The Signal, 1933-12-14, Page 4,.r. a box tare
Billiard Parlors
and News Stand
Headquarters for
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Smoker's Sundries
Furnaces Cleaned
. Repaired_arn_dP. _.
Prompt service end prices
Agent ter MeC ary Furnaces
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. O. Box 131
Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting Held at Toronto Last Week with At-
- At-
Repressat*FRresp4sdialiaJ211181811, J.
Hodgins Elected President for 19214-ProgramLReported in
Project of Publishing County History ._._
Toronto, Dee. 5.-Tbe thirty-fourth
annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys'
Association of Toronto was held in
the City Dalry Recreation Sall, 8pa-
dlua Crescent, this evening at 8
o'clock, with the president, Mr. L. M.
Pringle, in the chair, and a very Large
attendance, representing every section
of the old county of Huron.
On motion the minutes of the au-
nual meeting were taken as reed.
Prof. J. C. Robertson, as chairman
of the committee appointed to prepare
data for a history of the cwuuty of
Huron, reported progress In the work,
but as the secretary of the committee
ltd removed to Vancouver it was re-
solved ou motion to continue the ser-
vices of the eowwlttee, and Mr. B.
H. McCreath was appointed as the
pist'nnanent secretary.
The nominating committee recom-
wended that the annual et -lame be
held at Simpson's Arcadian Court, on
Frklay evening, February 2nd, 1934.
and this place and date were endorsed
by the Associatkra
A resolution, commending (he secre-
tary and treasurer for their services
during the past year. was carried
with much enthusiasm.
The aec•retary's report was need by
Mina Sadie Walker, assistant secre-
tary, and related In detail the activi-
ties of the Association during the
year. The treasurer's report gave in
detail the various receipts and expen-
ditures of the year. Both of these
reports were adopted.
The nominating committee, with the
pr•eskieet sae -ehaidnen, --recommended
the following as a slate of officers for
the coming year. This report was
read tib Mr. Pringle, and was unani-
mously adopted:
Rzeentive for 11134
Honorary presidents -Hon. Robt.
Weir, Mr. Justice Garrow, Mr. T. A.
liwan41,-3ds.-J..-3. McLazen kir. A. C.
McVicar, Mr. L. M. Pringle.
Honorary vice -presidents -Mrs. L.
M. Pringle, Mrs. G. E. Ferguson, Mir
F. Paterson, Mrs. W. A. Campbell,
Mrs. John Moon, Mrs. E. Bloody, Mrs.
H. B. Stowe, Mrs. R. Brooks, Mrs. J.
A. McLaren, Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson,
Mrs. D. Robertson, Mrs. G. C. Young.
Honorary advisory committee --Mrs,
Wta. MMOreath, Mrs. Jos. Beck, Mrs,
8. L. Scott, Mrs. R. Holmes, Mr. Rube.
President --Dr. H. J. Hodgins.
Vice -presidents -Mr. Geo. E. Fergu-
son, Mr. W. A. Campbell, Mr. Harry
Martin. Mr. Geo. R. Dane, Mr. W. A.
Ituehanau, Mrs. G. M. Chesney, Mrs.
1i. H. McCreath, Mrs. Geo. R. Dane,
Mrs. W. A. Buchanan. Mrs. 4. >) ,
Forbes, Miss E. Bryan*, Mrs. D. D.
Secretary -Mr. E. Bloody.
Assistant secretary -Miss 8. Walker.
Financial secretary -Mr. R. 8.
Treasure1 Xr. Wm. Powell.
Chaplain -Rev. R. C. McDermid.
Organist -Mrs. Harry Martin.
Auditors -Mr. 11. I. Morrish and
Mr. 8. M. Wickens.
Conrettors of committees-Recep-
ommittees-Recrption, Mrs. H. J. Hodgins; refreshment,
Mrs. D. Thompson; program, Mr.
John Moon; printing, Mr. A. G. Smith;
property, Mr. G. N. Newton; visiting.
Mrs. H. 1. Brown.
Special representatives --Air. J. A.
Cameron, Hayfield; Mr. H. B. Stowe,
Itluevale; Mr. W. J. Tamblyn, Blyth;
Mr. T. Mustard, Brucefleld; Dr. J. G.
Ferguson, Brussels; Mr. W. F. Can -
[e'en, Clinton; Mr. I). D. Wilson, Eg-
mondville; Mr. 13. J. Hicks, Exeter;
Mr. B. H. McCreath. Gederieb ; Mr.
