The Signal, 1933-12-14, Page 3ar
HEY did net hare
Tell. MK* 019.Pel.
feet they had
very little. If you
had peered Into Ma
-re Grady's worn puck-
etbook you would
^ two -dollar bill and
,j/C, a few stray cop
pers. Thls repre-
sented three
months' careful
saving for Christmas. The Grady*
were poor add there were seven of
deem -Pa OTINIT'frft. Wird in an
Fe' &et three years ago. sinie when Ma
Grady and Susie and Bill bad worked
hard to keep the family together. Rut
all the hardships in tbe world could
n ot dampen tbe spirits of that fight-
itinh Susie Grady was a plucky fifteen.
s sod got emaH jobs of larking after
1; Was neletbone trebles, or coming in as
eu• elve. He picked up odd quarters
le all sorts of celver ways. Ma Grady,
that eery, smiling, battling w(IDDID,
had tter big artier in the mods from
e arning until night Rhe did the
waellings of half the town.
And so Christmas Eve came. And
Me Grady stepped down to where the
stores were and expended her two dol-
lars end a few teepees- ea efitta_fraz,
h er family. In the meantime Susie
end Bill were busy about a Chriatmas
tree. Bill had bought It at a great
reduction becaume it was so ugly.
Stair paused in draping a bit of Ln -
1_1, eel on a branch. "Don't you bear a
'vying?" she asked.
"Haven't cot time to listen to the
wind," growled Bill, alto was feeling
too important to be bothered with
Susie went on with her work.
Then—"But I do hear something,
mare as the world" she 'misted. Bill
grunted and stood off to ;quint up
Me eyes at alone cotton he had just
arranged like snow.
"les • scratching sound lied a
whine. l'os going to see." Stale
dipped Into the hall. She opened the
door. There, shivering on the alll, was
lee coldest, littlest dog she bad ever
seem in ber life. It had long, silky
ears and the biggest brown eyes Imag-
"Why, you poor tittle beastie!"
IlIoaks gathered him up In ber arms.
• grateful pink tongue lapped ber
bee. A cold little body pressed
Wonder why be came to our door?"
The children stood patting the DOW
treasore. And the wee dog made tiny
*partings of pleasure, wriggling and
squirming with delight. The Christ -
Mad tree was forgotten.
"Don't get him to barking or it will
wake up the other kids!" warned
pkayed with the Mai stntsier.
and Smile had nerer seen such a
friendly little creature. They began
tu think of hen as their own
as Christmas gift eoule especially
for them.
A lotui rapping on the door. A rap-
ping as of a caue knocked smartly
agaiust the panels.
"Mercy!" maid Susie, "who's that?"
And she flew to answer it.
'Have you seen?" asked a man's
small dog about here?"
"Wity—" stem's/treed Susie, "why—
A sharp little bark from the other
"All," mid the stranger, "I perceive
that you have. Allow me to euter and. wire a seas _ ,
retrieve my property."
Before Susie eould say a word the What can I give Him,
Idg man had ',uglier! by her and was Poor as I am?
in the room where the Cleletmas tree If I were a shepherd,
stood. I would bring a lamb;
Bill had the dog tight in him arms. If I were a relive man
ma An elftresoion- en the boy's.
face of ;logged determination. He
looked as though nothing in the world
could separate him from thbr Dew -
found balminess.
"Yes." &aid the stranger, "that is
the little fellow. He got away from
MGMley, Deanthee 14th, 1015--S
In the BleakMidwinter PORT ALBERT, Dec. l&—Lota of
wow at present. It looks mom like
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty winds umee moan, 10
Earth stood hard as ieon,
Water like a storm;
Snow had fallea. snow On Mews
"Ruby ttg
In the bleak midwinter,
Lung ago.
Our God, heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall dee awe),
When He comes to reign;
lu the bleak midwInter
A stable -place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty
Jeses Christ.
Angels and archaugeia
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Misr Slunk-. bong of DUIIIIIISDOD
swot the week-eud at Jas. China, Tin Ilao Nan: Portugal, Boas
lanktr. and Mrs- Horace Cunningham Key, lehok Snare; limmary, Boldog
the home of the former's sister, Mrs. tovjetra; Croatia, Sretatt Bock; Hot -
Chas. Crawford.
