The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-22, Page 11,1 g man dies by May Boyle Our village was saddened On Friday last to learn of the sudden death of Christopher Turcotte His home was at. the north end• of'.our village, formerly owned by Mrs. Gertrude Welsh,Chris was returning home when his new ear went out of control on Highway 9, west- .of Riversdale, turning over and hitting a trydr o pole. He was .in his 28th year: and an employee at the . Canada Packer's Plant, Walkerton. Our village has lost • a good friend and neighbour and to Ids family our heartfelt. sympathy. `Relatives from here at- tended the `Bushell - Wright wedding . on Saturday evening .at Macintosh United Church with the reception at Belmore Community Centre. The groom is: a grandson of Mrs.. John Barr. Mrs. Pearl Lloyd, Mics. Marp Boyle and Edna and May Boyle called on friends at Purple .Grove and Ripley on' l'uesday and were dinner guests .of Mr. and. Mrs. Jack cott. Pearl and Mary returned:'.: to London oh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. ,Walter Forster of Ripley visited` with Mrs. Vera M. Hodgins at the farm concession 10 on Sunday last. Mrs. Marjorie Bennett returned to Toronto after a nice holiday here with her father, Arthuriialdenby. Mr. and ' Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins of Niagara spent a few days here ' with : Mra. Marretta Hodgins' and their three girls,: Pam, Shelly and Julie returned home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest went to London on Sunday to a family reunion. ' Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall were Mr. and • Mrs. Keith Hackett` of Islington; and Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Klein of Mildmay. Mrs.. Edgar Guest (nee Loie Haldenby) of Uranium City'. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim BaliW by,; and Mr. -and Mrs. ® Haldenhnt. and family and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Bertha Haklenby and her daughter, Mrs. Fred Meador( (Barbara), Jason and Jennifer flew on Tuesday to North Burnaby to visit with (Brenda) Mr. and' Mrs: Ken Brown and family and with (Norma) Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Malley and family at Edmonton. A family reunion of the descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haldenby was held on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. RerthaBertha Haldenby end Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby, Tanya and Crystal, Ted<Milne and Dale and. Bob Haldenby. Donald Barr of . Waterloo was hoMeon the weekend for his nephew's wedding and on Sunday he and his mother, Mrs. John Barivisited with Mr:and Mrs. Morley Bushell at Wingl!am.: Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morningstar , Mr. and Mrs Brian Thompson:. and Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Neilson and her friend, Teresa Vogel. of : Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mrs Don ' McEwan, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas,;McEwan and Dun- can 'McE' wan were guests at the Bushell -Wright wedding at ; the Macintosh United Church on.: Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt. Mrs. Ezra Stanley of LUcimow spent Sunday with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins. Pkicessecondin banjo competition Heather Ann MacKenzie, 12, competed in the 7th an- nual Banjo Competition at the Durham and District Community Centre on the weekend placing second in the under16 class. Heatheris the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacKenzie Of Ripley and a granddaughter. of Mrs. Rhoda . MacKenzie of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacKenzie, Mr, and Mr& Jim Melvin, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tilley