It. A. Greer, Gerrie; Dr. Byron Camp-
ttett,-Hewlett ;--Mr-it. Scout Loadee-
boro ; Mr. R. C. King, Sanford; Mr.
A. E. Forbes, Seaforth ; Mr. W. H.
Pearson, Wingham; Mrs. A. Becker,
Some of These Present
Among those prevent were the fol-
lowing: -.Dr... Juni _MLra...11..i. iioddn.
Mr. and Mrs. L M. Pringle. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. McLaren and Mtsa Mills,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mr.
Christmas Day
3T IS not definitely known
w bey Christmas was
tint celebrated. The
institution of the festival is
attributed to Telesplorus,
who ttouridMlld Ylf'tlI1B't't'igtlt"ef-
Antonlnua Plus (131.161
Al).)..The reason for the
final tinolce of December 25
cannot now be determined.
As Christianity spread, the
feast of the winter •ol,tic•e.
the trine when the day begins
to Increase, and light to
triumph over darkue-., was
changed lute the Feast of
ehrist, the Light of Life.
and Mrs. G. E. F,t uw'n, Mr. and
Mrs. B. H. McCreath. Mr. and Mrs.
E. isloody and, Mi-. Flood)', Miss
Sadie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Wilww, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, Mr. H. 1.
Morrish and Mis- Morrish, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. M. Wickens. Mr. awl Mrs. D.
Thompson, Mr. anst Mrs. R. Brooks,
Mr. Robt. Holmen. Mr. and Mrs. John
Moon, Myr. H. 13. stows, Mrs. D. nob•
ertson, Mr. R. (' King. Mr. Geo. A.
Newton, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Yetgtuemi.
Mrs T. H. Brown, Mr. A. G. Smith,
Mr. 8. J. Hicks, Mr. ,tad Mrs. R. A.
Greer, Mr. and Mr,. Hugh Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1i. Spriuks and Miss
Hamilton, Aid. and Mrs. W. Duck-
worth, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Love,'Mr.
and Mrs. A. Mlles, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Perry, Dr. J. G. itrlcker. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansa,
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Fisher, Mr. and
Unt J. Saul. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mar-
tin. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ('oualey, Mrs.
A. Bromley, Mrs. J. Brogden MeMath,
Mrs. J. Cox, Mrs. I). Reid. Mrs. I).
Prentice, Mrs. D. W. Dane, Mrs. M.
A. Smith. Mre. 11. 1.. Hessey, Mr. W.
Brine. Mr. N. Tqpping, Mr. G. Verral,
Mr. Reg. William'. Mr. A. S. Taylor,
Mr. L Wilson, Mr. Jack Moon, Mr.
Ken. Huffman, -31F 'W -H. Ferguson,
Miss 8. V. McLachlin, Mina M. L
Martin, Miss Edith Me auehlin, Miss
E. J. McIaucblin Mi -s E. Byrame, Mise
Lavine Enox, MI-+ B. Crittenden,
Miss It. StirIlnz. Miss M. McLauch-
lin, Miss E. MeMath. and nage others
whose names 4..111e4 not be- sbta1ped.
I Dr. H. J. H..:_in+. the new pried -
dent, Is a Seatorth Old Boy, and has
his dental laboratory at Bloor and
Keele streets, this city. He is in
charge of dentistry with the patients
at Christie street hospital and the
Oetario hospital on Queen street west.
• • •
The City parry Company takes the
,sake fur splendid service and unique
Mr. W. D. Sprttiks, of the O it6ase
Department, won a prise lu the
bridge contest.
• • •
Vice -President Geo. E. Ferguson
won the men's first prise in euchre,
and Mr. A. 13. Taylor took the second
• • •
Mr. R. J. Greer, who represents Ger-
rie un the executive, is a Gerrie OW
Boy, and carries on a big drug enure
on College street.
• • •
Mr. W. J. ' amblyn, 11.A., is rept'o-
,.eatiug lilcth un the executive. He
I+ a Hallett Uld Huy, and is head of
the Forest boys school In this def.
Mr. J. LL. Fisher, Seaforth OM Bol.
anti representative of The Evening
Telegram, was late 1n arriving, but
he made up amply for loot time.
• • •
Past President Harry 8(uwc war
unavoidably absent on account of Ill -
nests, hilt Yrs. Stowe 'Was on the job
and added materially to the evenings
• • •
Mrs. Moon got first prise in bridge,
while Miss Mclau. hlin captured the
second prize. There were four Me-
Lauchlins present. and they are
good *Lycra, and all from Brussels.
