The Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 1r "r•• A•ttr , ••C 71tr- -17,Fr;- • . • t A RV Mist/sae Greeting Curb (let your order In early. TM Signal bas lovely eqrdn, with your muse, address and teting misted, s t $1.00 a dozen up. • c. OODD*TAJ 1988 KW AS COUNTY DEFENDS HIMSELF Abe Report of the Warden's Commit - 'Cd B000mmending His Dismissal-- ti*Itidkjtood but Clete No Rapport *At trk Paffiasaa Etassaka- km% `.1•••‘. • ist roma heel. est bia tffilk etey vete ea tae idiot aolit. s'eme b7 kohre„Lide- er the Warden's Boss - 1040 '411. 1410 ',WM to crit it. esteci0 bi char. II etian- tbe repore Minimiser from office was robe. Tau e3it1eitt a vig- 00%0904Ileall_af1ft the -comailakFhlti t101___,. _BR= 011 ha Idiot MANN la he , ' :, eet casettiers et Sonnet. Treas- ., n hpg, asel the eidatty flat was 4- 4 Mattering the laneethmtion ‘,. delis eelreawillioe 00 seeside of eis ohm la pro- -ohetiles ailliter, and g*stilly 4 sa tiotvootina attitude. Tim zreisiaareekeeedell wieh 4, mhos ad ro le* the of W.dillifMte is al:" ToapeWmai . eon- Monertios the i W ,e9 twine 4... the ieeF ilettr keiNdlthr had 114 Sid, trees- litelekfi lemhill42. . 41111112111$011 Pala* . tuipuw, trowarsa; to as - to =I pressing the "gratitude, admiration co and nfidence" felt towards the War- den's committee ivy the council for its "undeviating Miftude and untiring efforts" in the matter of the auditor's investigation. The council opened the *eon on Tuesday afternoon with all the mem- bers in attendaace. After communi- cations were dealt. with and rootlet Imoiseer transacted. tike report of the Warden's committee was called for Tim written report was not ready, but Reeve GolkIthorpe, chairman of the committee, gave an ors' report, In characteristic draisatie fashion. of the doings wince the June session, throwing mate inside 'telt on tie proceedinles in connection with the veetigation 01 the treasureee accounts. GODERICH CHICKENS AT GURU Mr. Thos. Bowler showed six of his Orpington' at Guelpti winter fair and took eve prism -first cock, ens has. weed coekeeel, seemed and (hied pullet. • alf1UNCIIIS OF THE PACIFW" of ink e. Deily are publishing pictemeg MIneakwho hag chosen as " [UMW db• Paellie" fof the New „Year's bond festival at Pasatisal. California. Mies likeelis le the daughter et Mr. Harvey Mader et Loss Beach California. and greed - diameter of Wit Mug Hinds of (lol- leen*strest,..2.1.213111_ cleril. tam is a cionith Mho Blacks vs, etas's from some Ws It susund beau- ties Dom mote 40 he State et Oalfforsie. tr LASAAN'TED POT eipiesseeslitntbiit VW* wee reference to the lapotatoes ait the Verand telteimeemakdite ;;IS= bagtUffS :a PERS° Aiol. ii•ANIMMII•01 Mr. and Mrs. Jo* lerupaire Visited in Atwood last week. - Mr. and Mn. H. H. Behunmseher. of Buffalo, spent the weeitmel at tits home of Mrs. Thomas Young. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fritaley, of DM trolt, were the guests laot •week of /tr. and lire K. M. Stowe. East serest. Mr. W. A. naunders, 01 Leiden. spent .at week -end with tds mem* Mr. and Mrs. C. K. fesunders, C,obourg street. ' •.