The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-19, Page 23iI gul passes iv.'I', Aft 9, 191/1, itztto ear it Elizabeth, daughter. of Mr., and Mrs. Charles. Wilkins, has successfully passed her grade nine piano maims, with honours, Her teacher is Mrs. Ken Alton. The comnittnity Was sad- dened to hear (tithe death. of Mrs. Robert (Bob) McIntosh after a lengthy illness. We send - our deep sympathy to Mr.:. McIntosh and their two children, Pam- eia and John Mr. • and Mrs. George. Moncrief have their three granddaughters visiting with them, Jennifer; 'Rebeccca 'and Laura Ullrich,. ;daughters of Mr. and Mrs, George t111 - rich, London. , We are sorry to report that Mrs: Charles Wilkins' 'moth- er, Mrs. Stella Irwin of iewrimaropueula This week in chalsh By Kae Webster Kinloss, .is now a patient in the Wingham Hospital; after a fall, which caused a hair line _crack in her hip. We: wish her a very speedy re- covery, and return to her . home. \ ; Congratulations to Dianne. Kerr and Steve Readman .on their marriage last Saturday, August 8. Attending the Richard Riach - Kathy Graf wedding Obituaries L. E [Rintoul] McPherson A Lucknow native, Luella Elizabeth' McPherson, died in Wingham and District Hospital in Wingham on August 11, 1981. She was 72: Mrs. McPherson was .born. in West Wawanosh on Nov- ember 26, 1908, to Alexander Rintoul and Jean Gillies. She was later married to Ewart McPherson, who predeceas- ed her in 1978. Mrs. McPherson is surviv- ed by two daughters, Flom ence (Mrs. Raymond Snell) of Londesboro, -and Jean (Mrs. Thomas Wade), Chat- ham. She is also survived by ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren; two sis- ters, Euphemia (Mrs. Ralph Cameron). Lucknow, Freda (Mrs. Jim Reid) Goderich, and two brothers, Wm. Rin- toul (Whitechurch and Gor- don Rintoul "(Whitechurch). She was predeceased by one sister, . Margaret (Mrs. Harry Lee), and one brother, John Rintoul. Funeral service was held at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home in lash Saturday in Mitchell were ' Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilkins and family, Mrs. Wilkins is an aunt of . the groom. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinsthe other d L dMb1 ay were aura an a e Campbell of Wingham, It is so nice to have our mail strike over after six long, • weeks. Now we all wonder if we will get our back log of • magazines that have . not been delivered, 'There is one thing, the bilis will come anyway. Mr. and Mrs. Ewan. Mc- Lean visited with relatives in Sarnia .on the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Davey. and their three children . of Calgary have been .visiting. with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Simpson, the past two and a half weeks. Mrs, Jack '(Bertha) ;Mac Kenzie is 'now visiting with her daughter Dianne and grandchild at Baker Lake, Manitoba. Bryan and Duncan Situp- ;son, son of Mrs. Lillian Simpson, and Steve Simp- son, son of Mr, and, Mrs, Donald . Simpson,,- .are In ',Langton picking tobacco. w. Mr,. and Mrs. Lynn Lowry and family of Amberley are now holidaying in the Musk- oka district. Mrs. Brad -(Dianne)' Rot- teau of Amberley is at home_ now convalescing after ` ;sur- gery in the Wingham Hos- pital, os-pital The Collins reunion was held at the Lions Pavillion at. Point Clark on Sunday. Mrs. ' Donald McKinnon and children Patrick and Allison of Paris visited with her sister and brother-in-law., Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Mac Donald. They also attended the funeral of the late Mrs.- Robert .McIntosh on Friday. Due to forest fires around , Fort Nelson, 'Bridal' Column bia, Mrs, Tom MacDonald . and, children have • been un- able to come east to Lucknow to.visit, 'Oloria has bean very ,busy helping to :feed the fire firefighters. It isalso. at Fort Nelson were .Alen MscDon ald, Davie MacDonald's ,son,' • lives.