The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 15e River UCW iscuss refugees Pine River U.C.W. met in the church on May ,12, with a good attendance. President, Mrs. Jack Campbell read a poern and welcomed our guests, Bethel U.C.W, Fol- lowing the Purpose and the singing of a new song, The rollwas called, Name a country from which refugees have fled. During the busi- ness, quilt prices were estab- lished. .Mrs. Ken Farrell gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Cliff Elliott convened the program opening with a hymn and scripture reading by Mrs. Cecil Humphrey. The meditation was, A pray- er for a rural African Wom- an. Phyllis then introduced • the speaker, Lieutenant Col- onel Tom Burdett of London, who spoke about his involve Ment with the Unitarian Service Committee. The U.S.C. operates as an over- seas non-political, non -de- nominational, non-racial, voluntary relief and develop- inent agency, supporting one hundred and fifty projects in Asia , and Africa. His slide presentation and commen- tary were educational. Mrs. Bob Rutledge . thanked Mr. Burdett and presented him with a gift. The meeting was dosed with prayer. Prior to the social' period the ladies viewed U.S.C. material and book display. k Christianity is topic of May meeting The • Anglican Church Women met on Thursday afternoon. at the home of Mrs. David .Haldenby. Mrs. Delbert Hedley : presided. The theme of the meeting was Christianity and the roll call was, What it means to be a Christian. Mrs. Ed t Green read the scripture. Mrs. Ronald Thacker read the minutes of the previous meeting and the correspond- ence, which included a thank you letter and the announce- ment of the spring deanery meeting which will beheld at Seaforth on Tuesday, June 2. Mrs, Delbert. Hedley read two poems,. Puton a Happy Face and, Help Yourself to Happiness. Miss Edna Boyle was pro- gram . convener, with the topic on. Christianity, What is a Christian? She concluded the: topic with a lovely poem, Christ Has No Hands •But Our Hands. Others taking part in keeping with the theme were, Mrs. Opal Dore, God Is Near; Mrs. Eric Thacker gave a Mother's Day reading, A Mother's Love; Miss Edna Boyle conducted a Bible Quiz and Miss May Boyle told the touching story of a 12 year old boy named Mark who was afflicted with 'I ,Leukemia. Visite from Holland By Lillian Young Mrs. , Niesje Meyeringh of Holland is visiting with her daughter and grandchildren, Mrs. Roeli de. Boer and family. She came out from Holland three weeks ago and plans to stay until the end,of June. A successful auction sale was held at the farm of Wilfred Clipperton last Mon- day. The farm has been: sold and he is moving to White- church. Two infants were baptized on Sunday at the Presbyter - Lan Church in Whitechurch. They were Cameron Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Moffat and Alicia Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim de Boer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiens and boys of Cambridge spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas and boys. Mr. and Mrs. James Roher spent a few days last week in the United States, Hilda de Boer has finished her course at college and has secured a position , at St, Johns Convalescent Home in Willowdale. Karen and. Llano Young. were two of the Lucknow band members who went on a trip last week, They left Lucknow on Wednesday morning and stayed at Owen Sound that night. The next night was spent at Coiling - wood, They played at six different schools while on the trip, They rode on the 'slide rides' at Collingwood and all agreed it was lots of fun, Mr. and Mrs, Alii Springer and Russell visited on Sun- day ;with Mr. and Mrs. Len Coughlin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur of Toronto spent the week- end at their stone house farm. Visit on long weekend John MacDonald and his little brother, Shane Willis, as well as . Sheila Emmrich and daughters, Ellen and Elise,, all of Hamilton, were visitors on the long weekend with Mrs. Margaret Mac- Donald, 'Jean and Karen of Clyde Street, Lucknow. On hand for the festivities were Dona MacDonald and Darryl Wisser of R. 3 Lucknow, Doug Johnston, Wolsely Street, and Addin Dawson of Mt. Pleasant Farms. All were joined later by Shelley Barker, Ripley, Cathy Mc- Lean, Collingwood and Deb- bie Hogg of Mattawa. Mr, and Mrs, Randy Ack- ert, formerly of this area, recently moved to Thessalon. We understand the property he resides on is part of the Earn.' where Mr. Robert Reid, of Lucknow was born, and lived until moving to this area. It • takes 100 t ne t to build an encantptnertt, but it takes one women to build a horse. -Chinese proverb. 1 .1 1 POSTAL COAEI' (DOlr'T WORRY WE'LL KILL It' IN) blieknOw SeDttnel, Wednesday, May 27, 10I1—% 15 y Kr issues o The LUCKNOW SENTINEL "The Sepoy Toms" Established ISIS • SUBSCRIBE .I14 •MONDAY JUNE 30'" 17 WEEKS MAY. 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