The Signal, 1933-4-13, Page 6•
• r a • •
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THE wawa -
Reading: What We Should Read
(R, •
111Coatlaised from teat week)
we are seating through the
of books will largely mantra
.-sefehig. Deere ved
there Dew be emoting odious
meet the.& lint we have no
palmier to and please such.
timate search Sur entertain -
ruction, comfort, inspire -
treat the racket of life to
elves that arts '4 temple
even the desire for •
ay of books might
et riddance
at .s article of
kind. But the
standing 1301
terature to
can be
y is to
• -relate
In • modest way
. *
des i re
of peace,
taints La
w131 tw met
writer has neither
plover la tbe realm
essay to do this. All
done here in this amateu
made as a book lover, an • d
rams that have been found
oe through experience.
-• word must be maid .fils ths
a all Books, the Bible, that well of
liglish undefiled, with its beautiful
anon. its inspiring passages, its
Iniolding story of Ood's tom for teas
and man's quest for Ood. No wonder
r Walter Seat uses It 'Moe Book.
there is only one such." Its simeoli-
eity of story. and yet told so magnifi-
cently, appealed to him as lo wiUlons
more. For purposes of cultivating
good linglish, that- and its worthy
companion book, Pilgrim's Progress,
should certainly not be neglected by
the student. Bat higher motives
thoubt stream In opening'suth a va-
asi: end torah* ostteilit up with a
deathless; hope
It has been rightly said that books
are what bring the University to the
home. For our minds can be recre-
ated. sharpened, rained and none
felled by their judicious use. Ot
course, to realise that we will have
only the beet books on our neves
and lying around on our tables. (We
have made it clear 1* the previous at -
den that best may not necematily
mean classic.) Ancient standard vol-
umes with modern books of tine par -
pose and power will make their ap-
peal to us as we h7 to graduate in
this Home University: We may pray
not to become auk as* malady from
which some men and women suffer --
reading fiction only, p04 that only of
certain kind. autobiogra-
piry, history, poetry, biography, all,
we shall mee, deserve extensive atten-
Um if we would be weR schooled.
The mind will need a certain amount
of discipline to get the maxinsum of
piessnre and profit on all these lines.
liut there are so many excellent and
attractive Volumes under any one of
these classifications, and those of
science, art and drama that may be
added, that there should be no diffi-
culty of the adaptation of the gond
• "4.
• ;
_ •
f fa • t 5.4
and delicious
table syrup
._ • -ordel
sweet for the
whole family
ut any book4over to*.07 books. eh
Taste can be 'retiree&
lt history available to dm seems
411 and duel, wh7 blot take a bio-
graphical course? What lin insight.
can be gained into lite a the *eves-
teenth century in England', by reading
Samuel PewsDiary! etboar revol-
utionary days, when the Cruz:men
regime gam place or tee reostab-
lishment of the nentardig. and When
the Great Plague and .410 Fire of
London happenedare all graphically
portrayed there to/ no eye -witness.
The same thing may lamest be raid
of reading Hypatia a The eign of
the Crows and Boo kigv, though these
are fiction, In tryino to estimate
conditioas and life * the early atria-
tian age. John Wediel's Diary glen
us not only a breathless account of
the prodigious lanes and travel*
through the British4lales of • marvel -
us chancier aromas men, but pic-
a the coaditnes of life le the
uth cent or, la a noteworthy
It modern political and social
are to be studied in an in-
,ond lively form we have
stories et the great
the nations: Lockhart
has told u INepaleon, Straits? of
Vittoria. lkslif Joisa
mos, Mart
a01 Disraeli, pf Gladstone, and
so on. 11 titurcee,history wearies •
plodding reader Meant' seonotonees
stretches, wby not tome to the stories
told In an attractive wog of Bt. Frage
cle, Martin Luther, John. Apo:, Tyli-
Sale. Fox: they and othere made
to live before our errs.
