The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-29, Page 10Q1 w $ Weemeeinyr slyly $, 161 i5 VWtsPurpk CrovefrontAshjbrd' On Wert', Boott and sad: Kelly Whitj to Toronto• Ynternationa Airport to meet their eoueiln, Masa Gillian Look and her friend Was ••• Donna tewellen • of. Ashford, England. 'They have been staying with Nor. val.tand label Stanley, Monday . evening . callers .with Don and 'Tiny. Robert. son • were • Margaret and Thompson Macpherson. of .Teeswater,. • . A. number of: eople from the covin unity attended the Heel Producers Banquet which was held in Chesley on Wednesday evening. • . A successful Craft Show &. Bake Sale was held in Ripley • this weekend, *my.: thanks. to all workers` and donators who helped irks Purple Grove's effort so successful, . Mrs, Gertrude Walsh and Mrs. Catherine Scott visited Iwith Mrs, Clayton Watke, Carrick Township, sin Wednesday afternoon, Jore��y 1lehn, Tiverton, spent Wednesday with Mr, Mrs; Norval Stanley, and Mrs, 'l3ryarn l3oyle of • Peterborough spent the weekend with Mr.. and Mrs., !Francis Boyle, Sunday even ins, Mrii. Olive flughea, . Goderiuh, visited the Boyles'The Van Boeyen family spent the weekend camping with friends from Orangeville north of Win- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Van ltooyen of Forest visited Bill and Marg Sunday evening. Janice and George Miller and Susan MacDonald, Lon. don, visited with the -Farrell families this weekend, Also visi was DaphneGopaul, Laura & Tanya, of .London,. Last Monday, Mrs Janet Farrell and Mrs, MacDonald motored to. Toronto Airport to meet " Laura Farrell, . David and Sarah of Edition. ton, who will be visiting for a few weeks Going away party Saturday evening, a going away party was held in Pur. pie Grove Community Cen- tre for Don and Mae:Dore who ars moving to Dornochr A program was presented with Tiny Robertson as. chalrlady. lion Robertson and Walter Collins gave some musical numbers, Irene Boyle led in a dings �e bye etM were d t i. and Sandra . `}°ouster,. Piano numbers were played by Jennifer and Angel► Cpllin. A,few words were given by Marion Ener and Fr c Hole, The address was d y 'Mari, Thompson, The gift of !sewn furniture and a purse of money was presented byJudy 'Titov son, Kathere Collins, and" Maureen Collins, Music for dancing was pro. vlded by Don nrnpson, Lunch was served, The Best Wishes of the eomrrtunity. go with you to your new home, Mae ikon, Mr. and Mrs, Norval Stanley and Mr, and Mrs, Morley Scott attended the Blue W Martini wedding in Paisley evening, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Sutton visited , with Mr, and Mrs, Vernon henhouse in 'the Clarks, Missouri for a few days last week, The Sutton's were dinner guests of Cecil's parents in Teeswater Sunday evening. T� Sutton spent a few days last week with: her grandmother, Mrs, KKing, in 1011.,au w1:..ac..as.,as:.. ..arm. a.wa.r .s?111aar:. . .•amu .. .raa.. .► .. lli.ji lisA~. rc.r c+ 41,4 sepoy sldewaBc Cay Howie Moren2, u Mitchell horn hockey player who became an NHL staff and died at the young age of 34, is the subject of Myth Summer Festival's fourth play of the season, Fire on tee, which opens August 4. (Photo courtesy of Myth restive') Hockey's "Babe Ruth" featured in Fire on Ice Hockey in August — it's hard to believe in snow and ice when the mercury's soaring and the air conditioner's roaring, but die- hard sports fans can start the seasonally at the Blyth SuummerFestival this year, Fire on Ice tells the story of Howie, who was born in. Mitchell in 1002, Ile began t playing hockey, or shinny, as it was called, on the ponds and river of Mitchell as there were he indoor rinks available for the young people of the town to play on. Equipment was rudimentary to say the least, Protective equipment often con- sisted of only magazines . or Eaton" catalogues strapped to the legs. Coal or frozen "horse buns" served as .pucks, Howie started making a name for himself 'at .a very early age. His family rnovad toStratford when he was 14, and he soon started playing in the City Industrial Leagues and in the Midget League, in 1918 Stratford won the championship of the area leagues, largely due to Howle's outstanding.play. . All this expertise .did not go unnoticed, and Howie was approached, several times • by scouts from the major leagues. In 1523 . • he signed a contract with the Montreal Canadiens. He spent 11 years with the &anadiens, and beanie a star with the fans in his first year there. He was called the . "Babe Ruth" of hockey, and established a reputation as the fastest and most determined. player they had ever known, • I After 11 years with the Carnadiens, Howie had one bad season, although "bad" was only in "Morrenat" relative tees, He was traded to the Chicago Black Hawks for one year, but then returned to the Cea radlens in 1036, In 1034, halfway through his first season . on returning to the Canadiens, Howie ' suffered a freak accidenton'the ice, A hard cher, a sate caught in the boarder, a twist, and Howie ended up on the its with a leg fractured in five places, Howie was hospitalized for several months, and although the .. medical prognosis for recovery seemed hopeful, Howie, chafed at the' inactivity, and worried constantly about his future in hockey, His room was always crowded with his fans and well.' wishers, for whom he always kept up a cheery .and carefree. front, On March 8, 1037, he 'suffered a heart' attack and died shortly after, at the age of 34, : ' Sports fares throughout the nation mourned his passing. His funeral service was held in the Montreal Forum, and 15,0000 people jammed the sten& and thorisands more lined the streets of his funeral procession, • Throughout his life, Howie was honoured with almost every award of the hockey community. He won the Hart Trophy severaltimes, Ile was one of the first playeto be named to the Hockey Hall of Fame, and in 1050, • he was named the Hockey Player of the Half -Century, The lilytth play, Fire on lee, recreates the atmosphere of excitement and big business speculation that surrounded the major league hockey teams at the time of Howie's greatness. It was at that time that the hockey leagues began their' period of great ex ansion. The play is adapted , from an original script by Keith .ltoulston, who is well known for his past successes such as McGillicuddy' i Lost Weekend, His Own !loss, and The Shortmst Distance between Two points, It features, the original tunes of John Roby, who wrote the ,musical for one of Illyth's plays in the IMO seam, The Life That Jack Built, David Fox directs the production, end the cast features William Dunlop, Graham McPherson, Sam Robinson, Frank Scott and Keith 'Montag, Fire on lee rubs August 4, 5, O ort 2 O,. 10, 13, 14„ 10, 20 at 2 pm, and 22, For tickets and information call (510) 523-9360; (510) 523-0225. Thursday. Friday, and Saturday ELECTROHOME MICROWAVE OVEN SPECIAL PR10ES $449•95. $54995 ELICTR000ME Atwood Mr Color TV C41 0 Auto White Level LI Electronic Eye Irr•L.ine Black Matrix NGS Strii Picture Tube 1 10 6" Silver Gores Speaker 5JIclAL iRI� • $539,95_ Greer T.V. 11. Electric Bill owitawAsgwa-wrawilikkaowiwiwawwwwr r rr 'h Phone iii rr er rlr:r14kr4. ih:td b+elcrr r