The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-09, Page 9• 4 • Laelmoif Sentinel, iVedAesdayfrfeeptembeg9,)1981T-Ilim Ii. ipley doctor to pra,c. ti se in S audi Arabia N.111ex Wnting" Accounting20 To -day, Wednesday, September 9, Dr. Don Milne, his wife Doris, and youngest - daughter Rachel are leaving ifor two years in the kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Dr. Milne will be missed at the Ripley Medical Clinic. Dr. Milne and Doctors Boron, Gergovich, and Knox all of • Kincardine meet Ripley area patients here each mon- th. Dr. and bliss. Milne and. Rachel are first headed for. Washington, D.C. and then to Khamis Mushayt in Mir • Province in Southern Saudi Arabia just north of Yemen. Due to the elevation in this area above sea level there is • a pleasant climate. r. Donald J. McDonald who is in Riyadh, Arabia, was in Khamis kuit April on a holiday and when he was home here over a month ago said that there are green • fields. Further the women wearing large hats and col- ourful clothing work out in - the fields with the men - dif- ferent to the rest of thegoun- • try. • Home to Malcolm Street in Ripley for the Labour pay •weekend was Niels •Frederiksen of , the Kincar- dine Golf and Country Club maintenance staff. Miss Jean MacDonald of The Pinecrest Minor Nurs- ing Home staff in Lucknow was with her sister; Miss Noreen MacDonald at their home. Visiting on the Labour Day weekend with her sisters Mrs.. Dianne (Bill) Mackay, RR2 Ripley, Mrs. Sum' yr f 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 (Murray) Ferguson, RR1 Ripley, and Gail Miller of Ripley was their sister Cathy Miller of London. She then motored to. Kincardine to spend time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. • Miller. • , A.J. and Glenda Gardner of Vanastra and sons Aaron and Brandon visited with her • sister Carol and husband Donnie Fludder, Tammy and Jason in Ripleyover the Labour Day weekend. They also called •on Evelyn and Jack Johnson. Mrs. Dorothy -Wardell .of Concession 4, Huron township and Mrs: Margaret Harkness of Bervie recently combined to provide music at the Pinecrest Manor Nur- sing Home in Lucknow. Among • the interested • listeners was D.A. MacLen- • nan, the ,well known Scottish piper of Lochahni. D.A. is now a resident in Pinecrest • Manor. Rain, rain, rain The wind is bound to Change, to quote a line from a current popular song. And so also the weather is bound to change.. Remember July and the big part of August, how dry it was, not a drop of ram i for the Kincardine Ripley areas. * Everyday the forecaster • would say, hot, hazy, and humid. Large cracks came in the ground - especially that Brookston Clay soil in Ripley and Huron township., ° Well that has changed recently. For eight days in a row up MI last Saturday rain had fallen. The most rain fell Systems • Payroll ----- art of showing and further he • Receivables Payables • This week in Ripley O by Ab tWykls from Thursday evening through to early Friday mor- ning. • ° Stewart Needham of Ripley who measures the water from the rain caught in a container reported a good two inches of water. And it was that, if not more. - Water was now sitting in low places on top of the ground such as the railway ditch along the north side of Gore Park. On Saturday with the overcast sky no rain fell- which was a good thing for Kincardhie fall fair. • Now 'farmers are hoping for a dry spell so they can work in• the fields especially to sow the fall wheat. Jim Scott of Concession 12, two blocks north of Ripley at the 15th intersection, has taken advantage of the weather and between mitt he has had a . new timber platform installed at .the weigh, scales at the Ripley Grain Elevator. • • The work was started a week ago last Saturday mor- ning with Doug MacDonald, a neighbour on the 12th reported as the man helping Jim remove the old timber platform. • Rain showers stopped the work. It was completed on O Lynn's Hobbies and Textiles Main Street, Ripley Pre Fall Sale • SePtember 14 Oyu 26 • Jaeger Nature Yam 30%- off Regular Hee Patores Craft Yam 20% off Regular Price Assorted CraftBooks Vs Price• Al• Macrame Supplies 20% off Ladies ;. jax panties 100% acetate, reg. $1.95 SALE 1.50 Sunburst pillow forms 25% off Tapestry wool 45c a skein Needlepoint canvas 40% off - • Assorted craft supplies 