The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-16, Page 5Lueknow Sentinel, Wedaesday, September 16, 1981—Page 5 Gain Wright If 1981 -is anything like last . year, ,Bruce,cpunty may soon lot* more Scottish than Scotland. • Last year the county's ..,appointed agents sold -ore than 526,000 worth of Bruce county tartan, and this year. • they'd like to double the - That's.. not 2 to mention • several thousand dollars' worth of miscellaneous souv- enirs made up in the county's tartan,' colours,. a bright. red • with contrasting shades of dark green, yellow and white. The 'fact is - • as •Bruce people will soon remind you A, this IS the only county Canada that has ever been permitted to have its .own registered tartan. What's more, says a rec- ent letter from .the Lord Lyon 'of Scotland, it's the only county in Canada ever likely to be permitted such a dist, inction.. • And the Lord Lyon -Should know. Presiding at his 'offlc. ial court in Her Majesty's • • New Register House in Edin- burgh, Sir Thoinas hums of Learney alone decides who will be empowered to own and wear the checked Scat, • fish cloth called tartan. As a matter of fact, until the Lord Lyon gives his approval, no piece of cloth, even thoughit be a plaid, can correctly be called a tartan. What it boils down to • is •that Bruce county enjoys the kind of monopoly most mer. chants dream about. Not only does it have the only county tartan in Canada, but it also has his lordship's writtettword thatitht er coun- ties who 'might like a similar disfinction, haven't got a. hope. The exclusiveness of the county's position is confirm? ed in a January 8 letter to The Record from his lord- ship's secretary In Edin- burgh. Her name just hap- pens to be Elizabeth A. Bruce. The letter says in part, "...I confirm that this is the only Canadian county tartan ... The significance of tartan would be destroyed -if every ,county or town was to have its own tartan." Since Bruce county won the rare privilege in 1965 the • rules haveapparently been tightened. - Por the. past five years the Bruce. County Women's In- stitute has had the exclusive right to "promote, produce sell and license the manufac- tare ar cloth and souvenirs of any kind carrying the county's tartan. • According to. Janet Mac- - • Kenzie of Tiverton district, who recently stepped down - • after four years on the tartan committee, the women have been doing';a bang-up job, At one plowing . match alone the group sold $8,000 worth of the cloth, and the women have about :40 stores Scotland • and shops in the county and up herein new Scotland, selling the fabric for them. the tartan bitsiness has been The county's efforts to booming ever since. The secure its own tartan began women's institutes have in 1963 and met with a flat been making about a 40 per refusal from the court of the cent markup. Most of the Lord Lyon. ' proceeds go for county pro - The county's tartan coin- motion and the rest goes to inittee event sent its repress- cover administrative costs. entative to the Edinburgh ' According to an instruc- court. Dorothy Wimperley of tiiinal pamphlet which ac- Sotithainpton got the same companied the Lord Lyon's firm refusal the committee letter to The Record, unless a had previously received by person has the correct name trial or his ancestors came from At this point,the county the right district in Scotland, decided to pull some strings he has no "right" to wear a and work on its Bruce family tailan. connection. After all, it was One of Canada's largest Lord Bruce, the head of Clan designers and suppliers of Bruce, then governor-gener- plaids and tartans is John al of Canada, who gave the Richardson of Toronto's Tar county his name back in tan Shop at 546 Yonge 1849. . Street. The county appealed in He sells more than 300 1964 to his grandson, the types of registered tartan present Lord Bruce and Earl and dozens of unregistered of Elgin, to exercise his plais, but feels it would be influence on the Lord Lyonrediculous to restrict sales to Itwas like waving a niagic people the Lord Lyon says • His lordship spoke ar?rheentiBtlieucicetovornrtytatartartansn. wo and. friend the Lord Lyon and presto, vvelcome mats merchants feel the same appeared at ail the doors way. They're grateful to the L. ord Lyon for the monopoly which had been closed be- ne gave them, but they have fore. Bruce county was inno intention of bothering In the process, the Lord with his lordship's minim. Lyon insisted on scrapping rules. • the previous Bruce county As far as the Bruce county crest and replacing it with a Scots are concerned, anyone coat of arms of his own who can pay $13.95 a yard for design, replete with a Latin , the stuff is entitled to motto which means; "The become as Scottish as the power is in God, but the Lord Lyon , himself. people administer." Al! this was 15 years ago -Kitchener-Waterloo Record Langside children begin kindergartert By Mho Young With school going strong again we wish all students • good hick in this year's • studies. Two children from this diatrict starting kinder- garten this fail are .Chad • Thomas and Chris Jones. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiens and 'boys of Cambridge spent the holiday weekend with her sister. Mr, and Mrs. Ian Thomas and boys. Pa 1 Horbatiub of Toronto 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. • Russell Young on Monday, September 7, Wesley Young of Lucknow visited with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young on • Tuesday. Fall fairs have been quite • prominent this last few s. weeks and this weekend Lucknow will be holding their fall fair, Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to relatives of (r - Jack Morrison who passed away in Southampton on Sat- urday, September 5. • Jack • Morrison was born at Lang - side and later the family moved to Whitechurch where • he *spent most of his life. John McInnes Sr. of Wing- harn and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McInnes of Brampton visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young visited on Sunday • 1.11CKNOW CENTRAL S.C111001. Night School Phone 5284113 C. Davies 1.; UPHOLSTERING 1. OIL PALMING 3. SEWING • "• 4. QUILT wimp 5. MIXED BADMINTON ADULTS *6. CALLIGRAPHY BEAUTIFUL PENMANSHIP *calligiaphy will consist of 5 Three' Hour Sessions BEGINNING AT 7:00 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT-. EMBER 301' Contlnuhig mall WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28. • • • The course Fees, will be 57.50 There will ha st 1116.00 charge hy the instructor for ell the supplies you will need Men, Nibs, Pi r, lnk, Etc.) ' AdditiOnal courses can be Offered it sufficient numbers are interested. Please contact the Principal •‘' , Registration and First doss with his cousin, William Pin- • fled, who is a patient in Walkerton Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Ron George and Susan of Ailsa Craig, formerly of Langside, visited friends in this district on Sunday. Jamie Young returned to Lambton College in Sarnia for his second year in an accounting course. He spent this weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young. 11101$ALE FIEEIRIO • • Yiednesday, Septtniber 30 ' • At 8t00 • Dimensions: 94 inches in diarneter; 4 feet in height Will feed 18 head at one time. , • WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH BALE FORKS DONT'T Foncirr THE LUCKNOW FALL PAIR : THIS WEEKEND • The. Kountry Kats will entertain Saturday afternoon and have as special guests Nick and Kay Lang and their square dancers of Mildmay and The McMichael step dance • sisters of Wroxeter. • FEES Pull Course 120 weeks] 'a $20.00 a Half Course (10 weeks' - $10.00 Subject to change • , • - , f 0.7.* 1 k.5 ( ,,,,,, Allan Miller R. R. 5, tucknow Phone =am PLAN TO ATTEND THE LUCKNOW FALL FAIR ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY Unibtoch Phariticic • Lucknow Phone 52830t14 •