The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-06-17, Page 4P. 1k1 Wiwi!Senduelt 11401110141tyt JIM P. -17011 • • ' t. 49f, the efforts. l aigo with these groups to The neiv management .at Pinta:rest' Manor Nursing Homt:eist Lucknow is encouraging the public to continue their havaientent In the programs at home., Gingrich, . , left, one . of four. owners and Dean Dolbear, right, administrator, am pleased with Four London area men have purchased Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home' of Lucknow which has been under new management since April 1. Ron Gingrich,. London, John Fast, London, Ab t Suderman, *Parkhill and Fred Janzen, London purchased the nursing home from Mr. and Mrs George Newbold of Lucknovv. Dean Dolbear, 'Strathroy has been acting as administrator since the beginning of April. Dolbear has five years experience in nursing home administration and will be spending three days each week in the Lucknow nursing home. The new ownership wants the nursing \ home to become more visable in the community.' They have hired a` fulitime activity director, Donna Crich, who has worked as a nursing assistant at the home for the past two years. As well as co-erdin- ating programs for the residents at Pine - crest, Donna will be setting up Programs which will involve the community in the nursing home and bring people into the home to attend functions such as movies, teas' and card, games. A special emphasis will be placed on involving senior citizens from the community in activities at the home. This will provide more activities in the commimit* for senior citizens as well as renewing old friendships between the residents and seniors living in the community. "A priority- is, to try to get the home involved in the community and the commun- ity in the nursing home," says Ron Gingrich, who points out the home can offer . good quality nursing care and activity programs but there is a tremendous need for volun- teers. - Gingrich and Dolbear are very pleased with the effort put forth by local groups and organizations who make monthly visits to the home. The re new p under the. 41rectlen of the recently eppointed activity 41rector,sidents and new management establish D0111111 r1ch Gingrich My. tbeprograms at the home will be dkectedtoWardls senkiethittens- In die commuidty as welts* residents at the home. [Sentinel Staff Photo] have a 10. to Share is theme of nursing home week • Nursing homes through,. out Ontario - members of the Ontario Nursing Home Asso- ciation sponsors 'of Nursing Home Week - are joining together the week of June 22 • 28 to mark this special' week for nursing home residents, nursing home staff and vol- unteers - and the public. This year "We all have a lot to 'share" is the theme chosen for Senior Citizens week in Ontario. "Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home be participating in the provincial program. We will be sharing in the cele- bration and invite the public to participate with us" said Dean Dolbear, Adminsitrat- or. Pinecrest Manor will be holding such activities as a walk-a-thon/wheeIchairs, card party, bingo, dance, musical evening and a raffle. A special note of interest to the public will be the Open House planned for Sunday June 21, 1981, from 1.30 - 4.36. This will be an oppor- tunity to visit the residents, staff and the new owners of the facility. "I'd like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all our• "regular" volunteers and all the people and groups in the community who have been sharing their Aline,' talents Turn tO page 220 Have a -1.4itio.Sharre:‘ during ursing Home Week June 22-28 COME AND SHARE WITH US • Everyone is Cordially "milted to be our gigots at our OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY. JUNE 2101981 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 PM • PINECREST NURSING HOME, LUCKNOW Monday, June 22, Wheel and Walk-a-Thon 1:00 p.m. [Sponsors Needed] • Tuesday, June 23 Local Talent time 7:00 p.m. • Wednesday, June 24 Si$0,Long 1:30 p.m. Card Party .7:00 paAtt . Thursday, June 25 'Bingo 2100 p.m. . . Hymn Sing 7:00 pm. Friday, June 26 HIM 7:60 p.m. • Saturday, June 27 Talent Show, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, June 28 ChuircbSerVice 3:30 p.m. share In the fun with us In our 1981 HEART JAMBOREE CELEBRATION ALL PERSONS WELCOME AT ALL evENTS 5 n nts ent greatly appreciate the work done in the past by volunteers, and look forward to their continued contribution in the future. These groups will also be involved in the new programs set up by the activity director. *The management also intends to hire a , food service supervisor to do menu .panning and to prepare special menus to meet individual diet specifications. They also want to work towards achieving accreditation for Pinecrest which will mean preparing for a survey which will assess fire procedure, evacuation procedure and prev entive medicine as well as all apsects of health care at the home. All nursing homes wishing to \ belong to the Ontario Nursing Home Association must be accredited by January Of 1984. Pinecrest will be working to receive accreditation within the next 18 months to two years. According to Gingrich, nursing homes in the province are submitting themselves for 'accreditation because the Ministry of Health is pressuring nursing homes to get their accreditation to establish credibility for nursing homes in the province. \ A residents' council has been 9tablished at Pinecrest and they are looking into the possibility of applying for a New Horizon's grant. The grant from the provincial government would be used for a purpose stipulated in the grant application. Such money could be used to buy a kiln for making ceramics or for an outdoor shidfleboard. The money would be made available to a resid- ents' committee in charge of applying for the grant and is not available to the manage- ment of nursing homes byocal organizations and will be wm. There will be changes made at Pinecrest under the new tnanagement but they hope the immunity will support these improve- ments and continue their involvement with the- residents and staff at Pinecrest. e plot) CeHulose Fibre LO SE FILL INSULATION Celpro is Ideal for blow In applications, Is non-toxic, non -corrosive and odourless. It contains no asbestos or glass fibres. Celpro is a most effective barrier against heat, cold, noise, and energy cotts. A BLOWER IS AVAILABLE FOR INSTALI4TIN HENDERSON //rr, Off BUILDING COME JOHN', w: HENDERSON LTD. LUCKNOW, ONT. Batliness Hours Mon. to Frig 8 soma to 6O p.m. Sat. 8 0.01, 8) Noah • • • ••:•.1.;:ige... -14=310"`:°`'`,""!7'.