If we do not want to be chewiest of
as ignorsmome we must be acellidated
with the best of literature. Wq shall
at least have Plastered some of the
beet books. The newspaper and maga-
sine will he diligently read when thei
sheet is wbolesonee and reliable. Tbe
pitifulry small bookshelf so often
means a poorly herniated rand. A
woman recently tobd a minister be
Deeded eel, one Doak -the Bible was
sufficient for all his purposes. It is
no reflection on the Bible to say she
was off the map in making sucir an
absurd statement. Any leader of
thougbt and practice in a public way,
any teacher of the best ways of life,
must have the treasures of literature
available to him, and at least some of
-then Roust be hie very own. God
never gave the Bible to exclude all
other Sae products of rich and varied
minds, any more than he gave us our
own little town to live in with the
undemanding that we were to con-
fine ourselves to the pleasure* and
interests of that exclusive region.
The writer has just received • let-
ter from a friend to whom he lent a
fairly large parcel of varied books
for a irloter's reading. In this letter
be records his gratitude and says. "I
sometimes think when I get at them
of • quotation I read somewhere:
gone age
nrY rill, 411•••••=a -ax
•• - APO INBACC4r :•.°21-C1.--. • - ° • °-
For these are my brothers all:
Their voices I hear so "drone and
Like a solemn organ's strain,
Their voices I hear so strong and
thoughts I thin;
They live in me again.' "
Ike. en
&mkt AR
By ISABIlla 11
112101,-024T.--' •
in lest* es* of
Tell WemyIllocre
The strain of toll
Teach me Thy pati
In closer, dearer
In wed' that
In trust that
and mow
ways t
with Tine,
toe tree;
baits me bear
the fret of care.
tt. , v tt,7.
• •
. .1toe 6.400 Ina it'Aiieial. big.
sad iiiiithaps was entertained that
eke weskit steer be wail mob* to
alma ds up age* Bet heals mixt
be either the beet.treatasent that•
Art hospital can give. This
unapt a piaster cost sensing the low-
er part ot ber body sad her lett lit.
the ether part of the treatment being
the beat care and the most geode and
kinds Pormanionnie that tereid be
given by nurses.
At era It was bard for bee to un-
derstand, pile knew so Ittde lenglisb.
She couldn't read the books that were
given to her, but she Could look at the
would ask the meaning of words that
pictured, and as the digs passed she
would ask time meanie/ of words that
were used a sometimes ant other
questions. and as interest deepened
in the things that were about her her
countenance, which at first seemed
almost expressionless. began to
brighten, and revealed the fact that
behind 11 was a bright, keen Latelleet
Evening after evening Me studied
the English language, she learned 10
read and spell, she studied grammar
and arithmetic, and in the daytime
she learned to new and inodt. What
fun it was to Wake Snows for bar
doll and to Welk Air it a sweater and
a bonnet! How interested slie be
carom in bee Wake, and lit tbe work
of the iindlr nurese. How dellihted
she was inn ab,e Mild help, by leak-
ing dressingier assist in cleaning the
surgical instrepents. • From where
she lay she could see the diens of the
ward beta/ -wanted, and one et her
high ambitions, was that Mae dal
she nett hetp to wan these Heber.
Atter many months the cast was
removed, apd before maul weeks
Annie, to the delight of all, maid sit
up In bed. One morning tbe was on
entering heard these words, "Iee all
made except the corners, would you
fix those, please?"
CbrIstmas time comes; Annie had
never heard of lianta Clans, she knew
nothing of Christmas trete or Chrlot-
mas gifts. It was real joy both to
herself and the nurses when she was
carried down to the Christmas tree
where she received as her presents a
Bible, a doll and other things. She
weir carried, toe, to am Um Durum'
room, and' many times afterwards
she asked to be taken "to the room
where there are real things like in
gatee's ca [sleeve." .04 eountimes
her request was granted.