• • •
Mr. W.'1'. Canteloo, the new repre-
sentative for Clinton, is a prominent
druggist ou Dovercourt road.
- • • •
Mr. 1). I). Wilson. the popular and
untiring treasurer for two years, was
obliged to relinquish the position oi
account of bis inerous duties as en-
try clerk of the Royal Winter Board.
• • • •
-YtrsT.-Biers, the new rep/seenta=
tire for Exeter, is a live wire and will
do good service on the executive. He
1. an engineer on the Canadian Paci-
fic Railway.
• • •
Mr. William Powell, whose journal-
Idtre &mine is "1fJ1_Powl,: ls. the nen
treasurer, and hiring some Scotch is
his make -its will be wire to look after
the "bawbees." He Is bead of the
Waverley Press, Queen street K., this
city, and a 8eatorth Old Bow, getting
Ids early training in the Huron Mx-
poaitor omce.
• • •
Mr. A. G. Smith, chairmen of the
publicity department, L a Wingham
Old Boy, and formerly proprietor of
The Wingbam Ad ranee.
• • •
Mr. Robt. Holmes, ex -M.P. and ex -
editor of " The "Clinton New era-
-present, and Lt► his glory. Hs says
he is not talking politics at the pres-
ent time, owing to the depression.
• • •
Dr. J. G. Bricker looked after the
liowick delegation and threw himself
right tato the euchre game.
• • •
Hon. Justice Carrow, new honorary
president, is a Goderich Ofd Boy, sou
of the late lion. J. T. Garrow.
• • •
Mrs. D. Thompson and Mrs. H. B.
Stowe supervised the refresbmenta
and we all know how well the work
was done. To Mrs. '1;'bompson belongs
the credit of having the meeting held
at the City Dairy Recreation Hall.
• • •
Secretary Jioody had his own thee
with the attendance register. Notwith-
standing the repeated requests, quite
a number failed to register, and as a
cunaequence their names will not ape
pear on the list of those present.
Juin Moon looked atter the pro-
gram arrangements and did his work
well. Be refrained from talking poli-
tico the whole evening.
• • •
J. A. McLaren won a euchre game
from B. H. McCreath for the first
time In twenty years. Piper's Dna
must have echoed the noise of this
• • •
Mr. H. S. Sheppard, financial see-
retery, was comptroller of revenue at
the door .I1 the evening and the re-
ceipts were reported to be heavy.
• • •
The proceedings wound up at 12
o'clock, after dancing had been ear-
ned on for an hour to the musk of
Tror lTneles' embolus.
• • •
MI Huronites should reserve Friday
evening, February 2nd, 1924, the date
of our big ■nonal at -lame.
13e: "Would It be proper, my dear,
for me to klsw your hand?"
She: "Well• of coarse, some might
think 1t a bit out of place."
Wreaths, Garlanli Giiy
Shoat "Merry Christmas"
HAT • joy It 1e to Dome into •
home scented with spicy pine
and hemlock, se suggestive of
Yuletide that each room fairly shouts
..Merry Cristmas!" And what •
real pleasure, too, to gather the
greens and dispose them so that they
.expenes. all the 4! !!z:sa sot the
blessed season. intensifying the de-
lights of the "friendliest" period of
the Tear!
As garlands, the various type/ of
greens may decorate windows and
doors, or they may be massed on mo-
tels or tables.
To make a flexible rope of green-
ery. supply a foundation of hoary
twine and to this attach the start
sprays of pine, hemlock or spruce, in-
!srapersed regularly with austere of
laurel; or for a more decorative ef-
fect use the artificial berries with the
greens. Fine flexible wire L best tor
fastening the sprays In place.
Another use for greens is in the
formation of window wreaths. Ar-
range the small sprays on a heavy
wire foundation, taking care to keep
the wreath symmetrical. Small
groups of red berries, regularly
placed, give character to such a de-
Like Cali Cirtnanaae Preemie
Happy is the woman who receives
a cash (Lristmes present, because she
will bare a lot of fun at the January
sale counters.
Golden Guernsey
Table Cream and
Whipping Cream
Safe, beeaose it is all pro-
duced from a Government -
inspected Herd.
