The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-09, Page 18Ot Page 16-=Luclurow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 0.`,.0. d�!:.! ® 4.:: # ./ ..P 0...40:.,.0 ....0 0. ,i. ,P.. .W . .0 -. B�r-Law No.21 1981 Of Ths Municipal Corp retion of the Township of Ashfield A By -Law to stop: up and close portlona of street and lanes in the; Village of AltonvWe, Plan 7, Township of Ashfield County of Huron, and, to sell said herds to Harvey mak. • WHEREAS pursuant to e ,provfi�ions of the Municipal Act, R.:S.O.1970, Chigger 284, Section 443, the Connell of theMenalcipal, Corporation may pose by-laws for the stopping up and closing of streets and lanes. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to dose certain lanes: and streets In the Village_ of Altenville, Plan 7, Township of Aabfieid. County of Huron and to sell said lands to Harvey Kilpatrick. NO,W .THEREF r RE the Munidpal Corporation' of the Township of A Id hereby enacts as follows: 11 That those streets and lanes situate lying and being in the•Village of Altonville in the Township of Ashfield, - Plan 7, , . County of HeHuron, niore y described m *heal::*heal::"A" attached reto, be and the same are hereby stopped up and closed and that a deed to the property hereby': be given to Harvey Kilpatrick for the sum of One Defer plus all expenses aeaaary tb be paid for the said sale. 21 That the Reev1e sad Clerk are hereby authorized . to execute all necessary documents to give effect to the foregohig by-law. READ A.FIRST AND SECOND time this 1st day of September 1981. "War en Zinn" Reeve "Donald Simpson" it Clerk 1, Donald Simpson, Cleek .01 the Ceeporailun of the Township of Ashfield do certify that thio is a true copy of By -Law No. 211901, read a first and second thee on the 1st day of September 1901.. "Donald • SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR,that eertain.parael or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being In the Village of Altonviile, Townsk1 of AiWIeld, qty of Huron, Plan 7, and being composed of Part of Margaret Street turd Alton street being swore portion surly described as fhliaws: COMMENCING at the Northwest angle of lot 9, P1 ?; THENCE westerly a distance of shay -eh (661 feet; THENCE Serenely podia to the %Vester1y Ras# of lot 9 sad 36, Pour 7, a die of three hundred and darty 13301 feet to a pe10*; THENCE Easterly parser to the Southerly linit of Lot 33, a distance of sixty -lis 161 feet; , THENCE coutlnu1.g Easterly along the Noetherly grail of Lots 37, 38,39nod 46,to the Mirtheest angle ofLot 40,Plan 7; THENCE Nerthreriy Ina straight line to the Southend angle of Lot 33, Plan 7; 4 THENCE westerly alasg,the Smrthetly limit of Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36, to the Soethreesterly canner et Lot 36, Plain 7; • THENCE Northerly adios dot Westerly thisit of Lot 36 and 9, a distance of tiro hundred and slay -err (2641 feet to the *waisted angle of Lot 9, Parr 7, being the petrol of caraiterkraee of the hod* haute described. 1981 0111111 011111 MOM r.. MOI sour Now ow..... 31. Cards of thanks GARDNER We would like to thank our relatives, neighbours and friends for all the cards, food and expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Jolly and Carroll McKim. Also to . Rev. Mc-. Dougall, for his support. Tena Gardner and family —36, 32 Coming events SEPTEMBER LEGION DANCE Satur lay, September 12 Lucknow Legion Ian WNbee Orchestra Smorgasbord Tickets available at the door 35,36ar BREATHEEzIE RALLY Beatheezie Rally, Monday, September 21, 7:30 p.m. Multi-purpose' room, Perth District Health Unit, Strat- ford. Speaker Dr. Thomas Wood, Lung Disease special- ist St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Dr. Wood is presid- ent of the London., Middlesex Lung °Association and will bring some . "marijuana". facts. Come and . bring. your C,O.P.D,. friends. Physio- therapist Janice Parsons will discuss fall