Then came the wheel -chair and fin-
ally the crutches, and at last Annie
actually carried out her ambition.
She first wiped the dishes, then ahs
washed them and at last she cold
wash them, then wipe them and put
them all away.
In ber year at the hospital Annie
never cried and never compiained.
She OM uses her crutches, but the
time may come when she can throw
them away. She went home with
new clothes, new friends, new
&oughts, new ideals and a new out-
look on life. She now has more than
three records and a cat to brighten
her days. She still likes to read Pe-
ter Rabbit and Dickens' Christmas
Cala and otheorhookr whin ems
from the hospital libra6,, and ber
J4 0],th/a raja^ the dihem-magg.
Ole isloirtw;meigio,LP,Allosi4
kitchen and the nurses enjoy the let-
ter/ received from Annie. -By Nurse
co; still with Thee
twiny; '
faith sweet and
rturophs over wrong.
-W. itiaddea.
• jp •
Lord. to grow more
e to Thee, winking al-
• of others rather than
• • •
N FOR 4PW4L,111,033
us ROA& Elelf•
mast nada.
Having returned to Peter'. home in
Capernaum. Josue began tto catechise
His disciples about thetr discuarrions
mime thenreelvea as they Puree:red
towards the town. The seiection of
Peter, James and Jelin for special
association with Christ; the primacy
of Peter suggested by the words of
their Master on a metal* occasion;
and the spirit of the lens of line -
dee, shown In the request of their
mother, on their behalf, were derma -
ease(' that soon attracted the atter-
tion of the others, and gem rise to die -
cession u to relative superiority.
When contronted by the direct
questioning of their Master they were
anent. They were ashamed that He
should have detected them. They felt
such disputing* were contrary to His
ppirit. Nevertheless, that such 41. -
ting is deeply seated 1n human na-
ture Is shown by its persistency from
age to age. From the silence of the
disciples we learn that a motive of
action we are ashamed to contemn when
a sense of Christ's presence is upon
us cannot be a right one. And in pro-
pordon as the presence of the Mas-
ter's spirit ts felt, ft is suppreened or
That the lesson be was about to
teach them was an important one Is
seen In Christ's seating Himself and
ummoning then to draw near tb
Him. Then He gave to then His
judgment on superiority between man
and man: "If any man desire to be
first, the same shill be last of all and
servant of all." The highest excel-
ence in the Kingdom of God is his
who .bee and forgets htmeelf alto-
gether In the benefit and advance-
ment of others. Tiles He gave them
an object lesson as an 'illustration of
that statement "A little child," per-
haps one of Peter's family. was taken
up in His arms and by BR words He
further drew their attendee away
semi& eeteeseleers-afe "%of' KriSe'vdtight-
terested and unselfish service they
Save Money -Buy Here!
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Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, April 121h, 13th, 16th •
McLaren's invincible Jelly Powders, 6c each
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, 19, ' •r.;.471X----- -maseki ssu. ma swr iiros um*
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Mom 116
Ns* memoir purlons. gyous-,
i* ,,41-4.
4 .0,4
I ,
Ilielkatitapletr --readi
tured, or improved, or technically
taught? Do we not want, sometimes,
just to sit down, forgetting dull care
and the weary round, and open •
book that will cause us to dream and
laugh, and forget, to walk with our
heads In the clouds, maybe? The
humorist, whether Twain or Leacock
or Jerome K. Jerome, is more welcome
to us In such hours than some school-
master or heavy philosopher. The
laughing. gay, romantic storyteller is
preferable then to the gram Marne -
tor of solid fact and sober science.
"Two things," said John Newton.
-tept me out of hell, my early ants
lifelesig„,lota for Mary Catlett, and
my earIT and lifelong love for books."
For multitudes the chief peril of life
le the empty mind and the empty
heart. Books of the right type will
save from that condition. A good
book will often lift a man out of the
reach of a hundred squalid tempta-
tions and provide tor him that heal-
thy pastime and interest which will
keep the seven devils of uncleanness
and mischief from taking possession
of him.