The play preseeted by the Y.P.8.
Friday night was a decided savage
The W.18.8. of St. Andrew's church
are holding their annual meeting OD
Thursday of this week at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Dickeon.
"A !Worry Christmas as
Other Nations Say It
GUIS is how the nation/. of the
world express the eish "A Merry
Chrletmas:" France, ilon Noel;
Millen is under the doetor's !DIV again
with blood -poisoning.
Mies Hazel Hee is a patient in
Clinton hospital.
Miss E. Lyou is confined to her bed
fiche Weilnachtan; Sweden, Glad
Julen; Italy, Felice Natale; Rumania,
Denmark, Gletelelig Jul.
Women't 40w...tenon of the
Unked church held ii-iirranceesaatti
bazaar and tea In the Community
Hall on Friday.
The schools are busy preparing for
their l'hriertmas concerts.
The hontiesboro Athletic Association
held a sneetereful dance in the Com-
' utunity 11811 on Thursday. They are
aim getting the ice on the riak
readineas ter skating
Mr. John Shobbrook has purchased
a frame building from Bert BrIlDadO.
aud has been tearing it down and
haullug it home.
A titled lady war; once canvassing
for voter. at a parliamentary eiection
aud stopped ut house the door of
"May I ask." said the lady ;meetly.
"to Whillt party your husband be -
"Certainly !" anawered the woman.
"I'm the party to whom 'e belongs, r
and well 'e knows it!"—Moutreal Ga-
Thronged the air; ;;A
But ills mother only ...
In ber maiden bliss
Worshipped the Beloved
inz part
Yet what I can I give Him—
Give my heart.
The Two Children Played W116 time
Illms11 Stringer
me while I wan giving him a walk.
The mistrees would be wild if I lost
him. have to teach him • lesson."
He reached for the dog.
"No, no!" cried Bill. "We found
him and took him hi. Ile's ours!"
"Why, 11111," said Susie, "you muat-
n't speak that way!"
The men laughed. "I don't wonder
you want him—he's a cute little tyke.
But I must take bim beck home. I'm
to drive the family to a paety tonight
and I'm late now."
But Bill relinquished his hold on the
dog not a whit. "Ton can't have him!
A/ the big man in a driver's livery
took a step forward his glance fell on
a framed pbotograph. For an instant
he blinked very fast. Then he ecru-
--Vide-little filler. ser foe t'on- spittln' image of me
Bus elikke
"Ouess bee one o' them new Tim. Tim Grady, or I'm a liar!"
''"7"7.1 dangled kind; a Chinese Pekingese. HUI and Susie stood spellbound.
—Christina Georgiun lieresetti. r
with his nose. i tg
Juit at this moment who should I
come puffing iu the door but Mrs. 1
Grady bereelf. her arms laden with
packagee, her face rosy with the mid. i tug
"Mother!" mereamed Bill and Susie! ema_
at mace, "mother! Here's a man who irlf'
lad a little dog."
Mrs. Grady set her hundies on •
chair and came in. The very breath
of elean outdoors (-time with her.
"Mra. Geady," said the man, "could
your name be Noralt Finnegan?"
Mrs. Grady mulled. "It could--apd
"Well," said the man, and a queer,
shy look puseed over his face, "maybe
you won't he welcoming me—but 1 m --
1'm Tim'a youngest brother, Tom. I Gifts, Gift for otle Lilt for
ran away from home when I was six- f
teen. I've been pretty near all over
Mrs. Platt In October—right here in
the country. Jost came to work for
this town. I last track of my family—
but I did hear about Tim's death. I
was in California then. I'm awful
The heart of Mrs. Grady ea a
large one. She forgot ae easily as she
forgave. And it took her only a few
minutee to make this big youngest
brother of her husband very much at
"Von was always his favorite," she
Our Store Is Literal'y Overflowing With
all. Holiday merchandise galore. We are
show goods and quote prices
Christmas Greeting Cards
41/441116/11/44.1111D1 E.15 '""" ABHES°0187 ROBES
IV LAURA SECORD CANDLES 50c lb. in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 lb. pkgs. Popular priced Sets $1 00
Imported and Domestic. The
World's Leading Sets for
Ladies and Men
Yardley's Sets for Ladies and
A large selection of Perfume
and Sets
So pleasant to the taste and so quickly
effective that children love to take it. _,,
Equally good for adults. Of time -proven
1."Could Your Name Be Nora Finne-
Huron Commercial Academy
We are enrolling students now foe' our seemed term which will
begin en Wedneeday, January 3, 1934.
