The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-26, Page 4. . 1 • . . , 1 , . �y,Ai • plowmen come toKi,uardine T�wnship. This coming Friday arid Saturday in the Millettoa - Hawk area, you will find a group of plowing ellthualatirs as they come tode annual battle between man and land ' lea plowing match time again and the Bruce County. Ploimien's Association is holding its coaching day and plowing competition. • Commencing Friday morn - big on Cliff Hewitt's fain, coaching day is planned for all would-be competitors and anyone else who would like to learn more about the Proper setting of Plows for competitive Owing- and general farm plowing. Mr. Roy Craig of Caledon East will be the instructor. He will be showing how to do opening splits for all sizes of News as well asgiving tips . on proper settings. The coaching day is open to anyone Who wishes to cpme. Saturday morning, the OFA formas task force The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) Is taking the 'economic Crisis facing farriers into its own hands. Tired of government half - Measures, OFA is forming an independent task force to find solutions to fainters' financial problems. OFA President Ralph Oar. rie said farmers eatt't go on "lurching front one crisis to another". High interest rites "and low commodity prices are expected to drive many ' farmers off their 'farms this fall. OFA predicts the situs - tion will WO!'itell over the winter. The emergency taskface will ',look :M ,interest rites, commodity Oats,- and the future at agriculture in oat, ado. '4We'lleedth search for • itabgity". Barrie' said. lite -tisk ) force will report . its conclusions and suggest solutions to the OFA by the end of. November. • It will be. madeup of prominent farai leaders, as well .as consumer and bank representatives. They will. hold hearings for • several days in s. number of centres ' across -Ontario. Farm, groups, marketing. boards, and any concerned v.member of the public will be. .invited,to speak at the hearings. Barrie said farmers have to take the, initiative and find solutions for .their industry. "Things, Just get bogged down when gOvermitent,btir. minority gets involved." eneensureStable future for agriculture. OFA will take other. action tohelp fanners who' need immediate financ- ial help. • It will be .patting increased Pressure on governments to provide formai 'With sh term relief right away., OFA will push the prov- ince to give subsidized inter. est.rates to all farmers and low cost, guaranteed loans M. those who are about to lose their farms. Other 'provinces provide similar OrograMs. • • OFA wants the federal government to make SMalt Ruslness DevelopmentBotids readily and quickly available, and to provide the Farm Credit. :'Corporation With more Money at lower rates. • . powers will be „converging on Don Fair's farm to Start . the •competitions. at 10 S.M. • sharp, There will be an entry fee. of per plOwman. Flowers will have eleven: • different classes from which .choose, all the way from the horse..,tiattS to the large-, semi4tiontit- 0 piows. Theta are .classes for . the very youngup to age fifteen, a special Junlor. fattier class, . and a -noveltk. class :opento any • other type of tractor plow . ()neat of the Furrow contest, open to young ladies. of County between the ages ef 16 and 25, will also* held. Their plicings. wilt be based' on plowing ability"an interview, a -three-Minute speech, ' appearance and " -portMent,-and & tiVe4nintite,,, impromptu speech to be given :at the banquet that evening. • Iii each class the prize rnoney varies frontfroa• fi-rat prize of S32 to .$11 for all' creditable lands tOttipleted.. 'Alt Contestants -reteivefree lunch and banquet tickets.. • A special -class for. Reeves and Deputies of Bruce .touw ty,. businessbusiness peeple Will ii*held.:.• Each contestant • Will :plow two rounds with the Supplied' equipment. .So come on all you business let's have a' • try at piowing.- -Don't hesitate - congregate and. artiti ate • The banquet and awards presentations will be held at the • . :11010Vie•"' United Church commencing at 7 p.m. Satur- day ;evening. •, Special tiWardsittekas the' • • Campbell trophy ' • 'Of the' • plower under 18 yeare,'Of saatlat the highest -points,: the Batty Fiseher Memorial Award to the. .highest . point scorer. zin the 19 23 " age., group, and the TeeswOm' Fartn-EquipMent Trophy to the•.highost,sominipinwInan In 'the ocint.mountod clais will be presented: The .coaching day and plowing match is open to the general Public and there is no admission fee. Remember. people are eating because people are plowing, • On Monday, August 17 at 8.15, att. .about 70 relatives,' friends and 'neighbours .froM Trinity. and Lucknow gather. edin the fellowship room of the Lucknow United Church in honour of Ruth Altonprior toher approaching marriage. . Miss Barbara Cameron played the -piano as the :ladies assembled, and With the • .traditional, Here Conies. The, Bride, Ruth . 'and her at- tendants, Grace and Nancy Alton 'and Carol Ritchie, came forward • and were seated. ; • , Mrs., Eldon Bradley was. chairladY and after weicom, Ing everyone,. Mrs. Raynard Ackert led a lively sing song accompanied by Mrs. Harvey Houston on the piano. The program ,consisted of a read- ing' by Mrs. Ken Laidlaw' a reading and contests by Marian Johnstone; . piano In- strumental by Heather Pries - tap. and a solo by Mrs. Edward Brown. The address was read by Mrs, .Bradley and gnth was presented with many, useful gifts, z Thegifts were pres- ented by Sarah, Rachel and Jane. Brophy and Joyce and Pauline, Fell. A. social hour followe. , . The taforce sit htopes t \. . • . •.$ %AA ,s• 4. *1r , r . ••• " •=.• _r•••••,••••245:41 4,44,4 • PAIIL" ?No Thou* Augusi27 sh through • Saturday August 29 lh THE -drotht..1.44, ,Alte r • Ar A i",•&14..oPktoi . Voi EPID • z•'•'4" .40 \r >:,. • You and quackgrass have an.ort-going fight. And at harvest time you can see exactly where rou're.losing the battle. Those patches of qiiackgrass are rob - !ling you of your yield. Plus they make • . combining very difficult. Worst of all, when you plow the quackgrass under... it's just • waiting to reappear next This fall, try something different, Use Roundup® „ and geta long-term control program for quackgrass. . • It's sure and easy. After your drop comes off, let quackgrass regrow the proper stage and spray with Roundup. Wait five days and then continue normal fall plowing. (You can treat even after. a mild frost if quackgrass is actively • growing.) . • If harvest is late and you don't get good regrowth this fall ...don't plait Leave the quackgrass alone so you can treatit next spring before planting. When used In corijuction With your nor- : mals edling weed controlprogrinri, you can control quackgrass for up to three • years. - So this fill win the war against quack- . • grass, P:oreffective control of quackgrass ...nothing works like Roundup. •Monsanto Monsanto &nada int Winnipol Montreal, Toronto, Regina, • Saskatoon', Calgary, Vamouver. ; RCN43-81 • ANDLELIGHT TAURANT fit TAVERN FIEW tiottFittett 524411H Nothing works like Roundup. ALWAYS RE Ab AND FOLLOW •1•FIE LABEL bIREt VOHS OOR Roundup* i5 regitteted ftadematk, �f Monsanto Compaoy. Mootaof o Canada tn. regitteted tser, CMotisanto Company 1981.