• Mr. and Mrs. J.11.41'. Kernighazi, of tbihnenn tennelliP. an Maytag at the end of this month to live with their IOU Money, who has purchased a plate of six acres, with a commodious residence, on Burnhanathorpe road, about Ave sines from Toronto. Tbe place Is convenient both to the city and to Mr. Murray Hernighan's work. WEATHER 18 MILDER Rain recorded the past week was .18 Inds, whereas for the correspond- ing week .of last year .90 inch Int registered. The temperature reeding/ hive coatinued moderately high. The readings for thb year and last were as follows: 1933 1992 31,a. Wm. Min. Thurs., Nev. 110 ..Y2 86 0 ft Fri., Dec. 1 41) 28 42 26 eat, Dee. III -39 27 46 41 Sun., Dec. 2 44 85 46 94 Mork., 43ec. 4 44 40 50 ;a Toot, Dec. 5 47 so 42 U Wed., Dec. I 40 30 46 36 MIGHT HAVE BEEN SINUOUS - Whew she drone her ter into lite riftch bo amid strtking I -Ram of &roes drivel by ROO 'era. of Coded& township.. to Saturday aftercare% Vim. Mamie hatellfte Nar- rowly escaped indose %juries, es Ike oar tamed Illess time Were waning ID *w. Sideliffe. in a said theid* peee (be team *tem it Sera woe Benitaillee road •IOW lariat ef hie irked sant theme ho team and Mrs. Su.'fib *Mot is doe eseitamme el the elemsolt he did not know Sr*gill/a0e 04e0P0I- 86he mitteterebk sr ea the broke. /be km MOO! terms the wet pavement tato he Oka sad *item. it turned weer seveifee times little damage was deem thkeliffe suffered only Wier imam The asseiaset was le- sehilettele * Trot* Carer love-. SONO le 1 14.1.0110et and'-edv entalled, theirlueet MOW* If ally &milt admittemrs higieressn* Distetentmrtl quested to mid earlier than* It is " week we r Commission for Cemetery Tema Council to Be /Liked to five Early Consideration to she- otk tire lartiV110 TowN Hat "the withaereeillifilfilie the town estileci wood for Pale f14, saus at 0.5 a* "deLec*-ysteriblit II* be their money and at he 12 rif orerP•ferniebigtike S'eltiet order' shoal* Y. P* North streetY°Artinitel& pfielineeedesit.11. 9"1.1114111Th-801.8611141.4 riee-graddiet deparbneat), second ill: = d i d •Forster ; fourth sessehlp), ied/911W. Ma Csrl Pr : Mani* oadstaat pktnitfle. Miss Gladys WSW= soils twertrAltred-nnte*"..11111411-111‘1 pieadoebeen isipotraitedre ea Frail last gi taring ON* in 27, amg stealing •01, ls te tict= lecheries Ina *or timit Apalltre ebonereat. ulna tall. sleep Aegis* ite- s Amos*: r. Watts; mil, fret litheardrip Moore; `Ignothary), - ..• 7eite+Mssi- " • Ze Olive teiti- egertery, 3041 • roam; the Proposal The' movement for Improvement of Maitland cemetery took definite form et a public tuteelug held In MacKay hall on Monday evening at which It 4!111* decided lo semi a deputntion to town council at its next meeting to ask nett body to consider the for- inaUou of a cemetery commission. It was felt that with the appolotment of Meth ti body, vowel's/used to desk with cemetery matters solely, pre- en.** could more readily be made ln is *united by his wife and four a program of Improvement and beau- children, Ernest H., of Toronto; lineation of the cemetery. Ciarenve N., of Woodstock, and Verna Dr, W. F. (billow wasappointed chair. K and Madeline E. at home. Three mita and Mr. 41. J. A. etarDwan were- grandchildren also survive, as do a brother and a sister. They are Frank W., of Detrok, and Mrs Was. Sproul, of Goderich. The remains were brought to Ooderich and Rey. D. J. Lane, minister of Knox Presbyter- ian church, conducted the funeral 'or- rice at the home of Mrs. Sproul on Wednesday. A large number of mem- bers of the Canadian Order of For- feiters, of which deceased was a mem- ber, were present at the service and the pallbearers were chosen from the lodge members. They were Wm. Car- ter, Archie Hadden, David Sproul, All.. Mael)enakl, Albert Baraer and W. F. IL Pre*. The large number of beautiful floral tribute., among whict was an offering from Court Goderkt, No. 32, C.O.F., were carried by mem- ber* of