a member of the Wom- en's Guild and the Lake Woodena. Rebeka Lodge No. 183;; also the Good Compan- ions .Senior Citizens Club. She is survived by three sons, Lorne, Allan and Jam- es, all of Kenora; . one nephew, Millard Durston of Dauphin, Manitoba; three nieces, Mona, Mrs. Jim Sutherland of Thunder Bay; Marion, Mrs. Bill Brooks of Omaha, Nebraska and Elva, Mrs. Fay Clyde of Dauphin, Manitoba. . She was predeceased by her husband, in 1959 and three brothers, Frank, Ed- ward and George, Funersl service was held on Wednesday, September 9,' 1981 at 2 p.m. from the First - Presbyterian Church, Kenora, with Rev. Tony Pat- on officiating, Interment followed in Lake of the Woods Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack At- kinson, Ken Robertson, Vic Milsom, Tom White, Ross McDonald and Bill Kinch. ANNOUNCING! Barb Jardine of,cknev,A,L will b. hairdressing at • Touch of Cidss :. Winghe m on Wednesday, Thursday and-hridoy as of October 7 Phen. 357.2812 Located beside the Post Ofice Johnston Bros. (Bothwell Limited) Phone :Phone Wardgville 693-4383 Komoka 411.3059 Dungannon 529.7947. Washed Materials --Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors Childrefl'sWear Brushed Denlms ;5.00 ;6.00 HuskyJe�ns SEE 1°' u x8.00 THE HJRON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN & YOUIH is pleased to invite you to hear BE T TH 'RICE RISE WITH THESE USED CAFI BEAUTIES ! 1980 HORIZON 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door sedan with air 1980 CENTURY, 4 door, 6 cylinder 1979 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1979 AMC CONCORD, 2 door 1979 FORD LANDAU, 4 door, Lfully equipped 1979 BUICK LeSABRE, 4 door, Limited 1978 CHEV IMPALA. 2 doorr hardtop, with air 1978 CHEVROLET. 4 dr. stationwagon, fully equipped 1978 CHEVELLE STATIONWAGON 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door .sedan 1977 CHEVELLE, 4 door, with air 1977 DODGE MONACO, 4 door, with air 1976 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door Dr. Paul Patterson CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST TO THE CENTRE spearing on "HOW 'FAMILIES CHANGE • CHILDREN'S :BEHAVIOUR" At the Annual Meeefing Of the Centre ...WEDNESDAY, OCE. 1, 1981 7:30 pan., at the Huron Centre .160 Huron Street, Clinton; Ontario The Huron Centro for Children & Youth has provided counselling service for hunidreds'of families since its in. corporation as a Chiidron's Mental Heath Conte In 1971, The Centre Is, governed by • a Roared of Directors elected at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. TRUCKS 1980 GMC 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive 1980 34 TON, pickup 1979 GMC, 3/. ton, .pickup„ 4 speed 1978 FORD 3/4 ton pickup 1977 FORD 600. cab and chassis, or 16 ft. van 1974 INTERNATIONAL, 1600 series, cab and chassis "Huron County's Foremost Gar Dottie," 4°V,RU SSQ MOTORS INC.�i'�" i Phone 817-6173 II Ttemberry St. at the North End of BRUSSELS