The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-08-05, Page 10Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 5, Hal —Pogo 9 Overseas visitors Ittelitftfeitivei 4.; *from page 1 London; necklace, Elsie Simmons, Stratford; Olive Jackson, pillow, Yoh Williams, • Holland; Mary Carter, figurine, Gerry Stam, Kincardine; Noma CarnpbC1I, match box, Herb Buickton, Lucknow; Gord and Ruth Rumming, glass case, Norma Weatherhead; Mabel Fells, tray holder, Jannet Drennan, Lucknoir; Jim Finnigan, vase, Sandra Rutherford; Clarence Kueneman, bead bas- • ket, Charlene McEwan, Holyrood; Maimie Roulston, plaque, Jan Logie, Hanover; Suz-a-dor, pillow, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Ripley; Eunice Cunningham, purse, Marg- aret Hillstrand, Manitoba; Fordwich • Wrought• Iron, tricycle planter„ Carol Bell, Whitechurch; Mrs. Edit, flower, Margaret English, Wingham; Bruce Co. Tartan, locket, Donna MacDonald, Lucknow; Don Kenwell, wooden toy, Lillian Steadwell, Bluevale; Reg Gibb, wall brackets, Margaret Grant4ucknow; Ruth Piggott, wall plaque, Karen Whitmore, Seaforth; Ifel Geddes, key ring, Johanna Van Diepen, Lucknow; Vea Spiegel, jewellery, Myrtle MacKay, Dob- bington; Mrs. Horne, flower, Janet Hunt, Puslinch; Mrs. Coneybear, chinchilla stick pins, Bertha Stokes, Ingersoll, Michael Trojanawsh, Michigan.; Sharon's Silks, flow- er arrangement., Marg Coghlin, Kincardine; B. MacGillivray, eggs, Mrs. Lloyd MacDou- gall, Lucknow; Norma Crawford, frog and toad stool, Joanne McFarlane, 1 Brampton; Bob Kelly, Key ring, Marilyn Omits, Bram:. alea; Touch of Glas, stained glass, Nancy Al- ton, Lucknow. Russel Irvin was in charge of parking. Vernon Hunter was in charge of ticket sales for the major draw. Miss Lois Hanna, Miss Lucknow Fall Fair, who is also Miss • Mid -Western Ontario, was present to, make the draw. First prize, a dressed lamb, donated by first vice president, Ian Clarke, was won by Mrs. Wes Tiffin. She chose to take $75 in cash instead. Second prize, a cedar picnic table, made and donated by director Wm. Dickie, was won by Paul Helm son of Mr. and Mrs. Evads Helm, Lucknow. Third prize, a gallon.of maple syrup, made By Wm. Dickie, was claime'd by Mrs. Carrie •Manto of Hanover. This year provision was made to bus the residents from Pinecrest and the Sepoy Apartments to the craft show.. Montgomery Motors supplied the van and Mrs. Tony Schlosser donated her time as. driver. They all had a great time looking and spending money. 7 denny's tv SALES & SERVICE R.C.A. 'N1 NA,N01# O\ b‘ •Antennas •Rotors •Towers 395-5405 electronics repair • Opening FIRE ON ICE August 5, 6 at 2 p.m., 8, 10 THE TOMORROW BOX August 6, 7, 12 •LOVE OR MONEY August 11 • Rush seats on sale at 7 p.m. Or reserve at 523-9300 or 523-9225.. •PlOW1r 0'442214 , • Tomorrow Box is a hit comedy • BY JOANNE BUCHANAN It's.plays like • the Tomorrow Box that have made the ,Blyth Summer Festival such a success with local audiences. Indeed, it features characters which could have been •plucked right out of the audience and set on stage. The Tomorrow Box; written by Anne Chialett who also wrote Quiet in the Land for the Festival Ur* season,, 'is a comedy about the very serious subject of marriage and women's rights. At last Wednesday evening's per- formance,it • received a standing ovation. Maureen Cooper' (Anne Anglin), a 60 -year-old farm wife and mother who has always let her husband make the decisions during their 40 years of marriage, stands up for herself at long last when he decides to sell their farm and retire to Florida. She doesn't want to leave her friends, her home, her Women's Institute, her children, her grandchildren and her Royal Daulton figurines t� spend the rest of her life visiting Disney • • 0 • • ENDS THURSDAY AUGUST Mk • World and going deep sea • fishing with ter husband. She is encouraged to take a • stand by her daughter-in-law • Alice (Kate Trotter) and Alice's sister Lisa (Diana Belshaw) who are both lawyers. • Maureen's son Joe (Layne Coleman) and her husband Jack (Dean . Hawes) are confused • by her stubborn stand. After all, what woman wouldn't. want to retire to Florida? • Jack is an Archie Bunker type who calls his wife Mother and his son Boy. Maureen is an Edith Bunker type who is always trying to please. When Jack wants a cup of tea, he bangs on his cup with his spoon and Maureen hops up from the table to get it. Alice tells Joe to get his own. Theirs is a' 'modem marriage' following two years of living together. The play takes place in the present time near a small village in rural Ontario. The set by Tony Abrams is ex- cellent. It represents the cluttered mobile home which is the temporary quarters of Alice and Joe Cooper. Some of the home's tacky decorations come from a Tomorrow Box–a type of surprise package which one buys at an auction sale today and finds out what's in it tomorroW. The title can also refer to the institution of marriage --people get married today and find out what surprises (pleasant° or otherwise) that • marriage holds for them tomorrow. Besides being a play which local audiences can strongly identify with, the Tomorrow Box also has the advantages of a well-chosen cast and sensitive direction by Janet Amos. • • Because the •Tomorrow Box is so cleverly written and locally set, it doesn't come across as cliched or boring even though •the women's right -marriage plight theme is somewhat worn. . The Tomorrow Box runs August 6, 7,12, n (at 2 p.m. ), 15 (at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.), 17, 18 and 21. Don't alio it. You are sure to recognize yourself as a Maureen, Jack, Joe, Alice or Lisa. Dates Available Lucknow District Coinnwnity •Centro SATURDAY, AUG. 8 Steve Readman and • Dlan.Kirr • FRIDAY, AUG. 14 • Abe Nammoot and ' C011•141 Stivinson SATURDAY, AUG. 15 • Terry Jamieson and Debbie Johnston OPEN DATES AVAILABLE AUGUST . friday 21 • OCTOSIR • friday 2 • friday friday 16 •• fiddly 23 Friday 30 Saturday 31 IMOVIMSER • Friday 6 friday 13 friday 211 friday 211 • Saturday 211 Now Booking For1982 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND MID WEEK BOOKING CALL 528-3532 CARAVAN STAGE COMPANY in „al \41( 41 MUSICAL COMEDT: BRIO A BLANKET- OR 'LAWN 'CHAIR "HORSEPLAY" Grandma' Mulvaney and her four singing and dancing' horses take on -the world in a molted adventure that's pm* horseipowerl TIIIS WEEK IN VIING1W1 AUGUST 6,7,8 at 8:00 P.M. • it theionplisestreet psi* NEXT STOPS: • - MT. FOREST: AUG. 13 & 14 AT 8 P.M. AT TM EAMMIOUNDS • " TICKETS AVAILABLE AT _THE GATE • with the assistance/of THE TOURING OFFICE OF THE CANADA • COUNCIL and /HE ONTARIO MINISTRY pp CULTURE AND RECREATION' SAVE UP TO '200 ON EACH TICKET BY USING OLD WINTARIO TICKETS • , Lot Night As,. Mb OPEN - 1 7 NIGHTS A • WEEK 164 Who 022-1441111iiii. SNOWMAN DIS* Starts FRIDAY! AUG. lth .11110. 13th . 7 P.M..% Solonlitts,. PAL WINCIWA, ONTARIO PHONE 3574630 FOR 24 HOUR MOVIE INFORMATION El III CI11111p E:1 1111 PLAYING FRIDAY AUGUST 7ditoTHURSDAY AUGUST 13th SHOWTIMES AUDAY AND SATURDAY at 1:00 and 0:00 p.m. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY at 8:00 p.m.ONLY AIDEAS ref the I afirkigit. 0 gyms PRI. AUG. ith 13th r- BO DEREH RICHARD HARRIS "1 MAIO • Th$fUm is .tultedihr - for diti dot, A.A.• Adult Accompaniment, Untictioin. Menial ciimittatim 14 rostrkted 0 Mos* 24 yaws 6441 over. Children ui244w 14 yiette iemy -bokankrilittool tt ectdinpatileal by rin adult MATINEE SAT & 10. • FOR \OCR EY1S United Artists MEM HWY. 8 GODERICH AT Alropi CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 ':11111110-111111,E:11111:111111 _I t BRIVIO TISHRI