The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-15, Page 4By Silaristark Steve Caesar, 261earrold son,of,Jack :and Gwen Caesar • was seriously injured. in a traffic Mishap in Midland on ..Saturday • evening about 11 p.m. Both arms are .,-broken, as well as the hand ..and fingerson the right .arm, His jaw I badly'broken and there are .• lacerations to his , neck and Chin. . His right leg was amputated about four inches above •the: knee. His left leg. • acDonaild 1nic held ire:shfield has ;a broken knee cap, He was first taken, 'to Midland hospital and later airlifted to University Hospital, London on Tuesday. On Tuesday gevenin, die - tier guests with Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vodden of Vnelldesboro and.. Mr. Bob • , a.. enwood Nova of tyre . , , V Scotia. On Sunday Mt and Mrs. McNee.. and three grandchildren, " Brenda and Graig McNee and Linda Hay Johnston The second annual Skye MacDonald -Johnstone picnic was held July 5. at the home of .Doug and Nelda. Scott. There were 43 people in attendance with visitors front Edmonton, Alberta; :.Ste: Catharines, Exeter, Kincar- dine; Goderich, Lucknow and surrounding ;area. The oldest ' lady present . was Mrs, . Sadie Hamilton with Mrs, Ann Martyn fol. lowing 'close behind, Theoldest gentleman was. Mr. Robert Scott. The youngest girls was Sarah, Hamilton, daughter of Larry*and Janice Hamilton. The youngest .boy present • was John • Van Diepenbeek, son of Peter : and Barb Van -; iepenbeek. 0 seriously injure' in car eras: den were :dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mor* Welt of Wingh0m. Mrs Olive •Blake was taken by ambutance.to Wing- ham Hospital on Wednesday 'I morning of last (week, suf- fering from 'a stroke. At last reports . she seems to be much improved. Her family have all been home. Two daughters, Linda Sowerby. and 'Barb Blake, have re- maineti for a.Ionger time so. they can visit their mother daily. Mrs. Mary Bere spent a few days last week . visiting with her son, Johnand family, in London, and daughter, Marybelle and. fancily in Inglewood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fancy and family of Niagara, for m tarerr residents' here s, n , were camping itt the area on the weekend and took in the tractor pulps at Lucknaw. Ed.' and Lori: Godfrey and. Lori's niece, Tara, were home for the weekend at the Howard Godfrey holies,. Dungannon Mita Church Mr, John Patterson of Palmerston conducted . the church service at the United, Church and .rake on ' :the. subject of roads - our choice of roads in life. Ile used the stories ,of The prodigal Son, —The Good Samaritan and. Paul's experience orn' the road to Da ascus to illus. trate his to Next Sundaythe service will be taken by 'Mr: Bob Heywood of Crediton. Dungannon anniversary service will.be on September 20 with Rev. Wile na Brown° of. Varna -Goshen' as guest. minister. .: Nile;' anniversary, is, on September 27 with Dr. Haz- elwcod of Brussels as guest minister. Vacation Bible School, is from July 27 31 from 6.30 • 8.30 .p.m. Class for kinder- garten to grade 2 are in Dungannon ' United Church and others tneet'at Christian Fellowship +Church. New additions during the past year were John Van Diepenbeek, • January 29, 1981,.son of Peter and Barb Van Diepenbeek; • Sarah Hamilton, August 10, 19; daughter of Larry, and Janice Hamilton; Jimmy Lee, Aug- ust 15, 1980, son of Patricia. and Tom Lee. \ , Weddings during the past year were Greg Hamilton and. Janine Glenn, April 11, 1981; Graham Hamilton and Barb Shelton, September 6, 1950: Everyone. spent an enjoy- able njoyable afternoon under sunny skies, reminiscing and play- ing lawn games Next years hosts are Don. and Shirley Scott. Hope to see you there. Helm descendants gather in KinearIine Twenty-one of the Helm descendants met on July Sth, 1981 for the 43rd reunion at Landsowne park, Kinnard• ins. A basket ' dinner' was enjoyed for. lunch. . • When everyone was seat, ed Jim Hunter asked the biassing and a minute silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Lorne Woods (Ada)', John L. MacKinnon, Kincar- dine and Lynn Wharry, Mis• • sissaugar. The president, Mrs. Alma Mackfnnon, lied'• the bust- . nese. •It was decided to hold the 1982 picnic at Lands- downs Park, Kincardine on the first Sunday in July. The '1952 executive is president, Mrs. Alma MacKinnon; vice- president, Wm, 0, Hunter; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Al. Ian Ritchie; program, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs, Lloyd Whytock and Mrs, Cairic Helm, Tiverton; .sports,' Jim Hunter, Lloyd Whytock and Bryce Ritchie; tea, Mrs, Tom Helm and Mrs, Vernon. Hun- ter; family tree, Mrs, Jim Hunter; park committee, Mrs. Alma MacKinnon. The .program, under the direction of Mrs. Lloyd Whytock, included: birthday the closest, Wm. G. Hunter; coming the farthest, Mr. and Mrs, Ales Hackett; oldest gent, Wm, G. Hunter; oldest lady, Mrs, Verna Chambers, Kincardine; youngest pres- ent, Wendy Powell, Auburn; • most. buttons on gent, Jim Hunter; most jewellery on lady, Mrs. Alms Wain - non; Kin -non; number of jelly Visna in • LOCATED ON Win STREET, JUST OFF THE SQUARE-GODERIC. H. .70 jar, Mrs. Verna Chambers and. Alex Hackett, tied; two written contests, 1. on :num bars, Bob McIntosh; 2. on items at . the picnic table, Mrs. Wm. 0. Hunter and Wendy Powell (tied). • Mrs. Lloyd Whytock gave a reading, • "My Husband May Not Believe Me"', for 141st, and Mrs, Jim Hunter on their wedding anniversary which was thesame day as the picnic. A card was signed and a gift to .mark the occa- sloe was presented. Mrs. Hunter told of different hap- penings which took place on the welding day, Mrs, Eunice Dunsmuir sang, .It took;a Miracle las put. the Stairs In Place, Mrs, Carrie Helm gave two read - Ings, Happy Birthday Can- ada and How to Know Your Getting Older; Mrs, Alex Hackett gave a reading, Grandma is off her Rocker, Winners of` the sports contests were, walking race lady, Mrs. Alex Hackett and Mrs, Carrie Heim (tied); nese"s kick the slipper, Alex Hackett, Wm, G. Hunter; ladies kick the slipper,. Mrs, Wilbert Hewitt, Mrs. Wm, G. Hunter; minute' walk for gents, Wm. Of, Hunter, Jim Hunter, Alex Hackett and Lloyd Whytock; minute wall for ladies, Mrs, Mex" Hack. sit, and Mrs, Carrie Heim; carrying a pea in a spin, Lloyd Whytock and Alex Hackett (tied) and- Mrs, Jim Hunter for the ladies, The rest lot their peas., The picnic ended with candy serambie, ALL STOCK GREATLY REDUCED Savings up to N:EV'ER AGAIN.... will hen be such low prices for such good quality! while selection is stip' good! CASH 8t, CARRY NO LAYAWA MOH -vary is H -vary tan be armload at additional court) f y li "