the Order. Interment was in Maitland censteggy. In additistultraterierlativell of de- ceased, the funeral rrice was at- tended by sorrowing friends from Toronto, Detroit, London. Woodstock, New Hamburg, Zurich, Tavlstock, Clinton. Auburn. Ripley arid Londe. - bore. MeDONAL0t-sCALVER At the Vittoria street Unked derive peasteelige at 6 lene on Seteeday, De - *ember 2, Rev. F. W. Oraik *AM irk marriage Was WWI Career, of Cue- tesi„onit litz teen iteDonaid, nes Were OBITUARY °HARLEM NELSON ARMSTRONG Friends In Goderich of Charles Nel- son Amnstrong, who was for forty year* a reeldent of this town, were shocked to bear of tge death In Brant- ford General Hospital on Sunday. Armstrong. who was In his Gety-61th year, had beau in pout health for some months and was removed from his home In Woqdatock to the Brant- All the members were peeeste at the ford hospital three weeks before his death. He ear born in Hey townottip, regular "et"( /C. !V tows "NO amxthasou of mtheme .lannte. Jaotihdn etrillson trot) noeavg and on2sitet'rldtaayx nigcoihtieekot dSd maw_ parents iloaehrowedith thhi8e years of age. As a young -inawbeiciagn hetrAa.daee nineandsexton a.miitiand cemetery manbe stittslooff ittue.QTLbitipi30 sillemarrevs.last report.* Tbe wee employed at the eloderich plan- iinenta in the month Ing mill for sixteen years. Twenty- 'n7`1'''.-0,rein-wnee-.. nine years ago he was naked in mar- riage at Auburo to Carolfae Yungblut, The requet4the talt fair spars - May Purchase • _ Another Woodlotb. Councillors Not 'Satisfied with Site Proposed for New Watertoors* :**f limy for pay ol" the grant for "nlintat ag an. iate lir' and lira' 1933 was -re/relit" beam names rota Weser Yungblut, of that village. lie slime. Lary of the meetlag, and the chair- man 'mooed the proceedings' by ex. leaning the objects of the meeting aud setting forth the existing einem- stencils with regard to the cemetery. Both the chairmen and following speakers gave credit to Mies L. Macpherson, not only for starting the pres- ent movement, but for what she has berseit already done towards, beauti- fying the cemetery. The work of tbe Woroen's Inetitute, which for the Last few years has collected etude for the care of formerly neglected plots, ale° received doe notice and praise from various speskers. References were made to the dispo- sition made by the town council of the Robert MacKay bequest of 92,000 for the beautifying ot the cemetery. This was used-"risbtly or wrongly," said the chat:map-in the purchase of land to enlaege the cemetery, and Mr. MacEwan thought that the town coun- t/I should be asked to replace It by handing over the amount to the pro- posed commission to be used as the tate Mr. MacKay had desired It to used. Something uneently moulted, the chairman said. is h sew and With water supply system. and la Om -II mortuary and timed sheath* pre - tided to avoid the Decoisity o imer aerials. A letter hes. 48 "issue utellitige cumanstsoiva informed the eoundl Mit , certain Improvements• to eke MOM •.