The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-29, Page 17Lucicnow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 29, 1981—Page 15 Lan gside man dies by Lillian Young Sympathy of the communi- ty is extended. to Mrs. Pat McMillan and family in the loss of Pat McMillan who passed away suddenly at his horse on Saturday, July 11. Margaret Moffat of Toron- to, Mamie Donaldson . of Walkerton and. Melvin Evans of London called. on Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and other friends and: relatives last Wednesday. in conjunction .with 'the, Western Hoedown days in Wingham; Kids' World was held for the children on Saturday .afternoon in th Wingham Armories. They had a magic show, games, ,a sing -along, as well asother entertainment. It was very successful •with over fifty children present. Thiswas organized, by the Huron Homemakers and Mrs. Jean Young who is administrator of the Homemakers and eight young girls , among who's : were her two daughters, and ` Pam Spr- inger who . all worked to make it a success. Listowel held the first fall fair of the year last weekend. . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur of Toronto spent the weekend at their stone house farm. Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Springer and family spent the weekend with relatives •at Burlington. Mr. Wesley .Young of Lucknovit` visited with his brother Mr. • and Mrs. Clif- ford Young on Thursday: Mr.. and Mrs:. Bob Bregman and family have a Junior Farmer • delegate staying with them this week: He is from Kent, England and is visiting around the country to study dairy farm- ing in Ontario. Mrs. Rosemary Bilicky and children, Jay and Karrie are visiting for a .week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas and family. George Zuskin and friend of Thamesville visited with Ken Young last Thursday. OF Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 30, 31, August 1 DRESSES Reduce 20.50% Thurs., Fri., Sat. Additional1O%off Call in Dungannon BY MARIE PARK Mrs. Mel Bell of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Rudow of Elmira called on Mel Jones on Saturday. John. Bere and son, David of London spent a few days last week with Mary Bere. James Bereisspending this week at Huronia Hockey Camp along with three other. members of the Bantam Hockey Team from Lucknow. Mel Jones returned from Wingham hospital on Wednesday. He is able to get around with a r walker and has a homemaker come in to help. Dungannon Beez ladies. teamtook part in the second annual Ladies Softball tournament held. in Auburn on the weekend. In their first game played on Thursday night, they were defeated by Blyth with a 14-1 score. Kathy Stanbury earned the only run. On Saturday they played the Clinton Sluggers and defeated them by a 12 to 2 score. In the semi-finals on Sunday the Beez lost to the West Wawanosh Warriors 12- 2. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Sunday Service at Dungannon Limited Church was conducted by Ken Petrie and his daughter, Kathy of Kincardine. Following the service, Mr.: and Mrs, John Park entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ken Petrie, Kathy, Virginia and Faye of Kin- cardine; Richard Cox of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnston, Mrs. Margaret Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mr. Bill Petrie and Allan, all . of Goderich and Mr.. and Mrs. John Stanbury andJason of the village. Company with Jim and Margaret Errington\over the weekend were Earl and Ruby Dahmer of Cambridge and Sheldon and `Maryann Martin of • Stratford. Recently Jim and Margaret travelled to Wallaceburg to see little Matthew James Davidson, new son of Ken Davidson of , (Errington) and andsa Wallaceburg. A fail ily gathering was held at the home of R,on and Michelle Brindley on Sunday to help. Catherine celebrate • her first birthday which is July 29. Don and Sharon Pengally, Nancy, Donnie, Joey and Tammy enjoyed a week's camping and sightseeing. in the . Bracebridge= Collingwood area and at Miller's Lake. Company over the past week with Bob and Sally Wright and boys were Sally's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood of Venice, Florida and Bob's mother, Mrs. Kay Wright of Thamesvile, sister, • Mrs. Helen Sharrat of Chatham and aunt, Mrs. Mildred Leary of Windsor. Ken and Beth Hodges and John' and. Marina Park spent a few days last week visiting in the Leamington area with Jerry and Peggy Kettle and Cliff and Rita Begley. . CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Dungannon Christian Fellowship Church hosted the Voluntary Service Unit from Aurora, Ohio, at their Sunday evening service on July 26. Seven young people participated in the program which included a variety of singing and sharing, a dramatic • reading and children' s special. The group is involved in various community programs. Several work at a center • for handicapped children and others are , involved with helping elderly and shut-ins through. a community action program. Two from the unit are from the Dungannon community: Irene ' Martin and Bob Snider. The Voluntary Service Program is directed by the Mennonite Church. It is organized to give young persons opportunity to become involved in service projects in response to human need. Terms are one or two years in length and placements are primarily in North America. \The unit is basically self-sufficient and Live in community within the neighborhood in which they work, ALL SKIRTS IA Price. BLOUSES Long Sleeve ;19.98 TOPS Sleeveless and Short Sleeve 20%-5O% ,off SLACKS Reg. Value up to *35.00 • One Price ;19.98 LINGERIE Short and Long Night Gowns, Bras, Sips, Briefs 20% off BARGAIN RACKS and BOXES Ladies Clothing - Sizes Juniors 5-15 Misses 8-20 Outsizes 38-44 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 p.m. gee's Ladies Wear - • Ludtnow Phone 528-3533