The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 25uares Leonard Reavie Irwin' Leonard Reavie Irwin of Ripley passed away May. 13, 1981.at Kincardine and Dist- rict General ':Hospital in ` his 67th. year. ,He was born September 6, , 1914 to Robert Irwin and Marian Reavie: In 1937 he ;married Annie Ferguson and resided on the 4th concession of Huron Township where he farmed until retiring to Ripley in 1970.. He 'was a member of Old Light Masonic Lodge # 184 Lucknow and the Ripley Lions Club. The brethren of Lucknow conducted a memorial serv- ice on Thursday evening, May 14th. Funeral service was held May 15, 1981 at,2 p.m. at the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Ripley, with Rev. James Bushell presid- ing. Mr. Irwin 'i$: survived by his wife, . Annie, two daugh- ters, Elaine (Mrs. Bob Irwin) of Lucknow; Carol (Mrs. John Halliday) of Owen Sound) and five sons, Ron and Larry of Ripley; Ernie and Ken of Burlington; and Dennis of Dar mouth, . Nova Scotia, and thirteen grand- children. He is also survived by one brother,' Bert of Ripley and one sister, Kay (Mrs. George Dane) of Hythe, Alberta.. He was predeceased by one sister, Marian, and four brothers, William, Stephen, Ralph and Lloyd. The pallbearers were Grant Fraser, Delbert Wil- • son, Mike Snobelen, Allan Irwin, Doug Irwin and Clar- ence Pollock, The flower bearers were Barry Pollock and grand- children, Terry Ken, Chris and Craig . Irwin and Lori Halliday. Interment was in Ripley Cemetery.. John L. MacKinnon John L. MacKinnon of 1011 Huron Terrace, Kincar- dine passed away suddenly at University Hospital, Lon- don on May 16., 1981, in his 67th .year. Born in Kincardine Town- ship, December 25, 1914, he farmed there until 1955 when the family moved .to Kincar- dine. He was a member of Bruce Lodge No. 341, Tiverton. Always active in the Masonic Order, he served as District Deputy Grand Master, North Huron "District 1961-62. He was also a member of the Orderr of the .Eastern. Star, Tiverton and, Knox Presby- terian Church, Kincardine. He is survived by his wife,o the former Alma Hunter of Ashfield Towship and four children: Jean, . Mrs. M. T. Christopher of Ingersoll; Kay, Mrs. �. D. Robson 'of Georgetown; Don of Paris, Eoin of Brantford and ;nine grandchildren. Also left tomourn his passing are his mother, Mrs. Lachlan MacKinnon, Kincar- South Kinloss welcomes fancily backto community By Ruth Buchmeler We, as a community, wel- come Mr. • and Mrs. Ira Dickie ' back to . the fourth concession. Elizabeth and. Ira moved into their new home last weekend. They have been living in Goderich while they were building their home. Mary Maclntyre enjoyed' her holidays on a trip of Holland for the past couple of weeks. She arrived home on Sunday. The Lucknow band took their .annual band trip last week. This year they enjoyed a three day trip to Owen Sound, Port Elgin and Col- lingwood. They played at several different Grey -Bruce, schools during the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Need- ham visited friends and rela- tives in Corunna and at- tended a birthday party for Jack's brother, Bob. Mr: and ' Mrs. William Dickie and Karissa spent the weekend at the cottage at Hope P V sitiy g with Mr. and' Mrs. Ira Dickie on the ' weekend were Denver Dickie of Kes- wick, Brenda Cramp of Scar- borough and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickie of "Toronto and John Wilson. The Board ' of . Managers • and other helpers have been busy remodelling the kitchen at the South Kinloss Church. The ladies have been busy. sending out invitations to those from a distance for former members and friends from South Kinloss Church for their ' 125th anniversary, that is to be held on June 14. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin and Ron over the holiday weekend were Linda McQuillin ' of Willow - dale, Mrs. Harvey McQuillin and daughter Brenda, grand- daughter Lindsay, . of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Doug McLeod. and Dawn of Vanastra, Mrs. Barbara Nickel and children, Kincar- dine, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery of Lucknow, Barbara Buckley and friend of London. Birth SCOTT - Jim and Bernadette (Kieffer) R. 1, Ripley, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son, Joseph Daniel, 6 lbs. 10 oz., on Saturday, May 16, 1981. • First grandchild. for Jack and Betty • Scott of Ripley and Joseph and Teresa Kieffer of Teeswater and a great grand- sen for Mrs. Annie Scott of Ripley and Mrs. Margaret Haycock of Ingersoll. t• .--n.. .o w..0., ,..rwx r,:.•m.•.ama• dine, his sisters, Alberta Smith and Clara Gilchrist and his brother, : Bruce, The body . rested at '. the Linklater Funeral Home, Kincardine, � where an East- ern Star and Masonic service were conducted on Sunday, May 17. Funeral service was held from there on ' Monday; May 18, 1981 with interment in Kincardine. Cemetery. Rev. George "Turner con- ducted the service. Pallbearers were Albert Shewfelt, John : Smith, Bob McIntosh, Jim 'Hunter, Jim Gilchrist end Burton Urqu- hart. . Grandsons Who carried flowers were Tom 'Christoph- er, Steve Christopher, David Robson, John MacKinnon, Paul MacKinnon and. Patrick Frances Miry Cameron Passed away ather home on Wednesday, May 13,' 1981, Frances Mary Spence, belov= ed wife of Dr. Alvin -Alex- ander Cameron. Daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. 