The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-08, Page 161.. Articlesfor sale' LOW, LOW PRICES on •new i .and used Prowler, Golden1. . Falcon, Lionel trailers, used motor homes,truck campers' rs, . 'and caps for all trucks, repairs; parts and accessor- les; hardtop rentals. Morrys Trailer Sues;: Highway 4, between Hanover and Walk- erton, 364-3748. 15tf CLEARANCE OF BICYCLE TIRES, 20x 13/8, 24 z 13/8, 26 x ;1 3/8, 52.95 each; 20 s 2.125, $3.50 each; various other sizes. Greer T.V. and Electric, 528-3112.. -26tfar CASH REGISTER, like new condition. Phone 528-3811 or 528.2822; and, ask for Tony. 26,27tur DISHES, ANTIQUES, and ..used : furniture at Jim Finns. gan's plane; across front the • car wash. Phone 528-3602. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sundays, nine to nine, r-26tf • HAVE YOU GOT MOIST • AIR IN YOUR HOME?. THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From.Geer.T.V:.A Electric CLASSI TIONS mod .m. - 0---- --1,1 .--. ode. Mile /1/2. Help wanted • • 1. Articles for rale 17.' 2. Mobile Homes. • 18. 3. Artkles for rent 19. 4. Articles wanted :20. '5. Cora, trucks, for sale 21. 6. Pots 22. 7. Real estate for sale 23. 8. Real estate wanted 24. 9. Accoimmodatlaa to rant 25. 10. Wanted to rent I 26. 11. Room and, board: 27. 12. Help wanted 25. 13. Wanted (general] • 29. 14. Rmployiment wonted 30. 15. Tenders 31. 16. Mortgages 32. ATTENTION F ztvnetS Auction. Salmi Servlet available Notice to creditors Public notices Personal Lost and found Miscellaneous Business oppertuntties To give away Births . Deaths Engagements Mages In Memoriam Cards of thanks Coming events . A. For sale B. Custom work `• . C. Wanted Deadline Monday p.m. D. Mattock E. ,Farm services F. For. rent • .Ads cannot. be acetal lifter S p.m. 'M day fer,that .• week's paper. WORD . CLASSIFIED :RATES: . 52.50 mhs./21 words; • •Coming Events',. S2.75 : min./21 words, 12c a word thereafter. In Memo Asim 52.50: min. :plug 30c . per tthymed lineof.verse ds Carof. Thanks $$2.50 nim./25•: words, Sc' a. word thereafter. PART 'TME' position avail- able, approximately 25 hours. per week at Jack Reavie Opportunity . Workshop in Wingham. MRC training preferred but not necessary.. •Apply Box 997, Wingham, Ontario by July. '15, 1981. -26,27 HELP WANTED to work in tobacco. From August 5 to mid . September. Room and board provided. Aylmer ar- ea. 519-773.2594. -27, 28x ENJOY NEEDLECRAFT? Earn extra income' demon- strafing beautiful easy to sell kit. No experience necessary. Call collect 3694769. -27,28 ..�--- - - M-� Iola- n{- -Y - -114,-0,1.�drW- A-d!!R {�lil!,A --I!-� 1--•� -�r�-mm..r.-�.! - -!r� . 12 Help.,wanted 1.:Services avallable • Lueknow. Phone 5284112. .-.--.-..-.--.-...-,,..-..r" _22tf u, 1. Articles for sale TOP SOIL. Phone . Lloyd ' Whytock evenings, 528.2006. --16tfar USED APPLIAI CBS New and Used Appliances, at Ilse LuelmostAppllance Coed.. tare, Phone 528.2946. - SOlfar DISHES, collectible, anti- ques and used furniture. at This and That Store, Main Street, Lucknoiv. Phone. k8- 3723. Lenore Glenn.-41tfar BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On. Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications . . Quick Freezing Available BurrON'S MEAT 1VIARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or if No Answer Call 395-2470 -40tfar NATIONAL SEMI conductor calculators, metric conver- , sion models; also batteries ,for most models of calculat- ors. Greer'T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112. -2ffar TRY C & E Fuirniture, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40tf 4, y USED 23 CU. FT, freezer, 5200. Contact Greer T.V. '& Electric, 52$-3112 or Win. Bolt, 528-3619. -27tfar WOOD AND COAL furnace, plus all pipes and registers, including• fan; self f a , e storing picture windows with storms and aluminum. doors. Picone 524.4161 -27'48 SEVERAL PIECES of furni- ture of Trinity United Church manse will be sold at the Wingham• Sales Arena on Saturday, July 18th Watch for details in their ad next week.