20% off Assorted packaged beads 2 for 1 sale Coloured crochet cotton 20% off • Assorted materials up to 60% saVings Simplicity patterns buy 2 patterns get the third one free until end of September Many more specials Inside the store • Special Coupons must be presented at tirne of purchase sept, 17 & is Macrame Cord Weedol'A Rings and Ceramte Beads 50% Off Prices Marked •EW, & 23 • Discontinued alserted yarn SO% Ole Prices Marked sot. 00114 cotton PrInts 4010 Beguter PtIce • • 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 22 2 1 2 2 2 Monday with Wayne Kerr of the South Line and Jim Scott pitting the flew creosoted planks in place. So it is all ready forthose grain wagons • and trucks when the corn is harvested. Lorne Ernmerton of Ripley along with his wife • and family are on holidays. Lorne has had a busy time forthe past few weeks as by himself.he handled the work at the Ripley Chopping MM. Taking his place are Cecil • Sutton of the 10th Concession • east and also no stranger to • the Mill, Bill Robertson of Kingarf. As in the 'past Bill drives the feed truck as well as workingin the Mill. The Mill is also known as the Ron Stardey Feed and Supply - Ron of Bervie being the owner. Last Fiiday noon Norman • Schmidt of Walkerton visited '4ith Fran and Ab Wylds in Ripley. During the forenoon • Nornian had placed his thir- ty exhibits at the Kincardine Fall Fair. For more than fif- ty years he has been a fair exhibitor at local fairs And also at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Also he showed • at the C.N.E. till they discon- tinued the grain show in 1968. • He has made a study of the is always giving out tips and encouragement to others to'3 exhibit. O Norman Barnard of Ripley attended 'the Canadian 0t tional Exhibition • last Wednesday and attended the evening grand stand show • featuring Anne Murray for that night only. • ' At Hanover he caught the • Owen Sound bus Which took its /passengers right into the grounds. It makes common sense to take a bus down •when you learn that the cost of parking a private car down there is half the price of the busticket and you still would likely be some distance away from the C.N.E. grounds. As of last week Orland McLeod of Ripley was hospitalized in London. Returns home During the latter part of last week Bobby Robertson returned home to the farm of Gordon and Ruthe Patterson on the Tenth Concession .east in Huron township. He reports an enjoyable two 'week vacation. in Southern California. Last Friday just after his return South California had its strongest earth tremor in 10 years causing things to fall from shelves and tall buildings to sway - but no in- jinies • or serious damage; just a little slipping along that San Andreas fault in the deep underground rocks. • • Passed away • William Lyle_ Oliver, age • 85, of Highway 21, north of • Turn to page 14• / • • Johnston Bros. ' (Bothwell Limited) Phone Phone WardsvM•e 693-4383 Komoka 471-3059 •Dungannon 529-7947 Washed Materials—Crushed Stone Cement Gravel. Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors Business Forms 2 SOPPIles For Ai*. .0ne iVirlte Syitteri •S Stock Forms & Carbons To Fit McBee, Etc. Journals, Ledger Cards, Statements, Cheques, 1 k LARRY COWAN 2. 1.....Lucknow, [5191528-2730 ; •P O Dates, Availitble tucknotrift District Community Centre FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 Donald Ritchie and Ruth Alton , SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 Lucknow Agrkultural Society i FRIDAY & SATURDAY O SePtember 18 and 19 Luclmow Fall Falr • • • OPEN DATES • AVAILABLE • Ootobar Friday 2 • Friday! Friday 16 Friday 23 • Friday 30 NOVEMBER • Friday 13 • Friday 20 • Friday 27 • DECEMBER • Friday 4 Friday 11 Friday 13 Saturday '19 -Now Booking For 1982 • FOR FURTHER O INFORMATION AND MID WEEK BOOKING • CALL 528-3532 • SEPT. 11-12-13 FRI., SAT.,SUN. is- 80.001coOrants 730 Shovellinii Duels Starts FRIDAY! SEPT.:11TH, 19111 SHOWilMii: Fri. a, sio, 1 sa $ P.M. Sun,Thuke. {P.m, EARTH IS TA HUNTING GROUND MAN IS THE ENDANGERED SPECIE.S COMING ATTRACTIONS "On the Right Track" • "Eye of the Needle" "First Monday in October" 30 c,C) LS A RF PHONE 5,24 7811 PARK ,..)NOrT,ONEE) • • rr CAW., WITHOUT W BONUS FEATURE Fm & SAT. NIGHT ONLY it • PROGRAM SU ditC,T T004414101 'WITHOUT ;INCITICt 11111VDIN TREATED