The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-26, Page 16wit 26, i901L LL 'flAf)L OA RINT TI1J11 • 1 Articles for wale:: REIRL rM, bedspread and "-shams, . hand embroidered. Phone $28.2183, 34a. " I NATURAL FOODS at` whole. sale ',prices (grain, Alour, tints, Bruit, etc.) Vitamins- and itamins and supplements. Mills, Grinders, Juicers, Dehydrat. tor. Free catalogue," Tobe's,, St. :Catharines 881, Ontario. •L2R 7C9. —3401 TR ASUREAIIUNTFRS, •coin collectors, find 'gold Silver coins, jewellery with White's Metal Detector, $91..98 up. Happy' Jacks Sales/Service, • 362 Helen Dr., StrathreyM 2454759, Free Catalogue. 34ntr COLLECTOR'S OR'S plates cur- rent and back issues.,.' therm . counts, free price Rita free.' hangers with': most. plates. Wlil.mamsil. Call/wilte Pedden 'Antiques, Strathroy, 11;R; 6, Ontario (519) 2474341\. —34nti URINE.ERASE saves carp etsl Guarantees I ` removal., dog, eat, human urine stains, odors" from -carpets! free brochure. Department A Rel.. dell Chemicals Ltd., , Box 7500, London, Ontaario. 14SY 418, -34nit DRY SettiENED bagged shavings, Delivered in traiile,{r' load' av„b " . 600 ), 'Ci,;. Cusstoenr Lumber & l�l►illtvonrlc Ltd., Bolton, : Ontario. (416) 8574882, —34nx • CAPTAIN'S BED and . 5 drawer cheat in good am.. dition.'' Phone 3955433. 341 ' ORDER NOW - "young roost. :.• sirs, dressed 6 "lbs.: and over. Levi Stutzman, R, # 2, Auburn, West of St, August. Inc, 19140 DT 100 Yamaha End. ura, . low mileage, lie new, . call 357.2067 after 600 pilar. 34,351 KENT ELECTRIC guitar and Darier amplifier . with all accessories : for amp and guitar, Phone 5284912 or 528.2844. 34,35 . WOOD FURNACE, Phone 395-2260 anytime, —34 KENMORE HEAVY DUTY. dryer,, . white, sell very rea- sonable. Phone 528.3126, 34 DISHES, ANTIQUES, and used furniture at Jim Finnie gain's . place; across from the car was$l, Phone 528-3602. Opens Monday, Wednesday, Friiddayy, Sunday, rine to trine. t1 BEEF (Matteis and Halve% CUSTOM i(MO Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your spe ifrcatio na Quiti priming Available BUTTONS MEAT ItARIORT LOC O* Shop 828-3069 Or If No Answer Call • 3954410 mar ArtIcieli tor sale R., ♦•loll IYYoiI — rlrm rr., al.r folie YYr TCP SOIL. Phone Lloyd` W'hytok evenings, S282OO6 -i6tfar USED APPLIANCES New and Used Appliances at rho Lucknow App 640'000o 52$4048. —S0tfarr•' a NOW IS THE TIME to place your, larder for dressed geese,. ducks and chickens. Phone Lucy Miller,' 528.2299. 33tfar `.S111VMNMER. SALE on new Prowler, Lionel, , and Golden falcon trailers Prices drastically, reduced. We also winterlre trailers and RVs,. Rowoknow tor special rate, •Repairs, " accessories 'and rentals, Clued W'ednesday. and Sunday,. Rotary's Trailer Sales, 1`iw , . 4 between l nover an Walkerton,. x'64. 37"48,—moi r FOR SALE . TYPEWRITER SOW.' porta blee electric, like view, complete 'with carrying •aG epe/�a e,• .W; Phone S3altpor U.012.2 s ask for Tony.= 29 r .....� - _, DO YOU; WANT- A QUALITY, attractively ' prig ed Canadian ,built organ, -with guaranteed ' after Alia service?. We also; repair all :makes. of organs, ,._Contact Does' Organ'. and •Ni Pi, 124 Queen, Street, Kincardine, 396.3546, Your Hammond .Organ Salm and Service' Dealer,' Alio urgan.lessons available, leow • FENCERS SALES and area vice. • Tours built to • your specifications if you wish, .Alvin ' Beuerman, • , N • 1, ublin, 345.2306.. 19•4leow wig sio ',imam* ow 7.. Real . ,estate . for. sale aalrwifW -_-00e111allaaaaa ,r Real satete, for saI�r f"8. Services avallabIR oft" ■y, aim •— miry 000!l1Ml Coen Cranston R. 2'Aubuwrn' eS2947691; All1HAMMEN BACKHOEING oar EXCAVATING and trunking, sand,gravel and "top;. soil. Phone Robert Symes, R, # 5, Lucknow;- 52843047. °'lbtf Personal fops lrw, — 11,14101,1 . 15 ALCOHOL A PROBLEM your family? Al.Anon can help families and friends •Of alcohols s. 'I'honer Walkerton 88103113, Godertkh 5240 6001, Ask for an Al.Anon 'nu`mber..