The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-06-24, Page 26.440004140, 24,•1931 -. . ,11!).111, ANN ANNA 4 elt.00 :For. rent •• ANY NM *MA Nina Ulm aigiumMlins Ulm Aillos AM* . . WANTED TO BUY a used 3 to 4 ton wooden or steel feed bin to go inside barn. Spike Bakker, phone 5284026. • " —45 -41.16114.* AllVelltOOk • , ' • alma krAiii WAY* milkluimi•bilAir ;lie mos 'YORK • X LANDRACE bred:1 gilts, •bred. :Hampshire • to farrow June .and July, HarnP. shire, Ditree, ,Yerkabit'e'lled • 'York Ramp% boars.. Herd index 106.,4C ViSta Villa Farms Ltd...., BOb Robinson; R. 1. 4, Walton, 3454317.. 24,25,26 1 PUREBRED LANDRACE boar, under two years old; proven breeder. Call Lesley Moncrief 395.2480 (or Ge. orge Moncrief 3954832). 24tf • oar mow -- E. Porto services BERG STABLE • sounimENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing 'Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls • and Hog panelling. Contact Lloyd .Iistoti, R. IL 3 Wooed, phone 395.3390. 30tfar 'ONE FOUR ROW corn scud. tier. Pat Courtney, 395.5123. - 24,25 LUCKNOW SKIPPER UNITED CO.OPERATIVE5.• OF, ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. •TORONTO• • , Ship. yonr.livettock with. -- • SILL TA'fLOR , 5,10C1CNOW ;Otiluesdays 4• • Orgroisps.of5 or more ; On Thursdays. From Lucknow Stockyard's . CALL. 5204530 Home* • . • 528..3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by &SO min; fer • . •• prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS, OF REPLACEMENT CAITLIN LYNN tovvav FARM SYSTEMS LTD, • • Amberley - • PHONE 3954280 BUTLER a Ring Drive pilo Unloaders, Big. Jim Silo- Unioaders,. Volume Belt Feeders, ConveyanaFeed Cattle . feeders, Single. Chain Conveyors, Rare Cleaners, Oswalt Ensila mixers, • • . FARNIATIC . Blender Hammer Mills, • Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground H.Moisture Corn., Augers, ,Leg Elevaa tors, • ACORN Cable Barn• . Cleaners, Hydraulic Man. toe pumps. • • WESTEELaROSCO. Grain .bins a• 135010 250,000 bu, • Bulk Peed Tanks. ACME a• Fanalet Ventilaa tion Systems, ASTON - Ventilation Sys. tertISA .8 -St L Complete Ho Confinement Systems. SLURRY.SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders• , CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment AERO,FLUSH a Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. • WE HANDLE * EVERYTHING a ALMOST, 2Itfar 4 AUCUON SALE .0t Antigiee'Furedtute and, Deflectable. from the home of s*time prom. lient• %gingham Citlion, • bellialoUlt • SVINGHAM AUCTIore 'CENTRE • Next to L,C.B.O. SATURDAY, 3UNE2f az11 A.M. • FEATUNING:. Antique' Viitorian softies ve. thateh- . Ins gentlomanos . chair; • aritlque, Victorian settees (both 'very istelqiee); 2 up• holstered bedroom chat wall tables; antique writ. • Ing disk; antique dress. 'sing table; bench;: 30" 4 poster Wed; sitegin bed; perioddreeitr; pitied side chairs; gateflog fold up table; antique floor lamp; Hurd*� lamp; round modern coffee table; float limps, dresser coal oll • lamps; pine handalieede bench; bewailed mirror W. wood' :at frame; antique whiter Stropping cart; rugs; Westinghouse dryer; Westinghouseharvest • gild self cleaning stelae; WestIngholese harried gold 2 • dr. frill; dining . table, buffet, chairs; .2. liatfortn rockers; . 