The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-29, Page 14•IV ' 11, Pae lociaiow Sent W July 290 1981 .The:20thannuttlSherwoO41 • Mangey Reunion was held • In the Oitigrave Women's in- ° • stitute Hall on Sunday,. July • .10 • • !, After grace was sung, everyone enjoyed a bountiful noon lunch after which Myr- •• tie .Johnstone, president, ,... • welcomed everyone • . :eluding several Visitors and thanked all the comrnittees • • . for their help. • • In . the business meeting , which followed, •officers • for the tOrning, : year are honour*. president, ..Mrs. • Marie Morrison; president, Myrtle Johnstone; . • .„ president, . Marion 1ohnstene; seeretarY • -,treaSUrer; Mrs, Dan;•Moiti- •.nes; lunch committee, Mrs. ' •• Wm..1VIcinnes and Mrs, John Thornton; sports committee, • Donald , Thornton, : Shirley Thornton, and. IVIrsjetineth • Hutchison,•prOgrarnme com- mittee, Dan 1VIcitines and •• Gordon Johnstone. ' Ati. interesting display of family pictures and inform*. , • : . est . reunion . cit Largan • ea Sunday, July 19; families of the late Elmer,. • Richard and Harry West and Hazel, Mrs. George Elliott met for the first tune at tairgati Church Hall.) • Thirty-seven were present of the 62 family members.. A delicious potluck dinner was enjoyed by all. • The afternoon was spent visiting and reminiscing over many snapshots brought by Merle ...Elliott. Later the younger members. enjoyed a swim and then all went to Elmer and Marianne (West) Smeltzer's. It was decided to hold another reu- nion in two years. • . Hamiltons ineet at Ashfield park The 15th annual Hamilton reunion, descendants of Hobert Hamilton and Susan Cook, was held at. Ashfield Park on Saturday, July 26. Although the attendance was down this year, a good time was had by all, The oldest ladyattending was Mrs. Sara Hamilton of Lucknow and the youngest girlwas her great- granddaughter, Sara Hattiiiton, daughter ortarry. and Janice Hamilton of EX - der, • The oldest gentleman at- tending was Robert Barkwell of bundas. The youngest boy was James Lee, son of Patricia and Tom Lee of Edmonton, Alberta; who attended with his grand- parents, Al and Gladys Hamilton, Winners of the Horseshoe Tournament were Lorne and Jim Hamilton. Following the picnic, everyone was invited to the • summer home of Al and Gladys Hamilton for a go at lawn darts and a singsong with Lorne Cook at the piano and Dave Barkwell on guitar. tion set up by Myrtle Johnstone and added to .by two guests, Hilda TwaltileY and Jean LePine created much interest throughout the afternoon, Myrtle Johnstone, introduced her talk on her family research with "Ode to the Pioneers” which she composad. This was followed by a very in- teresting talk by Hilda Twatnley which added new Information to that which the family already has,. • Games and races which. 1 AM. Blanching key to success' • Did the vegetables you froze last Witmer develop • off -flavors or lose their attractive colOri ° Chances are you didn't blanch them properly, says the Glad •Home Preezing Information Centre. With few exceptions all vegetables •require" blanch- ing to sterilize them, des- troy the enzymes that • cause aging and to. help "set" the color. The only exceptions to this rule , include rutabagas, vege- tables with a high acidity such as tomatoes and sweet green peppers, ' and through the Centre. To blanch, bring at least •one gallon' of water per pound of vegetables (or • two gallons per pound of greens) to a boil. Add the • vegetables and begin tim- ing once the water returns to the' boil. Then plunge immediately into ice water for an equal amount of •time to StOP the cooking process: Drain well • and bag in good quality freezer bags such as the Glad variety which • are made from freezer -thick poly- ethylene. They are . con- veniently packaged with a straw to remove air, twist ties to seal • the bags , tightly arid labels for (lit- ing your produce., For your free pamphlets, including a blanching time- table, write to: Glad Home Freezing Information Cen- tre. 2166 Queen Street East,Toronto, Ontario 1W4E 1E4. • Each vegetable has a slightly different blanching time, and some vegetables, such as corn, beets, winter. squash, potatoes and yams should actually be fully cooked before. freezing..go be sure to consult a • blanching timetable such as the one available free held at Belgrave • were in charge of John and Janet Johnstone were en- joyed. Races in the junior division were won by Jen- nifer Hutchison and Karen McInnes; the ladies' race. was won by Mae Hutchison and Dianne Thornton; men's race by Donald Thornton and Kenneth. Hutchison; ladies' shoe throwing by Tena Staples and. Dianne Thornton, men's shoe throw- ing by Bill Krotz and Ken- neth Hutchison. The sack race was won by Dianne Thornton and Mae Hut- chison. The oldest - person - present was Mrs. Marie • Morrison. Nett year's reunion will be held at the same location on the third Sunday in July with lunch at one o'clock. j OFF SCOFAS and CHAIRS nstone St Son Furniture OPENI TOES. TOSAT. 9 to 6 1111011131111111•11 I FMAY WAVAIP410 FESTIVAL SPECIALS Lawil .Chairs (mid Lounges Lawn Beveroge. Holders Reg. $2.49 Festival Special Onlys. I .11 ea. • During Crofi Festival • OPEN MIS FROM NIGHT ONTO. 9100 pit A !f iv • '1.:4 ,• 144 ' S• • • VI,N,44. J. • . • / ••• • . 4 I a: " 4 64(4,4 ;, • . • MORE SAVE MORE SAVE MORE SAVE Special Friday Night Or1y • from 6:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. .for 3 Hours only CASH AND CARRY Notions Orders Please PRESERVING JARS • DRASTICALLY REDUCED Small •Itegss4019- • on at $3.39 hiedium • Rog. $4.49 on at $3.89 umlle • Retie s6•29•a'oet ot $4.99 Jelly Jars de •itag $3119 on Ot $3.19 NOW • : 111101M10 PLACE MO KOMI• • • Ran Machan .NortiontOrdware e Phone 5284008 AddirAmmr M111111111111111111 1611110111011h,