• Mrs. McIntosh of Hudson, 'Michigan and Velma, '' Mrs. Ashton of Plymouth, Micho- gan, are visiting their broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Culbert fora few days,, a Lucknow .on August 13 with Rev. William Munshaw of the Lucknow Presb*terian Church officiating. Interment followed in Greenhill Cemet- ery, Lucknow. The pallbearers were Lorne Forster, Murray Gaunt; Wm. G. Hunter, Bill Lee, Doug Cameron and John : Rutherford:. The flower bearers includ- ed Jack Cameron; Garry Rintoul, Neil Rintoul, Don Reid, .;Dave Black and Bill MacPherson., William A. Humphrey William A. Humphrey of Pinecrest Nursing Home died Monday, August 10, 1981 in Wingham Hospital after a short illness. He was 87. Born in West Wawanosh on November 5, 1893 to the late William John and Kez- iah (Phillips) Humphrey, he was a farmer in West Wawa - nosh until 1965. He was married October 25, 1916 to Margaret Hunter, formerly ofAshfield °and was a . member of St,. Helens United Church. The late Mr, Humphrey was predeceased by his wife, daughter . Freda, grandson Brian Snowden! .his, parents and two sisters, Lila and Mrs. George (Eva) Walker.: He is survived by four. sons, William and Harold of Lucknow, Lloyd of West Wawanosh and Lorne of Bel - grave; and three daughters, Mrs.. Ernest (Caroline) Snow- den of Lucknow, Mrs. George (Greta) Webster of, Whitechurch, and Mrs. 'Roy,, (Mary) Robinson of East Wawanoab. Funeral services were held August 13 at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home in Lucknow with the Rev. A Scott officiating. Flower bearers were Diane Nugent, Brenda Rutledge, Linda Bos- man, Barb Desforge, Bonnie Milerchuck and Susan Hum- phrey, ail granddaughters of the. deceased. Pallbearers were six grandson, George Humph- rey, Bill Snowden, Rick Humphrey, Jim Humphrey, Leonard Robinson and Wayne .Humphrey. Interment followed in Greenhill Cemetery, West Wawanosh council holds August meeting West Wawanosh Town- ship Council met on Tuesday evening, August 4, 1981 in the Office of the Municipal Building, for\ the regular August session of Council. All members were in attend ance with Reeve Durnin pre- siding, The minutes of the July meeting Were adopted as printed on motion of Council- lors Seeger and Brindky, Motion . by Councillors Cranston and Durnin, That West Wawanosh Township Council hereby authorize Building Permits be issued to W. Kinahan (house addl., lien); J, Hickey (house), N. Rintoul (colony house); and W. Robinson (house addi- tion). Site plans for the three Township gravel pits as sub- mitted by K.. Smart and Associates were examined by Council. Road accounts in the am- ount of • $14,766.60 were - ordered paid on motion of Councillors Brindley and Seeger. By-law #13-1981 WAS given third reading and finally passed on motion of Coun- cillors Brindley and Dania, This by-law imposes a speci- al rate on certain properties to cover repayment of tile drainage loans. Motion by Councillors Seeger and Brindley, That By-law #11.1981 is hereby given third reading and fin- ally passed. This by-law cowers the purchase of the small parcel of land at Nile to allow the Township to main- tain the former Johnston lane as a public road. Motion by Councillors Cranston and Brindley, That By-law #12-1981 is hereby given third reading and finally passed, This by-law authorizes the purchase of the Inglis gravel pit farm at Lot 24, Concession 14. The general accounts were passed for payment on, mo- tion of Councillors Durnin and Brindley in the amount of $15,799.72. % • Joist Arnnartrong • WHITEAND COLOURED BEANS, For Salo. Certified ed Sea What Flex rooked et befi locations Itscsking Novo Mem-S.tyrd 1x1.1 . to 9 p aw. SUNDAY SY APPOIIttME' Snobelen Farms.Ltd. RW395ui5i11 Anderson Flex Ltd. Lucknow52843203 Georgiai College OF AP/ PLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY laraloft the doom Wroth- oll hri fan to REAL ESTATE In OWEN SOUND and In PORT RENIN MI persons wIshhig to apply fora a to sell reel estate must saccoeshdbf _ complete ads oregano of 150 tsa►ner. DAY COURSES ;Man, to Filo B a.m. - 4 p.nr. Start In OWEN SOUND Sept.14 at o a.m. In POET ELGIN - Sept. 21 at S a.m. EVENING COURSES 7 10 p.m. & Sat. B a.m. • 4 p.m. Start in OWEN SOUND on Sopt. 2S, at ' p.m. Preparatko of eattlashott *id rem and marlditg of exanthiation is by the Ontario Real . Estate Ass on under the aerrli shy of the Mikity of Consumer and R Cdagtuearrrlarl eiodons. CERTIFICATE PROSEAM.cs►uress offered in OWEN SOUND REAL PROPERTY LAW starting Sept. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE starting Nov. 24 Ta Raglstar. Contact OacrOltnlle115O�SthSt. E. Owen Sound •