classes; Sponsor- ed by Huron Perth Lung Association. "A Christ mas Seal Service". —'35,36 REGAL PARTY A Regal Party will be held at Ripley United Church, Wed- nesday, ednesday, September 16 from 1:30 - 3:30 p:m. and 7 - 9 p.m. for Unit .3 of St. Andrews U.C.W. —35,36 BEAUTY QUEEN DANCE Crowning of Miss Lucknow Fall ~ Fair, Saturday, Sept- ember 12 at the Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing tai Gold Dust, 9:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Sponsored by Lucknow Agricultural Soc- iety. 35,36ar TEESWATER EX-TOGGERY Teeswater Ex-Toggery reop- ens for the Fall season, Thursday, September 10 from 1.0 a.m. -12 p.m, and 2 - 5 p.m.; also Friday and Saturday 2 - 5 p.m. Clothes brought in onignnrent must be clean seasonal, securely priced Olio pinned on papers) and be listed. Spon- sored by the Rebecca Lodge. —36,36 RUMMAGE SALE The Huron -Bruce Children Helpers are having a 'rum- mage sale on Saturday, Sept- ember 12 at the home of Mrs. Jack McGuire, 2nd conces- sion of Huron Township, 10 a.m - 4:30 pm, Proceeds for C.C.F. adopted children. JAPANESE. CUISINE ' Sunday. September20, 4 to 8 p.m. Vanastra' Centre. Ad- ults $7.50, children .$3.00, Proceeds for Town and Coon - try Homemakers. Tickets av- ailable at the door or Town and Country Homemakers, 3574222. Also available at Suz-A+Door. —36,37 SUNDAY SCHOOL BREAKFAST Lucknow United Church Sun- day School Breakfast, Suri day, September 13, 1981, at 9:30 a.m. Everyone wel- come. ---36 MINOR 32. Coming, events .,oarien .,. aimr.orou arm... m,. m,. own LUCKN.OW *OWNIE REGISTRATION Being held at Lucknow Town Hall Tuesday, September 15 .. from 6:30 to 8 p.m. M1 girls age 6 - 9 are welcome to. join. -36 1981 NORTHERN STOCKER. .AND FEEDER SALES IViarton - Thurs. Sept. 17 10:00 a.m, 4000; THESSA- LON - Wed. Sept, 23. -.10:00 a.m., 1700; MANITOULIN (Little . Current) - Thurs.! Sept. 24 9:30 a.m., .3000; SOUTH RIVER - Fri.. Sept: 25 = 10:00 a.nz., 1000; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs.; Oct. 1 - 11:00 • a.m., 1500; RAINY RIVER (Stratton) "Mon. Oct. 5 - '11:00. a.m., 2400; EAST- ERN ONTARIO (Galetta) - Mon. Oct 5. - 1:00 _p.m., 1000; WIARTON = Thurs.. Oct. 8 - 10:00 a.m., 4000;' SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 15 - 11:00 a.m., 500; WIAR- TON - Thurs. Oct. , 22 10:00 a.m., 3000; PETERBOR- OUGH (Lindsay) - Wed.. Oct. 28 - 11:00 a.m., 1000; PETERBOROUGH (Lindsay) Wed. Nov. 4 - 11:00 a.m., 1200. Advertising Manager: S. MacDonald, Box 130,. Huntsville, Ontario POA IKO Telephone: 705-789- 5491. —36 BLYTH SUMMER FESTIVAL Because of the terrific de- mand for tickets to He Won't Come In From The Barn, the Blyth Summer Festival : is pleased to • announce . an additional performance • on Saturday, September 12,, at 2:00 p.m., a final chance to catch this hit comedy; . held, over to September 12, Tues. - Sat., 8:30 p.m.. Rush seats at 7 p.m., or reserve at 523- 9300, 523-9225. —36 RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitby. following their mar- riage on September 18, 1981. BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS Will resume rehearsals on Monday, September 14 at 8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Haul. New members welcome. CASH BINGO At St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, Thursday, September 17, . at 8:00 p.m. 14o children under 16. Spon- sored by Kingsbridge Area Seniors. -36.37 OPEN RECEPTION Following the marriage of Tom Kempton and Pauline Lowry will be heldat the Ripley Huron Complex, Sat- urday, September 12 at 9 p.m. Music by Boyd'.s Orch- estra. —36. DIABETES ASSOCIATION MEETING Wingham and District Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association Fall meeting Thursday, Septem- ber 24, 8 pain., Wingharn United Church; Speaker, Mr. Bob McMurray, 'Coping With Blindness and Diabet- es".