'A. M. Spence of Lucknow, Ontario. Sister of Mildred (Mrs. W. H. Karn), Oshawa, the late Dr: A. M. Spence, Amster- dam, New York and the late J. L. Spence, Burlington,; Ontario. Friends called at Hulse. and PlayIair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St., 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral service was at Dominion Chaliners Church Chapel, on Friday : at 11 a.m. Cremation at Ottawa with interment at Lucknow, Ontario, on Thurs- day, June 4 at 11.30 a.m. at Greenhill Cemetery, Luck- MacKinnon: now. • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 1981; --Pyle 23. Gun and Sp Ma`!. Att. 441 ,, Shop LOCATED AT THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA Invites you to drop in and See one 'Of the .areas finest selection of new and .used ,guns. All 'types of gins In .h' varlousi models and ,calibres by, Wlnche.ter, Riming - ton; Ruger, Browning; Savage. ° Also Archery Egdp Mont, ammuniton, and fishing ;Bear. Orr -Special This . week .base bait gloves.' 15% off, and a'fine . Selection of Ryobl flshlug reels at' 30% off regular price. TERMS, :CASH, CHEQUES, VISA • AND MASTER CHARGE LOTS OF FREE PARKING ® Note: We take tradelns on new:guns•or wlllbuy gins in1 i• • any .condition. Cell 357.1730. Askk. for Murray. • • —21ar '-044'04 144 44• . -%.1.8001` LIQUIDATION ! FINAL SALE "GENTLEMENS CORNER" ...WINGHAM... 1' Thurs..8Fri..IS�i.1. AST 3 CRAZY, GIVEAWAY PRICES tU on Thursday and Friday: PayOnly ONE, HALF of "SALE. PRICE!" THAT'S RIGHT - YOU PAY. ONLY ONE HALF OF_ THE. LAST OR LOWEST PRICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE! EVERYTHING!: SUITS...JACKETS...JEANS...CORDS... SH I RTS... PYJAMAS...SLACKS everything! , W 7O OffttoOU CASH OR PERSONAL CHEQUE ONLY, Don't MISS these last three days...There's Still many thousands of dollars worth of ail types of men's clothing includinguantities of brand name underwear, some work wear and many other unlisted items. Sale Ends Sat. 301h Advertisers! Get your message to the people who want your product! Reach your ter - get market with a (medal . section 'ad in the Farm Supplement. If you sell .a .product or service to the farming community`- take advantage of .this `.opper tunny - TM VILLAGE of St. Helens 1 This two bedroom house 1. in very clean 'Condition throughout, situated on a 1 half acre lot with mature trees. Would be an excel- I lent summer home. Ask- ( ing 511,500 and open for 1 1 offers. 1 MORRIS TWP. - 12 acre i, hog farm, 24 x 150 hog barn with Beatty Cleaner, j older barn with new cem- j ent floorfor, finishing. Three bedroom house • needs renovating. It's a I bargain at 537,500. . WHITECHURCH - 5 yr. / old custom built' 3 bed- ) room home in immaculate condition. Living room, I dining room, and kitchen I with. quality Cupboards, j attached garage, Priced in j the thirties. Private finan- j cing available. •.l 100 ACRES on paved road near Lucknow, part bush, balance workable.' Being ; sold under Power of Sale, Financing available. Try/ your offer immediate sale j necessary.. j CORN LAND for rent in Lucknow area. TWO CHOICE building lots with creek at back, j ! close to downtown . Luck -I now. • 1' KINLOSS TWP. - 7 acres1 with excellent 4 bedroom •1 brick house. The extras j include new oil -wood) furnace, attached tgarage, 5 drilled well, barn 20 x 301 ' for horses, workshop; above. . MEL MATHERS. WingharY 1. Phone 3574208 j Rep. L W. Hutton j Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine •s.'O s •1P.. ®, a ra.-gvs.+ro. s �•�.� a iA'a At 2 p.m. on Saturdays Last Day... nR NAME YOUR OWN PRICE 1 \\ - : _ Faster and better than an Auction. Select what you want - tellus what you would like to pay. No Limits - Any Quantity. .Dealers Invited .' CASH OR PERSONAL CHEQUE ONLY, Don't MISS these last three days...There's Still many thousands of dollars worth of ail types of men's clothing includinguantities of brand name underwear, some work wear and many other unlisted items. Sale Ends Sat. 301h Advertisers! Get your message to the people who want your product! Reach your ter - get market with a (medal . section 'ad in the Farm Supplement. If you sell .a .product or service to the farming community`- take advantage of .this `.opper tunny - TM VILLAGE of St. Helens 1 This two bedroom house 1. in very clean 'Condition throughout, situated on a 1 half acre lot with mature trees. Would be an excel- I lent summer home. Ask- ( ing 511,500 and open for 1 1 offers. 1 MORRIS TWP. - 12 acre i, hog farm, 24 x 150 hog barn with Beatty Cleaner, j older barn with new cem- j ent floorfor, finishing. Three bedroom house • needs renovating. It's a I bargain at 537,500. . WHITECHURCH - 5 yr. / old custom built' 3 bed- ) room home in immaculate condition. Living room, I dining room, and kitchen I with. quality Cupboards, j attached garage, Priced in j the thirties. Private finan- j cing available. •.l 100 ACRES on paved road near Lucknow, part bush, balance workable.' Being ; sold under Power of Sale, Financing available. Try/ your offer immediate sale j necessary.. j CORN LAND for rent in Lucknow area. TWO CHOICE building lots with creek at back, j ! close to downtown . Luck -I now. • 1' KINLOSS TWP. - 7 acres1 with excellent 4 bedroom •1 brick house. The extras j include new oil -wood) furnace, attached tgarage, 5 drilled well, barn 20 x 301 ' for horses, workshop; above. . MEL MATHERS. WingharY 1. Phone 3574208 j Rep. L W. Hutton j Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine •s.'O s •1P.. ®, a ra.-gvs.+ro. s �•�.� a iA'a