The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 24Ilhge 1 - T clmoav Seminal, Wedneedoy, .Mey 27, 1951 �®®...4.,.,.a.m®.•.o►1oo1oroo11oo.. .. . ®�mmo11144' 1 1 1 fres and DeliciousHome Baked THIS SATURDAY) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 the Wingham Sales Arena i00psnl. otatoes by the basket or bag, apples, oranges, celery, lettuce, carrots, and other fruit and vegetables in season. Also belted seeds Yr+e.h from the baker's oven - bread, reps, buins, donuts, pastries, and bulk' cookies, lite. f Free Parkiflg 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 ► 1 1 1 .'••.010 101 ►n oso n 0 X10.10 oo.•••i MCDONAI3 FES :,TE 1":S11RA\CE LTD 528-2031 LUCKNOW DUNGANNON : Solid cement 2 storey, 4 bedroom house, $16,500. 60' TRAILER on country lot, 5 miles From . Lucknow. Asking $13,000. Easily moved. HANDY MAN large lot close to school, 4 bedrooms. Askin, Wa rily. $16,900.00. SWIMMI G`POOL, inground, 2 storey cement block, 4 bedroomy 2 baths, hot water heating, paved drive. LUCKNOW' HOME, large lot, 80 a 265, 4 years old, family room with fireplace, 111/2% mortgage. Asking $52,000. CLOSE TO SCHOOL, 4 bedroom brick bungalow, finished family room, reduced , to $49,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME In -Holyrood, completely reno !. vated, 2 -baths, attached garage. RIPLEY AREA, 4 acres, 2 bedroom home andsmall barn, drilled well. ' Asking only 527,000. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Main Street, Lucknow; 2 stores and 2 apartments. FARMS I, 113 ACRES, 85 workable, 3 bedroom home. Loose housing barn. Asking only $85,000. 100 ACRES, 80 workable, 4 bedroom brick home. 30 sows, balance beef. 8 7/8% mortgage: 99 ACRES, new farrowing barn, implement shed, all workable. Priced t� sell, 3155,000,00. DAIRY FARM 240 acres, 220 workable, 3 bedroom brick home, barn 45 x 85, and milk house, silo 18 x 60, 35 cows and quota. Call today. 250 ACRE beef farm, 100 systematically .drained, 24 x 80 upright and bunker silo. New insulated garage, large barn, 5 bedroom brick home. Asking only $350,000.00. . '100 ACRES, well drained flat, workable, Kinloss. 200 ACRE HOG FARM, 170 workable, 30 acres bush, beautiful 4 bedroom brick home. Farrowing barn 24 x 68 and converted barn 85 A 55 and 32 x 64 implement shed. Must sell for health reasons. 150 ACRE BEEF FARM, well drained, 4 acres of bush, large barn, 4 bedroom house, close to the 200 acre farm above. 300 ACRE BEEF FARM, 4 bedroom home, trench silo, cement barn yard, asking only $200,000. 300 ACRE BEEF FARM, 275 workable, Ashfield Township, excellent 3 bedroom home, implement shed and large barn, loose housing. 200 ACRE CASH CROP level farm with 45 acres bush. We are in need of farm listings FRASER MCKINNON ROST. CAMPBELL Res. 395-2880 - 529-1417 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 �@.41 . .. . •. W00'0. .., - 11111041'®1114 -04b4'. 1 P l 1 1 1 1 s 1 ► 1 1 1 ► / / e Wingharn Sales Arena 630 Jo epldne Street, North End of lun; Havelust made a large purchase of al types of Fishing Rods, Resis, Lures, Hooks, and . Line . by leading manufacturers and will be offered at /s PRICE. � Drop in while selection sat its best. Alro terrific 'savings on new and used furniture,"carpet end lino., clothing. and footwear, camphig bl fketa, and tools. TERMS - CASrH, CHEQUES, VISA, MASTER CHARGE - LOTS OF FREE PARKING We also pay top:, prices for antiques, good used furniture and appliances. Will buy partial or complete households.. Drop us a line at 357.1730... =21st 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 .# 1 1 TEE -11 COUNTRY STORE. with excellent living accommoda- tions situated on 1 acre of nicely treed property.in St. Helens. Store . is closed and the building . could be utilized for antiques, woodworking or enterprise of your choice. Building is 12 rooms plus large store area. LUCKNOW - three.,, bedroom home situated "Yclose .to churches and school, large kitchen, luring. room and° dining room. Immediate possession available. "Asking 523,000.00. Arrange to inspect thishome and rake us an offer. RIPLEY AREA -11% storey older dwelling on a, lot 120 z 140, oil furnace and drilled :well: Asking $13,900.00. 4: LOTS SITUATED on Napier Street, Lucknow, lots 16, 17, 18, :19. GODERICH 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, 3 piece bath, heated by gas furnace, double garage. Reduced to .524,500.00.. All offers considered. LUCKNOW :- 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, oil heat, asking 523,500. LARGE COUNTRY LOT, close to Village of Kinlough, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, large kitchen, dining room, den on main floor, • 4 pc. bath, full basement, insulated, oil forced air . heating, taxes 5450 yearly. Asking 549,000. FARMS DAIRY FARM, 218 acres, modern dairy barn; 44 x 128 with 58 tie up and pipeline, 2 silos, 20 s 60 and 16 x 60, implement shedr 40 x 80, four bedroom brick home, large kitchen; 4 pc.. bath and full basement. Quota # 1, MSQ and cows !,can be purchased. Financing available, to qullifying purchaser. from FCC at attractive rate of interest.. . 