How many there are who have go(
away from care and dullness, forget-
ting the worries of their lives, as they
hare burled their heats In a good
story! When one has. to be cooped
in a small way- of life with little or
no privileges of seeing new places
and feces, what • boon are books of
travel tastefully and vividly written!
Mess can lw crossed 'and other lands
visited, mountains can be ellmbed,
forests can be traversal and strange
face and meditione of lite eon be-
come a delightful any through the
medium or hooks of travel.
By the reading of poetry our imag-
ination can be telreed and Improved.
It 1a the faculty of poetry to tarn
history into song. Saint. and patriot,
and lover of nature are Inspired by
poem and sonnet. Ito life and love
and length!, it gives the clearest
voice and finest expreeston in words
for the soul of man. We make •
esistake if we eo not cultivate our
taste of excellent poetry. Our abate -
spears. Tennyson, Wordsworth, Long-
fellow, Keats and many others have
bequeathed to um an heperishabte
One more word should he said, and
this respecting. the healing power of
hooke--• medicine for mind and heart.
It may be e very real thing for those
who seek this. Lord Morley owe
eel& that. reettlem-Wesderwarth
Iasettems. to nnisMeile. to Sethi& _the
mind" Gladstone called ids library
Bawantee Oest3. hi reared to It
from the Mein demands or patine 11110.
He found It a place where the bete
soon, trate] and depressed may be
soothed sad 'strength...sad. Sethi
will de this ter Mt it we will 10t d111111.
meld ongiaiao
Himself. How to receive Him? Am
alone He can be received -by know-
ing Him as He 10 revealed in Jesus
Who is child -like." -(G. MacDonald).
John at once, grasping the rigida-
cance of Clarist's words just uttered,
saw that Christ would acknowledge
sti- wits -ftrefamissd His name+-ead..h.
saw one castle( out devils is Thy
name; and we gonad him, because
he followeth not us." Jesus was by
this interruption given an opportun-
ity to teach them a lesson In toler-
ance. There were many besides His
professed followers who were in-
fluenced by Ills spirit; and He would
have them see that sympaby and
help towards such is itself a proof of
Turning again to the little child He
points out W them the need of exer-
cising tolerance towards the weak
ones. "Segue would impress it upon
HI disciples that they must honor and
protect the notated beginnings or
germs of faith to be found in the
world" (tenge.) Hs- litteltwiedges
them and we shall be Merely judged
If we "came them to stumble." The
infamy of offending one of the "little
ones- was 5. great as that sometimes
practised apron a great criminal,
namely, the hanging of • millstone
about his neck, and being can into
the sea. This punishment was but a
shadow of the more terrible penalties
of the spiritual state as Stated In
verses a and 44. The words in them
two verses were spoken by Cbrie In
a very serious and solemn mood, and
were evidently intended to represent
a very serious and solemn reality.
msimi-i9 ibitusolseltAMIE=
•-• Sy Seth, Herds; .
iriniy Ridge sklOwl Phi laid
(Serviee 8-10 1 ingtvIdeal meld*
- - Goa/km Base
(Continued frons Doge 3) 3 tablespone peatine,,,v." ',,,
hernias clamped down 'with stun sad 6 tahleePeelle_cold water ':r ''F"1"'..'
shock and hideous welter of mon. 1% cute eluded widen "
By a woe twee were walking and 1 cult creep Mee ' .......„„_
potteries about oa ground that mity ' 6wirlidejebereg- line= felflikee;res-edis,,,
- •
the heel of Hun soldiery had trod lit ant SW'
shwas liete. In another hoar, sue- in waspoun salt . .. -....
ending waves were on the era/eine Soak gelatine In cad water 6 oda- ;...., . r
crest amongst the abandoned gun- utes Add belling water, orange sad • .