—36-37 DAY TRIP Scenic autumn drive featur- ing . the Bruce Peninsula, Tobermory and afternoon cn*ise CO glass bottomed boat for viewing of ship- wrecks in Big Tub harbour abed islands, etc. Very relax- ing., September 30. Call Marg Burkhart, 528-3544 or Leisure Tours, 3644458. .ter 011. 6,01* lets sow 400 010 32. Coming events. ANNUAL PORK ROAST The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lucknow and District Christ- ian School will hold its an- nual pork roast, September 12th, at the schoolgrounds from 5 - 7 part. Followed. by.a social.. evening of (song ar- ound a campfire. Everyone welcome. a36� BRIDAL SHOWER Please accept this invitation to an open shower for Janice Collins on Friday afternoon, September 18th, at 8.00 p.m. in the basement of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, -36,37 queil law Are Amu !erg moo owe Irmo '00 mow • 32 Coming events SPECIAL MEETING, Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold a special' meeting on Tuesday, September. 15th at 8:30 p.m. in the Community Centre. All committee mem- bers are requested to attend to finalize plans for the Fall Fair, .. September 19th. --36 BIDS TRIP To Midland and area, Wed- nesday, September 16th, with Kingsbridge Area Sen- iors. Phone 529-7551 or 529- 7427. —36x HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? CLEARING YARD SALE ,FOR SteWart Aluminum MM BRITANNIA RD. WEST, GODERICH SATURDAY &SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 2 & 1 3 8:00 A.M. . Alumtnuin storm and screen windows (various sizes), • aluminum doors (various sizesr,, hand tools, electric saws and drills, bits, soldering guns mitre boxes, diaphragm pump, electric Motors, .gasgenerator, paints, Baulking, barrel cert, office desk, filing cabinet, elec- tric heater,• propane heaters, propane tanks,, Snap-On, tool box with tools, insulation blowers, hoppers; hoses, WIMP household furniture, smilers ti' x ..2i►', ladders, several good quality shotguns. A lot of small items too numerous to mention. Attention Farmers A. For sale b SEED WHEAT, Frederick, Yorkstar, Favour, Gordon, Phone Cecil Cranston, 529 7691.—33,34,35,36ar TWO MATURE SUFFOLK rams. Allan Farrell. Phone 395-5176. ,--35,36 FOUR - 150 BU. TUhtNCO gravity boxes with wagons. Jim Bradley,- phone 395- 2719.36 4400 JOHN DEERE com- bine, reconditioned, 16' grain head with bean bar, and 4 row corn hemi. Call after 9. p.m., 395-5842. -36,37 NEW HOLLAND' Baler 112.12, asking 51,000.00. More af- ter 9 p.m., 395-5842.-36,37 1030 CASE with cab, motor overhauled'. Asking 58,000. Phone after 9 p.m., 395- 5842. — 95=5842...-- 36,37 BELARUS 24 run grain drill, used only one year. Asking $2,000.00. Phone 395-5842 after 9 p.m. —36,37 I.H.C. 550 16" ploy,, new mould boards, trip beans, asking $1,.20000. Call after 9 p.m., 395-5842. --36,37 830 CASE, new rear tires 18.4 x 34, 3 year old Allied quick attach loader, asking $5,500.00. Call after 9 p.m., 395-5842. 36,37 A. For sale z. OMNI. MEM Mom mew saininf0mir smog mo0.0 100 ROUND BALES of hay, reasonable price: Eugene Frayne, 529-7405, 35,36,37 B. Custom work SWATHING HAY AND GRAIN; combining,wagons and trucks available, plowing and trucking; cultivating. Anytime -Anywhere. Phone after 5 p.rn. 5294488. y24tfar CUSTOM COMBINING corn, large machine; wagons and auger included. Friendly service. Call us at 6 p.m, ask ,. for Gary, 528.2624. --..35-39x CUSTOM SILO FILLING; two row harvester and three wagons; two tractors. Call us after 6 p.m. Ask for Gary. Phone 528-2624. —45-391 CUSTOM COMBINING av- ailable for soybeans and corn. Contact Robert Emer- son, 395-5115. --35,36,37,38 ~a* malty memo mom *mat ameti demi asnos0 aria? asset C. Wanted Os to aisle& akar 401i aim* alma* *alai. dila* tkoso WANTED TO RENT - yell drained and good productive land for cash cropping. C11- 395-5842 before 730 cm. _' or after 8 p.m. -33.40 BUYING CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS CustomCleaning Cleaning Wiest • EL OTT''S SEED MAL And friscithig Luclw Phone S28'-3. •