• ouiereorip,orstem were niklef vementa. Viet the of. never's *ail from the hobs, to the &Site of the tow5. a new and largo water -Wear. admit ruralist* .fer the ereetko of • the latter on the' tOwn PilVert•T fit•• the rear of the lfr library belidinie coenetikw 21 n thouget at resWestiai . was motile/ prle , per piece in, to erect a watts. tower. T were sandy ether ghee/ . • ' where it *eat more, properly 100 put, ' of tin towia hall. He Nauseated the gamed at, ske rank Councillm• Wee*. &AMC Crate. thought a on one of .s y the towe. After boa* 11 the Matter was of tee whole coundlL• MacRae Bros., for* permit to *OS * aloggeide the south pier, and' rebtrUding the old thriterinor Woema am**, ~I war 1 with the tame saltaptebtill rental of 31 tbetowlar swore int site 1. lefeetlibaulittail•Inn1e•b. P11116241' fro10 tiom 411114 discussion 4 to cannattesi' • to ved ens della? -wrosernity. He ted sysapithised with Yr. Young, as be thought any perste grab apart of humanity should do, and ttke shock 4111 diseMpresos emel boil for Ms dodo vital*" mire. "I sever pat a straw ta the sulker's way --I Aim every gaper, every donnas* I bad into We kande" besevesse Zee* Meitiabb got Ths lee* toast grapb en tattooed was to draw Megan Uo. to Use subsea of the late plestiag IpOtelialt. These potatoes were planted on August 7411. in the midst a period of intense drought, and groideaft no rata for 461* 5?.'ex weeks they were in the ground. that the alteles, ..,• hoffiliter-WKie dite Ballantyne took a hand for a rabid. and declared, "You didn't do the ealr thing. . You didn't have your involirproper shape. You *ma locked yeti door and went away." County Hays well called IS and as to the clerk's dimes that •committee had acted eat ted that the com- mittee was *1181n its rights. oom RCriticises The only criticism of he report from a member of the council was that • of Reeve Hama* of Gederich town - exceeded its e ship, who el=re in going beck far - the coramktee had thee thee the tregInntee of 1938 in the soffit. lie read the ukotIon pulsed at the June maids to back up his argu- ment. When fit was found to be neremiry to WO farther back the council eismaid have been retied to- gether, he conlierleci, to give the re- * quired author*. Reeve Elliott (Clinton) thought this would have beet a queer sort of econ- outy-to incur ale @epees*. 0!$400 or WOO needlessly. Reeves Gamble *04Cardiff declared emphatically that, al- though not expressly worded in the June reedutinn, the nnderntandIng eras that the committee should have poorer to co back farther if necessary. The import Adapted Finally tbe re was declared car- ✓ ied without a ilivbrion, awl a motion as Abase n and Gamble was tarried, w Sal unanimity. ex - PLAYERS AT BANQUET On Friday evening last the oast of the play "A Wild newer of the Hills" and those who gave of their ameontl the Huron Cs& fornsatios were effectively arranged wtth bouquets of chrysanthemums in never baskets, tall pink and green candles In silver holders and mists- ture candle place favors. The color 'scheme was carried out in pastel shades of pink, yellow and green. After the repast short speeches were made by ReV. F. W. (Nettie Mrs. J. E. hutch and Mr. Jamee Redditt. The ban- quet concludes the activities of the Victoria Players for this year. The play was; presented no fewer than fifteen times. CHECKING UP ON A CHEQU1K- • 4Tharged with obtaining money by false pretensen, John Dougary, on the counesInt of Frank Tufford. was ar- bees' on en -today of lest west and confined to jail until Friday, 'then he appc.tred 14•fore Magirstrata Reid In Police Court.. Tufford aheged that Dougary, In return for a loan 01$5.75, gave a cheque whieh was re- turned from the bank marked "DO ac- count." Mowery's. /story wen that the 95.75 wan a poker debt and that he had written a cheque for it end naked complainant to hold It, slaying he would redeem R. Defence counsel, Frank DonnellY, claimed that 11 Use tnoney had been obtained on the "Menet of the (theme his