—45tfnc llrr role • 22 Lolrt 'and found LOST . Gold brooch either. at Pinecrest Nursing Home or Main Street, .August 19. Reward offered. Phone 396. '1789. X34 . ,req era.rr'— mar.rrir..rir:— —,err 28 Engdgominti• 0,410124.0.110R: • Mr, end. Mrs, Gordon Robb,. •R.: • R. N 3, Goderich are pleased to announce the forthcoming " marriage; of their daughter, Sandra Jean, tis Robert Stanley :> Darling, • soon o ''Mr, and Mrs. Cosige Derling Win k m. The wedding will take pieta at • Asiliifiel-d Presbyterian,' • • Church, Saturday, Sepptemm • ber -5, ' 1981, . ,7,00 .p.m. • RITCHIE. PO L ' Cordon and Donnaa Powell of Auburn.'are pleased . to .an• no truce the marriage Of their daughter, Wendy Louise, to Bryce Allan Ritchie, son of Alan: and Violet Ritchitt r►t R.. IL: 3 Lucknonw. The •ritarriuge''• to take place at . Auburn` . United Church at 7 o'clock . p.m. ' on: September 4th, 2 "LOPS ANO. MOBIL! HOMI • MAKKtl US Ak.OFFIR ,: NO 48-94 a,•r�r �►, .m . CHIP could pay up to $500.00 of the cost Frio Estimates ...i mine m.ii ryrr . err a.r NNW r.r aii.•arr, rru.ei*.di r, aro I1ol I tato wanted aiYirlYl�r aWWr.Yrri.rrr +rr.r err rYr — i�tiYr' WANTED TO BUY '5 - g0 acres with good- house.' 'In.'• quirles, call 528.6945. -J4tf, as - arY.Wrr.rri l lir err e.., iia - Om " A1ccom .. to. root. 'Ago alio '014 arm HOUSE IN LUCKNOW Phone 528.2321 or" 528.3602 • after 6 in the '. evening, 34,35,36ri SMALL FURNISHED. apart. meat, :: Phone 395.5839 or 528.3134.. —27 f HOUSE. FOR RENT to Am. barley.. For information call 39545305, 32tfar • THREE BEDROOM' house for rent on Main Street, Phone 528.3007,—24tfar , Employment Warde - die. MOW EON flow .far gill 1olr ail 11160 WILL' SARYsIT In m home Monday II'Ithrough 'Friday, iday. Phone 828.2337 34x WILLING TO BABYSIT children in my heate`,,(Luck. `now), Phone 528.3206, 34,35mt ION .air lam* ail" lMill Obi eii.rl 15 • tender • rr.e:.YW W;la ViYb; WON gill Oro Willi , ll. Mow• OFFERS BY SEALED tender`,.., will be accepted for 6 pinball machines of various descrip. • -titns until September 15, 1981.. " Further •inforinatiomn day -be ombtainotd frtynsi D. W.• Talbot, Rot 509, Haliburto n,' ant. KOM 1S0. 005) 1240. - 34nx' TRY .C & E Furniture, . new • and �yu��sed. Dial tIo derieh, 5247231." —40if rrrr err err ailt dives real ram air alai mist 4. Articles i anted airs ma* air- dime ram* am* oat moo drill f l • WAND Old Brick buildings for .WANTED salvage pure poses. Contact IL Lumley ,Demolition' • Inc., 1185 i.. Murphy •Rooad, Sarnia 15424088; On,tario's far. gest supplier of reclaimed back, We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in • 1980, -We paid cash for a few buildings, we demol. ished conte for no charge, and for others we charged a slight fee • for ; our services, Yea, we travel,v.' We have associates./part nets living and operating out. of Londo n and Listtorw- t, el t..eas. Honest appeals. also references. available, We carry "S1,000,000 in- i ( surarrce and are covered i by Workmen's Co ipen. I sation, We eliminate eye 1. sores. in an honest, fast, s • and efficient manner. — .52eow ' ONE "AND TWO bedroom apartments. Lucknnow. Cali after 9 p.m. 5294030. 33tfar • ml."dine mi.lir aiYi.,.iier ser ditita .l. meY - 12. Help wanted am ire sal r mai air r l - ail mole AMBULANCE. DRIVER at- tendants, '32 bed. hospital rem quires 2 fullmtime ambulance,-. driver - attendants. EMCA graduates preferred. Duties include 'Malde Nursing. Call. Espanola General Hospital, Espanola, Ontario; (705) 869• .1420, -34nx • EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show beautiful Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives, it's easy and profitable, No es- prerienee needed, Write day for free, colourfully 11- lustrated catalogue and in. formation, Monarch Cards and Gifts, 211 Cannon, Tram. iltesn.LBN 3K3 or'.phone (416) 521.3891. 