Pita or Ins henries, and then burst lemon jukesuper and mit. Clod. .
into their rem a marvellous pane -
nuns of green, unshelled countryside. f
When beginning to fatten, add: i
It stretched away from them to the ose
Unlit a their vielon on the eastern I cop orange pieces, drained
herbage- 1 cup diced bananas
It -was a pkture thatmade men 1 cup diced canned plassogOakt,
(MAX Every man oo there
that day thrilied from his tin -hat .
Pear tato *divide& no1�_.- 04_
to his sole -etude. Douai was visible chili until firm. Serve with lethal '
tar back, 'one white spire standing mayonnalae.
like • beckoning finger" isOlsol Vapid& O&M
Could Have Gros Oa (Serves 8-10)
Before dart they were over the Follow directing Oa saklas pia- k .1
Ridge, down on the plain, and look- tine base as glean in Jellied Fruit
tng over their shoulders at the Salad. Mass beginning to stiffs& ..._
! IA
trowaing rampart or the cliff, which sap:
in pieces was almost sheer fall. Kea 1 rooked peas'
marvelled how they had been allowed 1 cup diced cooked beets
Ir... The enemy marvelled 80* they Serve with any desired droning.,:l . ••.,
to capture that mighty natural fort- 1 cup cooked carrots, diced
had taken IL for "we felt we could
The Caoadians that }tester Mooday (Serves 8-10)
knevr they could have gone on and tine twee. as glen in linlind Mit . I
on. towards that "beckoning finger." Salad- Wilen befilualufi to NOW! -
Men caned that the weather and add:
1 cup orange pieces
mud made it impossible to brief up........r.
the guns and conlignm the assault 1 cup shrimps cut in pleelle
before the demoralised Hun could re -
hold it until Doomsday." Omega Asia. JelOsit Sabi
*pre beiod,,,ad „d imindene They Follow directions tor making gala.
1 cup ehopped celery
organise. There did not seem to be herr. with iumen mayonnaise. ,-
any dednite reserve lbw 01 &offence oringe amen aimed alga _ -
acmes all that clean, green plain. (Serves 8-10)
And there wasn't! Follow directions tot making gate
Just hew demoralised the eeemy was tine base as given in Jellied Trait Sa-
and how complete was the defeat of lad. When beginning to stiffen, add:
the Vimy Ridgeen
Gennep. is evident 1 cup orange pieces
in the words of a Bavarian battalion
commander named Angermund, who 1 cup celery
1 cup cream cheese balls ,
later transferred to the lying corm serve *tut lemma mayonnaise.
It will be seen that as %rimy Ridge
created a new Inert* in the Canadian isArts JIYNIUCT
Corp., attacking that day for the first 1 tablet for junket
Um. as OM greet mit. se also did 1 pint nal&
lower in like degree the morale of the lie cup UM
enemy opposite. 14 cop boning water
Angermund. who won the Iron 1 tablespoon cold water
Credos for dosing the gap in front of 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
the Canadians -it was wide open for le cup maple eyrup
forty -cheat hours -told • Canadian
Dheolve tablet for junket in n
newspaperman in Berlin is lath that tablespoon cold water. Put agar 1. _
olt Douai. until dissolved 11 caramelised mg-
Mt -
there wiks nothing hute thin "feki a email sauce pan, and heat carefully,
gran" line. consisting et one stirring conetantly until melted and
meet spread over a *10000115 from, golden brown. Add water drop by
between the victorious Canadians and drop to caramelised sugar, and stir
tbe city c
jawaitiatik4444 4,,
• • •
One summer afternoon a Ukranian
father drove up In his wagon to the
door of the hospital. A blanket
coverlet, some straw made a bed for
Annie. his daughter, whom he was
bringing to the hospital in hope that
with the doctor's aid Ole might some
day welt again.