-27nx • mem moil law RUG 8'/4' x.21' plus mats.annd underpad, dark moss green, in expellent condition, $75.00.: Phone 529-7912 Dun- gannon. --27x DISTON CORDLESS hedge trimmer with recharger in excellent condition. Phone 528-3404 after S p.m. -27 1979 PROWLER TRAILER 21', like new; all convenien- ces, priced to sell. Pholle 395-5306 after 6 p.m. -27,U, 5. Cars, trucks for sale masa m--. 1011111 111111111 Mill /kW m ..- 1976 FORD VAN, 12 passen- ger, low mileage, stored in winter. Also large bus with vertical siding, Ideal for .cot- tage. Call 529-7030 after 9 p.nn..--26.29 1974 FORD '/4 TON, 5850 as is. Phone 529-7889. - 27 1971 FORD V-8, 302 engine, power .equipment, running, radio, good rubber,. nearly new rad and gas tank, as is, $300.00. Telephone 395- 5488. -27* . Walla Wr.mi-r ISE& Ar -n -a -i i-r'-•iiido i --.-i-* • 7. Real estate for sale liar dme Ishii rod -t int. wadi .iNu- Mint ali.atom EXECUTIVE TYPE. HOME, double garage, central vacu- um. located near Lucknow in beautiful country setting. Shown by appointment only. Call Paula 395-5896 agent for Lloyd W. Hutton . Real Es- tate, Kincardine. 27,28 treedLARGE lot Bl r s Grove ELY � ' Est- ate . lot 38, priced e d to sell. p Financing available. Phone 3955306 after 6 p.m. 27,28 , PORT ALBERT, 2 year old, 3 bedroom brick house; full basement," attached garage, '/� acre lot. 1234% mortgage. Phone 529.7111. -27,28 -HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABELREAD? R. Accom. t0 rent ire dr_e.- •. HELP WANTED `FULL TIME CUSTODIAN Walkerton Dlatrict Secondary Mal. .,Applicants must be wil- ling to do shift ' work if required and be able to Provide medical cerdfi- cats and proof of •satisfac- • tory cheest .x-ray or tuber- culin test. • • Apply on or before July 17, 1981 using ,application form which can be obtain- ed at the school or by writing or telephoning the employer below: Bruce CounmtyBoard of Education, Box 190, Chesloy, Ont.." NOG 1LO;• Tele L5191363.2014 ---27ar Ads POLLOCK MVSYC' CENTRE IN RIPLEY Sherlock -Manning Pianos • Panasonic . Sound Equip- ment... Reconditioled pianos • for sale; used pianes, wanted ' • For piano tuning and repairs call 395.2962. -tfar PORTABLE WELDING Will doportable welding and in shop repair work , Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R.#5, LUCKNOW • 5528.2026 -2tfar • SMALL. FURNISHED ;apart- ment. Phone �y 395.5839. or + 2r/t 528.3134: f HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley. For information call 395-5305. -47tfar j • THREE BEDROOM HOME for rent : in Whitechurch, available August .1, 5180.00 per month. Caul 9. a.m. to 3 pins. Phone 357-3766. --25,26,27. THREE BEDROOM • house for rent on Main Street. Phone 528.3007. "24tfar • FARM HOUSE for rent be- tween Lucknow and Ripley. Phone 395.2438. --25,26,27. TWO BEDROOM apartment. for rent,available immed- iately. Phone 528.2625 or 528-3536. "-25tf HOUSE FOR RENT on 12th concession of Ashfield Town- ship, Phone 5.29.7249. --25-28x ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, fur- nished or unfurnished; 2 bedroom apartment in Rip- ley. Phone 529-7030. -23tfar ONE BEDROOM . apartment on Main Street, heated, hot water, private bath,. air con- ditioned. Phone 528-3434, Bob Finlay, -2stf , ilia via& algid alibi. rem* eddiltii doidoir 12. Help ,wanted ehdV I .