The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-06-24, Page 19• Lucknow Situ, Wednesday, Jane 24, 1981 Page 19 Kingsbridge girl wins zone field day championship By Delores Van O.eh F- 5 KIIngsbrldge Kurrlcduns Congratulations . to Maur- een Stapleton on winning the Junior girls championship at, the Zone Field Day held in Wingham on Wednesday, June 17. Also to Gerda Hendricks, who was the Senior girls runner up. On Monday, June 15, grades five and six enjoyed a trip to. Agri -Park between Kincardine and Tiverton and also enjoyed swimming at the ` SuttotePark Inn, On Wednesday, June 17, kindergarten to grades four enjoyed a tripto the Grand Bend Zoo. The Student Council exec- utive for 1981-82 was elected this past week. The new ex Celebrate 25th anniversary By Bell Hackett • Congratulations to Shirley and John Hunter, who are celebrating their 25th wed- ding anniversary this week. Donna Raynard and her mother, Mary Lou, went to Hensall on Saturday where Donna, took. part in the Ontario Step, Dance Final. Donna^placedthird in a class of 28, sponsored . by the Hensall Kinsmen Club. Con- gratulations, Donna. We extend sympathy to Mayme • and Charlie Wilkins on the death of her brother, Calvin Irwin of Oshawa, The Wilkins family attended his funeral on Saturday at Osh- awa. Trinity Sundayp School •is preparing . for their church. service and picnic: for next Sunday. Sunday School will be discontinued for July and Congratulations to Jack and Nancy Cameron and Brent on the birth of their new baby boy „last week. Nancy's mother, Mrs. Shel- ley of Mitchell is visiting with them for a few days. Larry and Janet Wilkins and Laura spent the weekend August. Neighbors sayfarewell to Searlefamily By Midi Buchmeter On Monday evening, June 15 a number of friends and neighbours: from the 4th of Kinloss gathe red at the home. of Bill and Joanne Searle for a surprise party and farewell presentation following their move to Lucknow. An enjoy- able evening was spent visit- ing and prior to lunch Peter Edisbury made a presenta- tion of a gift of money to be used to purchase an oil painting for their home. Bill replied, thanking them , and invited all to visit them any- time. Congratulation's to Martha Graham who graduated from Humber College, where she has been taking her Regist- ered Nursing course. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham at - attended the graduation. Convocation 1981. was held at the college last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb lck- ton attended the wedding of Susan Barr and Henry Van= derKlipper held at Kinough Presbyterian Church oill Sat- urday evening. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillan and Ron were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gag- non. (Myrtle .McQuillin) of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McQuillin of Sarnia and Mrs. Hicks of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Young and family •of Fort Erie visited With Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchi and Mary Ann. They all attended a barbeque shower for Donald Ritchie and Karen Ruerink at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson of Donnybrook on Sunday. Mr. , and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, Mary Ann, Donald and Karen Reurink and. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Barclay of St. Pauls attended the Ritchie picnic at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie of Ripley. Congratulations to Trina Howald who was awarded' the English Proficiency at the grade ,eight graduation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Law- rence, Pam and Mark of London visited with Mr: and Mrs. Ray. Buchmeier and Carol on Sunday. They also visited with other. relatives at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keith at Goderich. • Harrison reunion... *from page 16 Collins, Gerry Neilands; women's kick the slipper, Olive Siemon, . Barb Oesch, Brenda. Hackett; men's kick the slipper, Gerry Neilands, Roypo Oesch, Bill . Collins; o tato relay, Brenda Hack- , ett's team; orange relay, Peggy W,lllert's team; spoon, potato,plate relay, Bernice Willert's team; string game, Peggy W illert's team. The children then enjoyed a candy scramble. The oldest person was Annie Harrison; youngest person was Lori and Kelly . Collins, and the person com- ing the farthest was Marion and Wilfred Harrison. A smorgasbord supper, arranged by Chester and Bell Hackett and Olive Siemon, was ,enjoyed by all. It was decided to hold the picnic next year at the same place on June 12, 1982. The new executive is: president, Wilfred Harrison; secretary treasurer, ' Marion Harrison; directors, Amy and Bud Hunt, Elizabeth and Ray Foster; sports, Gerry and Diane Neilands and Bill and Cheryl Collins. in Burlington whethey at- tended the t=tended.the weddi g of one of Janet's girlsr friends. They, visited with Janet's parents, Evan and . Jean . Hoffman, Burlington, and Janet's sis- ter, Florence and family, who were visitingthere also. Mr. and Mrs. Don Willsie, Belmont, and S/Sgt. Jim and Trix Hackett, Toronto, visit- ed for the weekend with Wilfred . and Virginia Hack- ett. ecutive is president, Lonny Doherty; lst vice president, Patrick Frayne; 2nd vice president, Margaret Knoop; treasurer, Sally Van Osch and secretary, Lisa Card. ews On , 'Thursday, June 18; members of the °ngsbridge Youth Club, Pathe Denting- er and Brother Car Voll, and some other a people, e 'oyed . a trip to Can - ad ' • nderland. at Maple: Visitors on the weekend with Mrs. Yvette Heffernan, Anton. and Delores Van Osch and family were . Albert and Marjorie Heffernan and family, Essex; John. and Anne Sheardown and family, St. Thomas; Ray and Sue Heffernan and Mark, Lucan and Jerry Heffernan, Strat- ford. The community extends their deepest sympathy . to John and Angela Miltenburg on the passing of Angela's father, • Mr. Berberich of Walkerton, last week. Congratulations to the Kingsbridge- men's slow pitch . team who . won the tournament held in Lucknow on the weekend. Team cap- tain is Kevin Austin. The slow pitch team from Blyth of which Gary Court- ney is captain, were the runners up. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Court- ney andioys were Father's Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Courtney .and son of Blyth: Eric Courtney of Waterloowas also home on the weekend. Anita, ' Leona and Mildred Hogan and Mary Frayne were hostesses on Sunday. afternoon for a girlfriend shower held in honour of Marianne Frayne,whose, marriage takes place in July. The Kingsbridge Area Seniors showed slides at the Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow, last . Thursday evening. On Saturday morning . a' ' bus load of 35: members of a Mennonite 'family, the Bow - mans, arrived for a visit with Brother Carl Voll, who had worked for this family at the age of 21 and has kept in touch with them ever since,. After enjoying a picnic lunch, they were shown slides of the Holy Land by Mrs. Teresa Courtney which Brother Carl had visited last year. They also enjoyed -a visit to Huronia Beach and, a tour of St. Joseph's, Parish grounds before returning. home. The visitors were from Elmira, Wallenstein, • Mac ton, Dorking, Hessen and St. Jacobs. Ontario residents with low incomes are entitled to assistance in paying OHIP premiums. More importantly, the amount has been changed in the most recent Ontario Budget. If your income as a single person is Tess than $8,200 or your total income as a family of four, for example, is below $14,000, you may be eligible for assistance to pay aII or part of your premiums. As always, pensioners or those receiving social assistance continue to receive OHIP coverage without charge. The best way to check your eligibility is to contact your local OHIP office. It's listed in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory under Government Services. Please ask because you may very well qualify for.OH1P assistance today, even though you might not have in the past. ,y Ministry of Health Ontario Dennis R.Tirnbrell, Minister