Annie was thirteen years of age;
some time before, her only brother
had Med. Her mother, too, aftPr a
long illneont, het left them, and so An-
nie and tier father were left alone In
their poor and tinhorns -like *hack To
get to the hometel they had taken •
long, slow drive of ifteen miles
Annie had trona to whim' only long
enough to pick up a few Moores of
English, for after her mothers death
she had to stay home to help her
A bench, • table, en old stove, •
few pots and dlehes anti a plate to
aleep were the only furnishing* of
their home Annie had one great lux-
ory--so old gramophone with threw
recolege. and one eompanion. a est,
whites kept her company when her
tbar was U.
Plot Amok Ssairwe lame.nd. peti-
tion, her hip grew Whew -kW Mere
bee fttbiselt seals, '04,00we nee
et the liesertel. She broniffit with her
all the einem the load-404temeas. •
oases die, a dram and an old
is, het ao shone or stetting,'
Oe eneadmattok the doctor inn
A Strew linerirem ar becomes hard, add water and heat
Vimy Rktge this time was to be slowly math the sugar dissolves. Add _ 1111
come 'impregnable" in ac-uality. At Milk and vanilla flavoring. Wiens
toe ounboken tlow.arnnot ototo
18 thnruneukem.ot Rn
isdm on the western fonfrm stveAddisotved tablet
rough thdiasters of the Mengrtir aew seconds anturn at onc
191& into individual dessert gamLe
es. t
The same German recto mid of stand in a warm room until Ono- 7.0
the Ridge, from their point of view a„„,„.,
before that historic morning: "I friiiera' "'"b3r '""bero"'"'"'''re eer4,14' o3t
two10 M"- -
•••.• • ••• °.'"°° 7-J^••••.'
and we had taken full advantage a allb a Junket "ea Tilkdi 11* arm
those natural opportunities, too. SKINNY PUNS IFIXIDINO
tap of trooper. zed -Lens wilig&jda.„
port and units in reserve were, thee 34 cup sugar
retleally, just about perfect Every 1 teaspoon salt -
te teaspdriff nutmeg
were able to inflict terrible losses le cup raisins
and our own casualties were cow Put all together in a buttered pan
pariah -el,- Ught.". In a moderate oven. Eitir frequently
time the position was attacked. we
Angermund was tar back in re- at find, and then occasionally. Bake
WIUTIOCHLROBeeddiell Air--.11-F....eisere.-ea April 9th. He t014.11 the zra amts. shouldin
welaned with ins parenu, me. sow 'demoralisation in the ratan ba proNomy agrA
Mrs. Walter Lott. e whin indicate that Douai
Mrs. A. Fox had the misfortune to
slip on a board en Thursday evening
bed and sprain her left ankle. We
hope to see ber about soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Sutherland.
'Mrs. Victor Emerson and ber broth-
er, Mr. Cbas. TiMn, of Kinloss, spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Elmer -
On amount of the terrible condi-
tion of the roads, the social evening
In the hall was postponed Ain Fri-
day to April 21.
The ladies of the United church
held a W.W.I& tea- at the home of
Mrs. Frank Henry on Tuesday after-
Quite a number in der village have
been on the sick list. Mrs. J. G. Gil-
lespie, Mrs. Wm. Pardon and Ur.
Robt. 'Thompson have all been undet
the doctor's care.
-Born-In Lacknow, on AprU 1, to
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston (nee
Laura Conn), a daughter. Med-
ea Tuesday, April 4, the infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Johnston of Lucknow.
Mrs. J. Richardson and son, Bob,
spent last week with Miss Richardson
of Teeawater.
Mr. Harold Sperling is upending a
few days this week with his mother,
Mrs. Browning of Kincardine.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Duras of St.
Helene spent Thursday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute is being held In
the hall on Friday, April 14. Every
women in the community is invited to
lint (Rev.) Currie of Wingham
17nited church is addressing the la-
dies of the United church W.M14. 13
the church on Wedneaday for the an -
noel Easter service.