34nsr PSR SALE BY TET 1111§10211 To close an estate, town lot, size 82.5' a 132' on William. Street*, Lucknow in residential area. Tend. ers, accepted until Sept. ember 25,1981, H1 hest, or 'any tender not • neces. airily accepted, Apply. to Rob. rt R, Csiooboll, giant i r; :Roth 1900 Lmrrclmtosww N00 2110. —3437 PORTAHLE VitELD1NG • :Will. deportable welding and. in shop.repair work'., custom stabling • SPIKE: •NAIL. 1J1t Efts, la tICK NOW .2$$-2120 ztrur CUSTOMBUTCHE NO Hogs, .Cattle, and Lambs . Mondays'. Reasonable' rates. Contact Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 s* 395=2979 evenings. - 42tfar RC'OF 2'ARfillNrv,' iithiavmra_ sealing. •Phone James Sym-• es,' 5284233,•'-1 ftf DON 'TH MPSON TN. and Appliances • , Admiral Sales and Service; tower and 'an. terms installation," refrigerate OM service, 395.3466, Itip• ley; - 9t;ar mrlr jai. a.. *air atilt mita ll.il a a.iivYi — 18. Services available door mei alit alrmartmlii.r.lYiYiliiitalri.rlr�, CONLEY CONSTRUCTION Liwiitoww ° Cement Work, Framing, '- Renovations • For Pres Estltiiaies New Photic 395.5526 or 528 3324 ..17tf"ar I LIVE IN BARMIER for three young cl,iidrerm• during auwmrner and fall -harvest. Reference required.- Rini. meta wwaan Farms, notice 395- 1614, - 32;33,34 THE CANADA FARM Lab. our `Pool requires 8 apple pickers for the Cixrhestburg area to -start approximately mid Seryfrtenbe r, Para bank, ground iteeessary, 'Acorn. iodations provided, Coinpee. titive wage" and bonus- Ref - er * required, Caul ceded to Canada? nom Tabour Pool` in Owen Sound at 311.9522 33,34 POL1,0MUSIC CENTRE SherlockManning: Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equip. ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale;, used pianos wanted. Pqr piano tuning, and repairs cal 395`2982, —tfarr 11MAWIHN1NY EAVRSTROU'ONG , HOOFING AND SAO SOFFIT AND FACIA Free Estimates" All Work Guaranteed Phone 528.3815 2ltfar • . - mw arra - air MON meer - mem 21.. Public notices' Wider raw r" flaw alga trim aria friar err tear SOMEONE to take over an established Kitchener Rec. ord paper. route. Phone 5280 3941. -34x 1981.. ittraus.ALTON" Mr, and Mrs, :Glen Walden ' o f Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie of R. # o 3, Lucknow are plead" to • announce - the forthcoming marriage of their children, Ruth and Donald, The mar- riage. x111 take place on Friday, `September 11, 1981. at 7.00 p.m. in Lucknow United Church, NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF Im1LWSS The Clerk's Office at Holy. rood will be closed from August 31st to. Septet fiber 12th- inclusive. Coker Lesions bio Available in Ripley, Tees. water, and Tiverton, Phone 395.5137 or 395.5997. --X3447 AUCTIONEER SERVICE mitt Ripley Wa , Teeprater Wowed Anedoiresin Sales ofAll Types Phone fCip r 395.5353 Teeswater 392.6110 4ctfar ‘ : rework* of Klass 34,35ar LUCKNOW LANCERS re- quire a manager for the up. coining season, Anyone int. crested please call Tom Hill, 524.7714 after 6 p.m. 33,34 aiW.iiiiVea Mai&wrdrml.l'll 21. Personal milli. aro sato ramieallied drat merWemir agar PREGNANT and need help? Pree positive' comideential support. Birthright, Can 357- 1666 cored Of. 432.7197. ' 40tfar •AVINO 4 DRINKING R PR EMt AA can help, Phone Codeitieh 5246601 o ' lkeas nn 861.3655. HOLMAN • HACKETT Mr, and Mrs. Eric .l, 'Hackett wish to announce the forth•' coming marriage of their eldest daughter, Margaret Ann to Arnold Murray' Hol- man, \son o f .Mr,. and I Mrs Lorne .$, Holman of WSW stock, Ontario. The marriage will take place les London, Ontario, on September: 25th, 1981,• - ma'MileiimYrii-MIN gal Elmira.. Oita 30, in Memoriam milli. err alar miirr mY.iaY. dim* aYr mell* mem stlatACKEN In . Wing Menlo*?of our belorwd son and brother, James W, McCracken, his brief .life ended suddenly on August 31st, 1979,; in his 240 yeas., Loved with a love beyond all Missed :d with a grief beyond all tears, To the world he wassjusst one, To us he was all r the world, Sadly missed and loved by Mom;Dad, brother, and ssi'feta, Barbara and Alvin Hackett 34s the ALIS,..