-a- lila aid Aida m-- .m. ®. ~do LOCALDIRECTOR FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF HURON COUNTY Requirements: MSW degree and at.least five fears . current, senior management ever. y ence in child welfare. Salary range: 828,S7S t 934,.086, excellent 'benefit package. Apply with written resume by July 31, 1981 to: ' W. R. Alcock, Secretary -Treasurer • Family end Children's Services of Huron County Court House Square .Ooderich • :Ontario N7A 1M2 : • -27,28ar • • Admid dews essiskilitIMO ddMil ilia* OM. WSW . ~all" Waft cams mill sumo maw moo dime • 13. Wanted [general] 15. Tenders mows' -r -Y ems odor NNW air-' lima aim MOW ir- mel%"-ao arm dodo row mod- i -r oiled arm INSULATENOW CHIP pays: up to $500.00 of the cost Free Estimates Adamson Insulation Lucknow Phone 5288.2113 or 528.2526 Fully Insured & Bonded --27tfar MAWHJNNEY EAVESTROUGHING ,, ROOFING AND SIDING SOFFITAND FACIA Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Phone 528-3815 -7* tfar. admrimormoloodasreammoiornmormedgmmoinomagamor CUSTOM BUTCHERING - Hogs, Cattle, and Iambs, Mondays. Reasonable rates. Contact Ripley Abattoir 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. -42tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE • Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Saltash, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar TWO SCHOOL AGE children want a pet dog, either a pug or silky terrier. Will provide a loving home •and lots of attention. Call 528-3547 after 5 p.m.--27tfnx WANTED TO BUY a small portable B. & W. TV, in good working condition. Phone Lucknow, 5284500. -27,28nx .---1-.--EMUS amillY Oldie MAW Ills--Y---m-.'-rami- 14. Employment wanten .---1-:.--1-, W Y' mill- Willi *Wow MIDDLE AGED MAN seeks work of any type. Phone 528-3722. --- 28x - roam .--Widikeaide alYYi. melee aid r-- d- 18. Services available aWiraW..w-i-- _: aid* rill. • TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 p.m. July 21, 1981 for the following: (a) Fencing at various Bruce County Schools (b) Paving at a number of Brace County Schools Drawings and specifics - tions may be obtained by contacting the undersign- ed: Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn . - Phone 5529.7691 AIRHAMMER IACKHOE1NG --Stfar EXCAVATING and trucking, sand gravel and top soil. Phone Robert Syrnes, R. # 5, Lucknow, 528.3047. -15tf SANDBLASTING AND! AIR HAMMER WORK Wm. Adarnsmn►, 528-2113 Tom Burrell, 398 -22tfar EARN EXTRA INCOME . Part tithe at home. Are .you mature and well organized? Do you have telephone or sales ability? We have perm- anent part-time positions working from your home promoting a major .depart. merit :store. service. Training is provided. Must be over 20 years old. Call D.M.SW Lrnr ited, 416+441-1613.. ,.......27 Clas:ic Sign aM benign L898-4819 Bruce County Board of Education, Box 190, Chesiey, Ont. NOG 1L0 Attn: Mel Wedow Telt 15191363-2014 -27ar DON THOMPSON T.V .and Appliances - Admiral Saies and Service; tower and an. tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466. Rip- ley.-9tfar iue.'mW, riled .-aid* 18. Services available Aida .-- _a *ha ilea' .ida.r woo ads.- amino - CONLEY CONSTRUCTION Luclinow r JIM MOSS 1 White Washing end Diginffctin To Barras and Buildings • Of Ali Types 529.7850 Cement Work, Framing, lien vations ratfree eatknrtes NewPhone 395-5526 or 523.33244 -1 7tfar liONWIN CONSTRUCTION New homes, cottages, addi- tions, interior and exterior renovations, cedar decks, roofing. Phone 39554450. . 1SH