Mr. Robert Pardon and daughters
visited with Mr. sod Mrs. Archie An-
derson of Rt. Deleon on Rooday last.
Mr. Anent Woos of Hartney. Mani-
toba, peeled away on Towable. April
4, in Brandon hospital, atter an op-
eration. Resides his wife. be Mires
to mown him one son, George, and
four daughter.. Flora, In training In
Brandon hoopltsl, and Margaret, Vi-
lle and Mary. at home. lila twin
brother, David, reeldea in Winnipeg
and Ids brother Sanwa at Radiomen,
Rain_ Me, Hainan, Seem and Mr.
Robert Bogs of Melon are brothers,
Oer rmita sister '78. 8.1
rea,. in ,Hatternirireii- arprii;
might have been takes within • mat-
ter of hours. Ida regiment moved up
without information.. to what had
ha peened.
"We found out at Doai. After the
moat terrillic artillery and gas bom-
bardment our troops had ever faced,
the Canadians had coupe over in the
face a our fire -and were still
"They had knocked a three-mile
hole in our lines over the top a185
Ridge and most the way down tin
other side. And Mill they came.
"Our emerald's had been terrible.
Twenty thousand, they told me.
Front and reserve lines- bad base
blasted oat of exietened. flotrorly
emmed to know how wide tbe breach
was. Lines of communication had
been shot to pieces. Nobody knew
anything excepting that the Rhine
had beeo ruptured.
'"Ilte Canadians were still cook*
they told us. And we knelt thee that
all was lost" _
From small beginnings come great
What eons. nothing is worth
An am does not hit himself twice
against the erne stolne.
Reiter reap two days too son
than one too late.
The beet cause requtree • good
The worse the carpenter, 110 more
the chips.
Half a word to tbe wire, is esongb.
Talk of dim wolf and his tail
• T19441 TS.
Hp that wants the kernel moat
meek the nut
Wake not a *teeming dog.
Great wealth, great ears.
More &ea are eangobt veldt* drop
auger than with a cask a Tipp -
56 T.
'Phe pot upbraids the kettle that
It to black.
Tall trees catch mach wind.
Dore': cry "berrtnge" till they ere
In the net
A little too late, much too late.
All do not bite that now ether
One "Take thee" ie better than two
"Von *ball haven"
It is good riposting duo improves
good odience.
From • spark • boom to berme.
He that mares orttnettring today will
have something tomorrow.
What tory tAfhtett seslor -thsr
*1t to Hest we Moe
Riotb . se vice.
R. mi. reinaty t
sempathy to the seriavad relatives.
Cut left -over meat and vegetables
into uniform medium -aged *ern
Mix with an equal amount a medium
cream sauce (1 cup milk. 2 table-
spoons flour, 2 tablespoons, butter).
Season well with onion, salt pepper,
etc. (Use left -over gravy with creams
sauce If possible). Cover with a
thick We mast. biscuit dough, or lay-
er of leftover arasbed potato mixed
with milk (one slightly beaten agg
can be added to potato if desired).
Bake in a moderMe oven until the
crust is cooked, or until browned and
heated through it potato is used.
a rod fen Stsisilt.
The la asevaat asSaa West stop
bsinamica-to this!
JUST hear Mee Krisplee
sap and crackle In mIIk
Or cream! That's why elan.
dress love them.
And Kellogg's Mee
Krispiee are so nourish.
Ins and easy to dinet.
ways oven -fresh. Made by
Konen hi London, Ont.
•• • .441•11 •
. •
,•1"i • • •
• r•stYvasearierS
,..„01.74reineee e•erszeialtz
14. avn4d ono.
W. DK! In pawns Mal these evils The mas lib*SnPT mended.
which we bare earsaivas esperisecol. Ille who woad gather roma must
-Rousseau. aft tear thorns.
tf," ,",
Ortli. I • .1