client would be guilty, test It was pointed nut that the Menem wan given the (by after the dela wan Motored. Aceosted was released on his own hall of $200 to ap- pear In Court ne Friday. December 8. but 'W&*,b eetleman, scatuns weeds. man." The first aecident at the town woodlot in Colborne township carred os Monday, when Marshall Bell received a weveve eat on his heed 91 11e aalbg11L the way slitit ex& hand was badly gashed and a bone and tendons in his left hand were severed. Some diffieulty was exper- ienced in getting medical ald and Use victim was considerably weakened from loss of blood before rectesing Ste Re-elected in West Wawanosh ,,. .t' Reeve ledliens.J. Ntewart was re-eleeted ReeVP of .Weot Wawenosh eo. Monday wit11 a majority of 190 nver hist opponent, Theta Webster. 111 the MAI for ronterillews Thema Rmyth came to the front with a non taking 56R vete", while the second men. John Meguillin, had 400. The othet two 4 -mariners are reins' Aitchison and Albert Gammie, oho ran a title rilre. Mtchistin being one Teo sheet, Mel to 3412 her GernaMe. 'rho rote by polling arohnlivisiona wax ae follow.: TOR survis Poll No. ' 1 2 n el 5 • Tot,: Stews rt 1104 laR 411 os a a tai Webster 44 20 44 TO TO It 271 • •• Maheity for Stewart it."' ,...190 FOR COUNCILLORS ItIZMNe Ase 112 a 66R knitting favorably. An average of twenty tom are re- gularly employed at the woodlot, and although work slackened off consid- erably during the past week approxi- mately 000 corde of wood have been cut to date. The town authorities are now beginning to consider the ad- visability of the purchase of another lot, as the end of pousIble cutting on the present lot is approaching. Last week's payroll or the wood -cutters was 9126. ways Ike could **es • dined to be kodent. sod yet big to turn the youth eat hste the world with no Mans to ga. Magistrate Reid renweasa btur to eh until some - An dotted 60.40e. after BAPTIST TFA A/d) SALE The Ladies' AI. of the Baptist church conducted a oncemetal sale of Coos of might be gird to be relieved of the duty of looking after the cemetery. Others who took ,st port in tbe cash* Iree4w4i1A4a Minesess... --S. D. C H. T. Edward", W. H. Robert- A FILOURISHING LODGE r trat ot ervarawraujawris, _A:t. 117 meeting of 0ourtamOotilischwrrieb. Nee -411e. C.O.F. on Tuesday .vested P. J. MacEwan. Mr. MacEwan statedrof BenmIller, No. 80. A large clam of that the present water system would candidates was initiated and others provide sufficient water if larger pipes are to "ride the goat" at a later date, were put in. Officers for 1934 were elected as foe Dr. Gallow, Mortars. II. J. A. Mac- lows: I.P.C.R., Ernest Breneuridge; .i:Ica:k and .aftaannfln (0. 00gaturd117• illmer; li. T. Foiwart15.-..8._ D. Croft. _Ca. Jameg_liselepkek VSK., Frank SANTA. CLAWS IS REAL Exists In the Spirit et Chriatmes, Says Rev, F. W. Craik At the meeting of Central Home and School Club on Wednenday after- noon Rev. F. W. Ora* gave an in- teresting addrees on "Santa Clause" He traced the growth, from very early days, of various customs and fentive ties now annociated with Christman in different countries. He smoke of the oritietem stometimea made today of the teaching of children about %Ma Claw., some people staying that it is deceetion and others fearing tbe dis- illusionment that comes when chUd- ren are older. There is no deception, he said, for Santa Claus is but the eymbol or the behoditnent of the spir- it of love which permestes all true Christmas festivities!, and where