The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-26, Page 9• ...'.. ,;46, • . rs, , • It • • 1 . •41Ir eihuodoy, Autos 20, 1981 Pose * 4 •.BYLifilatcre*,:: tanifkitiliattois to and Mrs.. Jim Enghuid , of Lucknowt who - celebrated their 6t)th wedding miniver-, miry on August 7. •Their,sion,; Donald, and family lived at Langslde for a, few years on - the firm now Owned by Mr., Johir" Top and Lois Hanna; Miss Lucknow • Fall Fair is representing • Lucknow Agricultural Society at the Toronto Exhibition.' • She competed for Queen of the Fairs on Friday, August: 21. The winner reigns over the C44..E, with Senteriber. •7.;• • • ; • .,Syinpatki of the common ity ,•,.1s. extended .to Mrs. Roiled' Young in the loss of her grandmother, Mrs. Viola Ferguson of Carleton. Place; near •Othiwa, who , passed away on Sunday,. August 23. Sympathy:is also extended to Mrs: Wendy Gerster in the Ios of her father, Alfred Herbert, clerk . treasurer of Lucknow, who passed away in .VVinghain Hospital On August 13. 1. - A graduation party was held at the 'home Of Mr: and 'MM. Ernie flanna. on .Satur- • • day afterneen.. August 15, In ,honour af their ,son.- David Hann*,. who graduated from frOm •Ridgetown College.' Over 60 relatives and friends enjoyed a smorgubord supper on the lawn; FongragillOons Pam id. •. Congratulations -to Mrs. Edyth Cayley and son Robert on their good showing at the KinljuiditEowinen's "hunt - era round" .on Sunday . at Kineardihe . • •• Mr. • and Mrs. , Chester Owlet' of, /Mildmay visited; with Mr. and Mitt.: Clifford • Young Friday evening. : Mrs, Milford Wall:attend- ed • a shower ,for •" her niece, Ann - Hackett of London, daughter -4 Mr. and Mrs, Eric Hackett of. Lucknow. It was held in the Lucknow• 11hited Church ,Sunday,Oter- noon and was planned by relatives And neighbours. About 50 ladies were pres- ent. She received many • lovely gifts and a bounteous • lunch was served afterwards, Carey Coughlin spent two days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young. • 6 Mr. and Mrs. John . L. Farrell, of the 10th Con - erasion, hosted a • family Iamb barbecue and corn roast on Fridayevening. The event was held at the home farm of Mrs. Farrell's parents Mr. and Mrs Earl Elliott. Fifty guests were present and all agreed that barbecued lamb is "dee..? 'litmus!" • Congratulations are. , in order to Corrine Boyle on her acceptance to the University of Western Ontario for the Fallterm. Corrine's sister, Miss Bonnie Boyle, returned home this week from a two- week vacation trip toQuebec City. She reports having an i• enjoyable time. • Mr. and Mrs, Cecij Sutton and family visited with Mrs. George King of 13ervie on Sunday afternoon. .Kelly and IC risty), McGillivray of Ripley visited with their grandmother, Mrs; Katherine Collins for the weekend. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Collins and family were Mrs, • Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green of Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. , Donald Forster and family en- tertained Mrs. Forster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan • Keith of 'South Kinloss, for Simko, dinner. Visiting with the, Forsters through the week was Mac McGinniS of the Rainy River District. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elliott and daughters of Upsala, Ontario spent the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Hodgins 'of Kinloss and Mrs. and Mrs. Earl Elliott of Purple Grove. • . , • • • . • " HURON -PERTH COUNTY . . . • ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE • 'SCHOOL BOARD: • • .• • . •-• „...... •Kindergarten t� Oiacte allegistration. Oresis ,• Services DATE CHURCH MINISTER .30, Luclouriv United March Roy- munshaw Sept., 6 •Lucknow United, °mak Rev. 1VientshoW Sept. 13 BACK TO REGULAR SERVICES IN AIL CHVICHES.• • ALL SERVICES AT.10 • WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357,1630 FOlt 241100100Vg INPORPRIM 1111.11111 faea Bil'rt Reynolds • Roger IVIoore fern* Fawcett • Dom Debi's& SEPTEMBER 1,1981 P.11/1.. 5 P.M. St. Joseph's School Mr. David Sharpe, Principal R. R. 3 GODERICH, KIngsbridge, Ontolo 5294848' • FUITING PROM FRIDAY, AUGUST 21111i.to 81111100AX, Sirnmen s* OfortmMes FRIDAY A1ND SATURDAY si • 7:00 ami 9100p.m. • IlLSONDAtto tIlUILIDAY at $:0O pa. OILY LAST DATIMIURS0111( AUGUST 2701 KIIICIONOrten.ChildnIO need to be' 5 years:of agg'on.lir before 31st.DOMber, 1981. 'PINS,. '.. Wing' proof of 'age [Birth Certificate and Certificate]. - • School Will Wahl on TUesday, 8th•Sept- ember,1981, and 'the first dar.of attendance 'for Kindergarten„pkins will be Wednesday, 9th 'September, 118i • 461 1.* • 4440‘* dilltie400 111644 ,Ati•;, it, Dates- Available:1 Luenoir Community. Centro . FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 •Bryce Ritchie and Wendy Powell SATURDAY, sErt 5 Bob Darlingand Sandra Robb • OPEN DATES AVAHABLE AUGUST FrIdaY 28 • 4 OCTOBER Friday 2 Friday 9 Friday 18 Friday 22 Friday 30 rio • OPEN HOUSE in honour of Anna mut Percy Blundell's 40th ,, Wedding , Anniversary on Open House vrill be held • at -their: home, 110 Quebec St.. Goderich, on Wednesday, September 2, 1981 from 2-4 pm 'and 7-9 , pm. 'Relatives, friends and neighbours are cordially invited. NOVEMBER Friday it Friday 13, Friday 20 Friday 27 Now Booking For 1082 i011 FURTHER INFORMATION AND MID WEEK BOOKING CALL 528-3532 TENDERS • FOR WINTER MANAGER FOR LUCKAI0Of ARENA Tendered weekly salary to include all necessary assishmts„ Assistants to be paid by Arena Manager. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. AU applications to be filed at Town Office not later than 5r p.m. Wednesday, September 9., 1981. For further information. call 528.3539. • Lucknow & District • Arena Bond IIPLEASE NOTE: be etheed from September SO le - The LYCEUM Theatre will IIIl reiepening on thtli whh ophomhow 17th telioreisevetion. We will litembere the hilarlette comedy STRIPES stoning Nth Murray. We hops ysu'II them to the the Movie and Our new leek whin we no.epen. *oil root for then; at. but youW net*Ss who vvins. Starts FRIDAY! 4087 28 TO apt 3 stownwits pit a lacy a 1 P.M., kon..thurs.11,P.M. , she is 15 he is 17 •the kove every parent fears STAR rs FRIDAY What makes an ex -cop take the law in his own hands? CHUCK NORRIS' AN • COrnirie coon Plus 2nd arG Nil. PARK GODIIIIHCH PH 524 7811 '0ct:5t401tIONtI) HWY. 8 GODERICH AT 004CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524-9981 * °SW& .A.12 • 669t0.1( RAM'S SUM _CHAN EMI UT NOTICI •