The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-05, Page 17Wow SNOW, Wirdisedi% AV* 5, 1901 , By Delores Van Osch Mt* Margaret O'Connor of Pickering celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Satur- • dity, August 1st. She was the former Margaret Dalton and was born and raised in Kingsbridge. She is a sister' . • of Ray and Dennis Dalton of Kingsbridge. " • Following a Mass celebrat- ed by her • brother, Rev. • Father Michael Dalton of :Kingsville, at Maple Hurst, . the 'home farm, the family • gathered at her son's, Morris • O'Connor's for dinner. Attending the celebration from this area were Ray Dalton, Mike and Betty Lou , Dalton and family, Terry and Ann. Dalton, Clete and Mary • Louise Dalton and &May, • Dennis and •Irene Dalton, Maurice and Diane Dalton of Port Elgin, Morgan Dalton of Huronview, 'Betty • Murray and Marcella. Courtney. e native celebrates Jack and Jackie Murray of Royal Oak, Michigan visited on the weekend with their uncle John O'Connor and their parents, Jack and Betty Murray who have spent the last six weeks with John, returned home with them: Pete and. Betty Van Osch, Jim and Janet Card returned home on Saturday afters two week camping trip West. They visited Jim's, sister and ° husband in Red Deer, Alber- ta. They also dropped in on Frank and Anne Riegling and farnily oflithitelitw, Alberta. • The Rieglings were former residents of Ashfield. Rev. Father 'Cyril O'Keefe S.J., passed away last week in Guelph. , Father O'Keefe was born and attended school. in Kingsbridge. Our deepest sympathy is extend- ed to his brother and sister- in-law, Joe and Mary O'Keefe and the .rest of the O'Keefe families. rot ers reunited or* 26 years By Kathryn Todd Mr. Nick Sleeker of the Province of New South WA]. es, Australia was reunited with his brother, John Sleek- er, after a 26 year separation. Mr. Sleeker .is enjoying a two week vacation in the area and is very fascinated with the farming methods used here. He has ids own dairy farm • but is amazed at the atten- tion the farmers give to their • livestock in care and feeding. Mrs. Laura McNeil attend • ed the 25th wedding anniver- • sary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peterson of London. •The occasion was held in the - Fairmount United Church on Saturday.• Almer Woods visited with his sister, Mrs, M. Alton on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. Alton resides at the Cozy Cottage Home. . Don McDonald, Brad Humphrey, Wayne and Hugh Todd, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pegg joined with the rest of the Lucknow Intermediate ball team to attend a tournament in Deep River on the weekend. Sarah and "Tim Lyons of Londesborough are spending a few days with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Lyons.• Mr. and Mrs. Ron Snow- den hosted their annual pig roast which was attended by their many friends, neigh- bouts and relatives. This is a first in several years that the • Snowdens have had good - weather for the event. •Bu Burger Bar Phone 5284309 %Now um Asis Kone* Arnold SicEstan, son of Mr. and Mrs. .fitn Metwan of Filtdotts, 'receiv- ed his Bachelor Of Science degree at Guelph University on June 5, 1981. He is presently employed as Assis. taut Agricultund &preset'. Wive in Lantbton County. I live in a very small • house, but my windows look out on a very large world, -Confucius, 500 8,C. ,• • Imagination i5 More • important • than • knowledge. -Albert •Einstein, 18704955. °DINNERS —soup z.PrzzAs ..-witvir SPECIALS Open 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. Weekdays PIC & Tit 4. Lel.. Last Wednesday after- noon, Betty Frayne hosted a little farewell party for the former principal of St Jos- eph's School. Dave Zyluk and his wife Vicki. Father Dentinger presented a paint- ing of St joseph's School to Dave and Vicki on behalf of the students, their parents, and all parishioners. The painting was done by Denise , Teen Circle • The 'fifteenth Semi-annual reunion of the former Pine • River' Teen Circle was held on Wednesday, July 29, 1981 at the home.. of Mrs. Myrtle Ferguson in Point Clark. Mrs. Fern Pollock presid• ed, and welcomed the 16 ladies present. Coming the farthest were Mrs. Dorothy Campbell from Surrey, B.C. and Mrs.'. Beth Smith, from • Dearborn, Miehigan.• Prior ,to the bountiful pot • luck luncheon, a meditation on the Lord's Prayer and the singing of grace: was heard. • • • Otit birt Dalton, who was also pres- ent. •• Dave thanked •everyone and the picture will be a great remembrance of his five years at Kkhgsbridge. Refreshments and lunch,' was served 'by the hostess: Dave and Vicki and daugh- ier Elizabeth, are now. on their way to Yellowknife, N.W.T. where he has accept - reunion During the afternoon, a short program of humorous readings, and a contest was enjoyed. Mrs. Doris Michie displayed a beautiful quilt she had made. Pictures, both • old and recent, •made inter- esting reminiscing. Everyone received the gift of a hand- made craft, as a pleasant rememberance of the day spent together, A committee of Mrs. Al - lane Bradley, Mrs. Reta Ir- win and Mrs. Hilda Ackert, volunteered to plan the 1983 reunion.. Summer. Fun Clues Across Lean you -- under- water? 3.a peacock spreads this 5.opposite of cold 7.opposite of under 8.he, she, it -- 10.where flowers grow 11.a large pond 12.play tennis with this 13.a front or back ---- .14.look out of this 18.roses and tulips are these 19.a robin -- a bird 20.what ears do 21,a journey and field 25.opposite of far 28.11 dries you after swimming . 29.a swimming ---- 30. the y fall in the autumn 31,for---- 32,warbling Down La type of boat 2.it cuts grass 3.brown spots on skin copposite of day 5.a game 0.11e outside to get a sun -- 9 .open shoes with • buckles • 14.swim in this • 15,oppOsite of cool 18,ffsh with this 17.opposite of dry 18.1t falls from clouds 22.after lightning, it .23:paddling 24.aiding , 26,stunmer skates • 27.a large towel • (e) Canada Wide Feature • Services &linked • by MacKay Fairfield Tate inumimmimaiwoommiii Kelm intoorAria imummanum mummy a timatammo mom digillirSOL- MOM. 11,11111111111i• 111111 1111 1111 4,4;111111111111111111 ed a position as principal. Antinie and Delores Van Osch and family enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls and Marineland during the past week. • • Visitors with Con • and Vivian Hogan this week are Kerry and Diane Hogan. Chad and Todd of Glencoe, Fay Hogan of London. Also visiting with Con and Vivian over the weekend were Fred and Florence Courtney of Toronto, who also visited with the other Courtney families in the area. Mr. Jack Van. Osch of • Lucknow, formerly of Kings- bridge, was admitted to the Wingham and District Hes- pital on Monday morning. We wish. .hint a speedy , recovery. • . DOMGLASS. HOME CANNING 32 OZ. $.3 DOMGIASS HOME CANNING, 16 1 1 1 1 1 ,111EaARINES lb. 694 1 ORANGES 2d...f.$1•99 [-TN SIX DAYS • " DELIVER RS McCORMICK'S 350 G. • YLMER 32 OZ. SOMMER'S COOKED 175 G. BOLOGNA • MAC CHEESE LUNCHEON - ALL BEEF BOLOGNA MEA 2 pkg. for'' 1 SdINEIDER'S PICNIC SHOULDER lb. PORK • 6TuirliE SCHWEPPE'S •GINGER ALE 730 ML - SCH'WEPPE'S TONIC WATER 730 AS POP L. ••