child- ren are led to recognize title there need tte no fear of the effects of di.illu- sionment. A charming duet, "Shepherds, Make 11fT yoor Drowny Sleep," ono sung by Mro. I). J. Lane and Mrs. Alex. Smith. Mina Bailie reported for the child welfare commtttee that 1232 bottles of milk had been served in the bust month, and that nevem' ehildren had been fitted out with much needed ehotea and robbers through the lami- naea of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O. D.E., who are aloe donating 1/5 to the milk fund. A donation of 410 for the Club's relief work was nenived from a friend who eriebel her name to re- main unknown A vote nf thanks wao pease" to both them &mom At the November meeting Mrs. F. R. Reddiet and Miss Emilie Buchanan had been chosen es per...Went and .5c - rotary rspe.ctively, of Use Harm (lounell ei woo met itehool Clubs. Al the mooting on Weinesiday it was announced to the gratilketIon a au vitwaraw that they hod comented te ee eel* tke positions. -14. Tea siar'S•e lot file "17161,--zwa19.-...Aftreltstesting&- tw ' • tediatip 'h. as 00410 to ants of the Mk Home on a- 1"s71511"s7151WW1 at a rental of 220 per moat% for Use ket,g-erfillitor 44) IIT4tpsolefitilet each Fettr:) Cis 8 e. it supervieloa. of the tourist camp on a fifty-fifty basis. Le., half of the re- ceipts to go to them and Imp to the town. They naked that 111112111111 for 170 bourn' labor spent on the 'ernes be paid in full, stating that eiley had 444° ekeeeoesemitil. Mrs. S. 1). Cron. 311s.4 Law Croft and arrange tor ptitation to lir,. Robert %vim°, browse a 18. town council and ask that bale fe t);Irlee°r;:ltj.W.TH. G. Arbour; /4.11:, fancy work, Mime« Ar10 Oidese consider the formation of ,•,1111111e- E. L. Cornish; JAL Wm. Symondo; tha ton and Beatrice Ca in charge 81°U. truntees; J. W. Bell, Jan. A. Wilnon of the randy counter entit litre H. R. Votes of thanks were tendensl to and A. Madden; auditors, T. Drennan GMT, Mrs C. Pennliglem au& Mrs. Miss Macpherson and the WomenZ In- and A. Hadden. After the regular Wm. Proctor preeldinglitege the tempt- ntitute for the good work they have routine of business the hunt degree ing array of homemade heldng. Pat- done In connection with the cemetery. rocs of the afternoon ass. width was Mies Maephereon, It was 'dated, -has served by Mrs. Geo. Jobnaton and been engaged in the stinnowletut task Mrs C. H. Humber. tiers welcomed of tracing up all individuals who have by Mie.. (Rev.) W. T. Wiliat mad Mn. a relatiee burled at Maitland, In Alex. 0*51do. A 970 was order to enlist their co-operation, so taken In -- - - * ihr possble, in the present move- mt. Reeaseses 43 Elr elb 56 9111 If lir Itayth, hiegenie, Alerldann seed fiankasir sleeted. iss Jaime.", 918. should be 1044 in Ore overdo& waft the esthete ef NIP Pupil. 1.16114 hp shis to attest 0 The Woman's A of Needs street United cburch rit their meet - Ing on Thursday Isst,,etectod *dicers for 1934 as follows rresident, Mrs. Robt. Johnston; first vim -president, Mrs. R. Mathieson Mead vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. WIlena; third vice- president. Mrs. H. T. Ilklwards: @sec- retary, Mrs. W. Infers; assistant secretaey, Mrs. A. L. Ode; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. NO. Mathieson; treasurer, Mrs. J. R.'Wbeeler; ear - some. committee, itra W. Prittheon, Mro. L 13. Crook audit*. E. C. Rob- ertwon; ,biting ementittes. Mrs. Om. Ootiltl, 1114. 