The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-01, Page 2ieIps; • A Lucknow area native ,helped save the life a nine year old boy by pulling him out of Lake Ontario near the Olympic Harbour site in Kingston, June 16. Marion Button of Kitchener was walking by the site at 7.20 p.m. when she saw the boy struggling in the water. She tried to help him out of the lake when Thomas Kennedy of 66;Hillendale Avenue arrived and the pair was able to pull the boy out of the water. Button then applied:: artificialrespiration to the almost unconscious youth. Jay Anthony Thomson :. of 101 Logan Street, Kingston *as taken to hospital overnight for observationand is recovering... Marion 'is the daughter of Mrs. Lorna Button, Lucknow: eel -a -thou es money Residents of Pinecrest:.Manor Nursing Home sold tickets on a draw to raise money for; the Ontario ' Heart Foundation during their Heart. Jamboree held during Nursing Home Week, June: 22 -. 28..', ' Winners of the draw included Eleanor . Harman, Lucknow, afghan; Doug Haldenby,. Lucknow tea "set; Edna Young, Lucknow, 7 pound hani and Ron Johnston, Exeter, case of pop. " ,A poster contest was also 'held in conjunction with,,Nursing ,Home Week and students of "Lucknow• Central Public School particiapted. Winners . of 'the poster ..contest included grade 1, Ken Falkner, Jason Stanley; grade 2, 'Dale•Priestap, Meagen Johnstone; grade 3, Rod Crich, Sharon Askes; ,grade 4 and :5, Tracey Steer, Michele Johnston and Debbie Atkinson. The contest participants who did -not win prizes are eligible for .a free ice cream cone, if they go to. Pinecrest and . pick ,up their posters which must be shown to receive their free ice cream cone. 1 SW() DNESDAYY, JJLY ' 1, 1981 20, PAGES. • k1 Eighteen residents of ' "'`' it t Manor Nursing'H� went -ae'' Elg6 ' wheel -a -thou to raise money for the' :Ontario Heart Foundation, June 23. The residents raised S28 in pledges. &lithe proceeds are to be given to the Heart Fyundatbn and `' the reiminder goes for resident activities' at Plneerest. The Lucknow Girl Guides, Pinecrest nursing staff, Pinecrest's administrator, Dean Dolbear and activity director, `endedthe Superscoop fee Cream Parlour where everyone enjoys an ice'cream, cane before sem to- Pinecrest by car. The wheel -a ikon was held, during Nursing Home. Week as, part of the seniors'' Heart Jamboree, their campaign to raise money for the Heart 'Foundation. [Sentinel Staff Photo] Protest gov't intervention in hospital's operation By Henry Hess The Wingham and District Hospital board intends to protest a proposed amendment to the Public Hospitals Act which would give the province considerable power to intervene in the running of a hospital. At a meeting last Wednesday, the board authorized Chairman Jack Kopas to write letters of protest to the health minister, • provincial and federal representatives and the Ontario Hospital Association. The action was one of the first taken by, the board at its inaugural meeting and followed a warning from the chairman, the executive director and members of the medical staff that the proposed legislation is unnecessary and. potentially dangerous. Kopas told the board the bill would give the government such sweepingpowers that, whenever it deemed it to be in the public interest, it could appoint a supervisor to run the hospital, leaving the board completely powerless. He feels it is suspicious that the governs trent chose to introduce the "gem" into. the House at a time when most hospital boards have recessed for the summer and arc not in a position to mount a concerted protest, he added. Dr. D. Jolly, a member of the board from the medical staff, lodged one of the strongest protests, calling the amendment "an outrageous piece of legislation" which goes against the democratic process. "Any government which brings this in should have its morals questioned!" he declared. Asked how the amendment might affect this hospital, Executive •Director Norman Hayes noted that many hospitals are submit- ting deficit budgets this year, with the deficits ranging from several thousand to several million dollars. The ministry could look. at such a hospital as not serving the best interests of the public and put someone in to chop the budget,, he suggested. •He added that in his view, dr, existing legislation is capable of creatir.g the effect the ministry wants without appointing 'a personto• override local board decisions. She law already 'allows the minister to appoint members to the board and, in case of a. disagreement, he could appoint a majority of members to the board who would toe the line. . Hayes reported it lad been suggested to him at the time of the hospital's previous disagreement with the ministry (over bed closings)' the minister could appoint 18 members ' to the board who simply would override the existing 17 -member board. .Opposition to the proposed bill was not ,unanimous, however. Bill Newton, repres- entative from Howick, said he feels 99 per cent of the legislation is fine, aid several other members expressed a reluctance to get on the wrong side of the health minister. Newton said he doesn't believe the government wants to get into the business of running hospitals all over the place, adding that he recalls having been in one hospital several times and .feeling that "somebody should do something about it". Turn to page 2• Undertake development of Bruce Energy Centre. The Charter Members Committee of the Bruce AgriPark Joint Venture today an- nounced its decision to establish a new joint venture group to undertake the development of the Bruce Energy Centre. The decision follows recommendation' , made to the Committee by Acres Engin- eering in a report on the phase 1 develop- ment of the Bruce Energy Centre submitted last weak. Iii making the announcement, the Committee also authorized Acres to proceed with the next two 'phases of the . Bruce Energy Centre development plan. The new Bruce Energy Centre Joint Venture will focus its attention on y the creation of the Bruce Energy Centre Development Corporation to co-ordinate all aspects of the industrial - agricultural - aqua- cultural, facility; - the operation of project offices in Kincardine and Toronto; continuing negotiations with several potential new partners for investment in the Bruce Energy Centre; continuing liaison with elected officials of the area to ensure full consultation at all levels. Members of the Bruce AgriPark Joint Venture staff have already met with local planning officials, general public and the staff of some twenty (20) provincial minis- tries who will have a direct interest in the venture. Acres Engineering was selected by the Charter Members Committee as the project engineering consultant in early April, 1981, to develop the work plan for the phase 1 develiipment of the energy centre. • Acres will now work with the • new joint venture group to locate energy intensive industrial and agricultural customers to the facility by the end of 1982 - to coincide with the date of delivery of 250,000 lbs. per hour • steam by Ontario Hydro from its Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. Legislation permitting Ontario Hydro to sell Thermal energy is proceeding through the Ontario Legislatureg and is expected cted to be pass,ed this session; once the legislation is passed contracts for the initial steam supply will be finalized with Ontario Hydro. In commenting on the decisions made by the Charter Members Committee, Mr. Peter S fego, Chairman of the committee and Vice -President of the Ontario Energy Corporation, said he was pleased with the significant ptogress that has been made in the development of the energy centre since April 1981. "We are now moving ahead in a nuniber of areas, however we are dealing with a broad spectrum of interests, ranging from environmental protection to economic pwork meat, and a lot of needs to be done," Mr. Szego said. "This will be the largest energy centre of its kind in the world," he added. "Orderly development and public support are key to its success, Mr. Szego said. • The Charter Members Committee are the original partners to the Bruce Agri -Park Joint Venture and include, Anderson Flax Products, Consumers Gas, Huron Ridge Limited,The Ontario Ener Corporation, TransCanada Pipelines Limited, Weston Energy Resources Llinited: is yk