50, ACRES, Ripley. area, 5 year old 2000 square feet ranch style home with double garage, plus .. full basement; stone fireplace, three and four piece bath, electric heat. A steel insulated hog barn; capacity .for •40 sows,plus grinding and feeding equipment; approx- imately 37 workable acres, balance bush. 720 ACRES EAST WAWANOSH Township, . 550 workable acres, Harriston loam soil, balance of the property river valley and bush, excellent five bedroom brick home, steel implement shed and workshop. 100, ACRE PROPERTY West Wawanosh Township, approximately 65 workable, 15 acres of bush, balance requiring drainage, asking $75,000, 150 ACRE FARM, 4 bedroom field stone home, barn having capacity of 90 beef cattle, and 45 sows; 125 workable acres in one field. FCC mortgage available to a .qualified buyer. 25 ACRES of Highway property.; renovated 6 room home, all conveniences,` drilled well, in the Wingham area. We have inquiries for farms, both Targe and small acreages. If you are -thinking of selling, give us a call, we would be pleased to talk to you. Warren & Terry Zinn PHONE 529,7354 R R. # 2, LUCKNOW AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD in DUNGANNON, FRIDAY, MAY 29. .7 P.M... Two ears, 1973 Chrysler, 8 1971 Chrysler. Ono 1977 Ford `, half -ton; farm equipment. a Ford 640 tractor, a plough, cultivator, wagon and rack. grass seed, electric motors, motors cylinder, and hard top tent trailer. NEW SHOO TOOLS • Over, ♦10,400.00 worth, air compressor, a drill press. Vises. type, wreath and 'combination ,wrench set, clam: ps /i", '1//h'. %". socket terse tool boxes, tower band saws, bench grinder, gear pullers and screwdriver sets: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS A fridge; three Chrome tables, chairs, -chesterfield `. suite. 2 TVs. cook stove, electric stove. lamps. Quebec heater and two single beds. ANTIQUES 6 gun stock chairs. wicker, rocker and chair, radio, piano stool, cedar chest; oak table, cupboards, buffets, dressers and 2 captain. chairs. Gordon Brindley Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Household; Effects end Real Estate wily be held for RUSSELL A. JOHNSTON Part of Lot 2 west side of Southampton'Street In the Village of Dungannon' SATURDAY, MAY 30. • 1t00 p.m. Chesterfield; Lazy Boy chair; espy chair; occatlonal arm chair; :wkker chair; small chino cabinet; 24" Admiral colour T.V.; Iamps; mantle clock coffee table; Iemp. !abler; wooden : table • with extension: and. 4 shahs; bads; dressers and wardrobe; lime dishei end -peeking utensils; partial `sit of dishes; 24" Roy Neetrk 61040; frigideire fridge Beatty deep freeze, approx. 17 cu. at.; Moffat dryer;. Simplklty, wringer washing machine; some • bedding; . vacuum clean r; fiber .poilshers •carpet sweeper;;Singer tredli sewing. machine; 1072 Chet/ car. with automatic trenimisslon, selling's, 1s; other ankles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH ON HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS REAL ESTATE consists cif a house with Ilvingroom,.•:. kitchen, bedroom and •3 plea bath down end 4 bedrooms up. Lot masures` 22' frontage. SELLING SUBJECT TO A REASONABLE RESERVE BID AT APPROXIMATELY 3 P.M. WITH 15% DOWN BALANCE IN 30DAYS . Owner and aucdopeers will not be responsible for any • accidents lany way connected with sale COMMITTEE: W. HAROLD JOHNSTON ° AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395.5353 Wallace Bellegh, Teeswater, 392-6170 -21ar FARMERS& LEALERS. Reserve This bate SATURDAY MAY 30;1981 10 A.M..SHARP Including a large selection of tractors, ploughs, discs, cultivators, land rakers, . seed drills, weed sprayers. fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, bale feeders, balers, sfooko.rs, haybines, swath -ars, mowers; rakes, elevators, wagons, harvesters, forage boxes, blowers,. combines,„ grinder mixers, rotary mowers, stone" pickers; snow blowers, grain augers. blades, gravity boxes, Pius lawn and garden equipment and a largo selection of new power and hand tools. Selling By Number Lunch Booth on Grounds Terms: Cash or cheque day of sale *TRUCKING AVAILABLE ANYWHERE* Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for ac- cidents on property day of sale. AUCTIONEER: CLIFF GILBERT Wiairton, Ontario DON'T MISI- SEE YOU S.T THERE! Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Hwy. No. 6, Morton, Orntarile PH®NE: (519) 534-2980 or (519) 534-1.638.