Your patronage solicited
Clif. McManus Dairy
-PHONI 530-
C FI "fa'F1 i "vsk vfi'A "+fi "fi "sY ii "fi 8 "sa 'ii 'i7 "i6d "a si s '>;t i FI "fC ii "fi Ft "7a ^f•i 'ri ![' "siE li'
AIC-4WW1/r IZeCTItsCIrC r14Crc-runrc c 4111111111011MCVt(1CTIIIs- tC VIEPte T4 tc vicirctrecirivicgvarc
4 II
Lingerie _ LADIES' WINTER COATS HOSIERY , --_--- - i SCARVES FOR MEN .-Yv :► -_.__ ,
- Ties TIP
The Ideal Gift- Silk and wool Scarves t
Weldrest Quality, full-fashioned in the ti
Large variety of Neckwear in g
is still a variety of styles newest shades... Every pair attractively ' f;1i • fine imported silks 955
in Winter Coats to boxed. . s r/ Quality Overcoata, well tail- Neat pattern Ties, attractively
Service weight pair or and $1.0fl T J tb•, ored. A large stock to choose boxed 69c
85c 1.00 b = v` 1 from and all atgreatly Boys' Ties, suitable patterns..
Pairand $ .f ' reduced
P 49c
Pair $125 av
Men's,YoungMen's Suits SOCKS m
for Christmas Events $1.95 nr • tyy6; 1
!_' `X New worsteds in navy and The Most Useful Gift -
Dance Frocks in bright shades. SCARFS ' "" __ Silk and wool Socks in a vari-
brown, new patterns and
Afternoon Dresses with light ety of patterns and shades.... W
Wonderful Gift Value -
tailored. Reasonably
touches, Matrons' Dresses with
that smart finish. Clever color combinations Ascot styles,. raced. 49a P
v double Ascots and others •
BAG-ing the Honors GLOVES 1 IV 1
When it comes to Gifts - Unlined kid Gloves. Finny! ( aA I Very Smart Leather Bags SWEATERS quality - •-.. $2.96tj CHIRTJ
$1.25, $2.95 warm and comfortable, .all Cardigan Jackets, heather shades.$G.75 Fleece -lined Kid $1.50 Arrow Sanforised Shirts will
7 Wool -lined Rid $1.95 make a Gift that is sere to
Fabric Hand Bags to match the $2.95 Q TURTLE -NECK PULLOVERS. Honey
Ni lesae the man of the most fas-
coat 98c PULLOVERS Fancy Knit, new necklines 47. comb weave in white, wine, gt and BELTS tdioue tastes.
blue p White broadcloth, Me striped
$1.75 and $2 95 1'98 Genuine Leather Belts, remov-
HANDKERCHIEFS D v "V" neck PULLOVERS, fine knit. $1.95 able buckle 98c
$1.95 and $2.60 t
=7195 BRACES, colored silk elastic _._i •
D _ Cosy and warm in lovely pattern.. Sites tp
to 14 PULLOVERS with crew neck and slew
$1.98 and $2.25 .27,71 front
Dainty Dance Sets ....$1.59
Vest and Bloomer Sets $1.00
Nightgowns $1.49, $1.95
Pyjamas ....$1.25 and $1.69
Panties 49c, 75c, $1.00
Slips $1.00, $1.95
Negligees $2 49
and cloths
suit everyone... All at greatly
reduced prices.
Winter Overcoats
Plaid patterns
Silk brocade Reefers,
fringe border $1.75
Sheer Chiffon
Crepe Hose
Squares, neat
Imported Kid Gloves, fine
quality $2 00 pair
Cape Skin Gloves, durable,
neat fit 51.25 and $1.50 pr.
Chamois Suede Gloves, all
shades, fancy cuffs 80c
Lined Kid Gloves ...
$1.45, $2.95 pair
, BATHROBES .,.•.- -
„• Zideld pis p t-
'banal anal Robes, tail
arm! at* onianinnorteirgoninintangiontartarintinrIVIMIrreittentattilZIEVICIOntalt110111041;4410EIMMEWITMEITIESINIVEISCW4W4104
..arrf4441749 ,tet
Fine quality, plaids, checks and
arrows. 750 pair
95c and $1.95 _. 4
Bozed, embroider ed designs,
ointa• r..
dee, 7Ee
Fine Lawn, motif in corner, or
colored border l0c each
2 cORFEL YS WEAW ., t:
Fine white lawn, colored bor-
ders 3 for 26c
Linen Initialed Handkerchiefs
25c, 35c earn
'11e " Acme jtd n . colors
green, bine and wine $3.75
Bove' ' Acme jkt $1.96 and