Now la the time to begin training for the peraition which you
bone bo secure a year hence, but your training must be thorough and
Our individual method of inetruetion and eupervision enabler;
us to adapt the course to your need', and then you may advance ex
rapidly as you are capable of mastering the studies.
Begin the New Year aright and enrol.
Phone 429 I'. 0. Box 396
Mee Marjorie J. Stewart, B.A., Donald MacLeod,
Instruetor Commercial Subjects. Principal.
Let us know your requirements $1.25, $1.50.
Perfume Bottles, Cut Glass
gNeilson's Chocolates . . 50c, $1.00
Leather Goods
said, "and he used to worry about you
"No," confessed Tom Grady, "not I." he .
And by the Hein' eroul of St Patrick, 1 Tv
I'll lend a shoukier in this house! , g K d k
Se've had a hard time, Norah, and ,
you've done a One job by the kicia.
It'll be grand to come here my nitre.
-off. 1 was teeth'. terrible lonesome
thia Christmas. I have most of the -ow,
day tomorrew and you bet I'll hike it
over here as fast as I can. Will ye
invite me?"
SUMP slipped a why hand into hsr 1 -Now
new uncle's big fist. Bill moved ..e ". NAM IL
nearer, his eyes round wIt'h bewilder- .....!•'.1.^-,
ment. Ile gill held the little dog ':.
Military Brushes
o a s and Brownies
COMPACTS—A large range
75c to $4.50
A fine selection, Houbi-
Roses, Evening in Paris, and
many ot-r.ers.
Three Secret], popular prices
Small Sets
at to -day's prices
tight in his arms. "Can you bring the
dog to vistit, too?" he naked.
"I don't know about that, but I do
know that I can buy another dog jurt
like him for a lad 'I've. just found—
a boy by the name of Mil."
—the merriest Christmas for, yearn.
Big Tom romped with the ehildrren like
a boy. And harking savoy with all
his exuberant MiCht WHO a brown and
white dog with large eyes and a plume
of a tail—"To Bill with a Merry
Chrietmae from his Uncle Tom" had
been orr the tag that COMO with the
now MISTY -
"Baled. a flne day!" Mead Mrs.
dov.en waehin'a or ao and tend to nu.
Now Paying- WIII Roger*, in "Down to Earth," and Zane Grey's
"Smoke Lightning."
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—
"Once in a Lifetime
The Play That Convulsed New York,
CnIversare wreen riot of the yeer, a knockout comedy that poker'
fast and furioun fun at the movie makers. Don't mien it!
Thursday, Priday and 'Saturday—
,'Soldiers of the King'
-17t4 and giddy neatest burlesque featuring Englank,gcleyer queen
Musical Instruments
- Violins, Guitars, Tenor Banjos, etc.
Combinations Christmas Records
family. That Tom irr a whale of a
lad for helpin'."
I would rather be right than be
Head Cask: "Didn't I tell yore to
nailer* when the rump boiled over?"
Asaletant: "I did. It was half -pant
ten."- Buffalo Bison.
CICentreirrNEIME '-
AR outstanding sttreetion with Edward rtorett rtortoills the east
Coming-- "LADY TOR A DAT," a grand fue-play.
—Matinees Wednesday sad Saturday, at 3 pm.—
Are you seeking formula which
will insnre you Merry Chrkemna?
It'w really too clay: Jere hove •
(-Mid or two around the place and hu-
man nature will do the met. Collier's
KODAKS $5.00 up
Pearltone and Onyx
Rolls Razor
Autograph Books
Birthday Books
. Flashlights, all sizes_,
—111•• the new TRZRMOB PORRIDGZ COOKER $2 95—
• gentleman. wIN.hing s..111.
library. -
"Where," he asked, "what' I find
something on rorreggio and hls 'Flight
into Egype
"Everything about aviation In Room
121," ramended the clerk Res RIM
Other Thermo. Bottles $1.00.
ampb,e112's Prut Store