3. Whitely, mee. G. T. Watts, lire. C. If itabortso. the different ecimmittees in eonnec tion with the banner lade their re- ports at this meeting : the total &mult rased wan found to he ammo, - - MAC(ILLIVRAir MIXISSION BAND ,r1.0011 :••••' • ."••••• •;*"4.4,7,NZPF n's• etel••z., , A debigbtful prorrail prepared by the MacGillivrey Allarion Band of Knox church vrao inesetrieni In the Meters room of the astray on Beebe- dey alloration before 6 Mega lotoneere. Miss Ann MacDonald, possident of the Band. was hi charge. The gusset smoker, Mrs. Mstbewo, widow a the late Rev. Arthur Mathews, teed of In- teresting incidenta neat occurred dar- ing rho aewarbeen years die moot with her huaband sarong Ores ladling of Manitoba. IllbernIteastiike elimieps a Indian bandlcra wet* exhibited by the •preekar. The ctildrele. preemie we's se fol- lows': Plano onto lriorwr; cleat onto by ut'le worth. dee galano arronapaninwett Setter played by Ora* Johonten; 1411nriaan Sloe by Moe i» 6 dhow's. by Heen and W[Merrill., Clarinet': sja. Wein try Me ilitte a fanny a hems: recitation" helmet, istartton. Margaret Tahoe. OMIS ussitnzovaiss.opimr lLsossaid awe esin eluding esissetten eheellet by ths Bent JUNIOR BAZAAR AT ST. GEORGE'S The parish hall of est. Georges church was prettily decorated on Sat- urday afternoon on the occasion of the annual bazaar hold under the arespicee of the Jtutkrr W.A. wad the Chubb lloys' League. The affair wan well patronized and the fancy work. candy, homemade bilking and other tidiest dill 41 splendid butsineste during the afternoon. The various departments were presided over ae follow.: Candy. Med...line ilekers and Rem Bowen; Mb pond, Gwen. Juck end Helm homemade baking, Mine Violet 'Payee. a.. -.l Medeline lin- ker; fancy work, Mien Hertha craw - ford and Nora Juck eountry 'store, Mem. 11. Palmer, Mrs. A. F. Sthnly and the boys, of the Leave. Afternoon tee Wee !Nerved. the tearoom being in charge of Mrs. 0. W. Holman end Mew I. Brocklehnnk, who were n,leted by the ferle of the Junior W. A SENTENCE INCREASED Vitt•cliraipmpplemirtintweieltillie ind- peril- -oonimtassr.-• - Messrs. Carey, Kidd & 00. netted an estimate of $5,131 for a 15-10. vitrified pipe sewer on MeDen- aid street. Of the amount stated, 92,298 represented labor on whkit the wist exemplified with sandwiches.. cake Government grant would apply. and coffee. - An agreement W !I "ermined try the C.N.R. for the placing of a 9 -in. drain- age pipe under the railway trarkst on Maitland road at Angle:tea !street. A motion was panned for the Mean( of tkis agreement. Committee Reverie - Therfinance ennrmIttee recommended payment of the grant of $500 to the Alexandra honesital board. The special committee reported that twenty-three men were employed cut- ting wood in the bush recently tele- chaned by the town, and recommended that the purchase of another wood - lot be considered. To supply wood for immediate requirements a num- ber of cord's had been hauled into the town. hall yard by teams, anti on ae- mutt t a weather and road condiOthe (Continued on page 8) TWO WW1 LIFE -MEMBERS Mrs. S. ABM sad Mrs. T. Tabb Hem tired by W.M.S. of Victoria Church The annual metle& of the W.M.B._ of Victoria street United Church was held In the nchoolocom of the church on Monday afternoon, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Byron Wilson. presiding. The meeting opened with devotion- al exercisers, prnyer being offered hy Rev. F. W. Craik. Mre. Geo. Itorelder reed the devotional leaflet, "The Touch of Jesus' Iland." The Christmas Bible reading was taken from St. Matthew 2 :1-18. Mrs. B. Wilson in a few well-chosen word* expresned appreciation of the efforts of the members throughout the year. Life-memberehip certificates. were then presented to Mrs. 14. Alan nod /Ire. T. Taht, in recognition of their years ef faithful 'service. The recipients • responded briefly -and pledged thmselves, to continue their service In the Society. Report. were preoented by Mrst. C. Young, tretortirer; Mrs'. R. Poetele- thwafte, secretary, end Mrs. T. Tab, mite box treastirer. The election of offieers then took place, the following being appointed ter 1934: President, Mro. It. Wiloon; 14 rib -president, Mr.. R. Phillips; 2,e1 viee-president, We. 8 Alli: re- cording oecretary, Mrs. R. Poeteleth- grate; corresponding secretary, Mre. (leo. Babbler t renewer. Itt.. C. Young; secretary of Christian stew- ardship, lira. J1.Mew; finance pour:ra- te', Ifre. B. Willson, Mrs. Cralk, Mr.. 1'. ?ebb, Mrs. C. Young and Mrs. Pootelethweite; Ointment' ercretary, lir.'. 0. Sonley aneoctate helpers' secretary, Mine Mayne; Baby Band rseerriery, Mrs. H. !Sanderson; temp- era nee Retorts ry, Mrs. R. Phillip.; Missionary Monthly ebretary, Mrs. G. Babbler; • aweistant Missionaty Monthly secretary. Mime Hayes; UV eratere aecretary, Mrs. R. THUM; Two Veen Less One Dat in Reforms - tory for Former C,ountj Treasurer At Oternosie Hall on Monday judg- ment was given on the appeal by the Atterrney-0etteral agalnot the 'sen- tence of one year determinate and six moder' indeterm Ina te Impolite' by )(arbitrate Reid upon Gordon Young, former treasurer of Ithron, for theft of county wooers. The Crown .eked for a penitentiary term for the de- faulting treasurer. The sentenee WAS varied by the Court of Appeal to two yeers, Imo one day, In the Reforma- tory. Chief Justice Sir William Makok, In delivering judgment, mid AO lin- dewiest.* situation" hal been created presto secretary, Mrs. r. W. Ora*: he the legielatere 14 aikrelult Pollee pianists, Mrs. -H. Sanderson, Wray,. ma Matra M, 'intro !nod 81 the law. to W. en*. Ilit. ' VIM Joastartsior mess outwits ,amidentii raperlseorevalied se" egesee. lie hokik eloosald he takes oat 41M, fusittes SIM member' *fore the 00111141 Iet*. a mos of Society ors looking forward to en Wool triturate othet year ei semeasselsi kalifs CHURCH NOTES The Blotted eh- nrcit services met Wunder wilt be 11mile-t04- by the -poo tor, Rev. W. T. Bunt. The sernion subjeeto be: 11 a.m., "Peter. line TeStell aol Honored ;" 1 pm., "The Sln ot Sins., or Excuses, Re- moved." Itilie echool at 10 a.m. Rev. Y. W. Crab will conduct the morning Retries, at Victoria street United church next Suoday, his errs mon eubjeet being "Standing in the Need of Prayer" At the evening ser- vice Rev. F. W. Story. formerly a mbisionary in Routh America, will give the addree. The evening auxiliary of Nortb 'street 'United chnrch will hold its b- oiler monthly meeting on Twain, evening, December 12111, at the home of Mrs. Robert 'oblates, Waterloo atreet. Miss McNaughton wet take the Ontly book. A full attendance a the members, in boneested. npeciol services be the Ralvatios Army on Huntley nxt. at 11 alb. and 7 p.m., will he condoeted by an 014 floderich offirer, Adjutant Fred Bow- ers, who has spent beers' rears cm the Geed (losot of Ab)e.. Adjutaat Rower* will give • talk on his tele Amery work la as after-cburch meet. Tiet ih-the Victoria street ehnrels Mem ozaiVisioV,.&est letflekee' sdi Tuesday even's& at 8 anew*. at the boss et te. Seism servoleet street ,ffielt=tre:4testeginetes