'patio • . bench:set; Wastingheisie frost free White frig; Wastingluetese dryer; Nerd. 'table and chairs; large,' display Oliver dishes; oiet, .standing and impotent ensplay.00llectabitdishos, ,.. trysts', etc., including elite Lithogas (Franco), cut glass, histro, .bony, prima gloss; "depressIon glassstemware, Salt eel. las; 'Ocitaillad Japan, fig- urines and 'many other interesting pieces; very largo quantity bidding • Incl. several good blanks ets, sheets, pillow caseo. etc; towellIng;, hand croui chet work; quantity coca tome jewellsey; quantity leloturea, several suitcas- es; *triable typewriter ironing board; heavy duty" cooks/taro; elactrical kit• then equipment; other kitchen items; lawn chilli; garden arid bond teals; large clay peak , mach morer. . PEVIEW: PRL JUNE 26 2 5 and 7 • 9'and SATURDAY, JUNE 27 pitiOaTo SALE • Milian Lima JACK ALVIANDER Autdoiseetti Tel. 35/.1011 --25ar , , , • 4. • • • . IN HURON COUNITy 00041H10040 OP MIN *SPATS, THINK Mfg BUCHANAN" IN TIN SAII OP FARMS FOR MI SQUAW, GODIN$CH CALL 524.47 s 524.4097 orrice • • tic ONAG 528-2031 LUCKNOW RIPLEY 6 room apartment. Mortgage available at 10%%, 3 years to go. , • 2 LUCKNOW lots,. 928,000. SCHOOL HOUSE, Kinlough, converted into residence on 3/4: acre. , • LUCKNOW ,four bedroom home, three lots • overlooking river, 15% mortgage. • WINGHAM • 4 bedroom, 3 year old home, double lot, fireplace. Asking 927,500.- 11" • DUNGANNON - Solid cement 2 store' y, 4 bedroom. house, 916,500. SWIMMING POOL, inground, 2 storey cement block, 4 bedroom, . 2 baths, hot waterheating, paved drive. LUCKNOW HOME, large lot, .80. x 265, 4 Years old; family room with fireplace, 11% % mortgage. Asking • S52,000. , . CLOSE TO SCHOOL, 4 bedroom brick bungalow, finished family room, reduced to 349,000. RIPLEY. AREA, 2 bedroom home and small, barn, • drilled well. Reduced to sell, 925,000, 12% mortgage, . COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 'Main Street, Lucknow, 2 stores and 2 apartments. • FARMS 92 ACRES, hog .setup, all. clear, well drained. 150 ACRES Brice Twp., good buildings, 3 bedroom home, 145 wadeable level, 9139400. NO ACRES awe Twp., level hued, 4 bedroom home, loose Wails* barn. 91000000. 99 ACRES, sew farrowhig born, iqapiessent slrec1, aN workable. Priced to sell, 9155,000.00. DAIRY FARM 240 acres, 220 workable, 3 bedroom brick home, barn 45 x 85, and milk house, silo 18 x 60, 35 cows and quota. Call today. 42 250 ACRE beef farm, 100 systematically drained, 24* 80 upright and bunker silo. New insulated garage„ large barn, 5 bedroom Wick home. Asking only $350,000.00. 100 ACRES, well drained flat, workable, Kinloss. 150, ACRE BEEF FARM, well drained, 4 acres of bush, largi barn, '4 bedroom house. 300 ACRE BEE, PAR84,4 bedroom home, trench silo, cement barn yard, asking only 2200,000. • 300 ACRE BEEF FARM, 275 workable, Ashfield Township:excellent 3 bedroom home, implement shed and large barn, loose 'housing. ,2o9 ACRE CASH CROP level farm with 45 acres bush, • IlVe are in need Of fins listings •FRASER MaeleINNON ROBT. CAMPBELL • Iles. 3954880 , 529441/ BARRY MeDONAGH 528-3821 ' '" - ." " • , • ". Rcdavedy . .. KEN 0111NARDT sos Robinson Street Walkerton, Onterlo NO. 2V0 Telephone S01-1600 ' • BALDWIN P. COULIS HEARING AID SERVICE 213 Eighth Street Seat Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 