The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-12, Page 9*.; • 97 MAY BoYle Miss Betty Hamilton visit. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr before returning to St, Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mau. den visited on Friday afteia noon with Mrs. Jean Hughes in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr and Darrell and Mrs. John Barr were dinners guests -on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell and Blair at Winghtun. The Barra' flew on Thursday to Thunder Bay' and later Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr will return to Petoria, Africa. Pte. Darren Barr will be stationed at Base Borden, •Ontario. Mrs. Marretta Hodgins and Edna and May -Boyle were dinner guests with Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson .at Kin-- cardine on Friday, Congratulations to Mr.. and Mrs, Jack Barr who were guests of, honour at the Ripley Complex on Friday night marking . their silver wedding anniversary, Miss Susan. McGre•gor of Scarborough is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Percy. . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hal4 enby were to Sarnia, attend - ins the funeral of their Mend, David Kemsley and, Also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ramsdell., Mr. and Mrs, Midford Wall visited on Sunday with Edna and May Boyle. Mr, and Mrs. Walter 1Bredles are enjoying a trip to the „Maritimes. Mr. and Mr's. Jack Hod. gins and Mrs. Agnes Hod. gins were. itt London to visit with Merle's aunt, Miss LyIa Sterling, Anges' sister, (Peg) Mrs. George Bell who is recovering from a stroke, and Mrs. Grace Graham at ,Uni. versity Hospital. They were pleased to see her sifting up in a chair and in good spirits. Get well wishes to each of -the patients. . - Mr. and'Urs.• Vic Halden- by and boys of London visited on Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. Glen Halderiby and family. , Relatives from here at. tended a shower in Teeswat- er at the home of Mrs. Blair • (Debbie Haldenby) Cassidy for Miss Cheryl Haldenby, Mr. •• and Mrs. Charles Osbourne and the girls spent Welcome new daughter Ily Haekett Congratulations to Don and Sherry Alton, Vanessa, Heather and Sandra, for the 1„. birth of their new baby girl. Mrs. Marjorie Levick and Aaron of Ottawa spent part of last week visiting with her: aunt, Mrs. Dora Alton, Stu- art and Steven and other relatives and friends in the area. Maryanne Alton of Vancouver is !pending her two week holiday with her family Alex and Ella Hackett spent a fe* days last week with Tom and Jean Bawtin- hierner of Brantford, Congratulations to Doug and Dixie Cameron, Jason and Sara on the birth of their new baby girl. Trinity neighbours held a shower at the Sunday School rooms last Wednesday even- ing in honour 'of Mary Andrew. Congratulations to Paul Blake and Janice Miller who were Married at Trinity Unit- ed Church on Saturday even- ing. Wanda and Jack Miller, Tottenham, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Jim and Isabel Hunter. Get well wishes go out to Mrs. Gladys Kilpatrick who is a patient at Wingham and District Hospital. Little Daryl Aitchison, son of Doug and Nancy Aitchi- son celebrated his first birthday on Sunday, Visitors at their home were Fred Ward, Doug and Nancy's families and Marion John- stone of Lucknow. Margaret, Bill and John Andrew, Bill, Suzanne, Shauna, Warren ' and Eric Andrew, Steve, Ann, Caro- lyn and Jeff Andre* attend - cd the 40th wedding anniver- sary of Alex and Catherine Andrew in Luckno* on Sun- day. .4( AUG. 22 - SCOTTISH FESTIVAL AUG. 26 - RED SPEEDWAGON AUG. 30 - BEACH BOYS SEPT. 7 - CHARLIE DANIELS BAND For Transportation & Tickets PHONE 524-7622 or 524-7186 oe 529-7888 SHERWOOD * * TRANSPORTATION * me Lowbrow Sentinel, Wednalal*, Anal 12, 1991-11/$0 9 the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Merar' lan and with his parents. His mother is at present a patient in the Kincardine. Hospital. Robinson Reunion Mrs. Mary McFarlan and Jim attended the Robinson family picnic at Landsdowne Park, Kincardine on Sunday when over 200 sat down to •a bountiful noon day meal. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Kate Fletcher, 89 years old, and the oldest man was Tom Stewart, 81 yaks. denny's tv SALES & SERVICE R.C.A. NON b‘PhUip *Antennas *Rotors •Towors 395-5405 electronics repair Mrs. Mary McFarlan, re- ceived the prize for the mother of the biggest family. Busses then took those who wished to go to the North Line Kincardine Town. ship, to see where the orig. final Robinson family immi- grated to, when they came • from Ireland to this country. They then went to Kincar dine Cemetery to: see the graves and headstones of their ancestors. A. family gathering was planned for the Same place next year. • In honour of Anna curd Percy Blundell's 40th . Wedding Anniversary an Open House will be held at their home, 110 Quebec St., ' Goderich, on Wednesday, September 2, 1981 -from 2.4 pm and 7 pm. Relatives, friends and neighbours are cordially invited., WINONA. ONTARIO PHONE 351.1630 ,FOIE9NOIIIIMOVIEINFORMATION 1111 111 IIII NI 10,4 PLAYING FRIDAY AUGUST141o1110111SDAYAVOUST20 moms moo me SATURDAY at Maud 9000.m. • SUNDAY to THURSDAY et $:00 p.m. ONLY 11INDSINURSDAY AUGUST 13 liktfiqmirifiell as 'ADULT INTO/AIN/AIN? Dates Available • Lucknow& • District community $ Centre. • MOAT, Aug. 14 Abe Iliaasnoot and . Connie Stevenson SATURDAY, AUG. 15 Terry Jamieson and • • Debbie Johnston • AUG 22 Fred Black and Nicole Altdboeut • OPEN DATES AVAILABLE AUGUST , Friday 21 OCTOBER Friday 2 Filthily SI Friday 11 • Friday DS • Friday 30 NOVEMBER Friday Friday 13 Friday 30 Friday at Saturday 21 Now &with* For 1962 FOR MITE= INIV011111ATION AND MID WEEK DOMINO S28,3512 AND DON/ NEWT THAT MANN WIDNISDAY NIGHT IN M LADIES NOT UTNE LYCEUM. ALL LADES 41 au VI 2" ALHERRMO ORE ROGER osOnts ,IANFLEMINOSI JAMES BOND 007° - ,FOR YOUR EYES: ONLY MI NI 1111r;i;;,, 011111Ei starts l-P1IL)Y!110. 14 T011110. 20 SHOWNMES: 141, & Saf. 1 &II P441., Sono/hurt. # COMING SOO* brook t shield• s math. fitwitt PARK GOOE OUCH w • • ApttON E 24 F. • OPEN • NIGHTS A VAC STARTS FRIDAY ilea Office • OPENS P.M. SHOWTIME DUSK AUG. 14 TO AUG. 20 A story oho. Mends who didn't know they were supposed to be aerate. • Walt Disney pmasoutie Walt Digne, fitedoeftchie TUE lb.04,4 in..4100W • 1111A$ ADMISSION Mtn stet sktiso I Walt Di*** ego S id WOW' INNit 6 to . *114 and 60 %St HWY 8 GOOERICH AT Aft CONCESSION RP 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 119774#6- '6601.10441, ° • t • • •