and family, all of Toronto visited with.Mrs. Rhoda MacKenzie. Spence Irvin is _ entering Victoria Hospital on July 23 for surgery on his knee which will be perforrne*on July 24. On a Sunday recently, Mr. ar(Id ' Mrs. Peter Murray, Grosse Pointe, Michigan and John O'Connor, Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ',ed- dy .visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baird and Mark, l . t.1, Wingham. On Tuesday Mr, and Mrs. ,Ray- • mond Leddy, David and Michele Leddy of Lucknow, and .Elizabeth Leddy,- Wingham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews and boys of Auburn. Mrs. Laura McConichie of VVugham visited on July 12. with her parents and also was ' a supper guest with Spence and Mildred Irwin; OloilmoN � penin ��� :July at 8:38 .f . $Ek, sy'm MEMORIAL HALL TH ,TOMORR By Anne Chi3iett "Love, Laughter and Modern Marriage" TICKETS STILL AVAItAELi: 00 ar 5239225 car accul Matthew, son of kr. and Mrs. Carman Courtney was dedicated at the Pentecostal - serice on Sunday morning. It • was also the -birthday of the. baby's mother, the former Bernice Scheilrwater, and it was Carman .and Bernice's wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Clare ,Sparl- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sparling and Douglas ,Sparl- ingspent Sunday at her father's homein the village. Mrs, Jean '. Hodgins of Wingliam and Mrs., Dorothy' Anderson of Lucknow Spent Monday with Edna and May Boyle. Kinlough WMS Mrs: Don Reid was hostess for the. July meeting of the WMS on July15. ' 'The president Mrs: Glen Haldenby gave the thought for the day from- the Living Message. Mrs, Mary McFarlan gave the' meditation, The Golden Clast,:The prayer circle Was taken by n M.rs. Tom McDonald, , Mrs. Frank Maulden, and Mrs. Don Bushell. ' ,Lucknow Sentinel, W. day, July 22t 1981—Page 9 The roll call was answered with the word, Love. Mrs, Don Reid and Mrs. Don Robertson were in. charge of the program on In- dia, the church and social needs.; Education, ' health and social programs headed by'.the church were discuss- ed and an interview by Mrs. Toms McDonald on Dr. Thomas: principal of a school in India. Mrs. Don Robert- son , gave the courtesy remarks and lunch was served. The Canadian Red Cross Society STARTS FRIDAY F1111111111 SNOV/I IG PLATS*HWY JULY 24 to TNURlDATJULY slllr NNW AND SATURDAY AT t:e0 e d SODS*. SUNDAY TO TNURSAY ATiHHO pa. ONLY ■ BIN :MINIIINITAILY2201 COMING SOON Fraf■ VaktDhesyi ds..10101111 NIMBI M. &lat.7P.M.11 • !w.•lhw. whorelaillusiames : tres the creators dal al MAN RAW COMING SOON ARK GOD, RICH T_JESQUAT PHONE $14-/811 AIR Conk:SHONE 01111111101111./A. INo nwirhiss' . Starts /eld.y July USrdl to SO*4. HWY 8 600€R (u 47 SOH.iJ r,)a K^ . PW ;NE ai8' 1157# 4 NO - I 6'1' 1I DR ED 'C ODS i For long t@r.111 1 ;1stor,og,• '.ono .halo e1'1Cj e r1e11d I Varl•!y< V•ntur s,, 1 Paik QrIv� WMngb.m. • O.ntarlo. Phon•: 31597. �U1a. Printing Service . I; M' ONE 'WEE SYSTEMS • 'FOS & CARBONS FOR ANY SYSTEM •, McBEE, COMPACT,. ETC. - M BUSINESS FORMS A BI'JSINESS ,CAMS ,• ENVELOPES ferrirEaszAps /. INVOICES• STATIS M HEiOaHURES ll'IVITATIONS t itUBBEE STAMPS Larry .COMM 629=2760 Lucknow denny's tY SALES & SERVICE R.C.A. �1 \(,\M O\ I)‘ Philip~ •Antannas'Rotors -Towers 395-5405 elerclronlcs repair Dal eS. Available Waive it District Conviviality Centre SATURDAY, JULY 25 Dao Ritchie and Karen Iearink FRIDAY & SATURDAY' July. 31, August l Ltieknow Craft Festival SATURDAY,•AUGUST 1. MacDonald Resminn 1=1•1111,1111111/111.0 imooirdmokb OPEN DATES AVAILABLE JULY Friday 24 AUGUST Friday 21 OCTOBER Friday 2 Friday 9 Friday 16 Saturday 17 Frldsy 23 .Friday 31 $aturday•3i Now & aidng.For 1992 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND • 1: WEEK.BOOKING CALL 528-3532 •?i