1L2 Telephone 310-9970 • • . ,AUC110141 SALE • Of Farm Machinery and Household Items , will be held for • HILL COLLINSON • Lot 2o Lake Range, Arlifielol TswashIP• 17 miles north of Goderleho lit farm south of • Khalil!' Store on Highway 21 SATURDAY, JUNE 27 it 12130 pan. • ..1075 Ford 4000 tractorWith cab; Massey Ferguson 35, tractor with,loader; 13 x.11 x 20 ;holies tit am.r. tractor; 1050 Ford SN tractor New • Holland 88 baleen: • McCormick 15 run Seed drill; Sanders cialtiriter; John Deere plow; chain harrow; dioniond harrow; Massy 28 plots 3. otitis disc; ono way 3 • pt.kdisc; loader biede; MHO hole dlgg.r; snow, blower; New idea manure spreader; big bale feeder; skeleton elevator with motor; .0mirgei White wagon With rack; wagon with grain; box; grain auger;.grass chopper; trailer and rack; eloottli hammer mill with 3 horse Meter 'IMMO olw; creain ienaralOr;..lagon of small 'hems; 1913 Ford 1/2, ton truck, safely chocked;. Cheitorlield and chair; Magazine rack; !mall tables; dining table.and chairs; 2 set wooden chairi;"3 rockers;; odd 'chairs; antique hall • tree With seat and . diamond shaped Mirror,. antique • cupboard; old Cool 011. lamps; kitchen- Cabinet; pedal'. .HW/int machine; 'quilting .frames; day bid; wOodin' beds; iron bed with brass trim; ill stove; WeitInghause amail freezer; McClary fridge; Westinghouse electric stove; some dishes; sealers; butter Print and Paddle; antique Wooden washing •machine; step ladder; sump: pump; humorous articles. .° • , , • ;TERMS CASH • • 'FARM SOLD • Owner or .auetioneer not responsible for accidents or losses • GEORGE POWELL - . BRIAN Emrrotn, Clerk " • .Atictlaieer —24,25 ' *gabs ir Amu; tt gik.Amor .6AA %bowl% IAA elk ra iroiraiwAr.4frAib..• "gimp A Arrii.olov A% rquir•Ab.411-46.0 • Everything wilier one roof I don Wingham Sales Arena 6$0 Josephine Street, North End of %%wham, OPEN MONDAY • SATURDAY 91).in. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M. NEW FURNITURE- And you thought new furniture was exPengivetil Than You haven't been in to see the, boyai it the Morahan Sales Arena. They invite you to bream/ theme' the sew falidtare department and look ever the low jokes as NSW hese hinge. We digworir EUaI attemal Vyse pick ep. We do take era& Ileti eis seat terethate. TEIMS CASH, apt, VISA", 141111ICHARGE C1,0111246 AND retvrwrAit Mali* blue Janie, work pieta, work**, wok leakei eatety work beets, loge easertetamt at ladies dreee 11110016 children's cord6micli jeans. TOOLS - Difil sees, bench g , Vises, socket sets,. ete. pipe wrenches. *chefs, axes, wrench sits, tintw phis, TheGL and Sport* Shop • Features a fine selection of new and used guns by Winehistert Roger, Remington, Browning, Savage and others. We alio carry * good line of Black Powder guns, . ) anmenahlote and accessories, weed Moo and diatoms, • rod of special Wert* to collector* Wirt, . 1VIldel 94 ,clodis. a:, ...ki.,92'4:t•diti iiiieaneltWiLi :.M°egtotielp; archery equip. baiebali' glovho basket balls; volley a trg\ : . and sewer big. We also hike trade his on new guns. TERMS asEtt000 VISA, MASTER CHARGE, • - • SONO* 9 am. .4 plic 1 Fresh Produto and Bo& Cookies VVINGIIAM SALES AREIVA 1 1 1 ,,,„ Calt 35/4130 1 -.zbar . 44.-.1.4....,....L.' ....i.d..........,',......,,,,,,,,,,..44,......... " • ...41 . • . .